The Dating Series

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The Dating Series Page 68

by L. P. Dover

  “I am,” I breathe. “And with you being here, I’m assuming you are too?”

  He backs me up to the wall, his body so close to mine. “I am.”

  “So, what are we going to do?” I ask, whispering the words across his lips.

  His lips pull back and all I want to do is kiss him. “Well,” he begins, “we can stay down here and talk and dance for a while. Or…we can go upstairs to my hotel room and talk there. It’s your choice.”

  Talk? There won’t be much of that going on if we go to his room. It’s crazy to even consider going with him, but I know how amazing he is. The way he held me, the way he passionately made love to me even though love wasn’t even in the equation. I’ve heard of other people’s one-night stands, most of them being fast and to the point. Our one-night stand wasn’t like that at all. I scan the crowd for Jordan and she looks at me just as I spot her. The second she sees my Gatsby, she smiles and mouths the word go.

  Gatsby holds out his hand and I take it. The electricity between us shoots up my arm like fire. “Let’s go,” I murmur.

  Bringing my hand up to his lips, he kisses it. “As you wish.”

  Hand in hand, we walk out of the ballroom and as soon as we get to the elevator, he lets my hand go and wraps his arm around my waist. My heart skips a beat and I can feel the butterflies going crazy in my stomach. We take the elevator to the very top floor where the most expensive rooms are.

  He takes me to the last door at the end of the hallway. When he opens it, I gasp as I walk in. Inside, there are rose petals scattered across the floor with a bottle of champagne chilling by the bed. He comes up behind me and presses his lips to my neck. “Are we keeping the masks on again?”

  The warmth of his lips makes my skin tremble with anticipation. “I want to say no, but I can’t.” I turn around in his arms. “Last month was the first time I’ve ever done anything like this with anyone. Sometimes I think you’re too good to be true. If we break the spell…”

  He presses a finger to my lips. “I think you are too good to be true. I want you to know who I am, but I don’t want to lose what we have here.”

  “Then let’s just have this one night. If we run into each other again, we’ll figure it out then. Right now, I just want to have tonight with you.”

  His eyes twinkle. “I can live with that.” His lips close over mine, kissing me deeply. I can’t think straight with him doing that. I don’t want to. I want to lose myself in his touch. He breaks the kiss first and stares down at me again. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

  I lift my hands to his face. “Yes.”

  All it would take is a simple tug on the ribbons to unmask him. I want to know who he is, but I can’t bring myself to do it. He brushes a thumb over my lips. “You’re so beautiful.”

  My body knows what it wants. There’s no denying it. Grabbing his face, I pull his lips down to mine. “I want you. I wish you knew how bad.”

  The low growl escapes his lips making my body tighten in all the right places. “Probably not nearly as much as I’ve wanted you. There’s so much you don’t know.”

  Taking his hand, I place his fingers on the side zipper of my dress. “Maybe one day you’ll tell me.”

  His eyes darken, and he slowly lowers the zipper of my silver flapper dress. Keeping his eyes on mine, he slides my dress down my body. My skin is on fire and all I can think about is feeling him inside of me.

  He moans deep in his chest when he gazes down at me with his sexy gray and golden eyes, licking his lips. Kissing the mounds of my breasts, he lowers the fabric over one and begins to suck on my taut, sensitive nipple while reaching behind me to unclasp my bra. He shoves it away, keeping his lips enclosed over my breast. The need to have him grows more intense with every touch.

  It’s strange how my body responds to him, almost as if I’m starved for his touch. I’ve never been like that with any other man. My underwear is soaked and I’m so close to letting go. Fumbling with his pants, I try desperately to get them undone so I can wrap my fingers around his cock and feel it pulsate with my touch. He rips off his button down shirt and jacket, revealing his muscular smooth chest, and then helps me out and kicks off his pants when I have them undone. As soon as he’s free, I take him in my hands and squeeze, pumping him up and down.

  “That feels so damn good,” he groans.

