by Ed Montalvo
The town fell behind as they made their way to the snow cap mountains. Rem led the party off the main road to shave time off their journey to the keep’s general location. The semi-direct route helps them cover a good distance.
The noon sun reflected off the eastern mountains. As they traveled, Dregous recalled the female Dwarf that befriended him. If time permitted he would return to check in on her and her clan. The prince instructed Rem the northeastern heading; north of the horde’s former outpost they discovered some months back.
A sudden gust of wind passed them. The chill of the breeze reminded him of how cold and lonely the mountain is. Thoughts of the horde intruded his mind, the trap they were in and the stone that almost killed Tatiana. The frigidness in his heart matched the cold gust. He forced his thoughts back to the Dwarves and hope they managed to reclaim their home.
The group traveled another day when Rem found a fading trail in the woods. They continued in a single file for two more days. By the end of day three, they reached leveled terrain. They expected encounters along the way but were surprised there were none.
The day was brisk, sunny and clear, though the group felt a gradual overcast, oppression as though the day was gloomy. The Ayrian Princess felt the foreboding oppression, “Is it me or is this trip dismal?”
“Gods, at least I am not alone. I felt so, since Riverdale,” Rem added.
Seeker studied them, “I confess, I too feel as so.”
Tuke considered their observations and masked his concern. He sensed it far off as if at the edge of his awareness. The vague feeling was similar when his parents were killed by the undead; displaced darkness, “I must agree,” then glanced at the mage.
Dregous discretely noted Tukes glance. There was an overpowering something in the air. Something that eluded him with ease. The one thing that didn’t escape his senses, they were being watched. He drew inward, attempting to decipher where it was coming from, “Dregous?” Tatiana whispered.
The prince stared at his boots to ground himself, an exercise his parents taught him since childhood. Pick a point before beginning your trance, that will be the origin of your return. “Angel?” he replied absentmindedly. He noted the heaviness they spoke of when the group reassembled.
“Are you well?” Tatiana asked.
Rem tied the horses as he scanned the area. He felt the hairs on his nape stand. The darkening woods reminded him of that night and barely suppressed a shudder. The others noticed and presumed it was due to the chill.
Dregous gazed at his Angel, “I am.”
The princess walked over, something in his mannerism triggered her concern, “Something is wrong, I can feel it.”
Seeker felt uncomfortable as she glanced about. It was as though she was being watched, “I will scout again,” she secured her sword as she stepped away.
In the days he studied the clergy, Tuke, as the other priest stated, had the gift of naturally sensing darkness. Though it wasn’t the same when the undead attacked his village, though similar. “I will accompany you,” he didn’t want Angelique alone out there. The cold tingling sensation danced across his neck and shoulders then raced to the pit of his stomach. It was very similar, Tuke thought.
She glanced over her shoulder with a smile, “You can watch my back.” They surveyed a ten-meter radius around the campsite and found nothing. Tuke heard only his footsteps, but not hers. It was fascinating experiencing her skill firsthand.
Seeker wouldn’t admit it aloud, but his company made her feel more at ease. She used her vision to scan over 90 meters into the dark forest, then stretched out with her feelings to detect danger. Still nothing.
Rem gathered faggots and tree bark for kindling, dug a hole, surrounded it with rocks and struck his flint. All along he replayed in his mind what he’s done and the regret he felt for doing so. Dregous discretely studied the group and stopped at the Half-Elf, “Rem,” Dregous said.
He struck his dagger against the flint, “What is it?” sparks leaped with every strike.
The mage stepped closer, “Allow me,” and extended a hand as he focused on his spell. Tatiana secured her armor and weapons while watching them. Rem leaned back, as the mage recited his chant. He’s seen Dregous cast spells before, but not this close where he could see the minor movements of his hand. The soft but deep hissing chant emanating from the prince sounded intimidating.
The alien words chilled the Half Elf’s nerves, then glanced at the princess, “That sounds frightful.”
“Mayhaps,” she replied, “But it benefits us.”
