The Touchdown

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The Touchdown Page 8

by Bishop, K. M.

  His face was one of restraint and tension as he threw his body into mine and then repeated the action with every single ounce of dedication and strength that he had within him.

  I finally settled down from my climax and rested my head, my body against his.

  “Good job,” Bobby said. “Now, it’s my turn…”

  Before I could catch my breath Bobby was moving under me. It took me a moment to realize that he was repositioning the both of us. He guided me to turn my back to him and to bend over with my hands resting on the couch side of the couch.

  Bobby was behind me. I felt him right against my still quivering sex and then he slipped right into me. I groaned loudly. Everything was so sensitive, but Bobby was ready to go. I could sense that he was almost there. He had been holding back waiting for me. He was such a gentleman.

  He stretched me far and wide with every single plunge of his epic sword into my sheath. We fit together so beautifully that it was obvious we belonged together. His body fit closely to mine now, his pelvis against my cheeks. He was going so rapidly that he was almost on autopilot and he was not committing a full movement, a full thrust. No… he was pounding me good and proper. And I couldn’t get enough of it. Even though I didn’t think I could come again so soon, I was still feeling the aftershocks of the last one.

  If I could come again, there was no doubt in my mind that Bobby could make it happen.

  He grabbed my hair and held on as he growled in my ear. His growl sounded like a bear coming up from behind me about to devour me. It was so primal, guttural, and almost visceral. I wanted him so much right then. I wanted to feel him exploding inside of me and busting his sack wide open, dispensing all of the contents of his elixir into my waiting opening.

  And then he came. He grunted loudly, but mostly he held it back, but I don’t think he did it on purpose. His chest, his body was so tense that I don’t think he was able to make any real sound at the moment.

  Bobby shuddered against me, his hand holding my hair still clenched tightly in his fist as he shook from head to toe.

  And then it was over. He let go of me and relaxed back on the couch.

  We were both lying there on the couch totally naked covered in the fluids of beautiful lust, both of us floating somewhere in our minds.

  I knew right then and there that this was very different. I didn’t care if anyone disapproved of this union for any reason. They could go to hell. Bobby and I had something very special between the two of us and I would be damned if I was going to let anyone or anything stand in the way.

  As I sat there making that commitment to myself, Bobby reached out and took my hand in his.

  I looked up slowly and caught his gaze. He smiled at me and I smiled back. It felt like we were both thinking the same exact thing.

  This was definitely going to last.

  Chapter Nine


  I walked into the locker room the next day feeling like I had the entire world in the palm of my hand. I’d just gotten back from Ro’s place where we’d spent the whole evening making love, talking, and then making love again. Not much sleep was what we had, but I felt like I’d been totally rejuvenated from inside out.

  And it must have been obvious to everyone else, too. They were all hooting at me and hollering. “Why are you in such a good mood?” “I bet you got lucky, didn’t you?” “Tell us all about it!”

  I ignored the comments and just shook my head. A locker room full of meatheads…it was to be expected. But how did they know by just looking at me? I opened my locker door and glanced at the small mirror I had in there. No… I didn’t look any different as far as I could tell.

  “So, what did you get up to last night?” Jacob asked sauntering over eating a sandwich. The guy was always eating something.

  “I just went out with a great girl,” I said.

  “Yeah. Was it that girl from Purdue?” He asked the question as he lowered his voice.

  “Maybe,” I replied.

  Jacob smiled. “So, what was she like? Did you guys hit it off? You seem to have that extra spring in your step…”

  “We had a good time. She’s an amazing girl. I think there might be something real there. Actually, I know there is something real there.”

  Jacob’s eyes widened. “Wow…this girl has you hooked that fast? She must be amazing. Wish to hell I’d find a girl like that. Pretty much every girl that I like only wants to date me because I’m a football player. It’s kind of a curse, you know?”

  I shook my head. “Yeah. It can be a bit of a drag. But why does it matter so much to you? Give it a shot. You might find a sweet girl who wants to get to know the guy behind the meathead exterior.”

  “Hey, don’t call me the ‘m’ word.”

  I laughed as Jacob walked away eating his sandwich. The other guys were pumping him for information the second he did. “He won’t tell me anything. Get your own lives you bunch of degenerates!”

  Yeah, Jacob was a good guy. They all were to a certain degree, but so many of them were just oversexed. They knew football and hooking up with sorority girls. I was so glad that had never really been my scene. I guess my mother had raised me too well.

  I got dressed into my practice uniform and headed out onto the field. I wished that Ro was there. I would love to be able to see her every day on the same field as me, as I did with our own cheerleaders, but I supposed the long distance thing was kind of nice. It lent a bit of mystery to our relationship.

  Was that what we had? Could I call it that yet? Or was it just too soon? There were too many rules to all this courtship stuff. I guessed I needed to go online and brush up on all my skills. The idea made me laugh.

  What Ro and I had was so sweet. It was just so natural. The whole thing just flowed from out of nowhere and we had gravitated to each other. That had to be some kind of a sign. I never believed in destiny before, but it was happening to me now. I could feel it.

