Every Time We Touch: A Redeeming Love Novel (Book 5)

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Every Time We Touch: A Redeeming Love Novel (Book 5) Page 13

by Parker, J. E.

  I tilted my head to the side. “Believe what?”

  “That you aren’t fat.”

  “I don’t think I’m fat,” I replied. “Chunky, yeah, but not—”

  “You are not chunky,” Kyle interrupted, digging his fingers into my hips. “You’re fucking perfect.”

  “Kyle, certain parts of me jiggle when I walk; therefore, I’m a tad chubby.”

  Not that there was anything wrong with that. Like Mama and Heidi both, I’d always carried a little extra weight in certain places. Didn’t bother me any. I was raised to believe women were beautiful no matter their size or body shape. It was something I believed whole-heartedly. How could I not? Every day for sixteen years I listened to Daddy tell Mama how gorgeous she was, and Mama wasn’t a small woman.

  That never mattered to Daddy though.

  To him, she was the most beautiful woman in the world.


  “But that’s okay,” I continued. “I like me the way I am.”

  And I did.

  Kyle slid his hands up my sides until they rested on my ribs. A look similar to the one he wore in the kitchen earlier that morning spread across his face. “I like you the way you are too, Princess,” he whispered in my ear after ducking his head. “You can bet on that.”

  “Good.” I rested my palms on his abs, curled my fingers into the fabric of his shirt and stood on my tiptoes, hovering my lips next to his ear. “Because I jiggle a lot when I’m naked.”

  It was meant to be a joke.

  But Kyle being Kyle, he took it in a different direction.

  Wrapping his hands around my wrists, he held me tight. “Trust me, baby,” he whispered. “When I take your tight little pussy from behind, I’ll find out exactly how much your perfect ass moves.”

  My mouth fell open. “I can’t believe you—”

  “Hulk!” Grandmama interrupted. “Get over here and help me on the float!”

  Kyle dropped his head back and growled.

  “I…” I had no idea what to say. Hard as I tried, the words wouldn’t come. “Just…” I waved toward Grandmama. “Help her.”

  He slid his hand into my hair and kissed my forehead. “Stay here. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  He walked off, removing his shirt as he went.

  “Alright, Grandmama,” he said, reaching the crazy old woman I loved more than words could ever express. “Let’s do this.”

  Grandmama squealed as Kyle lifted her into his arms. “Somebody take a picture with your cellar phone!” she screamed as he jumped nearly fully clothed into the shallow end of the pool, taking her with him.

  Pop, who I hadn’t seen come out of the house, jumped in right behind him and grabbed the float. “I’ll hold it still while you put her on it.”

  Grandmama cackled as Kyle hefted her onto the float, making sure she was steady before he removed his hands. “You good?” he asked, his voice alight with happiness.

  “You’re dadgum right!” she shouted, grabbing the unicorn’s glittery reins.

  Bella, along with Lucca, Liam and Declan, ran up to the pool from the end of the yard where they’d been playing.

  “Look, Mama!” Bella shouted to Clara. “Grandmama is riding a unicorn!” Clapping her hands, she bounced on the balls of her feet. “It’s so pretty! Can I ride?”

  Grandmama cackled as Kyle pushed the float, sending her to the other end of the pool. “Get your bathing suit, Pumpkin, and come on!”

  With an ear-piercing scream, Bella took off for the house.

  “Hey, Grandmama,” Declan said, a confused expression on his face. “Aren’t you too old to be riding floats?”

  Grandmama swung her gaze in his direction. “I’ll tell you the same thing I’ve always told Maddie.” She paused. “Being old ain’t no excuse for being boring.”

  “That’s the truth!” Charlotte said, stepping out of the house with Ryker in her arms and a sleepy looking Hope trailing behind her. “You may be old, but you’re not dead yet, right, Grandmama?”

  Grandmama raised a fisted hand into the air and hollered something I couldn‘t understand.

  Heidi stood from the lounge chair and winked in my direction. A look that spelled trouble appeared on her pretty face.

