Meant to Love

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Meant to Love Page 3

by Lucy Darling

  “Except the cleaning lady.” She nods toward me but doesn’t look back my way. I want to say Charla was in here earlier too, but I don’t think that will really help anything right now. I’ll stand here and let this all play out.

  “Leave the bag there. Someone will collect it,” Mr. Jackson tells me.

  “I can take it down,” I counter. I’ve been doing it all day. I actually got to meet a lot of the staff that worked on the first floor. Everyone has been so nice. I know Colden runs three floors of the top offices but the rest are rented out. The ground floor is all building maintenance, mailroom and security. Mr. Jackson doesn’t own Ridgeway, but he is the CEO out here and he owns this building.

  “I wasn’t asking,” he responds. I slowly set the bag on the ground, still not understanding why I can’t take it down. I do as I’m told since he is, after all, my boss. He lets out a curse as he shoves his hands through his hair, messing it up. “Go back inside and stay put,” he orders me as he steps out of the elevator, grabbing the bag of trash.

  “We have plans tonight,” the woman chirps from behind him. I feel myself flush at the reminder of their plans. Mr. Jackson’s eyes flick to mine as he steps backwards into the elevator.

  “Inside,” he says to me again, nodding at his door. I turn, taking off toward his door. I look back to see him watching me enter his place. I let the door fall closed behind me and lean against it, wondering what the heck just happened. I felt as though I was in trouble for something. My first run-in with my new boss did not go well. I am so getting fired.

  I push off the door, looking around the now spotless condo. It is kind of empty and plain when it’s all cleaned up. Before it looked lived in, thanks to all the food boxes. Now there is nothing left but simple furniture that I’m sure cost a small fortune. I don’t understand why people pay large sums of money for such plain stuff.

  I head to the kitchen, opening the fridge that I know is empty except for condiments. There aren’t even bottles, just the packets you get when you order takeout. There is nothing to eat here. I slam the door shut and head toward the cabinets. Hopefully I’ll find something there to eat.

  My stomach rumbles with hunger. It wouldn’t be the first night I’ve gone without eating. Actually I’m not sure I’ve eaten all day. Charla left me a card to go food shopping with. It is next on my list of things to get done. Since Mr. Jackson came home and told me to stay put, that’s no longer going to happen. I have no idea how long he plans on being gone. I guess I have no choice but to sit here and wait.

  A weird jealousy hits me when I think about Mr. Jackson and his date. I’m not going to admit that it’s over how ridiculously attractive he is. I’m totally jealous of whatever they’re getting to eat, I tell myself. Not that her hand had been on his chest. That she talked about—

  “No,” I tell myself. I’m definitely not going there. If I’m asleep when he gets back he can’t fire me. At least not tonight. I rush to the spare room that Charla told me would be mine. I wish she had given me one on the other side of the condo. Not the one right next to the master bedroom. It is the second prettiest room in the place. Of course the master bedroom is the best, with a bathroom that looks to be underutilized. If this was my place, you’d have to drag me out of there kicking and screaming every day. It’s beautiful. It’s an oasis in the middle of a bachelor pad.

  I bite my lip thinking about using the giant tub in there. My body hurts from all the cleaning I’ve done. I’m sure Mr. Jackson will be gone for at least an hour. Besides, he is already going to fire me, so I might as well go out with a bang. I could enjoy the tub while he enjoys his ugly date. I'm lying to myself with that statement. His date isn’t ugly. She is the furthest thing from ugly and I don’t know why I am making mean comments about her even if they are only in my head. I hate how she so easily dismissed me as if I were nothing, not even worthy of her time.

  Well, they can enjoy their wonderful dinner together. They’re probably a match made in heaven. Both of them deserve each other. My stomach lets out another rumble thinking about food, but I ignore it. I am going to enjoy Mr. Jackson’s tub while I still can. I slip off my clothes, grabbing a towel from my bathroom before making my way toward his. I turn on the water thinking it's going to take forever for the giant tub to fill. I bet five people could easily fit inside of it. The shower is also ginormous. It’s all an open floor plan. Who needs this much space? I understand that the man is big but this is going a little overboard. I guess if you have extravagant amounts of money you need to find something to spend it on.

