Tease Me, Baby

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Tease Me, Baby Page 7

by Katie Reus

  Even though she wanted to drag this out, she was on a razor’s edge of control as much as he was. His fingers and mouth were incredible, but she wanted all of him. Wanted to experience everything he had to offer. She’d never wanted someone like this, with a desperate craving she felt bone deep.

  Pushing down on him, she arched her back at the thick intrusion as he filled her to the hilt. His own groan of pleasure overshadowed hers as he thrust all the way inside her.

  “Ah, hell, baby.” All the muscles in his body seemed to be pulled taut as he stared up at her as if she was a goddess. And precious.

  She’d never been on the receiving end of this kind of need and she could easily get addicted to it. To him.

  As her hair fell down around her breasts, she started riding him in slow, even strokes. He cupped one of her breasts, gently teased a nipple even as he couldn’t seem to let go of one of her hips. He held tight, as if he was afraid she’d change her mind.

  No chance of that happening.

  Not when she had the most perfect man she’d never expected. God, she’d never wanted this. Or she hadn’t thought she had. But she didn’t care what people thought, or if they thought she was lucky to have him. Because she was. His expression as he watched her was so intense she couldn’t tear her gaze away. She liked being herself with him, without having to hold back, especially during sex.

  Rolling her hips in erotic little thrusts that were pushing him toward the edge, she grasped onto that heady power, the dopamine rush she’d only ever experienced while being with him, and let go of any and all of her hang-ups.

  At least for the moment.

  Increasing her tempo, she watched in fascination as a flush crept up his body, as his jaw tightened more and more, as he pushed right toward that edge.

  When he reached between their bodies and tweaked her clit, she felt the pleasure spark out to all her nerve endings. She hadn’t thought she’d be able to come again, but this was too much.

  And yet not enough.

  She rode him faster and faster, savoring the way he completely filled her, hitting that elusive spot deep inside her. Each time he thrust all the way to her core, she was closer to coming again.

  “Come inside me.” The words were more plea than order. It was all she could squeeze out when she was barely hanging on to her control.

  Her words seemed to unleash something inside him. A heartbeat later she found herself flat on her back, her wrists pinned above her head by one of his big hands as he thrust hard, over and over.

  She arched up, meeting him stroke for stroke as he lost himself inside her. As she lost herself with him.

  Oh, she was more than just falling for him. In that moment, she was pretty sure she’d already fallen. Heart first.

  Her climax hit, sharp and intense. She tried to find some sort of purchase and just found him. She wrapped her legs around him, automatically fighting the hold he had on her wrists even as it turned her on more. She couldn’t ever remember being so turned on, so slick with need.

  His mouth crushed over hers with a wild hunger as he groaned out his release, coming inside her in long, hot thrusts, joining her in climax until they were both panting and sated against the blanket.

  Breathing hard, he braced his forearms on either side of her head as he stared down at her. The firelight flickered off the sharp planes of his face, making him look savage.

  She liked it.

  Though she tried, she couldn’t find her voice. Wasn’t sure what to say, anyway. Luckily it didn’t matter as he slowly pulled out of her.

  “Let’s get cleaned up. Then I’m putting you in my bed where you belong.”

  A shiver raced down her spine at his possessive words, at the rightness of them. She curled into his hold as he scooped her up, allowing herself to tune out the outside world and the decisions she needed to make.

  Nothing else mattered except tonight with him.

  Chapter 8

  “Something smells delicious,” Fallon murmured without opening her eyes. The scent of rich coffee filled the air as she stretched her arms above her head. After spending the best night with Brad, she didn’t want to move from his bed for at least a few hours.

  The bed dipped slightly next to her so she opened her eyes to see Brad holding a mug of coffee, wearing only his boxers. “Morning,” he murmured.

  “Morning.” She raked a gaze over him, remembering how much fun she’d had kissing and teasing all that exposed skin. “You about to get ready for work?” He’d told her that she could stay at his place until she was ready to go.

  Instead of answering, he leaned forward to kiss her, but she covered her mouth with her hand. He blinked once, freezing midway to her face.

  “Morning breath,” she muttered against her hand, the words coming out garbled. “We’re not kissing.”

  Laughing, he pulled her hand away. “I don’t care.” He brushed his lips over hers then pulled back and made a face. “Maybe you were—”


  “I’m kidding!” He kissed her again before handing her coffee. “And I’m bringing you the gift of caffeine.”

  She took the mug. “The coffee makes up for it. So, no work? I thought Holly couldn’t survive without you.”

  Laughing, he nudged her leg to make room. She’d grabbed one of his T-shirts after their last bout of lovemaking but that was all she had on. Air rushed over her bare legs as she shifted the covers off and moved so he could get in with her. The navy blue curtains were pulled open, revealing a sunny day, but a light layer of white snow covered everything in his backyard.

  He took her free hand with his, linking their fingers together as he laid his head against the headboard next to hers. “I talked to the guys. They’re going to cover for me until around noon so we’ve got the morning together.” His deep voice was an aphrodisiac, sending little pulses of pleasure down to her toes. He could talk about anything and she’d gladly listen.

