The Dating Series

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The Dating Series Page 59

by L. P. Dover

  Kim squeals. “And? What happened?”

  I slap a hand to my forehead. “You’re killing me. It was a one-time deal. I’m sure he’ll be busy with some other girl tonight.”

  She smacks my arm. “Don’t say that. Max has always been super nice and a huge tipper. Maybe a little arrogant at times, but he’s never come onto me. I’ve wanted him too though.”

  Secretly, so have I. It’s hard not to when you have someone like Max stroll into the club. He’s twenty-eight years old, just three years older than me, with dark, dirty blond hair, green eyes, and a clean-shaven face. A playboy is what he is. He’s been a member of the yacht club for as long as I’ve worked there. Never once has he spoken to me in those three years until last night. I don’t know what changed in him. Maybe it was a bet amongst his friends. If so, that’ll piss me off. It’s best I don’t think about it. I may not be worth millions like him, but I’m a human being.

  “Tell me, London. I have to know what it was like.” I peer over at her and she waggles her brows. “Was he good in bed? Romantic? Does he have a small dick?”

  Of course she had to ask that. “Yes. Yes. And no,” I answer.

  She fans herself. “Wow. So I guess you had a good time then.”

  “It was amazing,” I breathe. “I walked out of the club and there he was. He asked if I’d like to go for a night sail with him, and for some reason, I couldn’t tell him no.”

  Kim giggles. “I can see why. He’s hot and one of the richest members of the club.”

  “That doesn’t matter to me,” I say. “I don’t care how much money a man has. As long as he’s a decent human being, that’s good enough for me.”

  We pull into the parking lot and she turns off the car. “Tell me the rest. How did you two end up sleeping together?”

  I think back to last night and smile. “After he took me out on the water, we docked and sat up on deck for a while and talked about random things, nothing important. Then, he kissed me and things just…happened. I’ve never had a one-night stand before. In a way, I feel kind of dirty.”

  Kim shakes her head. “Don’t. I’ve had plenty of them. They’re fun and you don’t have to worry about attachments.”

  “That’s not me, Kim. I’m the responsible one in the house, besides your sister.”

  She laughs. “Yeah, Holly’s the straight edge one in my family.”

  And she is. She’s also a clean freak just like me. We’ve been trying to train Kim on the art of cleaning up after herself, but nothing works. After awhile, we just gave up.

  It’s almost time for us to clock in so we get out of the car and head toward the back door of the club that leads into the kitchen. “So tell me what happened after your night of raw primal sex with Poseidon?”

  “Poseidon? Really?”

  Kim snickers. “It fits. He’s a god out there on the water.”

  “Well, after we rocked the boat and he fell asleep, I snuck out. I doubt he even remembers my name.”

  We stop at the door and she drapes her arm over my shoulders. “No one can forget you, babe.” Guess we’ll see when Max decides to grace us with his presence again.

  She opens the door and we hurry to the time clock and punch in. “Doesn’t matter anyway. When he comes in, I’m going to go about my business as if nothing happened. He’s not the only one who can use people to get what he wants.”

  “And did you get what you want?” Kim asks curiously.

  Did I? I guess for a moment I wanted to be someone different than I am, to see how it feels to live like the people I serve. One day, I won’t be just a waitress. Most of the yuppies who come into the club don’t know what it’s like to work hard for a living or to have their money stolen, forcing them to struggle.

  “Yes and no,” I answer her. I can’t help but sense that things are about to change. “Even though I had fun, I think it was a mistake to get involved with him.”

  Kim shrugs. “As long as no one finds out you’ll be fine. I don’t want you to lose your job.” Neither do I. It’s the only thing I have in my life right now. Kim pats my shoulder and starts for the door that leads out to the restaurant. “See ya out there.”

  Taking a deep breath, I hurry to the bathroom and make sure my clothes are wrinkle free and crisp, and that there isn’t a hair out of place on my head. I really want to be manager one day. To do that, I have to be perfect. When I walk out, Kim rushes up and pushes me back in.


