Storm (Rise of the Pride, Book 12)

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Storm (Rise of the Pride, Book 12) Page 11

by Theresa Hissong

  “One more time, sweetheart,” he said. The Guardian had been talking her though each shift. She didn’t know how much time had passed, but she kept his count on her shifts to pass the time. They were on number four. “I know you’re exhausted, and when you are done, I’ll take you home to rest.”

  “So, tired,” she replied, closing her eyes, but his gloved hand rubbed her hip, jarring her awake.

  “Come on, you can do it,” he urged. “Shift for me, Amaya. You’re almost healed.”

  She’d been going back and forth with her wolf since she came out of surgery. At least the sedatives had burned off awhile back. The pain was gone, but she trusted him in teaching her about the shifting. The last thing she wanted was to be laid up for a day or two – or however long it took a shifter to heal – being in pain.

  Storm shook her again, and she gave over to her wolf. He removed the blanket as the shift began, but the wolf just lay there, not caring to get up either. She kept her human mind close to the surface and waited. Somehow, the animal knew exactly what to do. After the third or fourth shift, the wolf had gotten up and trotted around the yard while Storm stood there and watched. After the exhaustion set in, it wouldn’t move from the ground.

  Finally, after a good ten or fifteen minutes, she felt the animal give up, returning to that spot in the back of her human mind. It was healed, and with that, the shift returned. Like always, Storm was there to cover her with a blanket.

  “Better?” he asked.

  “Very,” she replied with a yawn. “I think I can sleep for a week.”

  “You will probably sleep for a day,” he informed her. “Come on. Let’s get you off the cold ground. I think Luna has some clothes for you.”

  Clothes. She needed to go to her home and gather her things. She didn’t want to live at her home anymore even if the alpha would’ve allowed it since it was so close to the pride; only six miles away.

  Storm helped her up, his hands still covered by the gloves. She wondered if that was how the other males had tricked their panthers when touching their females before mating.

  “Does everyone wear those gloves around unmated females?”

  “Ah,” he blushed. “No. I just use them so I can put my hands on you. I don’t like any other males touching you even with gloves on. The healer and Landon are okay, and even the alpha, but I feel it’s my job to care for you.”

  “That’s kind of sweet, Storm,” she chuckled and wrapped the blanket tighter around her body while making her way back inside the healer’s home.

  “I’m not sweet,” he grunted.

  “Sure,” she replied and followed him through the door where Luna was waiting. She hurried over and wrapped Amaya into an awkward hug.

  “I’m so glad you’re okay,” Luna beamed. “I have clothes on the bed in the room you were in. Can I look at your wound before you dress?”

  “Sure,” she replied.

  The two women left Storm, the healer, and Landon in the living room slash waiting room, shutting them out. Amaya moved the blanket out of the way so Luna could look at the area where they’d operated.

  “Healed perfectly,” Luna said with a smile and returned the blanket to cover her body. “You can get dressed and head home. I’d sleep for the next day to get over the exhaustion. Shifting back and forth so many times will drain you. And eat. Eat a protein rich meal whenever you can. Preferably before you fall asleep.”

  “Okay. I’ll see what’s in the fridge at the dorm.” Amaya started to undress, but hesitated. “I’m assuming you and the healer have already seen my body.” It wasn’t a question.

  “Amaya,” Luna choked, holding back tears. “We never judge what another shifter’s human body looks like. Whatever happened to you is your business, and if you want others to know, that’s fine. If you don’t, and want to keep it to yourself, that’s fine too. We are not nosy.”

  “That’s very kind of you,” she sniffled. Amaya was learning that her new life, and family, may have been what she needed all along.

  “I’ll leave you to yourself so you can dress,” Luna offered, walking over to hug Amaya. “Take your time in everything. Storm is a very patient male, and he will care for you when you are ready.”

  “Thank you,” Amaya replied, holding on to her new friend a little longer than she should. “Thank you for everything.”

