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Alex Page 2

by Paula Ridge

  I’m waiting to get that clear signal. There’s no better feeling in the world than when a woman takes a bit of the initiative to take the guesswork out. There’s that moment of awkward silence, getting ready to explode with a moment of passion to whet her appetite for more than what is on the menu.

  I’m looking like a sizzling steak.

  To help make up her mind there is a sudden array of fireworks outside the window in the colors of the American flag. It’s almost like fate has stepped in to give her a taste of what it’s like to run wild and free.

  The way she grabs my hair and we look at each other tells me she is looking for satisfaction and is not afraid to seek it out.

  Ch 3 – Melanie

  It’s highly combustible and I probably shouldn’t be leading him on. The heat of his body and the sensual gaze from his piercing blue eyes is amazingly seductive. It keeps me guessing what is hidden underneath those pants. I’m not sure what to feel about him being half-dressed with a few errant drops of water still clinging to his chest.

  “This isn’t like me. I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong idea. We’re having fun and maybe we have gone a little too far. It’s not like I’m trying to send you mixed messages. I’m just not sure I can be that kind of girl.” I’m licking my lips and avoiding eye contact, but my eyes stray in a southerly direction.

  There’s no mistaking the hammer inside his pants, ready to nail me to the cross of my innocence. It’s not like I haven’t done things in the past. I think about them and I begin to soften to the idea of being pinned to the mattress while people are only a few feet away.

  “I don’t want to put you into a position where you feel uncomfortable. I’m sure we can think of other things to do together,” he teases with a light brush of his fingers across my neck to make me moan underneath my breath.

  “We have to stop before we go too far. I like you a lot, but this is moving a little too fast for me. Would you feel differently about me if I wanted to slow things down? God forbid, we actually talk and find out more about each other. This has been spontaneous and very unpredictable. I hope we can continue this trend. I have an idea. Since you like extreme ways to excite yourself, this might be right up your alley.” I write down an address on the palm of his hand thinking it’s going to be cute, but terrified he’s going to wash it off.

  “I like being surprised. It doesn’t have to end here. We can still have fun in other ways. I’m not suggesting having hot, wild sex on that bed right there unless, of course, you want to. I think you know by now from your experiences with men that we don’t need much convincing. You just have to look at us the right way and we will be there waiting and willing,” he whispers hotly into my ear, with his right hand moving in a teasing motion along the waistband of my bikini bottoms, just dipping his finger beyond the threshold.

  I swallow hard, wondering if maybe there isn’t a way we can find satisfaction in another way. I’m not a prude and I have this desire to see him in a vivid depiction of what a man really should look like down there. I move my tongue across my upper lip before taking a hold of his package in the palm of my hand.

  “Is this the kind of thing you had in mind? Don’t even bother to answer. I can see from the look on your face you’re not exactly complaining about my touch. I do like a man that is responsive and doesn’t mind a woman taking charge. I’m not one to take these insane risks but you are becoming a bad influence on me. I think you know you are a bad boy and should be punished for your behavior.” I watch his face light up when I pull down his zipper and pop the button on his pants in one fluid motion.

  I’m the one taken aback when I find out he’s not wearing anything underneath. I can feel the heat of his shaft and something sticky to the touch on the tip. My fingers glide down his impressive shaft, paying particular attention to the throb of that muscle down the back.

  “I’m not sure where you are going with this but I’m 100% on board. How can any man resist a sexy woman putting their hands on them? I’m pretty strong and can resist practically anything but this is in a different league of its own.” He’s breathing a little bit faster.

  I’m watching his massive chest rise with each breath.

  “I take it you like what I’m doing to you. Is there something particular you would like me to do...with my hands?” I offer, but I’m quick to add those last three words to keep him from thinking this is going to escalate any further.

  “Now that you mention it, a little tighter would be nice, and maybe wet your fingers,” he encourages.

  I move my fingers to his mouth and watch as he sucks one finger at a time until they are soaking wet in hot spit.

  Returning to what I was doing has me putting into action what he has instructed me to do. This time there is a firm grip around the base and my fingers slide easily up and down the length of him. His member glistens in the light that comes from outside, courtesy of those lanterns surrounding the pool.

  There’s laughter but there is nothing to laugh about where we stand, in front of each other, manually stimulating our sexual desires.

  I could spend a lifetime in this sweet surrender exploring his flesh, trembling in my fingers. I don’t want to close my eyes and miss a single moment of what I’m doing to him. This is better than anything I have done in the past. He’s allowing me to express myself in a variety of ways, including with the use of my hand.

  My heart is beating faster, and I can feel his fingers sneaking under the fabric of my white bikini bottoms. He finds what he’s looking for and I sigh deeply with pleasure when he instructs one finger to lightly caress my lips before the tip of it penetrates me.