  She grabs her chest. “Put your game face on, babe. Poseidon just showed up with his friends. And let me tell you, he’s looking pretty sexy. Remember, you used him just like he used you.”

  She’s right. I hold my head up high and smile. “Exactly. I can do this.” Guess we’ll see what happens.



  The morning dew makes the deck of my sailboat a bit slippery. I tilt my head back and let the late summer sun bask over me. There’s a small breeze coming off the harbor, making the air smell like rotten fish. It’s disgusting, but I’ll never tire of it. There’s a loud rumble, almost like thunder coming toward me. I turn and find someone pushing a massive cart down the ramp of the dock. They’re likely going to the giant yacht moored at the end of the walkway. Whoever is on that ship is likely here for the Kingston Regatta sponsored by Wesleyan Yacht Club happening soon. It’s why I’m here. I’ve won the last three years and wasn’t going to let some stuffy job in New York City keep me from retaining my title.

  The sound of horns blaring grabs my attention. Coming into the marina are my two best friends, Vance and Yates, each in their own boats. It’s a good thing there is a speed limit right now because those two would race each other to pull into the slip first if given the chance. Vance beats Yates to the open slip on my right. He pulls in and I jump down to help him tie off before jogging over to Yates. Once their boats are secured and everything is shut off, my friends meet me on the dock with high-fives and bro hugs. It’s odd because we saw each other a few days ago, but they make it like this is some big reunion. Come Saturday, they’ll be with me as I race to the finish line.

  “How was Alyssa’s party?” Yates asks. Alyssa Worthington, Rhode Island elite. Well, actually she’s Newport Elite and lives in one of the mansions facing the ocean. She’s also my ex, who doesn’t understand we’re broken up and not getting back together. We started dating in college and have known each other for as long as I can remember. Things were really good with us, until our senior year when she gave me a detailed list of how our relationship needed to progress. In a nutshell, she had our engagement party, wedding date and honeymoon picked out. Not to mention, the venues booked. The list included her ring, where I needed to buy it and when I should propose. If that doesn’t scare a guy, I don’t know what does. But it was enough to make me bail. We broke up, got back together, and broke up again for the final time a little over eight months ago. Since then, I’ve been playing the field, having one-night stands, and just acting like the guy I could’ve been in college if I hadn’t tied myself down with a steady girlfriend. Thing is, Alyssa still thinks we’re going to get back together despite my many assurances it’ll never happen.

  “Don’t know, never went,” I tell them with a shrug. Both their mouths drop open. Not sure if it’s because I dared to defy Alyssa and the Worthington’s—who just happen to be one of the biggest sponsors of the regatta—or because they think I’m an idiot when it comes to my ex.

  Vance steps forward and places his hand on my forehead in the most motherly way possible. I allow him to do this because I find it funny. He’s the least caring person I know and only out for himself. In a nutshell, Vance is a selfish prick who looks to capitalize off anyone’s misfortune. In this case, mine. Or at least what he deems to be a loss to me in the sense of Alyssa.

  “Are you feeling okay?” he asks. He peers into my eyes, focusing on each one. “Your eyes aren’t dilated. You don’t have a fever. I’m stumped.”

  I finally push his arm away
and step back. He’s creeping me out. Yates is laughing. Probably at me and not Vance. “You want Alyssa so bad, go for it.”

  Yates scoffs. “She only has eyes for you. I’m not sure why,” he says as he grabs his junk.

  “You wish.” Vance punches him in the shoulder and Yates winces. He talks a big game but when it comes down to it, you don’t want Yates going to bat for you in a fight. He’s a daddy’s boy and will do what he can to buy his way out of a sticky situation. But, he’s also the first one to throw a punch. The only thing wrong with this is, he throws and then hides under the table until the melee is over. Leaving Vance and I, and whoever else might be with us, to clean up his mess.

  “Are we going to eat or what?” I ask, hoping to steer the conversation to anything other than Alyssa and the party I didn’t go to last night.

