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Teagan Page 18

by Sharilyn Skye

  In the halls, men fought other men with weapons and their hands. I walked past them, sword out, heading toward the main hall. I was met by four warriors intent on stopping me.

  I raised my sword and engaged them, using magic and muscle to augment my speed. I raised my free arm and felt magic rush to my fingers. It was hard not to do a happy dance when a ball of fire flung from my hand, knocking the women down.

  “Stay down. My fight is not with you,” I said, sword in one hand and red ball of flames in the other.

  “You will never rule here!” One jumped up, rushing me. I met her sword with mine and disarmed her in three strikes.

  I flung the fireball at another group of warriors approaching me, and I realized that the Queen had kept her most loyal warriors to guard the halls. Letting out another yell, I cut through them with magic and Fae steel.

  The blade of my weapon glowed bright red as I fought ten against one, then ten more. I blurred through them faster than they could register and killed those that refused to stand down. Magic augmented my every move, and my muscles flowed in ways I did not understand.

  The warriors who did not die parted for me, dropping their swords and bowing their heads. I took off at a run, screaming for Kharis to show herself. My words echoed down empty halls and across vast open spaces. I crossed the throne room, my feet moving of their own accord.

  I found her in the passage that led to the stables. Whether she thought to flee or join the fight, I did not know. They raced headlong on smooth stones with their swords out.

  “Stop,” I yelled, using magic to enforce the will of my words.

  They froze, turning to face me with wild eyes and bared teeth. It was the first real emotion I ever saw her display. She spread her feet and dropped into a fighting stance, her sword out and silver hair flying around her face.

  “You will die for this,” she said, advancing on me. Her Trio spread around her with swords of their own drawn, and bloodlust in their eyes as they tried to surround me.

  Using magic, I placed a wall at my back they could not penetrate. Screaming her fury, Kharis struck at me, and my sword glowed instantly red, shocking the men to momentary stillness. It didn’t last, and all four came at me with a ferocity reserved for the self-righteous.

  Using all my skill and magic, I fought back, slashing, and twirling away from their strikes. I flung a ball of magic at one of her men, dropping him where he stood. One of the others slashed at my shoulder, and my arm went numb. My magic fought to heal the wound but not quickly enough, and I stepped back, losing ground.

  “You think you can best me, little girl?” She tossed her head back, laughing. I used her distraction to cut Hel’r down at the knees. She froze as his blood flowed across the stone path then came at me with everything she had. Our swords clashed in a frenzy of thrusts and parries.

  I had always wanted to fight her, but she would not raise her sword to mine. She was skilled, very skilled. I was better, though, and she soon realized it. I pushed her back, causing her to stumble over Hel’r’s body. Evar and Ronin circled behind me as I had let my wall drop. One of them slashed my hamstring with his sword, and I fought to keep my feet. Pushing magic into my wounds and pulling more from the ground under the stones, I managed to stay upright.

  Taking advantage of my momentary weakness, Kharis advanced with renewed frenzy, slashing, and thrusting at me. I flung a fireball behind me, knocking her men back to protect myself.

  For a moment, I thought it was over. I was injured, and though I was a better fighter than she, I was outnumbered, and her men were skilled swordsmen.

  Using her size against her, I ducked under her reach and placed my back against the wall so that it was protected and fought with new vigor, but I was tiring despite the magic I pulled.

  Thunder shook the palace, and the halls trembled from the power. The scent of ozone and wild things filled the air, mixing with spice and heather. Unbalanced, Evar stumbled, and I took his head, twirling back to face Kharis before she could take advantage of my turned back.

  Her eyes narrowed in fury, and she screamed, slashing wildly at me, all skill forgotten. I stepped into her over and over, pushing her back. I felt the last of her Trio move into my side, and I used the last of my magic to finish him. His body dropped, lifeless beside his brothers.

  “It’s over Kharis. I am First Sword,” I said, my chest heaving as I fought to catch my breath.

  “Never!” she screamed, raising her sword and rushing me. In one final strike, I took her sword and her head.

  I slid down the wall, sinking into the blood of my enemies. Exhaustion overpowered me, and I closed my eyes.

  It was over. I had no idea the extent of the damage, but it was done.

  Leaning my head against the wall, I rested.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  We cut our way through the crowds of confused warriors. Some raised their weapons against us, unsure if this was a slave uprising or a coup. Skirmishes erupted among the townspeople, and soon it was an all-out brawl.

