Meant to Love

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Meant to Love Page 5

by Lucy Darling

  I push that thought from my head. I always wake up with a fucking chub and there’s no need to make it worse. I will myself to focus. My mind reminds me that my little oops girl is standing in the middle of shattered glass and that I need to make sure she doesn’t get hurt.

  I walk towards her.

  “Careful,” she tries to warn me. I kick a few pieces of the glass to the side as I pick her up carrying her into the kitchen like she’s a tiny doll. I place her on the kitchen counter and immediately take her bare feet into my hands, inspecting them for any cuts or pieces of glass.

  “Stay,” I tell her. I look around, wondering if I have a broom. A small giggle comes from her. She points over to a tall cabinet that I’m guessing houses the cleaning supplies. I’d be the last one to know where any of that shit is in this place.

  “I think you’re looking for the broom?” She bites her lip to keep from laughing harder. It’s then I see one small dimple pop out in her left cheek. How did I miss that before? I control the urge to bend down and kiss not only it, but her. Instead, I head in the direction that she pointed, finding the broom. I walk back to where the pieces of glass lie and begin to sweep them up. When I come back into the kitchen she is still sitting in the same spot that I left her. Her bare legs swing back and forth. She’s wearing a worn-out shirt that says some high school’s name on it that I’ve never heard of. I can’t tell if she has shorts on under it or not. The thing practically wears her more than she wears it. I really need to find out more about her. I could simply pull a report and know everything about her in seconds. Or I could do this the old-fashioned way, you know, by asking her about herself and letting her tell me the information first-hand. I’m actually not sure which is better. The more information I have on her the more I’ll know how to handle her. I need to know everything there is to know about her so that she stays here with me. Plus, it doesn’t help that it is nagging the hell out of me that she doesn’t have anywhere else to go. Why is that? I think that’s part of the reason I couldn’t sleep last night. She is a young, intelligent, beautiful angel. Why isn’t there someone taking care of her? Why doesn’t she have a roof over her head? Where is her family? There are so many questions that I need answers to.

  “You really need someone to help you out around here.” She is likely right if I don’t even know where my fucking broom is. Though having her clean this place is last on my list of things that I want her doing for me. There are better ways she could be spending her time.

  “I do,” I agree. Maybe not full time but I’ll go around making messes and creating shit for her to do if it keeps her here. What a strange thing for me to think. I hate people in my space and now I am doing everything I can to keep this angel as close to me as possible. I laugh to myself because she might be helping in some areas but she’s creating chaos in others. It’s the first time in a long time I am enjoying life. Now that I think about it, I haven't checked my phone in a while. It’s usually the first thing I do before my eyes are even fully open in the morning. It’s to see what I might have missed or what I have going on for the day.

  “I’d make you breakfast but—” Her delicate shoulder does a shrug, making her shirt slip off and revealing the smooth soft skin that was hidden underneath. My mind flashes to the night before when I kissed her there, reminding me of how she tasted on my tongue. My eyes narrow when I see the small mark I left behind. I feel a few emotions all at the same time, guilt being the first for being so rough with her and marking her delicate skin. Pleasure from my memory of how she had felt against me, and possessiveness for wanting to leave more of the same. I quickly turn, giving her my back before I do something that will have her running from my place.

  “The store. We’ll go now and pick up breakfast while we’re out,” I tell her. “Let me get dressed.” I march from the kitchen while adjusting myself. “Maybe you should do the same.” There is no way that she is leaving my condo with her shoulder on display. Other men may be having the same thoughts as I am about what might be underneath that shirt of hers. I’ll be the only one knowing that information. Thoughts of her perky tits and the way her nipples puckered with pleasure as she rubbed herself on me yesterday have me needing a release. I shake my head knowing that I’m being unreasonable and that I can’t go around telling her how to dress but damn if I don’t want to. I don’t know how I’m going to make it all day without murdering someone for looking at her. I’ve never been known to be the jealous type.

