Every Time We Touch: A Redeeming Love Novel (Book 5)

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Every Time We Touch: A Redeeming Love Novel (Book 5) Page 21

by Parker, J. E.

  He chuckled. “Fucking, Grandmama. That woman is more than a little nuts. She’s bat-shit-crazy.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “Truer words have never been spoken.”

  Silence fell between us.

  Moments ticked by.

  Then, “Cap gave me this brochure last night.”

  My brows climbed my forehead. “What kind of brochure?”

  He hesitated for the briefest moment. “One from some therapist over in Garrison County.”

  “Pop wants you to go to therapy?” When he nodded again, I treaded lightly with the words I spoke next. “Do you want to go?”

  Again, he hesitated. “I want to get better.”

  Five little words.

  So much meaning.


  “Yeah, Princess, I do.”

  Before I could think twice, I asked, “Want me to go with you?”

  His shoulders sagged in relief. Cupping the back of his neck with his hand, he smiled at me. “Christ, Carissa, I was hoping like hell you’d ask that.”

  “Then I’ll go.” I threw my arms around his waist. “Wherever you need me, I’ll be there.”

  Releasing the back of his neck, his strong hand grasped my jaw, holding me tight. “Hendrix was right.”

  Confusion set in. “Right about what?”

  “Three years ago he told me that one day some woman would come along and knock me right on my ass.” I sucked in a breath. “Five minutes later, I met you.”

  “And I knocked you on your behind?”

  “You did.” He dipped his head, bringing his lips closer to mine. “You were the one-two punch I never saw coming, Beautiful Girl , and I’m still reeling.”


  He pressed his lips to mine.

  Breaking the kiss, he pulled back, his eyes on mine. “I’m never letting you go, Carissa. Ever.”

  “Good,” I whispered, my heart thudding away. “Because I never plan on letting you go either.”

  That was a fact.



  It was Lily’s 24th birthday.

  Like every year, I stood in the center of my kitchen wearing nothing but a pair of sweats, my eyes focused on the simple black and white calendar that hung on the far wall. The date circled in red, along with the words written beneath it stared back at me, mocking my pain.

  It was enough to make my temper flare.

  Every muscle in my body was drawn taut as I crossed the small space, grabbed the calendar with one hand and yanked it free of the small nail that secured it to the cream-colored plaster.

  I tossed it straight in the trash.

  I blew out a breath as I turned back around, the urge to stick my hand through the nearest wall growing with each second that past.

  My fury lessened the minute my eyes landed on the one person who could calm the ocean of rage that rioted inside me.


  “Hey, Princess,” I said, looking her over from head to toe. “Didn’t know you were awake.”

  Wearing nothing but one of my t-shirts, her feet were bare, her hair mussed. Lines from her pillow—the one I’d given her—marred the side of her gorgeous face and her eyes were heavy with sleep.

  She’d never looked more beautiful.

  “Hey right back.” She brushed her wild hair from her face. “I smelled coffee, so I thought I’d grab a cup before jumping in the shower. Didn’t know you were redecorating—” she pointed to the now vacant spot on the wall —“or decluttering. However you want to put it.” Tilting her head to the side, she studied my face, trying her best to get a good read on me. “Are you going to tell me? Or do I need to pry it out of you?”

  I did my best to dance around her answer.

  Don’t lie, but don’t be too direct, I told myself.

  “I don’t like the date.”

  “You don’t like the date?”

  Leaning my hip against the counter beside me, I shook my head. “Nah, baby, I don’t.”

  Curiosity burned in her big blue eyes. “Why?”

  When I didn’t answer right away, she crossed the kitchen and pulled the calendar from the trash. Wearing a pensive expression on her breathtaking face, she flipped through the various months until she found June.

  The moment her eyes landed on the date and the words written below it, her eyes flared.

  Turning to face me, she stared up at me, an almost hurt expression on her face. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Frustrated at myself, I ran my hands down the side of my face. “I’ve laid enough shit on you over the past few days. I don’t want to add more. Not when…” Biting my tongue to stop myself from saying too much, I allowed my voice to trail off.

