Unspoken: A Romantic Suspense (The Unspoken Series Book 1)

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Unspoken: A Romantic Suspense (The Unspoken Series Book 1) Page 12

by Ellie Danes

  “Jennifer, Reese, glad you’re here. We found something interesting during our clean up last night.” He handed me a stack of papers. “Of course, I have to let Detective Jackson know about this, but as your firm represents us, I thought it only right that you should see this too.”

  I took the papers and scanned through them. I was surprised to see highlighted phone logs from Cain’s cell phone and office phones.

  “Who would need these?” I passed them to Reese.

  “I have no idea, but obviously someone wants to keep up with who I’m talking to. Come on—let’s go to my office where we can talk privately.” Cain’s seriousness concerned me. “Harper, hold my calls for the next thirty minutes, please.” The plump, redheaded temp smiled and nodded. He closed the door and we gathered around his desk.

  I couldn’t help but think about his muscles, rippling under his white shirt. I subtly breathed in his intoxicating cologne. Keep it professional, Jennifer. I smiled to myself, hoping Reese didn’t notice my slip up.

  “What was the purpose of last night? I don’t know why someone would come in just to toss paper around. Honestly, none of the staff have found anything really missing. No computers, no equipment, nothing. I can’t understand it. We thought some file folders, but that was just a careless account manager.”

  “You know, this reminds me of a case I was working on with the police department, back in 1996, I think it was…”

  The faint sound of a ringing phone interrupted the conversation and all three of us reached for our phones. The ringing continued as Cain opened his desk. The ringing became louder. He pulled out a small, silver phone. “This isn’t mine!” The phone continued to ring and after a few more, Cain answered it. “Hello?”

  “Put it on speaker, Parker!” Reese whispered fiercely.

  Obediently, Cain nodded and tapped the phone.

  “What is it you want? Money? Well, I have no intentions of ever giving you any money. I don’t care what you know or what you think you know.” The voice on phone was frantic and quite angry. “You wait, when I find out who this is…”

  “Money? What are you talking about? Who are you trying to reach? Who’s this?” Cain was floundering and we were all caught off guard by the caller.

  “Stop playing games with me. You know exactly who this is and you know exactly what I’m talking about. If you think extorting and blackmailing me is going to make you rich, you have something else coming. I’ll be in touch again.” The caller hung-up.

  “What the hell just happened?” Cain threw the phone on the desk.

  “You are being set up, Mr. Parker. Planting a phone in your desk, making blackmail calls, ransacking your offices. Someone is doing their very best to point things at you.”

  “Why? What have I done? I don’t have any enemies. I’m just a businessman.”

  “Not any enemies you know about. Obviously you have at least one.” Reese was certain in his deduction. “Watch yourself, Mr. Parker.”

  “Jennifer, I think I need to meet with your father, with DDC. It’s time to put all my cards on the table and let things fall where they may. Can you arrange it?”

  “Sure, I’ll get right on that.” I felt as though Cain had been holding back and he was finally realizing how serious everything going on actually was.

  Reese looked at his watch. “Jennifer, we need to get going. I’ve got an appointment in thirty minutes.” Reese stood and made his way towards the door. “Mr. Parker, we’ll be in touch. Jen, I’ll give you two a minute and I’ll meet you at the car. Don’t be long, please.” Reese made his way out of the office, leaving Cain and I alone.

  “Hang in there, Cain. You should tell my dad everything you know about Dylan. It can only help you; he’s on your side.”

  Cain stood up and walked me to the door. He kissed me gently, his lips warm and full on mine. “I plan on it. Listen, let’s have dinner tonight. Maybe you can give me some pointers—you know, about the meeting.” He flashed a wicked smile at me. I didn’t mind; he needed a distraction from the chaos around him. I think I did too.

  “Sounds good. Call me later and we’ll decide what’s on the menu.” Despite the gravity of the situation, I flashed a wicked smile of my own and left.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  The last day and a half had been too chaotic, and I decided to slip out of the office a little early in order to get a head start on my dinner date with Cain. The night before had supposed to have been special, but with everything that had happened, it was anything but. It was hard to believe how quickly the last few weeks had flown by, and how well I’d gotten to know Cain.

