The Dating Series

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The Dating Series Page 49

by L. P. Dover

  My cheeks start to burn. “What is this, twenty questions? Get back to work.” We all three laugh and I turn around to see the rest of my staff trying to hide their smiles. “I didn’t realize my love life was so interesting.”

  Noah walks out of our food truck and chuckles. “It is when we haven’t seen you date.” He walks over and bumps me with his shoulder. “We like seeing you smile. A happy boss is a good thing.”

  “Is everything good to go in there?” I ask, nodding at the truck.

  Noah beams. “We’re all set for today. I have the sliders and pork chops ready to go. The salad is in the refrigerator along with the chocolate mousse. And we’re serving the peach cobbler warm.”

  Camryn squeezes my shoulders. “Everyone’s going to love it.”

  Katy agrees with a nod. “How could they not?”

  I clasp my hands together in prayer. “I hope and pray they do.”

  The time passes quickly, and the streets fill with people. There are many who have heard of us and tons who have already tried our food and want more. My fear was that everyone would walk past and not give us a second look, but that’s not the case. I’m astounded by all the love. My staff is what makes Maddy’s Tavern a success. Their smiles and willingness to go out of their way to make sure everyone enjoys our food is heartwarming, especially Katy, Camryn, and Noah. My hostesses, Abbey and Georgia, have been working nonstop, going back and forth to the truck to grab the hot food. Katy notices me watching her and once she’s done talking to an elderly lady about Camryn’s peach cobbler, she comes over to me.

  “You okay?”

  I hug her tight. “Thank you for everything. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  “Are you going to cry on me?”

  My eyes burn, but I suck back the tears. “No.”

  She lets me go and waves a hand toward the crowd. “We don’t need a review from any food critic for the world to know we’re good. Look at this place. So many people have lined up here from word of mouth. We have done this on our own. That has to feel good to you.”

  The burn behind my eyes turns into tears. “It does.”

  Her smile widens when she notices something over my shoulder. “Suck it up, buttercup, because here comes your boyfriend.”

  Quickly, I wipe my tears away and turn. Adam flashes that sexy smile of his and waves as he approaches. “Hey,” I call out.

  He steps up to the side of the booth and kisses me. “How’s it going?”

  I breathe a sigh of relief. “Amazing, actually. We’ve been slammed.”

  He looks at the line of people waiting to get our food. “I see that. If you want, I can come back later. It doesn’t look like you have time to walk around with me.”

  Katy grabs my wrist and pushes me away from the booth. “Sure she does.” I open my mouth to protest, but she shakes her head. “No excuses. Go. We’re fine here.”

  “Are you sure?”

  She glances over at Adam. “I’m sure. Now go spend some time with Hottie McHotpants.”

  Visions of last night swarm through my mind. I fan myself and blow out a breath. “Fine. I’ll go. Call me if you need me. I’ll head right back.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Go.”

  I take off my chef’s jacket and hang it up before meeting Adam outside of the booth. He takes my hand and kisses it. “Sleep okay last night?”

  My cheeks blush. “Not really. My thoughts were on other things besides sleep.”

  He leans in close and whispers in my ear. “I know what you mean. I had something hard to take care of, but after that was done, all I could think about was you.

  Giggling, I squeeze his hand. “Good. I would’ve taken care of it for you if you stayed.”

  His grin widens. “Don’t worry, I’ll collect tonight. It looks like you have a lot of celebrating to do.” He nods over at my booth, at the lines that keep on growing.

  “I’m in awe right now. This is just what we need. We’re building a name on our own.”

  Adam nods. “You are. You’ve put in the work and it shows.”

  Taking a deep breath, I wrap my arms around his waist and kiss him right in front of everyone. “How should we celebrate?”

  He chuckles. “How else?” He flourishes a hand about the street. “With food. Let’s see what Chicago has to offer.” Hand in hand, we walk down the street, eating samples here and there. From deep dish pizza to fish tacos, I eat anything and everything I can get my hands on, finishing up with a piece of frozen cheesecake on a stick that’s dipped in chocolate.