  She’s up to something…

  “Daddy,” she signed, standing in front of him. “Can I hold your phone? I need to make a call, and I left mine in your truck.”

  Daddy pulled his phone out of his pocket. “As long as you ain’t callin’ no boys named Ty.” His eyes narrowed. “I’d hate to have to kill him.”

  Heidi rolled her eyes and took the phone from his hand. “Can I hold your wallet too?”

  Daddy didn’t bother to ask why she wanted to hold his wallet. Instead, he replied with, “I left it in the truck’s dash. You need money?”

  How he didn’t see what was coming, I haven’t a clue.

  Heidi grinned while shaking her head.

  Before I could warn Daddy—not that I would’ve—she lunged forward, planted her hands on his chest and shoved him backward. Hendrix must’ve known what she was about to do because he’d already moved Melody and Maci to the other side of the pool.

  Unable to right himself, Daddy stumbled back and right over the edge. Arms flailing, he fell smack dab on top of Grandmama, knocking her free of the float.

  Both disappeared beneath the water.

  I panicked, and for a moment Heidi did too.

  Kyle and Pop both dove for Grandmama.

  She broke the surface before they ever reached her.

  Sputtering out a mouth full of water, she looked over at Daddy. “Dagnabit, Daryl!” she yelled, pushing a chunk of grey hair out of her face. “You could at least buy me a drink first!”

  I nearly choked.

  Daddy wasn’t so amused.

  Pointing a finger at Heidi, he growled. “You”—he swam toward her—“better run. Fast.”

  Heidi didn’t appear the least bit scared.

  “Hey, Pop,” she said, using her voice and surprising the crap out of me. “Is Ty at the station?”

  Pop, who was dragging Grandmama to the edge of the pool, nodded. “Yeah, kiddo, he’ll be there all day.”

  Heidi looked back at Daddy and smirked. “I’m not running anywhere, but I know where I’m driving to.”

  Without wasting another second, she spun around and ran through the gate and down the driveway toward Daddy’s truck.

  Daddy jumped out of the pool and chased after her, but it was already too late.

  His truck roared to life, and Heidi took off down the road.

  “You left the keys in it?” I asked, not knowing what to do.

  Daddy’s eyes widened. “The damn thing is thirty years old and uses more fuel than a 747, Carissa Ann. I wasn’t worried about anybody stealin’ it!”

  He spun around. “James,” he said to Pop. “Can you give me a ride?”

  Pop climbed out of the pool. “Sure thing. Just let me grab my keys.”

  “Mark my words, Daryl,” Grandmama interjected. “If you chase after that girl and drag her back home, you’ll only make things worse. Trust me.”

  Not listening to a word Grandmama said, Daddy stormed off, following the same path Heidi had taken. He looked as mad as I‘d ever seen. I didn’t envy my sister nor Ty if Daddy caught them together.

  All I could think as I watched him storm off was, God help them both.



  Kyle’s apartment was bigger than I’d imagined.

  Dark hardwood floors ran the length of the two-bedroom, two bath space, the walls were painted a creamy yellow that exuded coziness, and a streak-free sliding glass door connected the well lit living room to a small balcony that overlooked the parking lot.

  Other than discarded clothes strewn in random places and an empty pizza box or two, it looked nothing like the typical bachelor pad. It wasn’t messy or filled to the brim with leather furniture and expensive electronics.

even smelled nice.

  A mixture of Kyle’s cologne and something earthy lingered in the air, filling up the space.

  I loved it.

  Clutching my purse straps tight, I pulled my gaze from the dark grey sofa that hugged the wall beside me and looked at Kyle. He stood across the room, his back leaning against the far wall, staring at me, an unreadable expression on his face.

  I tilted my head to the side and smiled at him. “What are you thinking about?”

  He didn’t speak.

  Nor did he blink.

  I blew out a breath as I crossed the room and came to a standstill in front of him. A wave of chlorine wafted off him, burning my eyes. Still wearing the same soaked pants from my graduation party; the chemicals clung to him like a second skin.