Upon completion, Dregous extended a finger at the pit when a thin stream of flames expelled. “Woo!” Rem exclaimed, shielding his eyes. He’s seen Dregous start campfires before, but not like this. Flames leaping from his fingertips was a new thing. He looked between Dregous and the pit a few times.
The blaze flared into a small bond fire, then died down to normal. “Impressive,” Tuke admired as he stepped into camp.
Dregous ignored the comment then returned to his studies and thought, I overdid it, “Apologies,” he managed.
Seeker masked her concerns with Dregous’s casual behavior. “Dregous,” the princess crouch before him. “What happened?” she asked. It was his first cast since his incarceration.
“Holy…” Rem paused and thought, hell. He didn’t want a lecture from Tuke, that wasn’t a pleasing prospect, “…I am edged, that display made it worse!” Rem snapped. He recalled the inferno they survived a few months ago. The thought of being burned alive still came to him from time to time.
“We are all edged my friend,” Tuke said as he and Seeker settled in. The assassin’s hand rested on her pommel studying the Half Elf.
“Rem…” the princess started.
He knew what she was going to say. His tone, language, maybe even mannerism, “I know I know, I meant no harm….” An irritating nag in the back of his mind wanted to snap at her. With little effort, he pushed it aside.
Seeker noted Dregous’s silence. It was well known the Duke didn’t tolerate such behavior. He would have killed Rem in an unusual way. “This is not the time or place for this…,” Seeker let her words hang.
“Agreed,” Tuke added.
Tatiana glanced at them with a knowing sigh then smiled at Seeker, “Agreed,” she studied Rem, “Upon returning…”
The Half-Elf pursed his lips and a soft sigh, “Agreed,” he whispered. “Apologies,” he poked the fire with a stick. Their talking was pecking at his nerves and he didn’t know why.
Dregous regarded Rem curiously. The Half-Elf considered how to announce his confession. The burden of his left forearm still sported wrappings. “What ails your arm?”
The tracker glanced at his unwanted bracelet, “It is nothing.”
His response was uncharacteristic. The Half-Elf would have given a heroic tale of bravery validating his wound or rewards. Dregous knew something was wrong, “Are we not friends?” the word friend still sounded odd to him.
Tatiana knew when the prince usually speaks with double meaning. It eluded her what was the second. She was about to speak when a woman’s cry shattered the silent forest.
The Dark Elf assassin drew her sword and dagger, then glanced at the general direction, “Dear heavens,” Tuke breathed. His comment stole her attention.
Her cries echoed, misleading her position, “Where is she?” Tatiana turned to Dregous.
Rem drew his sword, “This is not good,” he tried to identify the direction but her voice seemed to carry, leaving him clueless.
Tuke and Dregous calmly focused, looking within, then both stood up, “I sense her that way,” Tuke pointed with a bland expression.
Chapter 9
The storm rages anew, and I am not alone in its hateful eye. An ally may share my torment, though I try to shield her. A student once asked, why did I not fight? I carefully thought my reply, had I resisted, they would have said, and I use a Drouwen proverb; you see, you cannot change the red from the black wi
dow. In my case, it would be a Drouwen.
A passage from the sacred book of life Duke Hellec of Shadows.
The Dark Elf remained silent, looking into the woods with a scowled as though he could see through it, “She is being chased,” he added.
“We go,” Tatiana led.
“How far out?” Rem followed.
Tuke rushed beside the princess when a woman collided into him. He held his balance and grabbed her shoulders, “Easy child, we are here to aid,” Tuke tried to soothe her.
The female frantically struggle when she realized he was Human, “Ork’s give chase!” she didn’t notice Tatiana. Seeker quickly hid behind a large oak.
The princess and Tuke faced the bushes when three creatures they haven’t seen before crashed through. The Dark Elves have seen them in the empire and dealt with Orks on occasion. Some were slaves, and others weren’t, attending the market as free individuals. Though free, they took cared not to offend any Dark Elves.
They stood two meters tall and thickly built. Their human-based complexion with a green undertone made them look sickly. Their thick dark green leather armor sported a symbol of an eye covering their chest. It was formed by colored metal studs. Their matching helm shielded their faces, only high vertical slots exposed their eyes with the centerpiece covering their snouts. From the crown forehead, a row of 5 centimeters spikes raced to the rear helm like a mohawk.