  By the time we get back to my booth, all of the food has been eaten. Noah raises his hands in the air with a big smile on his face. “Sold out of everything! There were people willing to pay double just to get the chance to eat one of your pork chops.”

  Adam drapes his arm over my shoulder. “That’s a huge feat right there. I saw how much food you had in your refrigerators.”

  I grab my chest. “I know. Hopefully, I have enough for tomorrow.”

  He squeezes my shoulder. “If not, they’ll come back. Everyone’s going to know your name by the time this event is over.”

  “You think?”

  “Oh, I know. Just you wait and see.”

  Adam helps me and my staff pack up our things and we head back to the restaurant. Noah starts up the smoker and we get the pork butts going. Tomorrow is the pulled pork contest and I really want my pork to be perfect.

  “Call us if you need us.” Noah and Camryn wave as they head for the door.

  “I’m good! Get some sleep. I have the thermometer going on the smoker so it should be fine.” Katy grins mischievously at me as she follows them out. Once they’re gone, I lock up and Adam and I head upstairs to my apartment.

  “Have you been able to get any work done while you’ve been here?” I ask, staring at Adam curiously. “You’ve been spending a lot of time with me.”

  He smiles. “I’ve done some work. You’re a bad influence on me.”

  I open the door. “Hey, don’t blame it on me.”

  Once he’s inside, I shut the door behind him. He walks over to the couch and sits down. “I’m not,” he replies, laughing. “I’ve needed this time away.”

  He pats the seat beside him, and I sit down. “How long do you think you’ll stay in Chicago?”

  “Don’t know. I might have to go back to New York for a couple of days here and there, but I’d like to work something out.” He glances out the window toward the lake. “I’ve missed this place. I didn’t realize it until I started spending time with you.”

  “So, you’re not going to up and leave and never call?” I tease.

  His smile fades. “I wish you knew how much I regret that. I probably wouldn’t have made all the mistakes I have. I wouldn’t have married my ex-wife, for one.”

  “Where do you think you would be right now if you’d stayed?”

  He places a hand over mine and lifts it up to his lips, kissing my knuckles gently. When his eyes meet mine, it makes me tremble. “I’d like to think I’d be here …with you. Something about us just feels right.”

  “Yes, it does,” I agree. I stand and hold out my hand. “I think it’s time we finish what we started last night.”

  Taking my hand, his eyes darken with need. The air turns electric and I can feel it coursing through my veins. I want him and he wants me. I can’t wait anymore. I lead him to the bedroom and shut the door. In one quick movement, he pushes me against the door, his rock-hard arousal pressing into my center as he lifts me in his arms. My breaths come out in rapid pants as he covers my mouth with his. I rest my head against the door and moan as his mouth moves down my neck.

  “There were so many nights I dreamed about you,” he murmurs, his warm breath on my skin.

  I squeeze my legs around his hips, pulling him into me. “What kind of dreams?”

  Adam’s eyes spark, and he lifts my shirt and unclasps my bra, freeing my breasts. I gasp when he closes his lips over my nipple, sucking i
t between his teeth. I grab onto his shoulders and everything inside of me tightens. Working myself over his erection, I push my chest out, wanting him to suck harder.

  “Ah fuck,” he moans, biting down on my breast. “You know what kind of dreams. Ones like this.”

  He carries me over to the bed and it’s not fast enough. I need to feel him inside of me. He unlatches my legs and keeps his gaze on mine as he unbuttons my jeans and slides them to the floor. I step out of them and he pushes me onto the bed. He rips his shirt off and I watch as he stalks toward me. The anticipation is torture.

  I slide further back on the bed and he crawls over me, his arousal aligning with my opening as he spreads me apart. When he pushes himself inside, I cry out and dig my nails into his back, relishing the feel of him stretching me wide. His thrusts grow hard and fast. I’m so close to the edge, I’m about to explode.

  He trails his lips to my neck and bites down, his fingers digging into my hips. “You feel so good, Maddy.”