  Once Luna slipped out of the room, Amaya changed into the basic sweat pants and hoodie left for her, then she padded barefoot out into the living room. Storm held up his hand and her dirty sneakers hung from two fingers. “It’s cold. You’ll need these even if we are only going up to my cabin.”

  “We are going to your place?” she asked.

  “I have plenty of food for you,” he admitted. “I need to make sure you eat enough, and you can sleep in my bed.” At the mention of his bed, the healer and Landon made themselves disappear.

  The thought of sleeping in his bed caused her wolf to react, and from the flare of his nostrils, Amaya knew he was reacting to more than just the mating scent she was putting off. “Can we go now?”

  Storm, still with his gloved hands, took her by the wrist and all but pulled her from the healer’s home without saying goodbye to anyone. They made it no further than the tree in the front yard of Storm’s cabin before he spun her around and gently pushed her body against it, lifting her hands above her head. He growled low in his throat as he leaned as close as he could without touching her to scent her neck.

  “Your desire is driving me insane with lust,” he admitted. The male’s eyes were glowing amber, and she knew her own were their weird shade of hazy yellow. “If it wasn’t for the fact that I am about to head out to find the male who took you from me, I would take you to my cabin and touch you, keeping you in my bed for the next week.”

  “Oh,” she breathed.

  “Let me feed and bathe you,” he asked, well, demanded. “After that, I will tuck you into my bed so you can sleep until I return with your safety and freedom.”

  “Okay, Storm.” Her voice was as soft as her body felt underneath his gloved fingertips. He yearned to touch her in every way possible, but it would have to wait.

  “Come inside,” he ordered, releasing her hands. He had to step away or he’d throw away the chance to kill Murdock himself just to keep her in his arms. This time, vengeance would be his.

  He took her into the bathroom attached to his bedroom and pulled towels from the small linen closet. “You shower while I’m cooking. Take as long as you need.”

  With a nod, he turned away, heading for the kitchen. He couldn’t be close to her when the steam from the shower amplified her scent. If he was, he’d break his promise to bring her kidnapper to justice.

  He stopped in the living room and frowned at the end table by the couch. He could’ve sworn he had left the original pair of gloves there, but the table was empty. Maybe he was losing his mind.

  Looking at the clock, he had two hours before they were meeting with Talon to go over the final details for the night. The others had found the warehouse and Storm couldn’t wait to get there to save whomever was left and search for the rogue FBI agent. After that, maybe they could take Khat off the streets for good.

  By the time she returned to the living room dressed in the clothes Luna had given her, he’d just pulled the steaks from the grill. Her hair was still damp and he had to look away from the clean lines of her beautiful face.

  “You eat first,” he offered, setting a plate in front of her while he made his own.

  “No, I’ll wait for you,” she said as she settled into her chair.

  “In the shifter world, females are cherished.” Storm cleared his throat. “Males expect them to eat their fill. Only then do we eat what is left.”

  “That doesn’t seem fair,” she frowned, looking at her plate.

  “It’s the way of our world, Amaya.” He would never tire of hearing her name fall from his lips. If anything ever happened where she was no longer there, he would say it eve
ry day to keep her memory with him.

  “I still have so much to learn.”

  “There is a lot we haven’t covered,” he agreed and finally took his seat, nodding for her to begin her meal. He physically couldn’t put food into his mouth until she went first.

  “Like?” she asked around a bite of steak.

  “You have some of the alpha’s powers in you.” He paused and chuckled when her eyes widened. “Just the ability to call out to Talon with your mind.”

  “Like…what? How?” Her eyes were still wide, but she calmed when they both caught his mating scent.

  “If you are ever in trouble,” he gritted, “and I mean ever, you partially shift your face and call out for him. Just keep saying his name in your mind. Tell him what’s going on and where you are. He will respond to you and send you some calming powers.”

  “That’s crazy,” she admitted, dropping her fork. “It isn’t just the blood doing the changing of the humans, is it? It’s magical, too?”