  “Yeah, let’s go. I hope that hot ass chick is working the lunch shift,” Vance says. “Man, what I would’ve give to take her in the backseat of my Maserati.”

  “Your car isn’t even here,” I point out. “Your statement makes zero sense.” I’m starting to wonder if I’m the brains of the group. How are my friends this dense?

  “Doesn’t matter. I want to fuck her bad,” he says crudely. I roll my eyes as we walk up the ramp of the dock and into the parking lot of the marina. We step onto the path that leads into the yacht club. Members only. By members, it means if you’re not making a mid-six to seven figures a year, they’ll probably put you on the waiting list for admittance. The only reason Vance, Yates, and me are allowed in is because of our parents. High society and rich.

  The hostess greets us with a smile and a subtle posture switch. She’s trying to get someone’s attention, I’m just not sure she cares who. The three of us are single and a catch by anyone’s standards. The employees are well aware of this and aren’t afraid to let their interests be known. Thing is, we’d never entertain anyone from here longer than a night because they don’t fit into our world. It’s a shitty thing to say and it makes us look like total cads, but it’s the truth. My mom and stepdad, Kitty and Mark Bradley, wouldn’t care if I dated a gardener as long as I was happy. But my father and wicked stepmother—that’s a whole other story. Sheldon and Brandy Richmond are uppity, elitist snobs. If the woman I’m with doesn’t have a pedigree a million dollars deep, she’s not good enough for Max Richmond. And it doesn’t help that my dad and Alyssa’s dad are best friends.

  We’re led to a table in the back corner with a view of the marina. As soon as we sit down, London, the hottest waitress in Kingston, sets our menus down on the table and asks if we know what we want to drink. Yates and Vance order some cocktail while I mumble that I’d like a water.

  “Yep, that’s the one,” Vance says loudly as she walks away. “Damn, look at that ass. Do you think she realizes we’re watching her?”

  “You’re a pig,” I tell him. He’s right though, I am watching her. At least until she looks in my direction and then I avert my gaze to look at the imaginary lint that is on the tablecloth.

  “You’re just jealous because she leans into me.” He winks, making me want to punch him in his smug face.

  He’s right though. I am jealous. I’d give anything to rub it in his face that I already slept with her and plan to do it again. Vance is the type of friend who would see this as a challenge because he feels as if London is beneath him and it wouldn’t be an issue for him to have her either.

  Fuck, I really do need some new friends.

  London returns with our drinks. As soon as her eyes land on mine, I’m looking out the window. I have to play it cool. I can’t let Yates or Vance see that there is anything between London and me.

  “Do you boys know what you want?” she asks. She’s been using the same line on us for three years now.

  Vance goes first. “I’m going to have the roasted duck. You know how I like it, babe.”

  God, I want to punch him.

  “I’ll have the salmon,” Yates tells her.

  “And for you?”

  I barely glance up before clearing my throat. “I’ll have the roasted chicken. Veggies on the side.”

  “Ranch for your salad?” she asks, knowing exactly what I like.

  “Yes, please.”

  London stomps away and I watch every movement of her hips until she disappears into the side space where the computer system is. Even though I can’t see her, I can hear her. She’s angry. I’m still staring when she comes out. She meets my gaze, flips me off, and disappears down the hall where the bathrooms are.

  “I’ll be right back.” I don’t bother telling the guys where I’m going. I’m sure if they were smart enough they’d figure it out. I rush toward the hall and right into the women’s bathroom where I find London looking into the mirror. Her face is red, blotchy. I’ve seen enough of Alyssa’s many crying fits to know London’s been crying. I turn slightly and lock the door.

  “What are you doing? You can’t be in here,” she says as I approach her. Each step I take, she takes one back. We do this until she’s pressed against the wall and the space between us is minimal.

  “Why are you crying?”

  “What do you care?”

  “I care,” I tell her. “I also care that you left my boat without saying goodbye. Did you think I wouldn’t notice?”

