Sky Fall Legend

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Sky Fall Legend Page 37

by Ivory Scott

  "Master!" exclaimed Jodye Trill while dropping and kowtowing three times. He was already used to his mother's change in personality. When she was with her legion, she was none other than the Frozen Night Master! Her demeanor was aloof, and her voice was like an iceberg, there was far more coldness underneath the surface.

  Jodye believed that this was probably his mother's real face. Isis Trilleck's spiritual sense swept over her son, making him feel totally naked as if all his secrets were laid bare in front of his mother's gaze.

  Glancing at her humbled son, a slight smirk appeared on Isis Trilleck's face, before disappearing altogether. Who knew that all she had to do to make this child willingly be obedient was take him seriously as a warrior? However, she was ultimately his mother first. In spite of herself, she grew a little upset while watching him dirty his clothes, "Enough Jodye, you can stop. Well, hurry up off the ground my heart, hurry. Do you have a serenity crystal or not? Your mother, I, does not have all night to play with you."

  Jodye Trill moved his left hand over the space ring on his right index finger and retrieved the serenity crystal that emitted a pink, purple, and gold rainbow hue. Isis Trilleck's eyes became wide as saucers when she saw the diamond, and many of the warrior's jaws dropped, as they stared in awe. This was a serenity diamond, a top quality serenity crystal!

  A clamor quickly broke out among the surrounding warriors. At this moment, Jodye became aware that he had caused another commotion. Merely, he was already becoming accustomed to this. 'It seems stars truly do continue to shine in the distance after they die…'

  "Is this one okay ma?" Jodye Trill simply pretended to not notice the astounded faces surrounding him, as he asked a question he knew the answer to.

  "Baby…" Isis Trilleck picked up the fist-sized pink, purple, and golden serenity diamond, her hands trembling, "Baby where…on earth did you find this!? Quickly tell mommy where she can get more of these!”

  Jodye Trill was previously an assassin for the powers that governed his previous world. While some might prefer to call him a spy, he was usually only given missions where it would be impossible to avoid killing others. So earlier, when they were ambushed by that group of spying assassins, it awakened the cautious nature that he had developed in his previous life through various life or death experiences. If the enemies were as capable and reliable as his mother had said, then there should be spies or traitors among them at this very moment.

  In fact, Jodye may have only been presuming this to be true, but he was completely correct. Not even Isis Trilleck knew for sure who were all the spies in her camp. After thinking deeply for a brief instant, Jodye held up Eureka to his mother and responded, "Mom, I found a Moonlight Sphinx cub and tamed it! The crystal came from that cave!"

  This may have been a lie, but it was also a partial truth.

  Isis Trilleck's eyes flashed with the light of excitement. She glanced to her right, and a squadron of warriors in violet armor immediately saluted while shouting, "Yes, Mistress! We hear and obey!"

  "Hughes, you have healed already, yes? If so, please accompany them," commanded Isis Trilleck to what seemed like no one in particular. However, to Jodye's shock, before he could try and figure who Hughes was in the crowd, a silhouette appeared directly behind his mother.

  Shocking still was the way this guy looked! Standing stout behind his mother, like a man-shaped mountain, stood an excessively tall and incredibly handsome man. Man? No, this being was a celestial demi-god descended from the sky. He was far too good looking. This strange creature in Jodye's eyes towered over them at nearly three meters tall. This was the largest person Jodye had ever seen outside of his inherited memories!

  Of course, in comparison to a member of the Titan clan, this guy was far too puny. He had pointed ears, crystal clear green eyes, and long golden blonde hair draped over his shoulder as he knelt before Jodye's mother. In truth, this guy Hughes looked pretty enough to be a woman. However, the broad contours of his muscular physique gave his face a sculpted metal-type masculine look. The impression this man gave Jodye Trill could be summed up with one word.


  "Ma, watch out there's some creepy looking huge girly face guy! Trippy!" shouted Jodye Trill jumping in front of his mother with his arms out, as [Pharaoh's Law] materialized in the air before it glided onto Jodye's head and wrapped itself into a striped head-cloth crown, like those worn by the pharaohs in ancient Egypt. It covered Jodye's whole cranium, the back of his head, and halfway down his back. It had two large flaps which hung down behind Jodye's ears and in front of both of his shoulders.