  “It’s partially magic,” he agreed. “Most of it is the difference in our blood compared to the humans’. We are stronger in all things, Amaya.”

  “How strong?” she asked, returning to her food. “I mean, I knew I was stronger than the females I was forced to change, but just how strong am I?”

  He thought back to Evie, Hope, and Calla. They were small, but they were very strong. “It depends on your training. If you were a Protector, you could take on a human male my size. Other females of our kind are strong enough to fight off a smaller, less trained male.”

  “Could I train for a Protector position?”

  The thought stunned him for a second. His mouth opened, then closed. The thought of seeing her in the training facility, working out…sweating…exerting herself…fighting, sent blood straight to his cock.

  “Never…never mind,” she whispered. “That’s a dumb idea.”

  “No,” he barked, an apology on his tongue. “It’s fine. You are welcome to start training.”

  “I’m not saying I want to do it,” she shrugged, “I just wondered if that was possible. The Protectors are so strong and confident.”

  “Confidence is learned in the training facility,” he explained. “Those females worked harder than most of the males for their titles. Evie, in particular, worked the hardest. It wasn’t long ago when the women weren’t allowed to fight.”

  “Really?” Storm loved how she perked up when she was learning anything new.

  He took a few minutes to explain their history, and why they kept the women protected. The story about Evie brought tears to her eyes, but she never stopped him from finishing. Evie had turned her life around. Hope and Jade were a little different. They had come to the pride already trained in fighting.

  “Is that something you’d like to try?” he asked, wanting to reach out to touch her, but he didn’t have the gloves handy.

  “I don’t know.” Her nose scrunched up a little. “Maybe?”

  “You don’t have to do it,” he assured her. “Just know that the females would love to help you if you decide to try.”

  “It’d be nice to be able to protect myself,” she said with a shrug.

  “After tomorrow,” he began, standing from his seat. She leaned back when he reached for her empty plate. He continued to talk as he put the dishes in the sink. “We will have more time on our hands. I’m sure one of the females would meet you at the training facility.”

  “I’ll think about it,” she yawned.

  “Why don’t you get ready for bed?” he asked as he loaded the dishwasher. She started to argue, but he waved his hand. “I have to leave in fifteen minutes. My bed is yours for the night.”

  “Thank you,” she replied, covering another yawn. “Be safe tonight, and thank you…for everything, Storm.”

  “You’re welcome,” he replied, watching as she walked toward his bedroom. The sway of her hips was a lullaby he yearned to hear every night, and he wanted nothing more than to fall into a deep slumber with her body close to his.

  Talon stood as the Guardians filed into his office. They would be going after Murdock, and everyone was on call to go. They’d kept the daytime ones at home to care for the pride during the night. Every pride member was on lockdown until it was over, and Talon was doing it without the help or knowledge of the FBI.

  The sheriff’s car pulled in right as they were settling in for the meeting, and the angel appeared, wearing casual clothes. Talon frowned at Garrett when he shuffled into the room. “You’re not going?”

  “I’m going, but this is ‘off the record,’” he admitted, making air quotes around his statement.

  The Guardians rumbled with anticipation, some of them swaying as their beasts surged with the need to hunt. Talon used his powers to calm them, and the amount of strength he felt back in return was potent.

  “Winter, Storm, and Ranger have found the warehouse where Amaya was held,” he began, unrolling a large map of the area. He used two thumbtacks from his desk drawer to pin it to the wall of his office, pointing to the area where they’d searched. Next, he produced several photos of the building. He pinned them next to the map.

  “There are three entrances. The front, which is a ruse for their fake company. The back has a loading dock and personnel door. And lastly,” he pinned another photo, “a metal door on the north side of the building. It’s secluded, and it’s most likely barred.”