  “Not when what?” My silence pissed her right off. “Answer me, Kyle,” she insisted, a look that reminded me of Mama—before Lily died, anyway—on her face.

  Fuck it… Just tell her.

  “Dammit…” I dropped my head back and stared at the ceiling before once again meeting her gaze. “I didn’t want to pile more stuff on you when I’m already terrified you’ll soon tire of my turmoil and walk away.”

  I waited with bated breath for her to speak.

  She remained silent.

  “Carissa, talk—”

  I snapped my mouth shut when she lifted both of her hands, gripped my nipples between her fingers and twisted. Hard. “Ow, goddammit,” I cursed, knocking her hands away. “What the hell was that for?”

  Lips thinned into a straight line, her hands went to her hips. “Tell me, Hulk—what’s it going to take for the truth to sink into that thick skull of yours?”

  My eyes widened, then narrowed. “Pardon me?”

  “For Heaven’s sake, Kyle,” my girl replied, her words fierce. “Have you not been listening to a word I’ve said over the past few days?” Not knowing how to respond, and not wanting to have my poor nipples torn from my skin, I crossed my arms over my chest and kept my mouth shut.

  Unphased by my silence, she continued. “I wasn’t joking when I said I was counting on you and me becoming a forever kind of thing. Nor was I telling a fib when I told you—” she paused “—just last night, I might add, that I was never letting you go.”

  Someone woke up full of fire…

  “Besides, let’s not forget the not-so-small fact that you aren’t the only person in this kitchen who has problems. So please explain to me why you think I’d walk away just because the stuff in your head, heart, and soul isn’t all sunshine and rainbows.”

  Crossing her arms over her chest, Carissa popped her hip to the side and shot a look of pure attitude my way. Right or wrong, I chuckled. “Sassy,” I said, dropping my arms. “I like it.”

  Her brows climbed her forehead. “Is that why you threatened to spank it out of me last night?”

  “Baby,” I replied, pinching her chin between my thumb and index finger, “any excuse to touch your butt sounds like a good one.”

  She cocked a brow.

  Then, she laughed. Hard.

  It was one of the most beautiful sounds I’d ever heard.

  When she calmed enough to take a breath, she slid her arms around my bare back and pressed a soft kiss to my sternum. Eyes locked on mine, she rested her chin against my chest. “What time are you leaving for your Mama’s house?”

  I glanced at the illuminated numbers on the stove. “In about an hour.”

  “Do you need me to do anything before you go?”

  For a moment, just a brief second, I contemplated asking her to come with me, but I squashed the idea as soon as it invaded my head. I wasn’t sure how Mama would react to having company on a normal day.

  But today?

  Forget about it.

  The last thing I wanted was for Mama to get upset.

  Or for Carissa to get hurt; something I knew would happen if Mama didn’t welcome her into my childhood home with open arms. If she thought she wasn’t wanted or liked for the smallest second, it would br
eak her heart.

  That wasn’t something I would allow.


  “Nah, baby,” I replied, combing my fingers through her tangled hair. “You’ve done enough for me already.”

  “Are you sure? It wouldn’t take me long to whip up a batch of muffins or cookies or something.”

  She was so damned sweet it killed me.

  I was about to tell her just that when someone banged against my apartment door three times.

  Boom, boom, boom!

  “Kyle!” Chase, Ty’s younger brother, yelled from the breezeway. “Man, you need to come outside! Somebody jacked up your truck!”

  Carissa sucked in a breath as I dropped my hands from her hair, stepped around her and headed toward Chase. My skin prickled, and my anger threatened to bubble over as I disengaged the deadbolt and pulled open the door.

  Standing in front of me, dressed in his workout gear, Chase pointed toward the parking lot. “Dude, somebody went to town on your shit. Go look.”

  I glanced at Carissa over my shoulder. “Stay inside, baby.”