  I lost sight of Teagan in the melee as we fought the women loyal to Kharis with Pameline at our side. Shouts and screams added to the confusion. Riderless horses plowed through the streets, knocking over anyone in their paths. Small fires were set, and black smoke billowed into the square. My brothers and I fought slaves loyal to the warriors loyal to Kharis, and it was chaos.

  I knew Teagan was in trouble but could not get to her. Each step toward the palace led to a new fight. It was like moving through frozen molasses-impossible.

  Bodies lined the street, and I wondered if we would gain our freedom only to have nothing left. Black smoke changed to white, and heavy snow fell, obscuring our view.

  My brothers and I fought our way closer to the palace, feeling Teagan’s flagging strength in our souls. Her desperation surrounded us, and we clashed with those in our way, putting metal on metal and fists on flesh to move closer to the entrance. Our swords glowed with Fae magic, and a path opened before us as others stepped aside in fear. My magic triggered something, and a loud peal of thunder stunned the crowd to stillness. Kar moved the earth, and silence fell upon the square.

  Faces around me began to turn, and I followed their movement. Dragging one leg behind her, a battered and bloodied Teagan appeared through the smoke and snow to stand on the balcony overlooking the fight.

  “Enough,” she said softly, infusing her voice with magic, causing the last of the fighting to cease.

  Blood soaked the torn furred cloak she wore, dripping from her arms. Her chest rose and fell heavily. Hair from her once tight braid blew around her in a tornado of curls. She swayed, tossing the head of the former Queen at our feet.

  “I am First Sword,” she said, pulling her blood-stained blade from beneath the furs to stand straight. She held it high, and it glowed softly red. “Any who wish to challenge me do so now or make peace.”

  On the balcony above us, she looked like what she was- a fierce warrior. Her eyes roamed the crowd, catching mine, and her deep sense of relief was evident, and when she caught sight of my brothers, a smile spread on her face.

  “There has been enough death. Tonight, we mourn, but tomorrow we move forward. No more will men be crushed under the weight of Eregion Ice, and no longer will women have no choice in their mates, in their livelihood, and in their paths.”

  “As a people, we will grow and change together. Not one. Not ten. But the whole will be better for it. My Goddess reminds us that we are all her People, and under her guidance, we will prosper. Love who you will; find the path of your heart, and she will bring us peace.”

  “Never again will we rip babes from their mother’s arms. Never again will we kill a man because his seed is potent. I am Eruhini,” she shouted, raising her glowing sword to the skies, and lightning flashed down, striking it and lighting the tattoos that ran up her body. She arched her back as she was struck, and a hush fell over the crowd.

  When the lightning passed, s
he slumped, tilting her head back and rolling her shoulders. When she looked up, she was refreshed, and her eyes flashed with amber fire.

  “I am Erhuhini, and we follow the Goddess. I am Erhuhini, and we are free. Tomorrow is a new day.”

  Applause rang out in the square, first one hand, then many until cheers and roars boomed through the night. People hugged and danced in the streets, celebrating their new Queen. In a flash, she was with us, her hands on our bodies and mouth crashing into ours. She pulled us to her, laughing and crying at the same time. One drum started and then another and, in the streets, people danced.

  No one thought it would be easy, I’m sure of that, but the relief was palpable. Men grabbed warriors and spun them while they smiled.

  Warriors and men alike moved in to touch Teagan. They bowed at her feet, and her cheeks heated with embarrassment. She had not come to this land willingly, but willingly she had taken the mantle of leader and freed it. We were not the people of her blood, but we were the people of her heart.

  In the days that followed, the dead were buried. Twenty-two warriors and thirty-seven men lost their lives and were mourned. The numbers were hard to swallow, but we would move on from the loss.

  The villagers came forward to claim their young. The babes were returned immediately, but the older children stayed in the only homes they had ever known so they would not be traumatized again. Birth and adoptive parents worked together to ease their child’s way into this new world.

  A council was formed. Six men and Six women would make the laws moving forward. Each village had representation and a voice in their future. As our Queen, Teagan only voted if there was a tie to break. Complaints were heard, and disputes settled using fairness, not force.

  Markets sprang up, and commerce flourished. The long winter faded to the Eregion version of spring, and life was good.

  I watched her on her throne and knew there was no better place for her. Her bright red dress billowed around her legs, and she smiled, tapping her feet to the minstrels that played for us as the Luchorpán King danced with the next female. My brothers and I sit at her side, holding her hands and watching the joyous smile on her face.

  Below us, men wear long robes or tight pants. Women in dresses stretched tight over the bumps in their bellies dance with those men. In a few short months, Teagan’s people know more peace and prosperity than they ever had under Kharis.

