The Therapist (The Therapist #1)

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The Therapist (The Therapist #1) Page 3

by Ws Greer

  At the mention of the word, Sean has to reposition himself, planting both feet on the hardwood floor as if he’s bracing himself. The muscles in his face tighten and his jaw flexes. This is very different from the love I saw emanating off of him when talking about his friendship with Becky.

  “Let’s start with the evidence,” I say to Sean. I cross one leg over the other and maintain eye contact. I’m like a child waiting to be told a story. “You said you had sex with your girlfriend this morning, and you're pretty sure she didn't orgasm. Pretty sure. What makes you so sure?”

  Sean clears his throat.

  “Well, I don't know,” he mutters, his forehead scrunching in frustration now. “It seemed like maybe she was about to, but then she didn't. I tried to do it faster, but it didn't seem to work, no matter what I did.”

  “You tried to do what faster?”

  “Umm, I don't know?” Sean stammers, and I interject quickly.

  “Sean, does vulgarity make you uncomfortable? Are you offended by swearing?”

  “No, of course not.”

  “Okay, so if you want to tell me that you tried to fuck your girlfriend faster, it’s okay for you to say that. You're not going to offend me. Is that what you meant?”

  Sean stares at me for a moment, surprised by my use of the word fuck. If only he knew how often I use that word, and how thrilled I am when I use it in my most intimate moments.

  “Umm, yeah, that’s what I meant,” he replies.

  “Okay, good. I'd like to explore that a little bit, if you don't mind. You said you thought Becky was about to orgasm, so you tried to fuck her faster. So, let’s take a step back. Were you fucking her hard and fast when you thought she was about to orgasm?”

  “Not really. I mean, I was sweating a lot, and I was definitely working hard. But, maybe it wasn't that fast. I was able to speed it up, so it’s not like I was going as fast as I could.”

  “Okay, let’s think about that. You weren't fucking Becky hard and fast when she was about to orgasm, but when you noticed she might be about to, you started fucking her faster. Is that right?”

  Sean swallows hard and looks down at the floor as thoughts flood into his mind like a dam just broke in his head. I haven't laid it all out there for him, but he can already see where this is going, and that lets me know that Sean Tillman is going to be a good patient.

  “Yeah, that’s right,” Sean agrees, but he looks even more uncomfortable now.

  “I think you already see where I’m going with this, Sean. You had Becky on the verge of orgasm with whatever you were doing before, but when you noticed her getting close, you changed it. You moved away from the thing that brought her to the edge of orgasm in the first place. There's a few issues with what you told me, but the first thing is that you changed what was already working. This is the perfect place to insert the saying of if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

  “So, that’s your first step, Sean,” I say as I lean forward and smile at my newest patient. “In our next session, we’re going to explore the clues that led you to believe Becky was about to orgasm, but for now, you need to know that if you've successfully managed to push her all the way to the edge of the cliff, you don't need to switch gears and start hammering her in the head to force her to go over. You simply need to keep pushing.”

  I observe Sean closely here, keeping my eyes locked onto his face but checking his body language as well. I watch as the realization of what I said washes over him like a hot shower. He sees how I made the connection, and is probably asking himself how he didn't realize it himself. He has nothing to be ashamed of, though. Sometimes we just need a little nudge in the right direction, and that nudge sets off a brilliant set of fireworks that lights up the entire sky in our minds.

  Sean has a long way to go, but his first step in the right direction is a good one.


  ~ Malcolm ~

  My session with Sean was a good one. In this profession, I've found that there are a multitude of patients who have a wide range of emotions and reactions to therapy. Some people are more open and willing to accept what I’m telling them. Those people apply what they’ve been exploring in our time together, and nine times out of ten, things work out for them. I’m not saying I get it right absolutely every time without fail, but in most cases, when the client listens to me, things pick up for them if not come together completely.