  Talon walked away for the Guardians and Protectors to exam the items. Hope, Jade, and Evie were all going with the males to assist in removing any females who might be held in there, possibly going through their change. Every one of them had been supplied with syringes containing high doses of sedatives, four collars, and four pairs of handcuffs. Lastly, and most dangerously, they were going to use guns. Illegal guns, but guns, nonetheless.

  “A little-known fact about natural wolves is that they are highly allergic to silver,” Talon said. “We do not know if that extends to the changed wolves, but all of the weapons you will be assigned before you leave are loaded with special bullets in case you need them. As always, we want to keep from using the weapons. I want everyone taken alive so we can give them a chance at a new life.”

  Garrett stepped forward, adjusting his baseball cap. “I will be there, and if I can get inside with my teleportation abilities, I will. The only problem I have is that the building is super thick. The walls of a home are no problem for me. Warehouses…I’ve never tried.”

  Talon nodded and raised his chin. “I will be here, listening for you. I will talk to your thoughts should you all need to retreat. If I make the call to flee, you flee. I do not want any of my pride getting hurt tonight.” He refused to single out the females even though he was most worried about them. They were risking so much to help the pride.

  “The healer has given us extra gloves,” Evie interrupted, picking up a bag from where she’d set it on the floor at her feet. “I’ll leave these by the door.”

  “We go in at three a.m.,” Talon ordered, narrowing his eyes. He’d never intentionally ordered his Guardians or Protectors to use violence, but tonight was an exception.

  With all of the power from his ancestors, he felt his canines grow, his eyes glowing amber as his panther came to assist. “When you arrive at the warehouse, you are to use all means necessary to destroy the enemy and bring home the victims. Do not hesitate in killing Murdock’s cronies, but if you find him…he is mine. Bring him to the pride and deliver him at my feet.”

  The push of power he delivered was seen in the rapid glow of everyone’s eyes. The air was thick with the need to finish this once and for all.

  “I will meet you all there,” Garrett announced as he turned to shake Talon’s hand. “I have deputies I trust staying close to the pride tonight. No one will see them unless they are needed.”

  “Thank you, Garrett,” Talon replied with a shake of the angel’s hand.

  He turned his head toward the room and tucked his chin, giving one last order

  “Let’s end this.”

  Sofia shifted behind Malaki’s home; grateful his was the only home on the new road on the opposite side of the property. The tiny cabin was dark, and it had been for over a week. His scent was still there, but it was faint.

  Every night, she came by to check on his place under the cover of night. At least her brother, Savage, was out hunting the rogues with the other Guardians and Protectors. She’d been worried he would catch her snooping around.

  The other Guardians hadn’t said anything about Malaki’s whereabouts, but she’d heard some whispers that her friend was still close enough that he wouldn’t grow weak from being without an alpha. So, there was still hope he would come home.

  The door didn’t make a sound as she entered, closing it carefully before turning for the room. She had to shift and adjust her eyes to keep from using any overhead lights. The last thing she needed was someone seeing her and telling Savage. He was already pissed Malaki was in charge of watching over her at Landon’s old veterinarian practice.

  The kitchen hadn’t changed from two nights earlier when she finally gave up and snuck over. He’d cleaned up everything before he left. Even his bed was made to perfection. There was nothing like an unsolved mystery to keep her up at night.

  It was nearing one in the morning, and she hurried through the cabin, checking and rechecking everything she’d been through before. There was nothing there to give her answers. Malaki lived a simple life. The cabin looked dull and staged like it was a rental home instead of his personal space. The furniture was secondhand and the walls were bare. No photos, no paintings…nothing.

  Sound outside paused her steps. She was stuck in his bedroom when the front door opened. Sofia tried to scent the air. Nothing but dust reached her. Her heart galloped in her chest as soft footsteps came closer. She couldn’t see anyone down the short hallway, but she knew she needed to get out of there.

  “Sofia?” Calla called out as she flipped the light on in the hallway, casting a white glow into the bedroom. “Why are you here? And naked? Did you shift to come here?”


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