  Harder and faster I stroke his length, enjoying the satisfied rumble in his chest. With his arm around my waist, he moves me to the bed and lays me down, taking off my underwear so he can spread my legs wide with his knee. Keeping his gaze on mine, he kisses me gently at first and then harder as he pushes his fingers inside of me. Gasping from the sensations, I open wider for him, loving the sound of his satisfied moans.

  “Harder,” I beg, spreading my legs wider.

  He does as I say, and I’m so close to losing control. Tightening around his fingers, he bites down on my lip and sucks as I cry out in pleasure, riding the waves of my orgasm. Slowly, he rubs my sensitive clit with his thumb and swirls his fingers in the wetness between my legs. Keeping his gaze on mine, he traces my nipples with my desire, and sucks them both greedily. Tasting me. Devouring me. My body craves him. He reaches over to the bedside table drawer and pulls out a condom. He strokes himself a few times, grinning at me mischievously, before sliding the condom down his length. He gets back into position and I can feel his cock pressing closer to my opening. As soon as he pushes in just a tiny bit, I gasp.

  “The noises you make turn me on so fucking much,” he growls low.

  Almost instantly, he pushes inside of me…hard. I bite my lip to keep from screaming out. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I rock my hips along with his and hold on tight, biting my lip more with each thrust. The muscles in his back tighten and flex as he works his body into mine. I rake my nails down his back, to his ass, loving the way it hardens with each thrust.

  I’m so close to losing it again, my body clenching achingly tight around his cock.

  My breaths come out as pants as the ache between my legs grows stronger, wilder. We’re both so close, and the moment I tip over the edge, I dig my nails into his back just as he grips onto me tighter, plunging in as deep as he can go, his cock pulsating with his release. Breathing hard, he takes my face in his hands.

  “Please say you’re staying longer with me tonight. I’m nowhere near done with you.”

  I lean up and kiss him. “I’m not going anywhere. Yet.”



  I’ve been awake for three hours and in my office for two, pacing the floor and watching the clock slowly tick away at the minutes. I’ve never watched the clock so much in my life until now and never realized how painstakingly slow time moves when there is something you desperately want.

  I want Ensley.

  The problem is, I’ve had her. . .twice. By twice, I mean two nights. I’m not a guy who only pleasures his woman once and bails, at least not with Ensley. I can’t seem to get enough of her. I wish she felt the same way about me because I hate waking up to an empty bed in the morning. I even “accidentally” set my alarm so I could see her in the early morning. Only when the damn thing blared at five in the morning, her side of the bed was cold. I’m going to have to learn to cuddle or something, so I can feel her slip out of my arms next time.

  Next time.

  It must happen.

  We have to happen without our masks. I can’t continue like this, but something tells me Ensley enjoys it. Sure, there’s a thrill to it, not knowing who you’re with, but I’m really hoping she’s only like this with me. I don’t want to think about perfect Ensley screwing half of the guys in the city who are wearing masks. The thought makes me shudder.

  The more I think about the whole mask thing, the more creeped out I am at myself for allowing it to happen a second time. I wanted to tell Ensley who I was or am, and I should’ve but one look at her, dressed up as Daisy to my Gatsby, and I was a fumbling fool. But I wasn’t going to deny her.
Ensley wanted to keep our masks on. Believe me, I had the temptation to slip mine off as soon as I entered her. I wanted her to know it wasn’t Jay Gatsby making her feel this way. It was Owen Jameson.

  Finally, the clock reads nine. I rush to my desk and sit. Only, the force I landed in my chair causes me to roll away from my desk. To make matters worse, I try to stop myself and take half the papers and file with me.

  “Fuck,” I mutter as I look at the floor and the mess I created. “What the hell is wrong with me?”

  You’re in love.

  I look over my right shoulder and then my left, wondering where that sentiment came from. I’m not the guy who believes in an angel and the devil battling it out when it comes to my decisions, but I swear there’s a voice in my head telling me how I feel.