  Some clients, however, are closed-minded from the outset of therapy. They come into the situation hoping the therapy fails, because that would somehow prove to them that they never needed therapy to begin with. I can spot those people ten minutes into the first session, but it’s my job to try to beat the odds that a patient may have in their heads. I try to overcome whatever obstacles may be in the way. I’m a competitive man by nature, so if I know I’m being doubted, I just want to turn up the heat and try harder—figure out a way to get what I want. Thankfully, I won't have to worry about that with Sean.

  My drive home is a quiet one. Dover is a small city, but the green farmland and trees are always on display here. The wind is always an easy breeze that slips through the windows of my black BMW as I drive up North Dupont after leaving the office. I hit the highway, heading south for ten minutes before exiting towards Magnolia, where my home is located. When I pull into the driveway, I’m a little irked by what I see. There's a red Nissan in my driveway already. Ava’s car.

  When I left the house this morning, Ava was still in bed. I didn't mind leaving her there, because I knew the reason she was worn out was because of the sex we had before I headed to the office. I liked the idea of her being too exhausted to climb out of bed and step back into the black dress she’d worn before I ordered her to step out of it and kneel in front of my bed. I love that she has to take time to recover from how I fuck her. But, when I left, I expected her to be gone before I returned. Ava and I have been seeing each other for nearly two months, so we’ve spent an adequate amount of time together, and I couldn't possibly count how many times we've had sex, but we don't live together. There are rules to being with me, and Ava being here is breaking a big one.

  When I turn the knob to enter my house, I don't see anything at first. Ava is nowhere to be found. I close the door leading to the garage and step into the kitchen, which has all the lights off except the one over the sink. There isn't a sound in the place.

  “Ava?” I call out, but there's no answer.

  In front of me is my living room, with its white sectional couch and royal blue armchair empty and ottoman untouched. The TV is off, but the fireplace beneath it is burning in a beautiful slow dance that sends orange light flickering off the walls. I love putting on the fireplace and relaxing in front of it with a tumbler of whiskey in my hand, but I didn't turn on the fireplace. It could only have been Ava.

  I leave the fireplace crackling as I turn down the hall and walk past the dining room and library, making my way up the stairs where my bedroom rests next to my office. The stairway is dark and the door to my room is closed, but I can see light shining beneath the door. Since the rest of the house is obviously unoccupied, I know Ava has to be in there. I have to fight back a rush of frustration that jolts me before I can reach out and open the door.

  When the door to my room swings open, I find Ava kneeling in front of my bed. She’s completely naked and has her head down and eyes closed. Her dark brown hair is tied back into a ponytail that hangs behind her like a thin rope, and from this angle at the door, I can see the beautiful thickness in her thighs, hips, and belly, as she sits with her feet tucked under her luscious ass. I want to be angry at her presence, but the sight of her is too seductive and inviting to feel anything other than an intense desire to fuck her.

  “Ava,” I call her, barely holding on to the resentment I felt when I pulled into the driveway. At this point, the irritation is nothing more than a candle struggling to remain lit in a room of darkness. It’s there, but not strong enough to light up the room.

  “Yes, sir?” A
va replies, keeping her eyes closed and her head down. I can't take my eyes off her body and all its curves. Her thickness and unmistakable confidence in it makes my cock cry for her. There's nothing sexier than a confident woman, no matter what size she is. Confidence is everything, and a thick woman with confidence is queen of them all.

  “Ava, why are you here?”

  “I missed you,” she says, her voice dripping with desire. “I needed you again.”

  I want to yell at her. I want to scream for her to get out now, because I've had a long day at work, and I want to unwind with a hot shower, a hot meal, and a cold drink. But all I see is her beauty, body, and obedience. With everything I crave sitting right in front of me, how the fuck am I supposed to resist?

  “Needed me for what?” I ask, anticipating the answer and feeling it in my pants.

  “I needed you, Malcolm. I need you. I need you to fuck me the way that only you can. Sir.” Ava opens her eyes and looks up at me, and the lust in her expression reaches out and grabs hold of me, locking me in.