  “Don’t you have to go to work?” she calls out. I hear her small feet trailing behind me. “You can make a list. You surely don’t have to come with me.” I turn and she runs right into me. I’m a bastard. I knew how close she was. Knew she was going to push that small little body right into mine and I’d get a chance to get my hands on her once again. Steal another touch, maybe another taste. Something I can hold on to while I jack my jock in the shower before we head out for the day. There is no way I can walk around like this all day. I am too old for this shit. I should have control of my cock, but true to my little angel’s nature, she is sending everything into chaos. I should be panicking but I’m not.

  “My morning is all clear.” I smirk down at her. I notice her eyes flick to my mouth before she looks away and jumps back from my hold.

  “I’m not good about personal space.” She lets out a small laugh. I know she’s trying to lighten the mood.

  “It would be wise to stay out of others’ personal space.” I give her the small warning. Her head nods up and down so quickly some of her silky hair falls out of the pile of curls she has on top of her head. “Get changed,” I tell her before turning to make my way back toward my room to do the same. “You should wear your hair down, Penny.”

  “Penny?” she asks, but I don’t answer her as I disappear into my room. Not before giving her another warning. “Cover your shoulder too.” I know I’m being a dick but I can’t help myself. I’ve never been jealous or cared about what anyone was wearing before. She probably thinks I’m the biggest asshole. I’m not sure if I care or not as long as it gets her to cover up.



  “Is this okay?” I ask. I’m not really sure what I should wear for this new job. Yesterday I’d worn one of my best outfits. It was a simple button-up pink shirt that tucked into wide-leg slacks. The pants were long enough to hide the fact that I had on plain white sneakers instead of dressier shoes. High heels and I don’t mix with my balance issues. Heck, I can’t even do sandals for the most part. They always make my feet hurt or end up flying off my feet one way or another. I'm guessing from Colden’s comments about changing that I need to dress more professionally. Not show too much skin. I was still in my sleep clothes. Of course I am going to put something else on.

  I’d quickly changed yesterday when I saw what my new job would entail. I went with something that was comfy and that I could easily clean in. Now that I’m standing here in shorts and a shirt with the same sneakers as yesterday I’m thinking I’ve made the wrong choice because Colden is once again in a suit. I didn’t think I needed a suit to go to the grocery store. I’ve never mixed with rich people socially so I guess next time I’ll get dressed up to go grocery shopping. It doesn’t make sense to me but I am representing Colden while we’re out and I am his employee.

  “Should I change?” I fidget with the frayed ends of my shorts. Colden’s eyes flick down to my legs before coming back up to meet mine. He pulls at his tie, looking uncomfortable and causing my insecurities to heighten.

  “It’s fine.” His voice doesn’t sound fine.

  “Oh.” I rush back to my room, grabbing my purse and putting it on. I check to make sure I have my cell phone. It’s likely going to be shut off any day now. I wonder when I’ll get my first paycheck. I should ask but maybe after we get back from the food store. I already seem to have made him uncomfortable with my choice of clothing. Oh well, he doesn’t know what it’s like to be without and this is all I have to wear. I walk back toward th
e front door to see Colden on his phone.

  His voice is low and his back is to me. “Everything is fine?” I hear him ask. His voice is soft. “Good, I’ll fly out to see you as soon as I can. I miss you.” His words feel as though they are a knife to my heart. I don’t know why I have such a strong reaction. I’ve known the man less than a day. My cheeks heat with anger and embarrassment as I remember how I was all over him. If I didn’t need this job, I’d kick him in the balls for allowing me to do those dirty things with him while he had a girlfriend in another state. Maybe she’s in another country for all I know. I march past him, open the front door and head for the elevator without saying another word.

  I shouldn't be shocked. He had a date last night too. Wait. Could that be who he was talking to? She could have had to leave early or something and that’s why their dinner was cut so short. That would explain why he’d come back so soon to see me in all my naked glory. I hit the button to the elevator harder, wanting it to come faster. I’m jealous. That’s what this is all about. I’m really going to have to take a look at myself when I get back on my feet and have the luxury to question my decisions. Why would I feel this way about someone who obviously doesn’t care that he made out with me when he already has someone? I hit the stupid button again to get some of my frustration out. I remind myself that this is a job and that he is my boss. Do your job, get paid and live here as long as possible to get your life together and then you can leave, I tell myself, but it doesn’t make me feel better.