  The papers stay on the floor. I’ll get my assistant to sort through them for me later. And I’ll likely blame the wind or something. She doesn’t need to know how excited I was to make a phone call this morning.

  I inhale deeply, close my eyes, and let the air out of my lungs slowly. I’m centered even though my heart is beating rapidly, and my mind is conjuring up pictures of Ensley sprawled out on the bed. Naked, of course, except for her mask. At least, I know what she looks like. I pick up the receiver and dial her number, which I’ve memorized.

  Ensley answers on the second ring. “This is Ensley.”

  “Good morning, Ensley.”

  “Hello, Owen,” she says before I can tell her it’s me. My heart jumps, and it pounds a bit harder, and my palms sweat. Really? What am I, a teenager?

  “I’m calling to see how you thought the party went?”

  Ensley clears her throat. “Jordan and I think the party was a smash. You already know you sold out of tickets. The DJ gave the ball a five-star rating on his site. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Catering said there weren’t any issues. Are you and Damien satisfied?”

  You have no idea.

  “We are,” I tell her. “We haven’t spoken to our employees, but after our meeting this morning, we can let you know if there were any issues.”

  “Oh yes, please. Jordan and I always want to know the good and bad. It’s how we improve with the events we plan. Speaking of, I’m assuming you’re calling about the charity dinner?”

  “I am. I thought we could get together for dinner and hammer out the details?”

  There’s a long pause before Ensley makes any sort of noise on the other end. “Sorry, I was just looking at the boat skimming across the lake.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were on vacation. We can chat via email if that’s better?”

  Ensley laughs. It’s one of the best sounds she makes when we're not in bed together. “I’m not on vacation. I live on the lake. Would you like to come here tonight?”

  “Yes,” I blurt out with a squeak. I clear my throat and push down the embarrassment creeping in. “Yes,” I say, a bit more manly this time. “What can I bring?”

  “Wine. I have everything else.”

  “Swim trunks?” I ask teasingly.

  “Sure, we can sit in the hot tub.”

  My mouth doesn’t have a response to her statement, but my cock does. He definitely wants to sit in something hot and wet. “Wow, hot tub and lake. You’re living the life, Ensley.”

  She sighs. “I’ll email directions. See you around six? We can discuss the charity event over dinner.”

  “I’m looking forward to it.” We hang up, and I lean back in my chair. Tonight, I will come clean with her and end this charade once and for all.

  Famous last words.

  The drive out to Ensley’s was exactly what I needed but didn’t know it until I was off the highway and driving the back roads. For being October, the air temperature is perfect. I rolled the windows down, turned on my favorite playlist, and cruised to her place without a single worry. Her home is far enough away from the city to be out of town, but not so far you feel like you can’t get back to town easily.

  The directions Ensley emailed me were perfect. She put down how many miles on each road, what landmarks to look for, and which hairpin turn I should prepare for. It was the little things GPS never prepares you for and always catches you off guard.

  When I arrive at her driveway, I pause for a minute. I expected to see her house from the road, but it is set far enough back that there’s a bit of mystery to her place. Her last name is on her mailbox, and for a reason unknown to me, this makes me smile.

  Cranking my wheel, I let my foot off the brake and allow my car to coast down her driveway. When her house comes into view, my mouth drops open. The large massive windows catch my attention first. The windows are darkened, almost black, which gives her much needed privacy from the people around her. I get out of the car, with the two bottles of wine I picked up because I never thought to ask her what she would prefer and close the car door. The gravel beneath my feet crunches with each step I take. Climbing the steps, I avoid the front door and walk to the end of her deck and lean against the railing. The lake is perfect. Calm with small waves lapping at the sandy beach.

  “Do you like what you see?”

  I startle and am about to nod when I glance at her. Ensley’s dressed casually, in jeans, a T-shirt, and long cardigan sweater. Her long hair is in a braid, cascading down her back.

  “I do, very much,” I say without taking my eyes off her.