Heavy leather fingerless gloves, extended into forearm bands. Their clawed toes protruded from the boots with a spike just below the knees. Coupled reinforced leather shield protected their torso with shorts sword pressed against it, “Merciful Gods,” Tuke exclaimed.
“Oh,” Rem chimed. Dregous noticed their pale complexion and wondered if these Orks came from the empire. A large one charged the Ayrian princess while another shield bashed Rem to the ground. A third rushed Dregous.
The strength it possessed surprised Tatiana when she parried, “By Ukko!” and prayed Dregous shielded himself with his protection spell. It attacked wildly without letup. A quick peek after she pushed the Ork aside revealed Dregous was knocked down. “No…!” she shouted. A shield bashed her, forcing her to her knees.
Another knocked Rem down, then it swung his blade at the priest, leaving the Half-Elf. Tuke parried with his shield. The Orks’ follow through, crashed the priest’s shield against his head, stumbling him back.
Rem was insulted the Ork didn’t consider him a threat, “Not done with you yet!” he growled as he jumped to his feet.
Seeker saw Dregous on the ground and made her way to aid him when an Ork attacking the princess arrested her attention. Rem clumsily charged the Ork that left him for Tuke.
Tatiana instinctively raised her shield and tried to regain herself as the Ork continued his waylay. When an opening presented itself she slashed his knee exposing the tendon. He groaned falling on the wounded knee. The surprised look on the Orks’ face made Tatiana smirk, then kicked his throat and felt a crunch underfoot, sending him on his back.
Seeker decided to aid Dregous and threw two daggers at the Ork. The first, nicked his armor, the second caught his left shoulder. It didn’t stick, though drew his attention. Her dagger clanged off him reminded Seeker, their leather armor is thick and heavy, “Uh-oh,” she whispered.
With the mage was sprawled on his back, the Ork took him for dead and addressed, which he thought was another Dark Elf with a malicious grin. He felt good taking down a Drouwen. This half breed should be easy, he thought. Seeker threw two more daggers with haste, not thinking where to target. Again his armor deflected the first, the second went low and caught his thigh. It groaned, as she armed herself with two more. His morale was high and grinned, she will be mine, he thought. The assassin spoke Orkish, “Meg noh hugg kaul umeg,” she warned.
His grin faded and his eyes filled with lust, “Meg noh hugg kaul umeg meg paranoos umeg,” he replied. The thought of having her as his personal plaything excited him.
Seeker had no intention of being anyone’s sex slave and threw her daggers. One to the shoulder the other on his arm. It slowed him, “Damn, he is tough,” she whispered.
Dregous groaned gratefully for making a habit of casting his protection spell. He laid on his side panting from the pummeling. He had the Orks’ back. The Dark Elf cleared his head while his assailant’s attention was elsewhere. He extended his hand whispering his missile spell. Two dark orbs struck the back of its head.
Seeker drew two more daggers when the Orks head bobbed forward from flashes, “Ooh,” she peeped, then it stumbled to his knees. She took advantage and stabbed his throat and chest.
The Ork glanced at the Half Elf readying his shield. Rem struck the shield as the brute kicked Tuke’s chest, sending him on his back, then blindly swung low. The Half-Elf was fortunate his shield was low enough to protect his legs, though the impact stumbled him against a tree.
Tuke sluggishly raised his shield and stole a glance from beneath. He saw Rem stagger as the Ork prepared to strike him down. With all his strength, the priest struck its ribs. The blow weakened its strike on the Half Elf. It still managed to cut into Rems’ armor.
Tatiana hastily regained herself thinking she finished off the Ork and glanced at Dregous. The Dark Elf recovered from his cast. The infuriated Ork stood, determined to crush the winged female. She heard the brute and rushed him with a feint sword strike, instead, the princess viciously kneed his crotch. It screeched as he doubled over, then hacked furiously at him. He managed to push her away.