  And it felt great.

  I started stretching and then found one of the guys to throw the ball around with to get warmed up with some runs. Then we got ready for the actual practice. We had three more days until our next big game. We had to be ready for Florida State. The Seminoles weren’t as big or as touch as Purdue had been, but they had guys that were just lightning fast. If they had the ball and there was any slight opening, they were gone and you could not catch them. They were a running team for this reason.

  Our passing offense was going to be harder to do with guys who could cover that much ground that quickly, but we were determined to get it done and do it right. That was what coach had been drilling into our heads all weekend. I had no idea if it was actually going to work or not, but it was worth a shot.

  We split off into an A team and a B team and then went through some plays. In the huddle Chance told everyone what the play was going to be. It was a fairly easy button hook pattern with the ball ending up in my hands. Simple. That was the thing with big, tough teams like we had in front of us the rest of the season. Going back to basics was the way to go. Too many teams made the mistake of trying to get fancy.

  We broke the huddle and lined up behind the line of scrimmage. Then Chance took the snap. I ran the route and came around to the right side just as we had planned, hoping to fool Dale Franke. I didn’t.

  I felt the ball touch my fingers and then I instantly felt my feet being taken out from under me. I was going down. Dale collided with my legs very hard, way harder than was supposed to be happening during practice.

  I flew up in the air and felt no ground beneath me. Then the worst thing happened that I could have imagined. For a brief moment I sensed something else happening, something awful. And then it happened.

  Another body collided with my upper body, mostly focused on my head. I heard a loud crunch as our helmets met and then everything went dark as I fell to the ground. I felt the impact and then I knew nothing more.

  * * *

  “You are a lucky man,” the doctor said. />
  I stared at the small, older gentleman who walked around the room as if he had answers to about any medical question you ever wanted to ask him. He was just one of those doctors that acted like they had all the answers, when they probably didn’t have a clue and had probably cheated their way through medical school.

  But he was the guy they gave me.

  I woke up in the hospital with a throbbing headache. I’d been out for almost two hours, which was typically considered a very long time. They were rightfully concerned about me, but luckily all the tests came back fairly normal. I had been in a bit of a bad collision on the field and I had suffered a slight concussion as a result. It was the doctor’s recommendation that I take it easy and sit out for the next game.

  I wanted to protest but my head hurt too badly. Besides, I knew he was right.

  I left the hospital and was driven home by Jacob. He was a good friend. He’d hung around to make sure I got home alright. “Dude, that was a bad hit you took. Coach suspended Dale and Nedef. That was bullshit. They could have hurt you so much worse than they did.”

  “Did they say why they did it? I’ve never had an issue with those guys.”

  “They didn’t really say, other than blaming it on the wet field from the rain yesterday.”

  “It rained?”

  “Last night it sprinkled a bit, but not really. Those guys are ass clown morons. That is the straight and skinny of it. They are benched for two games as per the coach’s orders. Man, he was so mad that their bullshit almost cost him one of the greatest receivers in college football. I thought steam was literally going to come out of his ears like a cartoon character.”

  That would have been hilarious to see, and I could only imagine how mad the coach was. Of course he was only worried about his win, not my safety. The guy was so warm.

  Jacob dropped me off and I went inside to lie down. It felt good to be home. I just wanted to sit on the couch and watch some television, zone out, and maybe have a beer or two. I wasn’t sure if it was really good for my condition, but I didn’t care. So, I cracked a few and ordered a pizza. I deserved a bit of pampering after the hellish day I’d had.

  I wished that Ro was there with me. I could have used her comforting voice and soft touch. That was when I remembered that I hadn’t actually spoken with her all day. She knew nothing about the accident on the field.

  I pulled out my phone and made the call. “Hey, how’s it going?”

  “Hey, there,” Ro said. “How are you?”

  I told her about practice and the concussion.

  “Oh, no! I’m so sorry. I hope you feel better.”

  “I’m fine,” I said. “But I have to sit out this game, though. I hate that.”

  “Yeah, that’s rough. We play USC.”



  “Damn. That’s far. I hate away games.”

  “Me too.”

  “That is the one thing about playing football I will never get used to—travelling.”

  “Yeah, but that is the gig, right? What are you going to do?”

  “Just keep on truckin’,” I said with a laugh to negate how corny it was. I really shouldn’t talk sometimes.

  I ran a hand through my hair and winced slightly. My head felt very woozy, and a little unsolid, as if I might cough too hard and it would fall off. But no use in complaining. That wasn’t really my style.

  ‘Hey, I had a great time the other night,” I said.

  “Yeah, me too,” she replied. I could hear in her voice that she felt a lot of the same things I did on an emotional level. I wanted to talk to her about it and discuss our feelings more in depth to assess that we were truly on the same page, but I didn’t. It just felt too soon. I didn’t want to freak her out and say that I felt this was serious from the start.

  “It’s going to be weird not suiting up for the game Saturday. I’ll go and sit on the bench to support the team, but not playing feels to me almost like a punishment, you know?”