  “I don’t want to get you in trouble.”

  “You won’t. I never take time off. And you’re leaving soon. I’m spending time with you.” He said it so matter of fact.

  Even as his words warmed her heart, they cast a slight pallor on the room. Some of the warmth blossoming inside her faded, but she shoved it aside and locked it up tight. She was going to focus on the positive. “Thank you for taking time off.” She laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, savoring his nearness. She was going to take advantage of every single moment they had together. “I can think of a few ways we can pass the time…after I finish my coffee, of course. Because a girl has to have priorities.”

  His warm laughter wrapped around her, soothed her, gave her this intense feeling of happiness. She couldn’t ever remember feeling this…content. There was nowhere else she’d rather be right now than with him. She wondered if she could be brave, make the very real decision that was weighing on her mind nonstop.

  “Listen…just because you’re moving doesn’t mean we have to end. I know this thing is new, but hell, Fallon. I’ve never felt like this.”

  She lifted her head so she could look at him, heart beating faster. “I haven’t either. Never even imagined something like this,” she whispered. “But I’ve seen what happens when people try long-distance relationships. Look at Halley.” When her friend and her ex had tried the long-distance thing it had ended disastrously.

  “We’re not them. Are you looking for excuses to tell me that these two weeks are it?” His jaw flexed once.

  “No. Maybe. I don’t know. I’m afraid that this is so amazing now, but what happens when I leave and the new wears off?”

  He cupped her face, stroked his thumb over her cheek. “Who says it will? Fallon, you’re incredible. I can’t imagine not wanting to wake up to your face.”

  Her heart clenched at his words. This man was going to destroy her. Or give her everything she’d ever wanted. “You’re too good to be true.” Her whispered words seemed over-pronounced in the quiet of his bedroom

  “Right back at you.” He took her coffee from her, set it on the nightstand. “You don’t have to make a decision now. I’m just telling you what I want. And that’s you. We can fly out to see each other, alternate every other weekend or however. You’re worth it.”

  Unexpected tears stung her eyes. “You’re worth it too.” It felt crazy to try to do long distance. Her school program was twenty-one months, which okay, wasn’t that long. Still, starting a relationship long distance would be difficult. But he was worth it. Man, was he ever.

  “Hey, why the tears?” He wiped a few away, the feel of his callused thumb against her cheek sending the best kind of shivers through her.

  “Just can’t believe we’re finally at this place and I’m leaving.” For a school she didn’t even want to go to.

  “Let’s focus on the time we do have and how we’ll make the future work.”

  “I agree.” She was going to make the most of the time they had left together. And she planned to take advantage of the next few hours, since it was only seven o’clock. “If you have to be in by noon, I say we get a shower—together—then see what happens next. Unless you have plans?”

  Grinning wickedly, he leaned in and bit her bottom lip. “A shower sounds like a plan. After that, we’re going ice skating.”



  That sounded…wonderful. Like something a couple did. Which she guessed they were, if they were talking about having a serious, long-distance relationship. “We’ll be exclusive while I’m in California.” A statement, not a question.

  He let out the sexiest-sounding growl, as if her question had surprised him. “You’re mine, Fallon. Yes, we’re exclusive.”

  The relief that punched through her at his words was staggering. If they were doing this, she was all in. Moving quickly, she straddled him, heat already building between her thighs as she settled over his growing, unfortunately covered erection. Maybe they wouldn’t make it to the shower after all.

  * * *

  “People are staring at us.” Fallon whispered as they skated to the edge of the rink. Brad had to head in to work soon and she wanted to grab a sandwich with him before he left. She had to meet up with her brother in a bit so she could go pick up her car from the shop—then run an errand she didn’t want to think about.

  “It’s because of my awesome skating skills. Happens every time I come down here.” Brad’s expression was deadpan, making her laugh.

  He was an incredible skater, but that wasn’t why people were watching them. The sheriff having a girlfriend was a big deal. “You’re such a freak.” She walked slowly on her skates, making her way to the nearby bench where they’d left their shoes.

  He sat down beside her, started unlacing one skate. “Neither of us have dated for a while and I’m the sheriff—and you’re the O’Connor brothers’ sister. Of course people will talk. Do you care?”

  “No. I like people knowing that you’re off-limits.” She grinned at his surprised expression.

  “Same here,” he murmured, leaning in to brush his lips over hers.

  She fell into the kiss much like she’d fallen for him—only to be interrupted.

  “Hey, slackers.” Halley appeared out of nowhere holding beat-up ice skates by the laces, a huge smile on her face. A white knit cap was pulled low over her espresso-colored hair, the brightness a contrast against her dark skin. “I didn’t believe it when I heard through the grapevine that you two were down here on a Tuesday morning skating and showing off your moves.”

  “People in town are already talking about this?” Fallon rolled her eyes, not that she was exactly surprised. Holly wasn’t super small, but it was small enough that certain people didn’t mind getting in everyone’s business—and okay, she was going to miss it something fierce.

  “Oh, girl. More than talking. I’m pretty sure your mom started another pool down at the salon.”