  I scrunched up my nose and slid my purse off my arm. I dropped it to the floor by my feet without a second thought. “You may want to take a shower, Hulk,” I whispered. “If not, the chlorine will dry out your skin.”

  “I don’t give a shit about that,” he replied, his eyes never deviating from mine. “Only thing I care about right now is you.”


  “Yeah, you,” he replied, standing tall. “Only you.”

  “You don’t need to worry about me.” I lightly traced a fingertip across his bare chest. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  And I wasn’t.

  Not for a while, anyway.

  Earlier, after Daddy and Pop took off chasing Heidi—who they found parked in front of the public library, nowhere near Ty—Kyle begged me to come home with him. He’d known Daddy was hitting the road as soon as the party was over, and since Heidi had plans to spend the night with Hope, he didn’t want me alone.

  That wouldn’t have happened, regardless.

  Like Heidi, I was planning on staying with Hope. But the moment Kyle asked me to stay with him, my plans changed. I didn’t even bother putting up a fight.

  Daddy hadn’t been too happy about it when I texted him letting him know where I’d be. But what could he do? I was twenty-three years old, and it was the night of my college graduation. As much as he hated it, stepping back was the only option he had.

  Surprisingly enough, after a handful of well-delivered threats, that’s what he’d done.

  Hear me now, Carissa Ann, he’d said. If the man-boy so much as makes you cry I’ll kill him and dispose of his body in the swamp, the consequences be damned.

  It wasn’t an idle threat either; though it had been unnecessary.

  Kyle would shoot himself before he ever hurt me.

  “I know you aren’t,” he replied in response to my question seconds earlier. “Because I won’t let you.”

  I smiled and tilted my head back, giving me a better view of his beautiful face. “Is that so?”

  He nodded, raking his tongue over his bottom lip.

  “Well”—I placed my hands on his shoulders, kneading the strong muscles that laid beneath my palms—“it’s a good thing I don’t plan on going anywhere then isn’t it?”

  “If I have anything to say about it, you won’t go anywhere ever again.”

  My face fell.

  I couldn’t tell if he was being serious or not, though I was betting on the former rather than the latter.

  “Kyle,” I whispered. “I know I’m your Princess, but you can’t keep me locked away in an ivory tower. I have two jobs, friends, a family…”

  He blinked before wrapping his arms around my back and pulling me into him. His soaked pants dampening the skirt of my dress and the front of my thighs. “Yeah, we’re going to talk about that too. This having two jobs shit needs to end.” He ran his nose along my jaw, breathing me in. “As far as locking you up, try me.”

  My eyes slid closed.

  Between the way he held me in his arms and the words that danced past his lips, I was a ball of mush. “How about we start with tonight,” I replied, ignoring the comment about me having two jobs. Besides working at the shelter, I still cleaned houses part-time with Heidi. I’d been doing it since my senior year of high school, and I had no plans to stop anytime soon.

  I had student loans to pay, and Heidi had textbooks to buy.

  Though things had improved since I first met Kyle, money was still tight, and our financial situation wasn’t easy. But that was okay. I was born with a titanium spine and an iron-will. I’d work my fingers to the bone if need be.

  I dropped my head back and slid my arms around the back of his neck, interlacing my fingers together. His lips trailed kisses down the column of my throat. “Who knows, you may get sick of me after tonight. From what Heidi says, I flop in my sleep and hog all the covers.”

  Kyle froze.

  “Carissa,” he growled my name against my sensitive skin. “Don’t you ever say that again.”

  My eyes fluttered open. “Say—”

  “I will never”—he pulled back and looked down at me—“and I mean fucking never get sick of you.”


  “Not tonight, not tomorrow, and not when I’m so old I can’t remember my own name. Do you understand me?”

  I nodded, surprised at the harshness that lined his voice.

  “Say it,” he snarled, tightening his hold. “Tell me you understand.”

  “I understand.” I dropped my arms from his neck and curled my fingers around the backs of his triceps.

