by Sue Black
Garrick T.
Tall Man with Glasses (@stuartwitts)
Tanya Tarr
Ezra Tassone
Alan D. Taylor
Andy Taylor
Clare Taylor
Heather Taylor
Jacqui Taylor
Paul Taylor
Christopher Teano
Melissa Terras
Paul Theobald
David Thomas
Kim Thomas
Rick Thomas
Sue Thomas
Bill Thompson / @billt
Margaret Thompson
Simon Thompson
Ian Thompson-Corr
Jon Thrower
Daniel Tighe
James Titcomb
Tom <3 » ∞ Karen
Gavin and Daniela Toms
Christine Topliss
Edgar M. Toro
Gene Eric Toye
Vianne Tourle
Travis & Emery Music Bookshop
Samantha Treverton
Iain Triffitt
Ma. Angela Tripon
Roger Troughton
Richard Truscott
John Tucker
Dermot Turing
Erik Turk
Melissa Turner
Richard Turner
Steve Turner
Ben Tuson
TwoTone and all our other llamas sadly lost.
Simon Tyldesley
Emma Vallintine
Mike Vallis
Tony Vallis
Steve Van Domelen
Louis van Dompselaar
Katrien Van Look
Joek van Montfort
Keith van Rijsbergen
Sietske van Vugt
Hugh Varilly
Dai Vaughan
Craig Vaughton
Mark Vent
Ana Victoria Chiu
Soraya Viloria Montes de Oca
Ian Vincent
Dirk vom Lehn
Peter Wade
Julian Wagstaff
Joanne Wainwright
Norman Wainwright
Catherine Walker
Clare Wallace
Rob & Liz Walsh
Ian Walters
Denise Walters née Bagley
Hui-chang Wang
Martin Ward
Britt Warg
Kate Waring
Fiddian Warman
Lorraine Warren
Angela & Sam Watling
Deirdre Watson
Isabel Weatherly
Lynette Webb
Matthew Webster
Casper de Weerd
Hubert Weikert
Andreas Weinberger
James Weiner
Dean Welbourn
Julius Welby
Brad Welch
Chris Westcott
James Whatley
Rebecca Wheeler
Paul Whelan
Richard Whitaker
Steve Whitaker
Ben Whitehouse
Roger Whiteley
J E L Whitmore
Matthew Whittaker
Anna Wickenden
Geraint Wiggins
John Wiggins
Steve Wilde
Ian Wiles
Dino Wilkinson
Beckie Williams
Courtney Williams
Daniel Williams
David Williams
Gavin Williams
Jonathan Williams
Meri Williams
Sean Williams
Shirley Williams
Steve Williams
Susan Williams
Beth Williamson
Ian Williamson
Matt Wilmshurst
Adam Wilson
Amanda Wilson
Clyde Eugene Wilson, III, Chief Warrant Officer (CWO4), U.S. Navy, Retired
Johanna Wilson
Julian Wilson
Mark Wilson
Robin Wilton
Sara Wingate Gray in memoriam Diana Rosemary Woodruffe Cleaver, FO Civilian, TA: Hut 8 and Block D(8), German Navy Enigma Processing Section, Bletchley Park
Sarah Witherby
Hamish Wood
Pete Wood
Jim Woodcock
Thaddeus Woodman
Kate Woodroffe
Gerard Woods
Jane Woods
Jenny Woods
David Wooldridge
Anne Workman
Liz Worsley
Colin Wright
Colin & Rachel Wright
James Wright
John Wright
Rachel Wright
Debbie Wythe
Chris Yapp
Sophie Yauner
Catherine Yorke
John Yorke
Linda Youdelis
Derek & Margaret Young
John Young
Jon Young
Soh Kam Yung
Zak Zebrowski
Andrea Zisman
This edition first published in 2015
6th Floor, Mutual House, 70 Conduit Street, London WIS 2GF
All rights reserved
© Sue Black, 2015
The right of Sue Black to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.
Typeset by Lindsay Nash
Art direction by Mecob
A CIP record for this book
is available from the British Library
ISBN 978-1-908717-92-4 (trade hbk)
ISBN 978-1-78352-167-8 (ebook)
ISBN 978-1-908717-93-1 (limited edition)