  5:30 my place? I’m cooking! ;) I was anything but a good cook, but tonight I was going to make the only thing I made well: lasagna.

  Sounds great! I have to make stop and I’ll be over.

  I stopped by the market and picked up a bottle of red and a bottle of white wine, and the few remaining items I needed for my special dish. I secretly hoped there was truth to the saying that the way to a man’s heart was through his stomach; Cain was already in mine.

  See you soon! :)

  I made it home in plenty of time to get dinner started, my apartment cleaned up a little and I took a quick shower. I slid into something comfortable, yet sexy. It was supposed to be a working dinner, but I couldn’t resist. I quickly finished the lasagna and slid it into the oven as the doorbell rang.

  Cain looked amazing, as usual. “Hello, gorgeous!” He leaned in and kissed me softly. His smell mesmerized me and I almost didn’t notice the huge bouquet of flowers he was holding. “For you.”

  “They’re beautiful, thank you.” I quickly kissed him again, this time taking just a moment longer. The kiss ignited a spark and I felt electricity coursing through my body.

  Cain shut the door with one hand and tossed the bouquet of flowers on the foyer table. “Jennifer…” He murmured, like a starving man who’d just discovered a buffet.

  Before I knew it, my shirt was off and Cain’s hands were all over me. I worked the buttons on his shirt quickly and carefully, running my hands over his bronze skin. I could feel the power building between us, as if we were both about to explode.

  I kissed the curve of his chest and found a few sensitive places to linger. Cain pulled me closer to him with his strong hands. His lips brushed my neck. We shed the rest of our clothes and I led him to my bedroom. The bed felt soft and plush under my naked skin. We kissed again, our passion rising even higher. Cain’s skillful tongue urged me on and I couldn’t help but press against him, my desire rising like waves in the ocean. Soon I was as ready as he was. “Cain! Now, Cain!”

  His hand was in my hair, his thumb stroking my jaw. “Look at me, Jennifer. I want to see you when we make love.” I looked at Cain’s face, his blues eyes sparkling with desire and his lips pink and full.

  “I am looking, Cain. I see you. I want you.”

  With a moan, he was inside me, moving slowly, watching me enjoy him. I worked against his muscular body, suddenly wishing I had taken the top spot. Cain was showing much more control than I had at the moment. “Cain!” I whispered.

  He continued to watch me; it was an exhilarating, sexy experience. We fueled one another’s fire with our ardent attention to one another, until we climbed to the heights of release together.

  We lay there, panting, afterward; his dark head lay on my chest and I stroked his hair. He kissed my stomach and grinned up at me. “Something smells amazing!”

  “Oh no! Dinner! I’ll be right back. Will you get the shower started for us?” I quickly hopped up and ran to the kitchen, not waiting for his answer.

  In a few minutes, we were laughing under the warm water, taking turns lathering one another up.

  “Hand me that shampoo.” I did and Cain squirted some in his hand. “Turn around…no really, I want to do this.” I had never had anyone wash my hair before—except my stylist—but it was nice. His hands were gentle and he chuckled when I complained about soap in my eye. I rins
ed and turned to face him. He was looking at me, sweeping his hair back with his hand. I suddenly felt self-conscious.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Do you know how beautiful you are?” His white smile gleamed at me.

  “I bet you say that to all the girls you shower with.” I kissed him and snuck past him, leaving him in the shower to run and dry off.

  I grabbed an oversized jersey and panties out of my dresser and threw them on. By the time Cain joined me in the kitchen, everything was ready.

  His hands were on my waist and he kissed my neck again. “Ok, Ok, now. It’s not time for dessert yet.” I giggled. “Besides, I thought this was supposed to be a working dinner? Remember? I’m supposed to be giving you some tips.”

  “I know. I just couldn’t help myself.”

  “Well, let’s just stay focused from now on.” I gave Cain wink and a smile. “Can you open the wine? I think we’re ready for dinner, now.”