  I let out a sigh, but it’s not one of exasperation. It’s one of desire, and I instinctively bite my lip as I make up my mind that I’m going to punish Ava for being here against my wishes. Yes, I’m going to punish her, and we’re both going to love it.


  ~ Malcolm ~

  “Close your eyes, Ava, and keep them closed.”

  Ava flashes the beginnings of a smile that she pushes away before it can fully develop. She knows she’s done something I don't like, so that means there will be punishment. The life I live and sex I have allow me to be creative in situations like this, and Ava knows very well that I’m about to let that creativity come to life all over her.

  I let Ava sit there for a few minutes before I move from in front of the door. I stand there watching her, letting my eyes seek out the secret places on her body that I want to touch—the places I want to watch quiver beneath me as she comes. After a moment of enjoying the view, I make my way over to my closet, unbuckling my pants as I walk. Ava can hear the rattle of my belt buckle and I see her struggling to keep her smile at bay.

  “Am I funny, Ava?” I ask without a hint of banter. Ava’s smile fades.

  “No, sir.”

  “Why were you smiling?”

  “I can't help it. I’m just ready for you.”

  “Is that right? You're ready for what you're forcing on me?” I snip. “You stayed in my home while I was away. Is that something that’s allowed?”

  “No, sir.”

  “But you did it anyway,” I say as a statement of fact that forces annoyance into my voice. “And after breaking my rules, you kneel in front of me and smile. I think you believe I’m weak, Ava. Is that right?”

  “No, sir. Of course not.”

  “I don't believe you. What's your safe word, Ava?”


  “Because you're a queen?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Does the queen break into the king’s castle without permission?”

  Ava doesn't reply.

  “Make sure you don't forget the safe word,” I growl as I turn my back to her and walk into my closet.

  Inside, I pull off my pants and hang them up, before doing the same to the rest of my outfit. I pull on a red robe that I keep open, letting my cock hang in front of me in all its glory. The sight of Ava kneeling has me aroused, so my cock is thick with blood, with a pencil-sized vein running up the shaft. I can't wait to push it inside of Ava and let my frustration from her insurgence wear her out. But before we get to that, she must be punished properly.

  In my closet is a small black box that hides itself well underneath my clothes. I kneel in front of the box and open it up, revealing a white A-frame machine with a red silicone pad on top. Protruding from the red pad is a red dildo that wobbles as I lift the toy out of the box and place it in front of me with it’s chord and control knob lying next to it. Written on the A-frame are the words The Tremor in jagged black letters.

  The Tremor isn't a toy I use often due to its size. It competes with the Sybian machine that vibrates between a woman’s legs as she sits on it. The Sybian was a big deal when it first came out, but The Tremor is like an upgraded version. It’s the best floor-based vibrator on the market, and when it’s doing its thing, it performs magic on a woman’s clit that no man or woman on earth could even dream of duplicating. I’ve never used it on Ava before, but tonight, The Tremor will be my weapon of choice.

  I pull The Tremor out of the closet and place it in front of Ava, who’s still kneeling in front of my bed with her eyes closed. Once the machine is plugged in, I take Ava by the hand and lift her on top of the machine, spreading her legs just enough for it to fit between them, and she rests comfortably with her clit on the ribbed base of the dildo. She lets out a subtle gasp as the dildo slides into her, and I smile at the sight of her sitting on The Tremor, because I know the sensation of the insertion is nothing compared to what's about to happen.

  “Are you comfortable, Ava?” I ask with a grin.

  “Oh yes, sir,” Ava whispers. Her voice is shaky as she feels the dildo teasing her from within.

  “Good. You can open your eyes now.”

  Ava opens her eyes and looks down at The Tremor. She doesn't recognize it, but she looks intrigued, and I’m roused by the thought of turning on the controls.

  “Ava, are you allowed to be in my house without me being here?” I ask.

  She looks puzzled by the question when she answers, “No, sir.”

  I slowly turn the knob on the control that activates the vibrations, and Ava gasps before lifting herself off The Tremor a bit.