  Chase leaned to the side and looked around me. “Hey, Carissa,” he said, smiling from ear to ear. “How’s it going, sweetheart?”

  Growling, I shoved Chase backward, watching as he stumbled. “Off limits,” I snapped, my anger increasing with each beat of my heart.

  “Oh, please,” Chase replied with a roll of his eyes. “I was just being nice. No need to piss all over your territory, Tuck.” He raised his chin in the air. “Besides, we all know I prefer brunettes.”

  What he meant was that he preferred Ashley, who was most definitely a brunette.

  I pulled the door shut. “Stay here,” I told him, “and watch the door.”

  He nodded, leaning against the wall behind him. “She’s safe with me.”

  Knowing the words he spoke were the truth, I headed for the parking lot.

  When I got there, Ty was standing next to my truck, waiting for me. Ignoring him, I rounded the front of my Silverado, taking in the extensive amount of damage. Each tire was slashed, the windshield smashed. Streaks of red spray paint covered the entire body, and deep key marks adorned the sides and tailgate.

  “That motherfucker,” I cursed, knowing who the culprit was. “That soon-to-be-dead, piece of dog shit, cock-sucking motherfucker!”

  Ty squatted, inspecting one of the slashed tires. After running a hand over the edge of the lacerated rubber, he looked up at me. “Care to share who you’re talking about?”

  Only one person would do this...

  “Carson!” I yelled loud enough to wake the dead.

  Ty’s face dropped. “Shit,” he hissed, looking from me to the truck. “If he did this—”

  “There is no if.”

  I began to pace.

  Back and forth.

  Back and forth.

  “Not after the last two encounters I’ve had with him. You already know he’s got some twisted infatuation with my girl. The piece of shit obviously snapped when he saw us leave the station together yesterday.”

  I looked back toward my apartment.

  Carissa stood at the living room window, a worried look on her face.

  I stared at her, my mind racing.

  Unease nipped at the base of my spine. I’d never thought Carson was harmless like Hendrix and Cap had suggested. Maybe it was because I was jaded from my experience with the evil that lived among us, but from the start, I knew something was off where he was concerned.

  The damage to my truck was proof I was right.

  “He’s obsessed with Carissa,” I mumbled.

  Just like Edgar was obsessed with Teacup, I mentally added.

  “He won’t hurt Carissa, Kyle. I guarantee that.”

  Though his guarantee meant nothing, he was right about Carson not doing anything to Carissa.

  I’d kill him first.

  That was my guarantee.

  “I need to go to the station and handle this shit,” I said, my eyes never leaving Carissa’s. “But it’s Lily’s birthday, and I’m supposed to take Mama to the cemetery.”

  Ty exhaled. “Fuck, man. Are you taking C with you?”

  Fearing Mama’s reaction, I hadn’t planned to.

  My plans had now changed.

  “Don’t have any other choice,” I replied. “I’m not letting her out of my sight until this Carson situation is dealt with.”

  “Yeah, and how do you plan on handling it?”

  A malicious smile spread across my face. “The same way I handle everything else.” I paused, meeting Ty’s eyes. “With my goddamn fists.”

  I didn’t wait for him to reply.

  Without speaking another word, I headed inside.



  I felt like vomiting.

  Stomach churning, I stared out of the windshield of my Corolla in silence as Kyle navigated the car down the quiet neighborhood streets that led to his childhood home.

  Between what happened with his truck—a situation he refused to speak about—and the fact that I was about to meet his mother for the first time, I was on the verge of losing my mind. I hadn’t planned for any of this, yet I’d been tossed head-first into it.

  To say I wasn’t handling it well was an understatement.

  Clasping my hands together in my lap, I glanced over at Kyle.

  Wearing a mask of apprehension, he looked every bit as anxious as I felt.

  “Who vandalized your truck?” I asked, unable to keep the burning question at bay any longer. “I saw your face when you were talking to Ty. You know who it was, don’t you?”