  He exhaled; his features softened. “Christ, baby, I’m sorry. I know I sound like an asshole, but I don’t mean to. It just pisses me off that you can even joke about something like that.”

  “I didn’t—”

  “You don’t know what you mean to me,” he said, cutting me off. “You may think you do, but Carissa, you don’t have a clue.”

  I waited for him to continue.

  “I’ve waited for you since I was twelve years old, Beautiful Girl. You may not believe it, but I have.”

  “What?” My voice was one of disbelief.

  His fingers dug into my lower back as his eyes filled with something dark, something painful. “When Lily—” Clenching his jaw tight, he took a deep breath. “When my baby sister died, my entire life fell apart. In addition to her, I lost my Mama, lost my Daddy. Hell, I lost every damn thing.”

  My heart was breaking.

  Honest to God, I could feel it cracking right down the center.

  “I never let anyone get close after that. Not Hendrix. Not Ty.” A humorless chuckle spilled from his lips. “I’m twenty-nine years old, and I’ve never been in a relationship. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve slept with my share of women—”


  I didn’t want to hear this.

  Not the least bit.

  “But,” he continued, cutting me off. “I’ve never taken a woman on a date, never shown them any affection. I never even let a single one spend the night after she’d served her purpose.”

  Well, that’s just all sorts of messed up…

  “Then you came along, and everything changed.”

  “Did you…” I started before pausing to catch my breath. “Did you sleep with anyone after—”

  “After I met you?”

  Unwilling to speak, I nodded. Though I couldn’t hold it against him if he had been with someone else, I knew I wouldn’t handle it well. I may have been the most levelheaded in my family, but I still had a temper worthy of the Johnson family name.

  If he’d slept with someone after promising to claim me when I was ready, I was liable to knee him in the nuts; an action that would leave me feeling both guilty and vindicated.

  Emotions all over the place, my face heated in anger.

  “Yes,” I snapped, feeling my body stiffen. “After you met me.”

  Kyle chuckled.

  My eyes narrowed in response.

  Is he laughing at me?

  “You really don’t get it do you?”

  I fought the urge to tap my foot against the ground as I thinned my lips into flat strips. “Well, did you?”

sp; “Carissa,” he continued to chuckle, “Baby, I haven’t so much as looked at another woman since you waltzed your pretty little ass into my life and turned my world upside down.”

  Relief washed through me.

  Thank you, God.

  Not knowing what to say or do, I whispered the first thing that popped into my head. “So you sort of like me, huh?”

  “After everything I just said, that’s your response?” I shrugged, and his eyes narrowed. “You’re a smartass, you know that?”

  A giggle escaped my lips. “I get it honest. You’ve met my daddy and sister. Fairly certain it’s genetic.”

  “Fucking, Heidi. That girl.” Kyle shook his head. “Ty doesn’t have the slightest clue what he’s getting himself into.”

  My face fell at the mention of Ty’s name. “He’s not allowed anywhere near Heidi,” I stated firmly. “It’s not happening.”

  “Baby,” he replied, chuckling. “I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you’re not stopping it. I’ve known Ty since we were kids. He’s a spoiled brat who always gets what he wants, and what he wants is Heidi.”

  My spine snapped straight. “He wanted Maddie but didn’t get her.”

  “That’s because Maddie had Hendrix. Even then Ty took a few beatings before he gave up on her.”

  “Yeah, but—”

  “There is no but. Ty will bury anyone who goes after Heidi, and that’s a fact.”

  I huffed out a breath. “How do you know?”

  “Because he looks at your little sister the same way I look at you.”

  And just like that, the butterflies in my belly once again took flight.

  “Yeah? And how do you look at me?”

  His lips hovered over mine. “Like you’re my entire world.”

  I swallowed around the lump that expanded in my throat. “Am I your entire world?” I asked, already knowing the answer. I wanted—no, needed—to hear him say the words that both my heart and soul craved.

  “Carissa”—he cupped my jaw with his calloused hands—“you’re my everything. My heart, my soul, my entire life.”


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