  “Don't lift up,” I command, and she lowers herself again. Once she's seated all the way on the machine, I activate the motion of the dildo. At this moment, although I can't see it, I know the dildo is moving in circles inside Ava’s pussy, which I’m sure is getting wetter by the second. Ava starts to moan as The Tremor massages her pussy and clit in a way that I really have to monitor. If I let it go too long or too fast, she’ll come, and that’d go against what I have in mind.

  “Holy shit,” Ava mumbles beneath her breath.

  “You like it?”

  “Yes, sir. It’s incredible.”

  “Yeah? How about now?”

  I turn up the intensity of the vibrations and Ava sucks in a breath that nearly makes her choke. I stand back and watch as the toy does its job, my robe still wide open and my cock as stiff as a wood plank. Ava’s body starts to heat up and I can see sweat beading on her arms and upper chest as she closes her eyes once again, enjoying the feeling. When I see her skin start to turn red, I increase the motion in the dildo, and I know the pace of both the vibrator and dildo are bringing her to the verge of orgasm.

  “Can I come, sir? Fuck. Please?” Ava begs, to my delight.

  “You ready to come?” I ask.

  “Yes, sir. Oh shit. I’m gonna…”

  In a snap, I switch off the The Tremor altogether. The room goes completely quiet, with the exception of Ava’s labored breathing. She lets out a groan of frustration before looking up at me as I stand in front of her with my head tilted to the side.

  “Disappointed?” I ask, grinning.

  Before Ava can answer, I turn The Tremor back on. She gasps again before her body stiffens. Ava’s head drops, her chin touching her chest as she holds her breath, already on the verge of coming.

  “You ready to come for me now?” I ask again.

  “Yes, sir. Please let me come.”

  I wait for Ava’s skin to heat up and start to flush red again. I hold off, lingering there in front of her, watching for the tale-tell signs of her oncoming orgasm, and just before it overtakes her, I turn off the machine again.

  “Fuck,” Ava blurts. “Why? What are you doing?”

  “Isn't it obvious?” I ask without a care. “What? You want to be rewarded for staying in my home without my knowledge or permission? You know better, Ava. You know the r
ules. Now close your eyes. Now.”

  Ava closes her eyes, and I let the machine start to work on her again. The sound of The Tremor’s laboring brings the room to life as Ava starts to moan once again. She knows she’s being punished, but she can't help the sounds The Tremor pulls from her. Against her will, I see Ava reaching the edge again, and for the third time, I turn off the machine. When it stops, I can see a visible pool of her wetness at the base of the dildo, and it takes everything in me not to pull her up and slide my cock in her dripping pussy. I know she’s as wet as a river right now, and nothing turns me on more, but I have to do what I have to do.

  Ava lets out a frustrated sigh, anticipating me turning the machine back on, but instead of using The Tremor again, I take Ava by the hand and lift her up. As I expected, the silicone base of the machine is soaked, but I ignore it and lay Ava down on her back on the bed.

  “Spread your legs, and wait for me,” I command, and she does as she's told. While Ava watches, her eyes glued to my stiff erection, I open a drawer underneath my bed and pull out a condom. I sheathe my cock, before reaching back into the drawer a second time and coming up with a Magic Wand vibrator. I know her pussy is already soaking wet, and her clit is super sensitive and ready to explode, but we’re not done yet.

  “Place your hands under your legs, and keep them spread open for me. Do you understand?” Ava whispers, “Yes sir,” as I position myself between her legs and flick the switch on the vibrator. It fires up with a deep hum.

  “Holy fuck!” Ava shouts when I press the Magic Wand against her already throbbing clit. Her head tilts back into the pillow, and when she closes her eyes, I push my rock hard cock into her. “Jesus fucking Christ! Oh my God!”

  “Tell me how it feels.”

  Ava struggles to breathe as she squeezes her eyes shut and presses her head back as far as she can dig it into the pillow. I know she’s already on the cusp of something fantastic, but I want to drag it out. The sight of her, however, is hard to resist.


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