Seeker wasn’t surprised the Ork didn’t fall and quickly drew her broad sword and waylaid him. He managed to deflect a few of her strikes. But she was too fast for him when she shoved her blade through his throat. It groaned then dropped.
Rem’s shoulder throbbed as he thrust his sword into the Orks’ belly. It fell to his knees then teetered forward. His head violently bounced against the earth. Tuke stood behind him recovering from his swing.
Dregous recast the missile spell, striking the back of the Orks head as he pushed the princess away. The last of the Orks fell face first.
Tatiana saw Dregous on one knee, lowering his hand. She rushed to his aid as she scanned for more. “Is anyone injured?” she was relieved there were none and that Dregous seemed uninjured.
Seeker rushed over to Tuke, “I am well princess,” she said.
“Hit!” Rem leaned against the tree thrusting his sword in the earth, nursing his wound.
“How bad?” Seeker examined the priest. Rem gazed at the couple, then glanced at the Ork, they’re tougher than goblins, he thought.
“I am well… just shaken a bit,” Tuke said.
“Dregous… are you hurt?” Tatiana knelt as she examined him.
“Battered, sore…, and you?”
“I am uninjured,” she helped him up.
Seeker glanced at Rem, “How bad are you?”
“The miserable dung…, …got me,” Rem grimaced.
Tuke padded Angelique’s hand with assurance then addressed Rem, “Hold still,” he examined him. It wasn’t life-threatening. “Not bad…,” Tuke said, then searched his pack for wine and bandages, and realized there may be more. He whispered a prayer, then began a minor cure chant.
While the group tended their wounds, Seeker minded the Elven female, “Are you injured?” she masked her Drouwen accent.
“Away with you, unclean abomination!” the woman hissed with reverent, hate then stepped beside the priest. She regarded the assassin with disdain.
Her reaction surprised them. Seeker stepped back, “What do you mean?”
With slit eyes, “Drouwen,” she hissed. She somehow peered through Angelique’s magical disguise, Dregous thought.
“Pardon…” Seeker started again.
“Speak not!” she murmured. “I see you clearly… Drouwen.”
Tuke sensed her fear and hatred, “Easy, she is not as you think.”
She glanced at Tuke, “Clearly, she masks as a dark woman,” then glared at An
gelique, “That is a guised Drouwen,” she exclaimed.
Rem arced a brow, “How do you…”
She gave him a quick glance, “Guises cannot escape me.”
Tatiana approached gently, “Hence why we keep her guise.”
Her heart skipped, she didn’t realize the Ayrian sooner. Since the war, Elven kind were the only people Ayrians trusted, “She is Drouwen,” the woman repeated trying to conceal her shock.
Tatiana considered the she Elf, “We know.”
The others studied the woman. Dregous smiled knowingly, his first conclusion was correct. He didn’t want Angelique experiencing his ordeal and chuckled aloud before the assassin could speak.
“What is amusing…?” and realized the mage was another Dark Elf. This one didn’t hide. She looked between them.
“Dregous?” Tatiana asked.
She quilled her shock and fear, “Another Dark one?” she breathed, “You travel with them?” and gave the princess a peculiar stare.
“We are not all as you think,” Dregous said.
Tatiana looked into the Grey Elf’s eyes, “I trust them with my life…” she added.
She studied the princess, “Forgive me, but Ayrians are far too trusting.”
Tatiana mentally forgave the woman, she didn’t know her Dregous. It was easy to stomp away the desired to rip her head off. She unconsciously arced a disapproving brow, “They have saved me before,” she said firmly.
Dregous stepped closer to Tatiana as the female studied him and Angelique. “How long have you been together?” she addressed the prince.
The Dark Elf’s ebony complexion hid his blush and was grateful for it. The princess’s paleness broadcasted hers for all to see, “Pard… what?” she stuttered.
Dregous stepped beside Tatiana, “Excuse me,” he managed.
The Elven female looked at them curiously, “Traveling together,” she glanced at Tuke.
“They are close friends… as we all are,” Tuke smiled.
“Tuke?” Tatiana blushed deeper.
The priest gleamed a bright grin, “Are we not?”