  Cain grabbed the corkscrew and slowly opened the bottle of wine. “Jennifer, do you think I have something to hide? I mean, does it seem that way?” A look of concern covered his face.

  “No! Not at all.” I put my hand on his arm. “I didn’t mean that at all. I know tomorrow will be hard for you, dredging up the past and all. I don’t want there to be any misunderstandings. I know you have a lot riding on this.”

  “Thank you for saying that. I guess… It’s been a rough couple of days and if my own girlfriend didn’t believe me...”

  I let the words hang in the air for a moment. It was the first time in a long time that I had begun to feel like someone’s girlfriend. Like a part of a real couple.

  “Let’s eat and I can give you some pointers.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  We finished eating and Cain reached across the table and grabbed my hand. “What kind of message is this sending?” He laughed as I playfully pushed his hand away.

  “It’s telling me you would rather play than be serious.” I gave him a stern look, followed by a playful smile.

  “Ok, so, what do I need to know?”

  “You have a strong, charismatic presence when you speak, but I have noticed a few things you can improve on, For example, you rub your hair when you get nervous and you shift a little when you’re making a tough decision.” He raised his eyes in surprise. “These are things you want to stay away from, going forward. You need to send the message that you are confident, and being honest.”

  “I am, and this meeting is important to lay everything out on the table.” Cain motioned to the crowded dinner table as if presenting a grand prize.

  “There! Like that? The way you moved your hands, you exposed your palms. That’s a sign you’re being honest. Most people don’t realize they are doing it, but it’s a tell.”

  Cain and I spent about an hour going back and forth on what he was going to discuss and the best way to address the group, where to look, how to look and, most importantly, what not to do. I felt confident he was going to do well.

  Cain’s phone rang and he nervously pulled it from his pocket. “Work. Do you mind if I get this? I’ll keep it short.”

  “No, go ahead. I’ll get started on these dishes.” I stacked the dishes and carried them to the kitchen, giving Cain some privacy. I took the time to check my own phone and email. Tomorrow was going to be an eye opener, and I wanted to make sure there were no new surprises before I showed up at the office the next day. Seventeen new emails; nothing appeared important.

  This is weird. I had two emails, sent from my own home email address to myself. It looked like spam, and I hesitated before opening them, but finally did.

  “Thought you may want to see a couple of these again. The last two are my favorite!”

  I scrolled down and saw picture after picture. Christopher and I sailing on the Casual Sun, a friend’s boat. He and I with friends, at a clambake, sophomore year. Me kissing Chris with the sunset behind us… the pictures continued through the email, until the last two.

  It was me, wearing nothing but Christopher’s dress shirt. That was the one and only racy picture I’d ever had taken and he had talked me into it. The last was a picture of Cain and I together at his house. It was a picture taken from outside, of us kissing.

  I wanted to scream, but nothing came out, but a few words and a gasp. “Why? Who…?” I felt violated. Cain must have sensed something wasn’t right as he quickly came into the kitchen. I tried to close the laptop sitting on the counter, but I wasn’t fast enough.

  “Jen? What is it? Are you okay?” I stared at the screen and then at Cain. Tears filled my eyes before I could even think of what to say. He grabbed me and pulled me to him. I took a deep breath, determined not to cry, and just stared at the computer.

  Cain moved his finger over the mouse pad. The screen was frozen, displaying half of the picture of me in Christopher’s shirt and the picture of Cain and I. I stared back from the monitor, my hair half-hiding my face, the bottom of the shirt bunched up in my hands playfully, showing a tiny sliver of pink underwear. Cain’s face reddened slightly and he closed the computer quietly.

  We just looked at one another. I didn’t know what he was thinking; or even what I was thinking, for that matter. I blurted out, “Those pictures were on my laptop, the one that was stolen. I had forgotten all about them…and the last one…someone is watching us.”

  “Someone is watching you. I don’t like this. I think I should stay tonight.”

  “What? No, you can’t do that. You need to go home and get some rest. That meeting is at 9:30 and you’ve got to be on your toes. I’ll be fine.”

  “Jennifer, whoever has your computer is following you. They know what you are up to. They may be out there now.”