  Ensley smiles, then steps to the railing. “After the party Jordan and I planned for the Panthers, business boomed. I bought my own slice of heaven instead of opening an office downtown. Jordan and I save a lot of money this way. We have very little overhead. Some of our decorations, we keep. We have a supply of tables and chairs for small events, but we store those in a storage unit. Everything else, we rent. Makes things very easy.”

  “Makes sense, actually.” I hand her the two bottles of wine with a smile. “I wasn’t sure what you’d like so I picked one of each, a red and a white. I hope they’re okay.”

  Ensley takes them from me. “They’ll be perfect. Do you want to come in or would you rather sit out here?”

  I run my hand through my hair and step closer to Ensley. I’d give anything for her to call my bluff, to tell me she knows it’s me behind the mask. “That’s a really tough question,” I say even though I know I’ll follow her anywhere.

  “It is,” she agrees with me. “We can eat out here.”

  Or bed. I can definitely eat in her bed.

  I motion for Ensley to go into her house and follow behind her like a puppy dog. If the view is anything to marvel at, so is the inside of her room. I expected to find wood everywhere with this open concept, but her ceiling and exposed beams are white, and her walls are navy blue. The contrast is perfect.

  “This is my family room, with no family though. Jordan comes out occasionally and my parents will come stay for weekends, but it’s just me.”

  “Are you lonely?”

  Ensley shrugs. “Sometimes, but I chose to live out here.” She walks into her kitchen, which is also white and navy. I’ve never looked at color schemes before. I normally tend to go for gray, but think Ensley is onto something with is blue.

  She motions for me to sit at the island while she pours us each a glass of wine. There’s a charcuterie board with different meats, cheeses, fruits, and nuts. “Dinner is almost ready.”

  “What are we having?”

  Ensley laughs. “You’re the only one who forgot to ask the important questions. We’re having Persian chicken, over a bed of rice. It’s not much, I let the time slip away.”

  “It sounds perfect.” To send my statement home, my stomach growls loud enough for Ensley to hear. She chuckles and hands my glass of wine to me. She went with the red, which likely compliments the meal we’re having.

  Ensley sits next to me and reaches for the board just as I do. Our hands touch and the familiar zing I feel when we’re together radiates through my arm. We look at each other, our eyes steady and focused on one another.
I open my mouth to tell her who I am, who I truly am, but the timer goes off. It buzzes for what seems like forever until Ensley turns away.

  I don’t know if I was saved by the bell or if this is a sign I need to tread carefully. What if I’m going about this the wrong way? What if Ensley doesn’t want to know who the masked stranger is?

  I have so much to lose by telling her. Yet, I’m hopeful I have even more to gain by blurting it out. If I could just say, “Ensley, I’m the guy you slept with at the ball,” I’d be able to breathe without feeling like I’m gasping for air.

  Ensley is next to me, picking at the snacks. “We have a few more minutes until it’s done. Do you want to eat in here or outside?”

  “Outside would be nice. Can I help you set the table?”

  She smiles, nods, and starts pulling our necessities out of drawers and cupboards. Together, we work side by side until the timer dings again. When she disappears inside the house, I realize if I don’t play my cards right, if I don’t come clean soon, I may lose my heart in this mess we’ve created.



  There’s this feeling of déjà vu I can’t seem to shake. Every time I’m around Owen, I feel it. It’s not a bad thing, it’s just strange. I’m comfortable around him, maybe even more so than I should be.

  By the time the chicken is done in the oven, it’s already started to get dark outside. I have twinkling lights around my back deck, giving it a romantic glow; it’s the perfect night. Especially with the crisp October air. I pile the chicken and rice onto our plates and Owen takes his. He follows me outside to the table and sits down. The houses all around the lake are lit up, some with Halloween inspired lights. Mine kind of looks like Christmas right now. There’s even a house with a giant blow up of the Stay Puft marshmallow man standing on their dock. Ghostbusters is one of my favorite movies. I watch it every year around Halloween.

  “What are you smiling at?” Owen asks, chuckling.


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