  Isis Trilleck was initially caught off guard by her son's reaction, but after spending so much time with the boy, she felt she could guess his thoughts. How cute, he was territorial. She couldn't be upset at all, for she almost killed his vassal for the same reason. Instead, she found herself more fond of this child of hers, as a soft look appeared in her eyes for a half second before disappearing.

  This look did not go unnoticed by the crowd who felt stunned. They had never seen the lady of the mist make expressions.

  "Honored mother, do not be fooled! No man could look like this creature, it is a guise!"

  Pfft. Lady Isis could no longer hold it in as she let out a small series of giggles while covering her mouth.

  All the guards and warriors in the area had a look of schadenfreude at the sight of this. Hughes' face darkened in what he thought would be an imperceptible manner. How could he swallow such insult from a brat?! Unfortunately, this brat was his young master. Unfortunate still, the wrath in his eyes was destined to not go unnoticed.

  After all, since Hughes was so tall and Jodye was so small, in spite of kneeling down, Hughes was currently looking directly down deep into the eyes of the kid. Just like his mother when she summoned her source artifact, the piercingly beautiful blue eyes of this child had vertical irises and threatened to swallow any who looked on for too long. An invisible might was radiating from the kid, and it gave Hughes' soul some mild intimidation.

  Hughes was dumbstruck at this discovery! He used to disdain the rumors circulating around the estate and even the upper circles of Saint Anubis City about this boy, but in this last month, he too had become a believer! They followed this brat all over the Outer Wilds as he embarked on random trouble-making adventures. Remembering this past week, Hughes couldn't help but smirk a bit. This was the kid who sneaked into the cave of a level 2 Trickster, and escaped with a contract beast he had claimed as his own! This young master Joseph had the guts, that was for sure.

  He couldn't bring himself to dislike such a young master.

  "Do not be rude Joseph, this is my Left-Hand. Hughes is a renegade White Elf from Rodinia," Isis Trilleck placed her arms around her son's neck dotingly from behind, causing Jodye to look up at her face. When Isis Trilleck looked back at Hughes, there was a strange glint that briefly passed through her beautiful blue eyes. Hesitating briefly she said, "Forgive the boy Hughes, he is protective. He has never seen someone from another race before."

  Hearing the lady Isis, Hughes nodded in understanding. He could definitely understand if it was like this. Besides, Hughes was ready to jump at the chance to avoid any potential offense caused to this young phenomenon by quipping with him. As Hughes glanced at lady Isis, his eyes rapidly swept past her body before he looked away. Isis Trilleck made no comment of this, nor did she react at all.

  Jodye Trill, of course, took note of all of this. He had seen his mother freeze guards for doing the same. Some were even still frozen...

  "I will bring no harm to the mistress, little man," said Hughes with a smile, in a powerful and heavy bass filled voice. Jodye was ultra annoyed. Who the hell did this pretty boy bastard think he was anyway?

  "Audacious! Who gave you the permission to address your young master, I, like this?" berated Jodye Trill, as he stabbed his index finger into the tip of Hughes' nose.

  "I…wait…young master please for…" Hughes stammered as he was caught off gu
ard. Who knew the kid was so sensitive to protocol? He honestly shouldn't have addressed the young master so casually, and he was worried that the Mistress would be upset. After all, she had already been married for so many years, he could no longer treat as casually as in the past. However, Isis was just calmly watching her son, with a loving and gentle look in her eyes.

  "Less of that, who said this young master was afraid of you hurting my mother? Are you even worthy? No, you are not, so it is your motive itself which is questionable! What are you anyway, a science experiment? Such big pointy ears, it is weird. Why are your ears pointed? Also, are men supposed to be this pretty? It's gross. What the heck did you eat growing up? Is that make-up you're wearing? Do you have secret hobbies we should know about? Questionable, very questionable," Jodye Trill tapped his index finger on his forehead as if he was trying to think while muttering a series of questions.

  "Behave, little Joe," said Isis Trilleck flatly.