  “Right,” she said. “I hope that the moron who hits you gets what’s coming to him.”

  “Yeah, he will. People like those always do, one way or another.”

  We chatted a little more and when the phone call ended I felt a lot better about things, just life in general. When I talked to Ro, I felt that I was not alone in the world and there was someone out there who cared. I’ve always had a lot of family and friends close to me, but sometimes I got the feeling they only knew the image of who I was on the surface, not the real me. There were things about myself that I just kept deep inside sometimes. With Ro, I felt that I could be honest about these things if I wanted to be, although at this early stage I hadn’t been.

  I finished off another beer and watched some Sportscenter. I decided not to do any studying, hoping my teachers might understand I’d been injured and anyways I didn’t feel like doing a whole lot. They probably wouldn’t care. I couldn’t deny that certain things about being a football player were in my favor—perks you could say. I didn’t like using those or falling back on such things preferring to earn everything I’ve ever had, but at times like this it was nice to not have to stress as much. Besides, school had never really been my focus. I studied fairly hard and got decent grades, but I never really cared much about academics. I’ve always been far too focused on physical things.

  I went to bed and tried to get some rest about ten o’clock. As I lay in bed, my thoughts were of Ro. I couldn’t wait to see her again. I’d been planning on driving over there the next day, but with my concussion I was not supposed to be behind the wheel for a few days. And I had to agree, it was for the best.

  I wanted to hold Ro in my arms and tell her how I felt, how much she meant to me since she’d come into my world a week ago. I was afraid, though. What would she really think if I did that? Would she go running for the hills or would she say it back to me.

  And honestly, I wasn’t sure which one I was more afraid of.

  Chapter Ten


  I was really going to do this. I had planned it out and I was going to carefully orchestrate it. This was happening. And I knew it was going to be a blast. I couldn’t wait to see the look on Bobby’s face. I hoped he liked it as much as I thought he would. But I was nervous. I’d never done anything like this before.

  But the idea had occurred to me when I was on the phone with him the night before. There was a sadness in his voice, as if someone had taken a bit of the spark out of him. I hated to hear that. I loved how upbeat and positive he always was, but football was everything to him and being injured had really taken the wind out of his sails. So, I had an idea about how to fix his spirits.

  I just hoped he enjoyed it. I knew that he would. At any rate, I was going to enjoy the hell out of it.

  I checked myself in the mirror and then stepped out of my car. I was wearing a trench coat to cover up the outfit, but with my legs sticking out and my hair done nicely, I was turning a few heads as I trotted into the dormitory.

  Bobby told me that his roommate had evening classes tonight and would be gone. He’d mentioned it in passing during a text message earlier. I loved hearing from Bobby during the day, even if it was just a sweet text to let me know he was thinking about me and to see how my day was going. I’d never met anyone quite like him and I was sure that this was the right thing for me. I cared deeply for Bobby, and if I really had to imagine it I would have been terrified to lose him.

  I knocked on the door to Bobby’s room a few minutes later. When he answered his eyes went wide as saucers and a big smile spread across his face. He was very happy to see me. And I was ecstatic to see him.

  “Well, this is a surprise,” Bobby said. “What are you doing here?”

  He was grinning ear to ear.

  I tried to stay in character. I stepped into his dorm and closed the door behind me. Then I removed the trench coat to reveal the naughty nurse uniform that I was wearing. Bobby’s eyes went wider still as his jaw dropped practi
cally to the floor.

  “Oh my…” Bobby said.

  “What are you doing out of bed?” I asked in a demanding tone. “Let’s go, right now.”

  I took his hand and led him to his bed where I ordered him to lay down. He did so with an amused look on his face, but he was getting into his own character as well. He was obviously not expecting company as he was wearing a t-shirt with a pair of sweatpants. It wouldn’t take much to unwrap this gift…

  “Ah, you are a very sick boy,” I said. I pulled the stethoscope I’d borrowed from a med student friend of mine and began to listen to his heartbeat. I heard very little, so I assumed I was doing it wrong somehow. But it was part of the fun. I had to make the role play convincing after all.

  As I bent over, my cleavage was on full display, thanks to the design of the costume. This was fun.

  I shook my head. “Oh, that doesn’t sound good.”

  I grabbed his wrist and pretended to check his pulse to make sure it matched what I heard in the stethoscope.

  Then I pulled out a tongue depressor. “Open up,” I said.

  He did so.

  “Say ‘aahh’.”

  He complied. “Ah, that doesn’t look good at all,” I replied.

  “What do you suggest?”

  I pretended to think about the possibilities. “First, you feel very warm. We have to work on that fever. Take off your clothes. You’re burning up.”

  Bobby removed his shirt. My eyes were glued to his hard, muscular body. He was so ripped, so toned. I was getting so wet just watching him. I wanted to reach out and touch him, let my fingers move over his hard, sexy body, but I held myself back. It was important to the overall experience that I stay in character for as long as possible.

  Bobby then removed his pants. He threw his clothes across the room. “Underwear too?”

  He asked.

  “You’d better. Just to be safe,” I said with a smile.


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