  I rock my hips against his and cry out as my release explodes through every nerve in my body. Adam follows closely behind, grunting as his cock pulsates inside me. My whole body trembles and I ache for more.

  Still connected, he rests on his elbows and gazes down at me, his body still hard inside mine. “I could do this all night.”

  “I can tell.” I laugh, leaning up to kiss him. “We can always find out?”

  He brushes the hair off my face and kisses me. “What about tomorrow? It’s a big day.”

  Grabbing his shoulders, I pull him on top of me. “Right now, I need you. This is what I want. The main course.”

  He chuckles. “And then we’ll have dessert?”

  I wink. “You got it.”



  There comes a time in everyone’s life when tough decisions need to be made. I thought I had already gone through everything that would give me pause or make me second-guess a choice. My divorce was eye-opening, and when I think back, I ask myself if I was even in love with her. We were friends and she was there when I needed someone to go with me to an event or social gathering. As time went on, our friendship grew, and the benefits started. We were always together, and people started asking when we were getting married. Mostly her family. I honestly can’t recall how I proposed. It wasn’t a grand gesture and she deserved more. She should’ve said no. I think if she had, I’d be in a different place in my life. If I had really thought about what I was doing, I would’ve told her we were only friends and if she needed more, she needed to get it from someone else. When it comes to my ex, I can play the what if game all day, but I can’t when I think about Maddy.

  The cursor on the screen of my laptop blinks. I’ve started my sentence a few times, only to press the backspace button and erase it. I don’t know how to tell my boss that I’m moving. It should be as simple as, “Larry, I’m moving to Chicago,” but it isn’t. There are logistics at play here such as travel, accommodations—things he’ll have to cover if I leave New York—and I’m not sure he’s willing to pay. I could always freelance, but the pay is crap.

  It’s three in the morning and in the next room, Maddy is asleep. Naked. And I’m sitting at her small kitchen island staring at my screen. I should be under the sheets, pressing my body against hers but my mind is racing with fear and anticipation.

  I’m excited to start a life with her.

  And I fear things will never be the same.

  Her apartment is small, and I can hear everything. There are people outside, walking home from a late night at the bar. They laugh and I remember Maddy and I when we’d walk back to my dorm room after we spent some time in the city. She always held onto my arm, keeping herself close. It was the best feeling in the world. Being with Maddy has always been easy, which makes my letter to Larry the easiest thing in the world to write.


  We need to talk. I’m going to spend an indefinite amount of time in Chicago.

  I don’t sign it and hit send before I change my mind. My hand pulls the top of my laptop down and am surprised to find Maddy standing in the doorway to her bedroom, with nothing but the sheet covering her.

  “I thought you had left,” she says in a quiet voice. Her words sting. They hurt. But she has the right to say them. I left her once before with a promise to keep in touch and I didn’t. I stand and go to her. When I’m within an arm’s reach, my hand is on her hip and pulling her toward me.

  “I’m never leaving you, Maddy.” I mean it. I’m not leaving her. I can’t. In the few days I’ve been here and have seen her, I’ve never felt more at ease. More calm. It’s like she’s the sun making my universe bright and warm. My lips press to hers and instantly we deepen the kiss. My arms wrap around her and lift her gently so I can carry her back to bed.

  The sheet still covers her body and even though I know every inch, I unwrap the present I’ve been given. “You’re so fucking beautiful and perfect.”

  Maddy giggles a little and then says, “Thank you.” I love her and I love how she can take a compliment.

  I hover over her, putting all my weight onto my hands. “I love you, Maddy.” I say the words, knowing she may not feel the same way about me, and I’m okay with it. These words should’ve been said years ago.

  Maddy apprises me, looking deep into my eyes. Her hand cups my cheek and her fingers press lightly against the stubble that has grown in since my arrival. “I’m falling in love with you.” I lean down and kiss her, hoping to convey that I’m perfectly happy.

  When I push away, “When you fall, I’ll be there to catch you.”