  It’s really hard to concentrate on what I’m doing when he is taking matters into his own hands. We’re both giving a little and getting back even more. This is highly unorthodox, but I feel free to show him the kind of pleasure that takes his breath away. He’s reciprocating and I’m enjoying this back and forth exchange where we don’t stop staring at each other the entire time.

  A second finger enters me with his thumb playing in circles around my large, protruding clit. He stops before I go over the edge. It’s becoming a game to see how far we can take each other before finally succumbing to the moment.

  It’s a known fact that a man’s excitement can flow at a moment’s notice. I’m pretty good at reading his body language and the expression on his face. I find it exhilarating to leave him wanting more, begging for that release.

  “You are a little cock tease, aren’t you? What you’re doing is making me crazy, go a little bit faster. Let me show you with a living example,” he hints and then begins to show me with his fingers, pushing them in and out of my warm canal.

  There are footsteps outside the door and we both freeze, smiling guiltily at one another. We wait for those few moments and that temporary reprieve cools our temperatures down to a very slow simmer.

  “I think we should stop but I’m not sure I want to. All of this is making me want to see you pleased. Do you know what I mean?” I gulp and feel those fingers pressing deeper past the first knuckle, getting the full treatment of my quivering body.

  “I’m not ready to give up just yet. I love the way that your eyes flutter in response to what I’m doing to you. Your chest heaves and those nipples are poking into that thin material. I think they are feeling a little deprived. There might be something I can do about that since I do have an extra hand,” he advises before expertly flicking the button on the back of my bikini until the top reveals the mountainous terrain of my upper body.

  He glides the palm of his hand over both nipples, sending signals down to where his fingers feel the clinch. My legs are shaking, and I have to hold on to his shoulder while pressing my forehead against his chest.

  I graduate from foreplay to putting extra emphasis on the knob when my hand comes in contact with the top. It happens unexpectedly and I feel the heat of his juices coating my fist. It’s hot and the perfect aphrodisiac to bring me to my own satisfying conclusion.<
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  I stand there in a trance with my teeth biting into his chest as I release. It’s the only thing I can do to stifle the persistent moan bubbling up to the surface.

  We come back to our senses a couple of minutes later. The cold light of reality is hard to ignore. We didn’t do anything more than pet. It’s something that I have done in the past in the backseat of cars.

  “Meet me there tomorrow morning,” I mention, while pointing at the palm of his hand which has smudged quite severely.

  He put his finger to his temple, letting me know that the address is in his vault.

  Ch 4 – Alex

  I still can’t quite believe what happened. Touching her gave us this feeling of misery loving company but it went beyond the tease with a rush of endorphins released in those final moments.

  I arrive at the destination she outlined on my hand. The bridge is old but has stood up to the test of time through the years. It’s not being used anymore, making it the perfect location for bungee jumping. I have jumped out of planes relying on a parachute to bring me safely back to the ground, but this isn’t the same thing.

  Fear is nothing but a useless emotion. It’s unfortunate how it cripples me into a state of despair, waking up in a cold sweat wondering when it’s going to happen. I have this bad habit of pushing people away when they get too close.

  “Melanie, I have to tell you this isn’t what I thought you had in mind. You have a good friend, to push you to the limit. Everybody should have a friend who takes them out of their comfort zone. I consider my military family that whisper of persuasion in my ear to do something stupid,” I softly speak while the instructor is giving his final words of preparation.

  “She canceled at the last second and I’m not going to do this alone. I’m going to follow you. I’m sure this isn’t anything unusual for you considering your background in the military. I asked around about you.” I’m not sure it’s a good idea for her to be speaking to my friends about me, considering my reputation for loving them and leaving them.

  “I’m sure people had some interesting things to say about me.”

  “It was nothing I didn’t already know, but it’s always good to have confirmation. I wasn’t surprised to learn that you are fearless. Relationships don’t come easy for you, but I can’t figure out the reason why that is. Don’t get a swelled head, but I think you have a lot to offer the right woman,” she replies while I’m being secured to the bungee cord around my ankles.

  Standing at the edge, looking down a hundred feet below to the raging water is daunting. It’s also exhilarating to know this is the way that I’m cheating death. Going out on my terms is my right. I’m not going to allow an unpredictable strike of fate to take me out of the game prematurely. This is my life and I decide how it ends.

  “Just do what I told you and everything will be perfectly fine. Most people scream on the way down and that is perfectly normal. We encourage that. It’s almost therapeutic in a way. You can release all of those pent-up frustrations in your life.” I almost smile at the guy’s instructions, considering last night I received something unexpected to bring me a different kind of pleasure.

  I shuffle to the edge and I feel this calming influence come over me before the storm of indecision takes over. My body becomes weightless and everything moves in slow motion with the scream inside of me releasing in an unrestrained moment of enthusiasm.

  The wind rushes by me and I move closer toward the raging water below. I’m free-falling until there’s this sudden, jarring impact where the rope stretches as far as it can go before springing back. My arms involuntarily spread out in a welcoming greeting.