  She sighed, refusing to ask what kind of pool. Because there had been a big one last year for whoever guessed the right date that Fallon’s brother Jackson and his now fiancée got together. “My mom is completely insane,” she muttered.

  “We should find out what the bet is for.” Brad grinned as he slid a foot into a boot. “See if we can make some money off it.”

  “Fine. I’ll ask Nora what the pool is for, see if we can get in on it.”

  He brushed his lips over hers again briefly, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. She was already used to it and loved that he was hers to kiss anytime she wanted. For now, anyway. In a couple weeks… Yeah, not going there.

  “This is definitely going to take some getting used to,” Halley said, shaking her head. “But I like it. I actually can’t believe you two haven’t gotten together before now. You’re a perfect fit.” She glanced over her shoulder, then back at them. “I’ve gotta go. Promised my cousin I’d teach her to skate. But remember what I said. If you end up staying in town, let’s talk business.”

  “What was that about?” Brad asked once Halley was gone.

  “Ah…” She stood, flexed her toes in her boots. It always took a few minutes for her to get her legs back after ice skating. “She wanted to talk about doing more business with me. Maybe something more than just commission work.” There would be stipulations and a contract to iron out, but Fallon had no doubt they’d work well together. They already did.

  Fallon hadn’t taken on any new jobs in the last month, just focused on the ones she already had—which was why she didn’t have steady income—because she’d been getting ready for her move. Now… “So, you mind dropping me off at Nora’s before heading in to the station?” She could walk, but wanted to spend the time with Brad.

  “Like you even have to ask.” He took her skates from her and slung an arm around her shoulders as they made their way toward the parking lot. “What are your plans for the rest of the day?”

  “I promised Nora I’d help out for an hour or so, then Jackson’s going to take me to get my car. And then…I’m going to pick up some boxes. I want to start packing all my stuff so it’s ready to move into my parents’ garage next week.”

  He stiffened slightly, but didn’t ease his grip. “I can help you with the packing.”

  “Okay, thanks.” Or she might try to get most of it done without him because it was too depressing. Gah. She needed some down time to really think about this move, to pro/con it, and the best way to do that was over wine, or hot cocoa, with Nora.

  “Our date still on for tonight?” Brad waved at a local as they reached his truck.

  “You better believe it.” Seeing him sounded like heaven. Leaving him, not so much.

  Chapter 9

  “Another shot, please.” Fallon held out her mug for Nora, who’d closed her shop fifteen minutes ago and was now running the reports.

  “Um, no. You’ve had enough espresso.”

  She laid her head on the counter as Nora continued calculating numbers. “I’m a freaking mess right now.” Earlier she’d picked up her car, then a ton of boxes from the local grocery store. They’d agreed to give them to her for free because the manager was friends with one of her brothers.

  “No you’re not. All right, I’m done here.”

  Fallon lifted her head to see Nora sliding her receipts to the side. She pulled out a yellow legal pad. “Give me the pros of staying.”


  Grinning, Nora scribbled on her pad.

  “Incredible sex on a daily basis.”

  “You’re such a guy.” Nora shook her head, but wrote it down.

  “Steady work. The ability to gain more work. Built-in contacts to grow my business—if I had one.” Technically, she did. She freelanced, but she wanted to set up an actual business license and website. She’d already bought the domain and had talked to a local designer about the brand she envisioned. “If I decided to open my own food truck business here there’s no competition right now, which means I’d be able to get a footh
old in the market.”

  “What else?”

  “My family’s here. Though I’m okay moving away for a couple years knowing I’ll come back. But I will miss them. Friends too. But…don’t put that on the list. I’m just thinking out loud.” She looked at her empty mug, frowned. “Add Brad again.” Because he was a big pro for staying.

  “All right. What are the pros of leaving for school?”

  “I get another degree.”



  “I already know the answer, and so do you, but do you need the culinary degree to do what you want?”


  Nora lifted an eyebrow and dropped the pad on the counter. “All right, one more latte for you while you think, then I’m cutting you off.”

  “What if people think I’m staying in town for a man? And it doesn’t work out? And by people, I mean my mom.”

  Nora didn’t turn around as she started making Fallon another drink. “Who gives a crap what people think? If it doesn’t work out, yeah, it’ll suck. But take Brad out of the equation. What are you really afraid of?”

  “Failing. Failing spectacularly and having my family see it.”

  “You’re one of the most confident people I know. On the outside, anyway. Fake that shit until you make it.” Nora slid a new mug across the counter to her. “It’s what I did when I took over here.”

  “Fake that shit until you make it. I’m pretty sure that’s going to be my new motto.”

  “Ha, ha. You know what you want to do. And you know what’s right for you right now. Don’t let fear help you make a decision you’ll regret.”

  “Thank you.” Knowing something was one thing. Having it confirmed by your best friend was another entirely. Especially when it was true. As Nora picked up the legal pad, Fallon’s phone rang.

  Tugging it out of her purse, she debated answering it, then saw it was her mom. They talked almost every day, but Fallon was mentally exhausted right now. Still… “Hey, Mom.”


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