  She smiles and brings both of her hands around my neck and pulls until I topple onto of her. Her laugh sends my heart into a tizzy as our legs intertwine and our bodies mold together. Madeline Metcalf was made for me, there isn’t a doubt in my mind.

  We make love. It’s slow, tantalizing, and reaffirming. With each thrust, I look into her eyes, conveying just how much she means to me. This isn’t a fling, at least not for me. It’s forever. After she falls asleep, I stare at the ceiling and mentally prepare for what the morning is going to bring.

  The best thing about dating the boss is that she calls all the shots. When her alarm went off at six, I convinced her to let her staff handle the days preparations. She eyed me warily and called me a bad influence. I’ve been called worse, but I wanted to monopolize her time. It’s selfish, I know.

  After Maddy showers, we head over to my hotel, where I shower, change, and order room service.

  “We should come back here tonight,” I tell her as I stand in the middle of my hotel room with nothing more than a towel on. Maddy is standing and facing the large window. My view overlooks the city. She glances at me from over her shoulder and shakes her head. She’s determined to ignore my wet torso because she actually has to work today.

  “Why’s that?”

  I walk over to her and press my back into her. Her sudden intake of breath brings a smile to my face. I wear the same cologne and aftershave I have since college and she loved it then, I suspect she still does.

  “Because you used to be a screamer and while I love the deep throaty moans you give me, I think you’re holding back because you’re afraid people will hear you.” I push her hair to the side and kiss the nape of her neck. “I want to hear you say, ‘Oh, god fuck me harder, Adam.’”

  Maddy turns, her cheeks red as tomatoes. She opens her mouth to speak, but nothing comes out.

  “Cat got your tongue?”

  “No… yes… I…”

  “What is it, Maddy?”

  “You bring that out in me,” she says. I take a step back.

  “Do you mean to tell me your sex life has been lackluster?”

  She shrugs. “It’s more like I respond better to you. It’s like—”

  “We were meant for each other.”

  Maddy rolls her eyes and dips her head until he rests on my torso and sighs. When she looks at me, her eyes dart back and forth. “You say thin
gs I’ve never heard any man say before.”

  “It’s because I know what I want, Maddy, and that’s you.” Her phone rings, breaking the bubble we’re in. “You should get that. I’ll get dressed so we can get downtown.” I kiss her on her nose and leave her to answer her call. When I come out of the bathroom, she’s pacing.

  “Everything okay?”

  She nods. “I’m just nervous. I should be down there, making sure the pulled pork is right.”

  “It’s just a contest,” I remind her.

  “It’s not just that. August Cahill is in town, he’s reviewed one restaurant—not favorably—I might add and now he’s downtown, judging this contest. My stomach is in knots.”

  “He’s just a food critic, Maddy. You can’t let his words get to you.”

  Maddy scoffs. “Easy for you to say.”

  She’s right, it is easy for me to say. I’ve learned from experience to not add fuel to the fire. I grab my things and gesture for her to head to the door. I hold her hand to the elevator, pull her close when we are inside and kiss her softly, hoping to ease her tension. When we exit the hotel, we only have a couple blocks to walk until we are at the festival.

  It seems as soon as she crosses the imaginary threshold, her anxiety eases. She’s in her element and making a beeline toward the tent where the pulled pork contest is being held. While she goes to her spot, I watch her face as she samples her concoction.

  “Good?” I ask her.

  She nods and the relief is clear on her face.

  “Come with me.” I motion for her to follow me. When we are out of the ear shot of her employees, I cup her cheeks. “Please stop stressing. I don’t like to see you worried.”

  “I can’t help it.”

  “I know, it’s nature. But trust me, okay. Please.”

  She nods. I know my words are easy to say, but I really want her to stop stressing about something she has no control over.

  We walk to the beginning of the tent and stop at the first table. Each sample is in a small paper cup, just a bite size. The both of us pick up a cup and taste the sample, and with each one we try, I ask her what she thinks is missing, what is good about it, and if there is anything she’d change.


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