  I drop the towel and slip into the tub, letting out a small moan at how it feels. The warm water does wonders for my sore muscles. I better at least get paid for today. I’ve picked up this entire place and made it presentable. It still needs some help. My eyes flutter closed as my mind tries not to worry about what I’ll do tomorrow once I’m fired. Where will I go? Will the temp agency help me get another job if I was fired from this one? All of these questions flood my mind and threaten to ruin my time in this tub. I’m not sure how the agency handles cases like me. I try not to think about it anymore and let my body relax. Whatever happens, happens. Before I know it, sleep takes me.



  I grip the bag of trash tight in my hold. If I wasn't holding this bag, I wouldn’t believe what I’ve just seen. She was the most perfect little angel. She looked so out of place holding a bag of garbage. I had to snatch it from her hand. More importantly, I needed to get her back into my home. Why that need was so strong, I have no idea. I wanted her back inside my condo until I got back. Yeah, until you get back. My thoughts betray me knowing that I want her there for much longer than that. My cock is rock hard from the way she looked me up and down, causing her porcelain skin to pinken.

  “What do you do with that?” Brownie asks, looking at the bag of trash I’m holding. I’m instantly annoyed at her for interrupting my thoughts with her annoying question.

  “Throw it away.” Jesus. Does she not know what to do with trash? I bite my tongue trying not to say something incredibly rude because I’m sure she’d run and tell her mayor daddy. He would throw a fit and I’d end up hearing it from Charla. Instead I keep my comment about tossing her into the dumpster with the trash to myself. Charla would be so proud of me. Speaking of that little devil, I’m going to give her a raise for finding my future wife.

  The elevator hits the bottom floor. I don’t wait for Brownie as I exit. “Can I take that sir?” One of the guards rushes over toward me. “Is Penelope okay? She said she had one more bag. Is this it?” he asks. My jaw hardens with the realization that he knows who the little angel up in my apartment is. A hint of anger rises in me that she’s been at my place all day without me knowing. That I’ve missed spending valuable time with her.

  “She’s fine. In fact, make sure she doesn’t leave.” The guard opens and closes his mouth. I’m sure he wants to tell me he can’t make anyone stay if they want to leave. “If you value your job.” He only nods. “Call me if she does try,” I offer because there is no reason that I’m being an asshole to this hard-working man. It’s not his fault that I’m in this situation with Brownie when I could be upstairs spending my time with my beautiful angel. I watch some relief wash over the poor man’s face. “Thanks. I’d really appreciate it if you’d call me if she needs to leave,” I say, trying to soften my initial approach. He nods and smiles.

  “Why are you so concerned about if she leaves?” I glance over, having forgotten about the annoyance that’s standing next to me. My mind blanks completely and I can’t even remember what the made-up name I have for her is. I’m done with this little charade. I can’t possibly leave with Penelope still upstairs alone. I won’t be able to concentrate on anything else until I talk to her.

  “No dinner tonight,” I tell her. Her mouth falls open. She is ready to throw a fit that I’m sure always gets her what she wants. She’ll be quick to learn that will never work with me. Ever. Not even my ow
n sister could get away with it. Though she isn't prone to them. Sadly, if she wants something she always goes to Leo for it. I don't know if that should bother me or not. At least I know he’ll take care of her. I can trust her with him while I am so far away. I bet he’ll crumble to one of Rochelle’s fits in a second. She has him wrapped around her little finger but she hasn’t come into her own enough to realize it. I see the way he looks at her. If she does choose Leo, it would make me happy. There is no one on this earth that will love and take care of her more. My thoughts are interrupted again by the whiny voice that won’t seem to go away.