  I continue bouncing up and down until there is suddenly this boat waiting for me. They take the harness off and I wait patiently, with my hand shielding my eyes, to see her about to do the same thing a few seconds later.

  She’s as white as a ghost but it’s not stopping her from flinging herself off a bridge. It’s surprising to me to see her do this. She has everything to live for. I’m different in that way. The curse is going to get me before too long and that thought constantly weighs heavily on my mind.

  It’s dictated most of my decisions and cultivated a fear-based need to go beyond my limits. I have to wonder what type of person would throw themselves off a bridge on purpose with a disregard for life. In my opinion, it’s foolish to risk everything for the thrill of the ride. I admit seeing Melanie about to take the plunge gives me a jolt of energy to see her exceed her expectations.

  It’s a good thing she’s wearing jeans. Anything else could be an embarrassing situation.

  My heart leaps into my throat when she drops like a stone. It doesn’t look like she’s going to stop but I know from personal experience that is the illusion people pay for. The cord comes into play and her scream is no longer contained in her meek and mild frame.

  She releases the fear and anger with her eyes wide open.

  She bounces into the air and comes back down several times until she passes out. It’s too much for her body to take, and her nervous system shuts down to protect itself. I have seen the same thing with wet behind the ears green recruits getting their first taste of real action.

  They bring her back down to the solid ground and she blinks back to life. She runs into my arms without even thinking about it. Holding her is my way of protecting her from the big bad wolf. It’s metaphorical in nature but I still feel I need to give her my reassurance and strength.

  “Did you see me up there? I wasn’t sure I was going to go through with it until you showed me there was nothing to be afraid of. I wanted to make you proud of me. I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it. I’m glad you were here to witness it. It would’ve been my friend and she’s always getting me to do stupid things. I will deny it if you tell her, but I appreciate how she goes out of her way to drag me kicking and screaming into something I haven’t done before. I can live for the moment and not sit on the sidelines letting life pass me by,” she rattles on with the adrenaline causing her to talk super-fast.

  She’s hugging me tight and I feel this involuntary flex of excitement down below.

  I try to shift my weight while her warm body increases the blood flow to a certain part of my anatomy.

  “We should do something to keep this feeling alive.” I let that suggestion hang in the air to see how she is going to respond.

  “I just bet you do. Truth be told, I’m feeling the same way, but we can’t just do something in public. Can we?” She’s still feeling the adrenaline as it continues to burn through her veins.

  “This feeling will burn off in time. If you are serious, there is a place I noticed when we were driving here. It’s out of the way where nobody can see us.” I’ve always been the kind of man to have eyes in the back of my head; it comes with the job description.

  “I shouldn’t do this, but I don’t see any reason why we have to wait. Let’s go before I change my mind and come to my senses,” she urges with her eyes on fire.

  I’m compelled to show her what that adrenaline rush can be used for while it is still fresh in her veins.

  Her black Jeep is on the other side of the bridge from where the boat drops us off. We climb the hill following a set path until she is jumping into the driver’s seat.

  I once did a crash course in driving an army Jeep. Those things could take a beating. It was fun crashing into things that didn’t require an insurance claim.

  “Just go around the bend and turn left onto the dirt path that’s barely noticeable from the road,” I navigate when she suddenly veers in that direction without really seeing where she is going.

  The tires protest when they come in contact with the rocks. It’s a good thing we’re driving her Jeep. It can take more than the average car by absorbing the impact with the custom-made shocks. We are jostled around but it becomes a rollercoaster ride until my hands are in the air, still restrained by the seat belt.

  She turns the wheel sharply to avoid a hidden stump. �
��I hope you know where we are going. This path doesn’t look like it has been used in quite some...” She stops talking and hits the brakes.

  We’re definitely off the beaten track.

  Ch 5 – Melanie

  I stay there completely still, unable to move my eyes away from the way the rainbow is surrounding us with its colors. I move my hands through the filaments of light, and I reach out for him until we are holding hands within this natural phenomenon.

  We’re smack dab at the end of a rainbow.

  There’s this magic in the air that I can’t begin to describe. I turn to him and kiss him without any warning. Jumping into his lap and holding his face with both hands has me indulging in a little bit of foolhardy horseplay.

  I can feel him responding to my warm curves sitting on top of him. Moving back and forth rubs the crotch of my jeans against his heated pistol hot against his pants. It feels ready to go over at the slightest urging.

  With breathless abandon, he releases the puppies from captivity one button at a time until he reveals that I’m not wearing a cumbersome bra. He stares at my breasts before finally grabbing them and pressing them against his face until both nipples are being subjected to a tongue lashing I’m never going to forget.

  I grab his head by crossing my hands around him. It’s enjoyable to feel those tingles of persuasion running up and down my lower extremities. It’s a different kind of pleasure, enforced by the adrenaline rush of jumping off the bridge.

  I reach between us to find his excitement and quickly release the spitting serpent from its cage. It stands tall, weeping at the eye where the storm is gathering inside his family jewels.


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