  His jaw ticked. “Don’t worry about it, Princess.” Removing one hand from the wheel, he reached across the small center console and took my left hand in his. “I’ll handle it.”

  I dang near rolled my eyes. “I don’t doubt that for one minute. But how are you planning on handling it?”

  “The only way I know how.”

  This is so not good…

  “Kyle,” I whispered. “Honey, I don’t know who took a baseball bat and a can of hooker-red spray paint to your truck, but you can’t just go beat the crap out of someone.”

  A humorless chuckle slipped past his lips. “Yeah? And why not?”

  I blew out a frustrated breath. “Because it’s not the right thing to do!” My voice bordered on hysterics. “Even if you want to take a tire iron to someone’s kneecaps, you can’t. It’s against the law for Pete’s sake!”

  He shrugged. “Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve gotten arrested.”

  My eyes bulged. “Excuse me?”

  He remained silent.

  “Oh no you don’t,” I continued. “You do not get to drop a bombshell like that and then go quiet on me. You were arrested? For what? And when?”

  His jaw ticked. “I was sixteen. Ty and I snuck into a bar and ended up getting in a fight. We both got locked up for assault and battery, but his Papaw pulled some strings and got the charges dropped.”

  I was flabbergasted.


  “Then you definitely can’t get arrested again. This time you may not have someone there to call in a favor or two.”

  He drummed his fingers along the top of the steering wheel. “I won’t get arrested. If Carson calls the police on me, then he’ll have to explain—”

  “Carson?” I squeaked. “He did it?”

  Anger flitted across his handsome face. “Pretty sure he did.”

  “How do you know?”

  “One, he’s the only person in the entire tri-county area stupid enough to mess with me. Two, he likes you—” he paused “—a little too much.”

  Fear slithered through my veins; sweat broke out along my brow in response. “What do you mean too much? Is he… I mean, will he try to hurt—”

  The temperature in the car plummeted as his mood snapped.

  After glancing in the rear-view mirror, Kyle swerved right and slammed on the brakes. I screamed as my car came to
a sliding stop next to the curb.

  Slamming the transmission into park, he unbuckled his seatbelt with lightning quick speed and turned to face me. “No one,” he growled, squeezing my fingers tight, “will ever hurt you.”

  I opened my mouth to respond, but he didn’t give me the chance.

  “You are mine, Carissa. Mine to care for, mine to keep safe, mine to protect.” Clenching his free hand into a tight fist, he hit his chest once, emphasizing the word that followed. “Mine.”

  I remained silent as he continued.

  “No one and I mean no-fucking-one, will ever get close enough to cause you harm. As long as I have a single breath left in my body, I will do whatever I have to in order to keep you safe. If that means beating some sense into the motherfucker who destroyed my property because he wants something I have, then so be it.”

  “Kyle, honey—” I started.

  “I mean it, Carissa, I will do whatever is necessary to keep you safe,” he interrupted, cutting me off. “If that calls for me to kill another man with my bare hands or lay down my life to ensure your heart continues to beat, then I won’t hesitate, because you, Beautiful Girl , are my entire world.”

  Tears filled my eyes.

  “Shut up,” I snapped, feeling one slip free. “You are not allowed to die on me, so don’t talk like that.” Laying a hand against my chest, I took a deep breath. “It makes me hurt”—I tapped the place where my heart rested—“in here.”


  I pressed a finger to his lips, silencing him. “I don’t want to hear it, Kyle.”

  Nipping my finger with his teeth, he whispered, “Alright. We won’t talk about it anymore.”

  I nodded, feeling my head grow light. “Okay.”

  I’d had enough death talk to last me a lifetime.

  “Can we go now?” I squirmed in my seat. “We don’t want to keep your Mama waiting.”

  Dropping my hand to his lap, Kyle moved his grip and twined our fingers together.

  He looked out the window, secured his seatbelt back in place, and shifted the car into drive.

  Then, we started to roll.

  * * *


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