  “But my father—”

  “I’ll call him in the morning. Other things have come up.” Like my fucking dick that is begging for me to go back to my condo and inspect this Penelope more. I have so many questions. How long has she been in my place? Probably most of the day with how Charla works and how clean my place looked. I only got a brief glance but even I could tell that it had been cleaned up. It’s the end of the work day so she is likely headed home. I worry that security won’t be able to stop her. My only saving grace is that she works for me now and Charla will have all of her details so that I can track her down. I have this need to know everything about her. I want her to tell me everything but I’m not above using my money to get answers.

  Track her down. Use my money to get answers. Have I lost my mind? Why wouldn't I just wait for the next day? The idea leaves a sour taste in my mouth. No, I want to interview the new assistant myself. Hope she isn't running for the hills after seeing my condo. For the first time, I actually feel embarrassed about my place. She probably thinks I’m a slob. I guess maybe I am when it comes to my personal life. Charla was right. I need someone to clean up after me. I’m not so sure it should be someone like Penelope. She looks like this tiny creature that’s perfect. She should be placed as a piece of art for all to admire. My jaw clenches. No, she is mine. My assistant at least.

  “Where are you going?” Brownie asks. That’s it. Well, it’s the name I've been calling her in my head, not her real one. God only knows what that is.

  “Still need food.” Somehow she manages to keep up with me as I cross the street. “To go.” I tell the host who’s standing at the front desk of the steakhouse. She nods, taking off towards the back. “Double the order,” I call after her. “Throw in dessert too.” Dessert. Why did I ask for that? I am going to feed my angel in my condo. I’m sure she’s hungry after all of her hard work. It is the least I can do after making her stay after hours.

  “Smile,” Brownie says. Before I know what's happening she’s pressing into my side and a camera flashes. I push back from her. She wobbles in her heels. I grab her by the shoulder so that she doesn't fall on her ass. See, I’m not a complete asshole.

  “You pushed me,” she accuses.

  “You pressed your body into mine,” I growl back, having had enough of her bullshit. The thin thread that I was holding on by breaks. “Fucking perfume stinks.”

  Her mouth falls open in shock.

  “Save it,” I tell her before she can start to put on another show. She closes her mouth, pursing her lips. I don’t give a shit anymore. I’ll take the heat for this one. The only thing I care about is getting back to my place and getting to know more about Penelope. The sooner the better.

  “This isn't over,” she says before she stomps out of the restaurant. I pull out my wallet as I watch Brownie talk to the man who snuck the picture of us. Fucking great. I drop down a couple hundreds while I shoot off a text to Charla that I better not be in page five tomorrow. I’m not sure she can control that but I can give it a go. These days it doesn’t matter, though. There is no stopping social media. Speculation and gossip are always going to be around as long as people are alive and someone is willing to listen. Money and power bring a lot of it and it soon becomes a part of your life. You learn to ignore it because in the overall picture it has no bearing. It doesn’t define who you are. It’s not the first and it won’t be the last picture of me that someone tries to exploit.

  “Sir.” I turn to see the host back with my to-go bags. I’m sure Penelope will love the fact that she cleaned these up all day and now I’m bringing home more.

  “Thanks.” I nod towards the money I’d dropped down onto her desk. “Keep the change.” I head out back towards my place. “She come down?” I ask as I head toward the elevator.

  “No, sir.” Relief fills me at that. It still isn't sitting well that she’s been coming and going all day, enough for security to know who she is and what she is up to. They even remember her cute name. I don’t blame them. For once I’m not forgetting a woman's name. It was ingrained in my mind before I’d even laid eyes on the little imp.

  When I make it to my floor I push open the door. I don’t know why I think she’ll just be standing there waiting for me. I go from one room to the next looking for her. My place is freaking spotless. Has she done this all on her own? I push open the door to one of the spare rooms. I don’t think she would be in there but I pause when I see a suitcase. I start to walk towards it when I hear the sound of water coming from my bedroom.

  I bolt toward it, thinking that a pipe has broken. I don’t have to open the bathroom door to know that’s where the sound of the water is coming from because it’s pouring out under the bottom. I toss the food bag I have in my hand onto the bed as I push open the bathroom door. I freeze at the sight in front of me.