  Magic abounded, and the Goddess showed herself often to her people. She also laughed with us, meeting us in the mirror when the pressure of our duties became too much. Sometimes we sneak away to swim in the lake and make love in the meadow. Lots and lots of love.

  And we do love. All of us. From slavery to Kings, she raised us, yet there is nothing more magical than her pleasured sighs underneath our bodies. She is our gift from the Goddess, not the magic, not the elevation in our positions: Teagan.

  The pens are emptied. Never again will a man or woman live like a beast in the bowels of this palace. Men choose men, women choose women, and they choose each other, but the bottom line is they choose. Matings are solidified, and bellies round in record time.

  The Goddess blesses us all.


  I come on Syl’s thick cock when the silver bar piercing it hits my Goddess Spot while Lyros works my mouth hard. My rounded belly gets in the way more now, but my appetite for these men is insatiable. Kar fears he will dent the baby’s head and tries to be gentle. I laugh, pinning him with magic infused limbs and fuck him hard. Throwing my head back, I growl my pleasure and take his seed when he gives it.

  Inside me, the baby they created moves in an irritated fashion. Maybe she is getting her head poked by those metal bars, or perhaps he’s tired of the constant intrusions. Too bad. I love my men with a deep and abiding passion and can not get enough of them.

  It doesn’t matter if this baby has blue eyes or black, dark hair or light; it is ours, and we love him. Or her. My mates are deadly protective, and I know they will make amazing fathers.

  This was not some magical babe born of all them, but he was conceived in love and carried in peace.

  My ankles swelled, and I look like a yak.

  Our baby will have lots of company as maternity clothes are the new fighting leathers.

  The people are happy, and it shows.

  Does another war loom on the horizon? Yes, I know that it does. The Goddess said Ari’s child was integral to that war, so we have time. Time to grow. Time to plan. Time to live. That my sister and I carry babes at the same time makes me smile. I just wish I could see her. Her ankles specifically. I want to know if they are as fat as mine.

  When war comes, we will be ready, for we were still a nation of warrior men and women. We will not grow soft. My husbands and I will ride side by side, and the people of Eregion will help free the people of Talamh na Sithe. Maybe our child will ride with us, but that is their choice.

  Lyros spills his sweet essence down my throat, taking my mind off war and fat ankles. I groan, swallowing all of him and trying to get more. He collapses under me with a laugh, as another cock fills me.

  Goddess, life is good.

  My body stretches with another delicious orgasm, and I freeze as hot fluid seeds my already full womb, and the first pain takes me.

  I shift, trying to get comfortable, but the next pain shuts me down. I moan and pant through it as molten liquid flows from my womb, and I know it’s time.

  Dani swore to me during my last pregnancy bitch session that the more I loved my men, the faster this kid would come.

  She wasn’t wrong.

  My mates scramble away and run for the midwife.

  Pameline comes rushing through the door with wide eyes and capable hands. In half a day, we hold our beautiful son.

  A son whose colors are a blend of Fire and Ice.

  A son who, at birth, knows so much love that his parents cry just from looking at him.

  A son who will never know the lash of a whip.

  He is a child of Eregion and will always have a choice. And the world is a much better place because of it.


  I hope you enjoyed Teagan! Maybe now you understand why her story had to be told before the final installment of the Healer Series, Goddess Bound, is released. I just love how Teagan developed, and I’m so glad she let me tell her story.

  Goddess Bound is not far behind, I promise. I’ll keep you posted on that release date as it gets closer, but it will be late Spring or very early summer. Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for updates.

  Please consider leaving a review! I love reading them, and they inspire me to do more and be better. Thanks again for taking the time to keep up with these characters.


  Sharilyn spent most of her early years on the Grand Strand of SC annoying local police officers and probably pretty much everyone else. She graduated from the University of South Carolina and now lives on a small farm outside of Morgantown, WV, with various farm animals, her husband, and three kids who love to annoy her (Karma is a bitch.)

  Sharilyn writes Urban Fantasy, Fairy Tales, Omegaverse, and No Fangs Children’s Books. She loves showing Quarter horses, trail riding, reading, and being annoyed by her kids. If she is missing, check for her horse trailer. If it is missing, no worries, she’ll be back.

  No Fangs Children’s Books!

  A Country Spring

  Healer Series :

  Cerridwen’s Tears


  House of Fire

  The Scarlet Heron

  The Flame Keeper

  Goddess Bound (Winter/Spring 2020)

  The Eight Series:




  Omegas of the New South Series:

  The Omega Rule

  Follow Sharilyn on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Goodreads, Amazon, and my plain old website.


  sp; Sharilyn Skye, Teagan




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