  “We fucked. What’s the big deal?” her words are laced with hatred, which I don’t get.

  “Yeah we did,” I say with a slight chuckle, trying to lighten the tension between us. I take a step forward until the white shirt she is wearing touches my navy one. My hand moves up to her hair and my fingers play with the ends of her ponytail. “The restaurant isn’t very busy,” I point out. “Are we your only table?”

  “It’s still early.”

  “Uh huh.” My lips push against hers, slow and methodical. London hesitates for a moment and then opens her mouth to me. The fire between us is instant. Her back arches off the wall as her hands pull at my belt buckle. “Feisty.”

  “Shut up,” she mumbles against my lips. I do as she says and choose to focus on getting her pants undone and hopefully around her ankles before someone realizes that she’s gone and the door is locked. “Stall.”

  We haphazardly walk toward the bathroom stall and somehow get it to close without either of taking our mouths off each other’s. My tongue is deep in her mouth when her hand reaches into my shorts and grips my shaft hard.

  “Fuck,” I groan. “I’ve been thinking about you all morning.”

  “Me too.” Her hand tightens to the right pressure and starts moving up and down my hard on. My hand reaches for the top of the stall to steady myself.

  “Do you want a blow job?” she asks as she licks her lips.

  “No, I want to feel that tight pussy of yours wrapped around my dick. Turn around.” London does as I ask. She turns, bends over and looks at me from over her shoulder.


  I nod and pull it out of my back pocket. I’m super fucking thankful I thought to grab one when I got dressed. Not that I expected London to be eager to fuck in the bathroom, but I had hopes for the storage closet.

  Once my shaft is covered, London reaches around and moves her thong to the side. I line myself up, looking from her wet pussy to her eyes, which is where I stay when I enter her. For a brief second, both of us close our eyes, but as soon as I start to pull out and ease my way back in, she’s watching me. As much as I’d love taking my time with her, to ravage her body, we only have minutes. This has to be a quickie.

  My hands dig into her hips as I pull them to meet each of thrust. She lets out the most tantalizing moan every time our bodies touch. Last night, when I approached her in the parking lot, asking if she wanted to grab a drink, I had no idea we would end up back on my boat. Believe me, I wanted to, but I had no idea London was interested. I’m thanking myself right now for coming to town a day early.

  “Are you close?” I ask her. Last night, I had more time and could make sure she got off before
me, but right now, I’m about to blow my load because this is about the hottest thing I’ve ever done.

  London doesn’t answer me, but reaches her hand down, which I can only assume is to touch herself. “Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I say as I slam into her hard. My balls tighten and I groan like a grizzly bear waking up from hibernation. And while I’m still twitching from the orgasm I just experienced, London is still going to town on her clit. I can’t leave her unsatisfied.

  I slip two fingers in between her lips and reach around her so my other finger can work her clit the way I know how. Our position is awkward, but it’s fucking hot. When her pussy starts to squeeze my fingers, I smile.



  What the hell am I thinking? I keep replaying mine and Max’s bathroom tryst in my mind. I could’ve gotten into some serious trouble. It was reckless and completely irresponsible. I can’t do that again. But, my God, it felt amazing. Guarding my heart is going to be the problem.

  “Earth to London,” Kim laughs. I’m jolted out of my thoughts and I focus back on the task at hand…finding new clothes. Every once in a while, Kim and I will go on a shopping spree. Each month I set aside a small amount of money to spend on myself. It’s one of the things I look forward to these days. My life consists of work, work, and more work. I have to splurge on something fun every now and again.

  Kim snaps her fingers in front of my face. “What’s got you all preoccupied today?”

  I pick out a cute Ralph Lauren top and smile. “Nothing. Just happy to be out of the house.” I drape the shirt over my arm so I can try it on.

  She follows me over to a rack filled with cute denim skirts. They’re all on sale since summer is almost over. I find one in my size and add it to the other clothes I want to try on.


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