  I hear a loud bang which jolts me awake. Oh crap is my first thought as I realize that I’ve fallen asleep in the tub. That’s the least of my worries when I look up and see Mr. Jackson standing at the foot of the door. My eyes scan his big body from top to bottom. When I get to his shoes, reality hits. That’s when I hear the water coming from the faucet and see the puddle that he’s standing in. Water is everywhere. Oh God. What have I done? I shoot up, turning off the water to stop any more from flowing over. I look at him again as he stands there in silence probably as shocked as I am. I’m not sure what he’s thinking or how to read the look on his face. It’s completely blank as he keeps on staring at me.

  “Sorry. I’ll clean everything up before I go.” I stand up, having forgotten that I was naked. My face flushes as mortification hits me. Who forgets they’re naked? I reach for a towel, wrapping it around me. There’s no use in being shy now. He’s seen it all. It’s not as though I even stayed awake long enough to put bubbles in the bath that could have masked part of me. I was lying in water that he can clearly see through. I fasten the towel at the top and begin to climb out of the tub. Mr. Personality over there still hasn’t said a word. In fact, his eyes narrow on the towel. As soon as my foot hits the ground, I realize that I’ve made a mistake as I begin to slip, dropping my towel in the process.

  One second I’m headed toward the floor and the next I’m pressed up against Mr. Jackson’s rock hard body. Either I’ve gotten the wind knocked out of me or being this close to him has taken my breath away. He continues to hold me even after I get my balance. My bare breasts are pressed against the fabric of his dress shirt. My body molds to his as if it’s been in this same position a million times. I cannot see him but I can feel him all over. I can feel him lean down so that his mouth is within reach of my ear. I bury my face in his chest trying to hide how embarrassed I am. I can’t look at him.

  “You’re not going anywhere,” he whispers. Maybe he thinks I am going to try and make a run for it. I might have considered it for a second. Then he shocks me as he takes the lobe of my ear in between his teeth. “Ever,” he adds. Desire shoots through me at the warm press of his mouth to my ear. My nipples pucker, causing them to rub against his shirt, upping my desire for him. His teeth release my ear and I lean back to look into the eyes of this handsome man. He leans down, brushing his lips against mine while whispering my name as if it’s a part of his personal mantra. I must still be asleep. That’s it. I’m dreaming. I’d fallen asleep in the tub and I am still out. This explains e

  Now I am deep in a dirty dream and I plan on enjoying it even if I don’t know what I am doing. I remind myself this is a dream and I can do whatever I want in my dreams. I’ll let him lead and make myself a tempting little seductress. I want to make the most of this. I part my mouth for him, letting his tongue slip past my lips. I moan at the contact. My feet leave the floor as he lifts me, my back hitting the wall. I wrap my legs around him the best I can. With my small size and how broad he is, it’s tough to get them locked around him but I do. In doing so I push my core into his hard stomach. I rock my hips, realizing the pure pleasure of being pressed against him there. My clit throbs with need for me to keep going, so I do. I rock again as little moans escape from me and my orgasm starts to build. He presses into me, making sure I have the friction I need. A loud growl comes from him as he pulls his mouth from mine, lowering it to my neck as he licks and sucks.

  “Give it to me,” he demands. I don't know what it is he wants, but when he bites down on my neck I come. My eyes squeeze closed at the sensation that rocks through my whole body. I cry out his name. My entire body goes lax, with my legs beginning to slip from around his waist. He holds me up and I feel us move. When my back meets softness I let my eyes finally open. He’s put me in his bed.

  He stands on the side of the bed, his clothes wet from me being plastered to him. My body still tingles with pleasure. Still, his face is unreadable. I open my mouth but no words come out. I swear he fights a smile.

  “I’m not dreaming, am I?” I finally get out.

  “If this was a dream my cock would be inside you already.” He shocks me into silence again. My fingers dig into the soft comforter. His eyes roam over me, going to between my legs. I clench them together. Yeah, this is definitely not a dream.


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