  "Yes, master," said Jodye Trill obediently, returning to his mother's embrace. What he would not risk was his training session. Jodye needed to learn about serenity force!

  "Hughes, please excuse my brat. He has never come in contact with your race, much less your clan. You must be very strange to him, and you are indeed a bit too unbridled," explained Isis Trilleck in an apologetic manner. Hughes paled upon understanding the hidden meaning in her words.

  "My apologies, young master. Allow me to introduce myself," Hughes stood straight up and spoke imposingly. He was clearly trying to intimidate and awe the youngster. "I am Hughes Song, the Left-Hand of the Frozen Night Master."

  Unfortunately, Jodye was currently paying absolutely no attention to the Left-Hand of his mother, as he told her about his day. "…and you know what was there, ma? Star grass! It was even the rare blue star grass that you told me only grew in particular areas, and finding one was something that only happened by luck! Does this not make me super lucky ma? Oh, oh, but then, as soon as I picked up the blue star grass, I saw the level 2 Vicious Wing Falcon beast dive down to attack me!"

  Hughes stood there in silence, as straw blew in the wind. The warriors behind him struggled to not laugh.

  "Wow, that's the young master for you, not even the captain can handle him."

  "I wonder what type of young warrior master Joseph will be? Did you see the way he stared down Hughes! I definitely couldn't do that even now, much less as a kid."

  "I hope the young master doesn't become arrogant or complacent…"

  "Have you already forgotten who his mother is? Today, he is even her fifth disciple. Someday, that kid may surpass all of us."


  After that Hughes and the other warriors marched towards their supplies and begin to pack. The rest of the crowd slowly dispersed to finish their own things, leaving only Jodye and his mother behind.

  "Come, Joseph," said Jodye's mother while holding her hand out. Jodye naturally grabbed her hand without hesitation, and his mother brought him into the sky. A film of origin energy protected him from the wind while Jodye marveled over the feeling of soaring through the air again. After but a moment, they had already traveled for two miles as his mother, and himself landed next to a little lake.

  In the milky white waters full of origin energies swam two mid-sized fish. One fish was black with an all-white serenity runes on its sides in a pattern that looked like a white comma, while the other was opposite of this, being white with an all black calamity runes on its sides in a pattern that looked like a comma. Jodye Trill instantly recognized these to be the Yin Yang fish he caught at Lake Nicaea about four years ago!

  "Hey, its Milly and Trilly, the Yin and Yang magic fish! I haven't seen them in so long, ma, why are they here?" asked Jodye Trill. He was truly very curious. However, lady Isis popped his hand. This made Jodye yelp in shock and pain while rubbing his hand. "What did I do, mother?"

  "Starting from today, I am your teacher, master, as well as your mother. If you do not refer to me as Master or Sensei, you will be punished. Is that clear?" Isis Trilleck's voice was indifferent and left no room for argument.

  "Yes, Sensei! Please accept this disciple's apology!" said Jodye Trill crossing his arms in salute, and bowing slightly, displaying the perfect etiquette that his mother taught him. Isis Trilleck rolled her eyes, as she was unable to take this child seriously sometimes.

  "Well, well. It would seem that even you, my handsome little devil, can be sincerely respectful. Good. Today you will learn about the first level of the laws of serenity, the yin force! So do listen close," Isis Trilleck strolled around the lake as she spoke. Jodye Trill was clad in all in an all-white training tunic, naturally following behind her as he listened attentively. "All creation is based on the existence of a creative pair of supreme legend rank laws. Namely, the very masculine Pure Yang Calamity Laws and the very feminine Pure Yin Serenity Laws. These two creative principles pervade and facilitate the existence of all of life and its many forms. That includes you and me, and everything you know."

  Jodye had his source artifact [Pharaoh's Law] active, and his origin gem was in his hand. With Pharaoh's Law active Jodye's spiritual force increased from the second level to the third! However, the consumption of his origin energy when using this ability was still as outrageous as ever. At level 3 spiritual force the range of his spiritual sense nearly tripled! It was currently at 50 meters! At this level, his Mind's Eye technique transformed into Mind's Lamp. With Mind's Lamp active the sensitivity of his energy vision increased substantially, and he could see up to three planes of existence at the same time! This was far better than before when he could only switch his focus when he wanted to peer at different things.