  “Cain, I’ll be fine. I’ll call you, or Reese, or hell, even my father, if I need help. I promise. You need to be ready for tomorrow. Promise me you won’t worry.”

  “Ok.” Cain reluctantly agreed. “Tell me, are there other pictures like that? Why is this person sending them to you?”

  “No, Cain. The others are pretty boring, just me and Christopher—a bunch of pictures from college and some weekends with friends. Obviously this person wants to humiliate me and it seems like they are trying to scare me aware from you, for some reason.”

  Cain ran his fingers through his hair. I could tell he was having second thoughts about leaving. “On second thought, come stay with me. I think that’s the best idea.”

  “I can’t do that—I am not going to let this person win. Somehow, he knows about the hell Christopher put me through, and he thinks he can hurt you through me. I can’t have that.” I became more convinced the more I talked.

  “Are you sure? Should you call Aimee, or Reese, maybe?”

  “I am absolutely sure. Now go home and get some rest.” I grabbed his hands and looked at his face. I could detect the slight, dark shadows that had gathered under his eyes. It didn’t matter; he was still the most handsome man I had ever seen. I had to stand on tiptoe to kiss him; I was barefoot, without benefit of my usual high heels. He grabbed my bottom and pulled me close to him. “You call me if you hear a leaf fall. Ok?”

  I nodded and he kissed the top of my head. “You got your phone?”

  He smiled. “Yes, I have it. I mean it. You call me.”

  I smiled at him and closed the door behind him, securing the deadbolt.

  I sat and waited to watch Cain’s big black car slide out of my parking lot and down the hill. I checked all the doors and windows before I went back to the dishes. Within thirty minutes, I crawled into bed. I left the bathroom light on and the door ajar—for the first time since I was a kid. I opened the wooden drawer of my nightstand and reached for the small can of pepper spray I kept hidden there. I had taken a course a few summers ago on how to use it properly. I had been pretty fast then, and I hoped I remembered how to use it properly.

  After some fitful tossing and turning, I eventually fell asleep, somewhat happy. I could still smell Cain’s cologn
e on my skin.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  The sun was barely up when my eyes popped open. I didn’t jump out of bed right away, I lingered awhile, thinking about the night before. I replayed the intense, frantic lovemaking, the soapy shower, the freaky email. Despite the last part, it had been a good night with Cain. I reached for my phone and stared at the clock. 6:15…plenty of time.

  I hoped Cain was still at home, though I had no doubt he was up. I sent him a quick text, wishing he were next to me, but I knew better; neither one of us would have slept last night. Morning, mister. Be sure to wear a white shirt.

  I waited and ran my hand along the empty side of the bed where I wished Cain were lying. It took him a minute to respond.

  Good morning. Everything Ok? Promise to wear something blue.

  I couldn’t help but grin. I could imagine the flirtatious smile creeping over his chiseled faced. I knew what he was talking about. For our first lovemaking session, I had worn a sapphire blue bra and panties set. He had approved of the ensemble.

  Everything is perfect. No doubt last night was just to scare me. And okay… I know exactly what to wear - :)

  I got up and ransacked my closet. I finally decided on a gray pinstripe pencil skirt and a fitted gray jacket, grabbed my promised bra and panty set and headed to shower. On a whim, I wore my sapphire necklace, just to remind Cain that I had remembered to wear blue.

  I was out of the house by 7:00am, with my laptop under my arm. I wanted Reese to check it for malware, or whatever surprises I might have covertly downloaded to my computer from that email. I knew opening it had been a dumb move. Lesson learned.

  The morning started off quiet and I hid in my office until Reese got there. Dad was already there. He really needs a social life. I can count on one hand how many times I remember Dad actually going on a date. I gave him a wave as I passed by his open door and received a nod in return.

  The other attorneys and interns were busy setting up for the day, and our team was focused on what was going to be discussed in our meeting. This meeting could make or break Cain; I knew it and so did he. It all boiled down to culpability, really. I thumbed through random files, reminding myself that I needed to stay sharp, professional and on point, no matter what. Reese came in shortly after.


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