  After rediscovering how remarkable this source artifact was, Jodye Trill decided to fully commit to increasing his origin cultivation. Without origin energy, he couldn't even sustain the use of his Source Artifacts for more than 15 minutes without the origin gem! Even though, this was admittedly far better than when he was at the orientation rank. Jodye now had plenty of ways to train, so he needed to buckle down and power up most efficiently! Currently, that should be with origin energy.

  "Responding to Host's misconception: [Pharaoh's Law] can be activated using the forces of the heavens. This includes Origin Energy, Astral Force, Spirit Source, Quintessence, Mystique, Ancient Air, Infinity Laws, and Celestial Lightning," interjected Trippy mechanically, interrupting Jodye's train of thought.

  "What!? Why didn't you say that before!" Jodye Trill shouted out loud.

  Lady Isis stopped her lecture and glanced at her son. Seeing the 'deep in contemplation' type look in his eyes, she chuckled and responded with a gentle smile, "Honestly, I didn't believe you would benefit from any of this information yet. Let us both be glad you are paying attention and benefiting now. As I was saying, the yin life force usually incarnates in a female body and a yang life force in a male body. Merely, the following is true for us all: Our spirit correlates to the positive yang principles; while our soul itself correlates to the negative yin principles…"

  Jodye temporarily dedicated only 30% of his focus on listening to his mother's lecture, as he was still conversing with his [Pharaoh's Law] artifact spirit, Trippy. Apparently, another benefit of level 3 spiritual force was that he could pay attention to his mother's lecture, and maintain a conversation in his head at the same time. His level of focus was outstanding, and he was not missing out on anything. Well, maybe a phrase or two, but so what? That was by choice! Not only that, Jodye could feel that his charisma had somehow increased at this level. This was a hard feeling to describe or understand, so he decided to ask Trippy.

  "Responding to Host query: Host has discovered an affinity to charm laws. Charm laws require a spiritual force at the third level as a minimum requirement before they can be understood," responded Trippy in a robotic voice.

  "Charm laws…interesting. What are these?" Jodye Trill thought to himself.

  "Remember when I told you about that power your father used undergrou
nd?" Sly's cold voice suddenly rings out in Jodye's mind.

  "Ah! Noted," Jodye then tuned back in on his mother's lesson wholeheartedly. The yin and yang principles! The gateway to the creation and the origin point of the laws as we know it! He wondered if this was all fact or his mother's personal understanding? Either way, he would set his foundation with this knowledge!

  "…Creation is an electromagnetic system, and it is polarized. Energy flows from the yang to the yin pole and back, and then repeats. This doesn't just happen between lovers during dual cultivation. Yin and Yang balance each other in our individual bodies as well," Isis Trilleck didn't feel out of place mentioning these things to her boy, as he had pretty much bottomed out the House Library as a toddler. What could she hide from him? "However, this is not an absolute, as our energies cannot enter full stasis or we will not fall sick. Energy must flow, or it will slowly turn cancerous. The balance must tilt a bit towards one direction or another. Learning how to control this tilt is the first step in comprehending laws. Especially the laws of serenity and calamity, the yin and yang principles."

  Lady Isis continued to lecture Jodye Trill on the creation of life and the origin of laws, teaching him many things he couldn't have learned from the books in the family library. This lasted for a little under two hours. After finishing, lady Isis forced Jodye to spend the next 20 minutes summarizing what his mother just explained to him in as much detail as possible. If he failed, the lesson would end here!

  Jodye thanked the heavens that he had [Pharaoh's Law] active this whole while. Remembering wasn't tricky at all with level 3 spiritual force. Merely, why was his mother so crazy?

  He only got about 89% of it down precisely, but Isis Trilleck was more than satisfied with this result as she filled in the blanks for him. This boy had such good memory and comprehension speed! It was awe-inspiring to lady Isis, her other disciples couldn't even compare. Well, none of them except Sophie, who was also a freakish genius.


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