  I stop when a hand wraps around my wrist, pulling it back.

  “You’re going to hurt your finger,” he tells me. Then, to my utter shock, he lifts my hand and kisses my fingertip. The elevator dings. Before I can say anything his hand is on my back guiding me into it.

  “Don’t kiss my finger,” I say with a tart tone, issuing my own order for once. “I can also walk on my own. I don’t need you to hold on to me.” That statement is sort of a fib because of my history of being prone to accidents but I’m mad so I don’t care.

  “I rather enjoy kissing you.” His tone is light and teasing. “Don’t leave the condo without me.” This time there is an edge to his voice and the teasing is gone. I glance over at him. Our eyes lock for a moment before his phone starts to ring. He pulls it from his pocket.

  “I’ll be late today,” he says when he answers it. He’s quiet for a moment and I wonder who he is talking to now. None of these things are my business but I irrationally want to know. “I’m going to the store.”

  I hear a woman's laughter through the phone, alerting me that it’s Charla. “Of course I know where the store is,” he says a beat later. I bite my lip to keep from laughing. I’m still mad but I love Charla for giving him crap and putting him in his place.

  “I’ll be in later.” He ends the call.

  “You really know where the store is?” I ask him. I can’t fight the smile. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still pissed about the other thing, but this is my job and I need it.

  “I run a billion dollar company. I’m sure I can find a store,” he assures me. I’m not so sure that I believe him.

  “I think I saw one around the corner.” The elevator dings and I step off. I see Steven standing behind the security guard desk. He’s in his late sixties and I learned yesterday he’s the head of security for the building. He doesn't have to do the heavy lifting; he basically tells everyone else what to do and keeps his eyes on everything. He could retire but he says that work keeps him busy. He can’t sit around all day or he’ll drive his wife crazy. His words, not mine.

  “Steve. Is there a grocery store a few blocks down?” I ask, thinking I recall seeing one.

  “Yep.” He points in the direction we need to go. “Two blocks down and take a right. You can’t miss it.” He gives me a warm smile and I return one of my own.

  “Awesome! Thanks.” Steve’s eyes dart over to Colden, who he gives a curt nod to. Colden eyes Steve like he’s going to rob us. “Did your wife happen to get me that recipe you were talking about?” I ask. He told me his wife made the best pot pie in the whole world. I’m not sure if I can cook it or not but I am going to give it a try. If I am going to be Colden’s personal assistant, which includes cleaning and cooking, then I’ll need to learn. I think I should feed him something that doesn't come from a food container that he ordered. Don’t get me wrong, I love takeout, but it shouldn’t be the only thing he eats.

  “She texted me. She’s at her sister’s for the week.” I start to walk over to Steve to see it, but Colden wraps his arms around me, stopping me.

  “We better get going. I still have to get to work at some point today.” His voice sounds strained and I look down at his arms that are still holding me. He releases me immediately even though he doesn't look like he wants to.

  “I’ll just be a minute.” I continue walking over to Steve, trying to figure out why Colden seems to be acting so weird. He’s so uptight sometimes, then light as air at others. I never know which side of him is going to pop up. There is the one that Charla told me about and the one I’m seeing for myself. They are both mixing together.

  He really needs to relax a bit. I can feel his bulky body behind me as though he’s my shadow watching over me. I stop short, causing him to bump into me. Of course I’m the one that stumbles so that backfired. His arms wrap around my waist, holding me in place so that I don’t fall. I should try to shake from his hold but instead I savor his nearness. Him acting like my shadow is weird but it’s oddly comforting that someone is actually looking out for me. It’s not something I’m used to. The more I think about it, since I’ve met Colden he might be bossy but he does keep taking care of me. I thought this arrangement was supposed to be the other way around.

  I push my thoughts aside as I take out my phone and lean over the desk to continue my conversation with Steve. I hold my breath when I realize the action causes my bottom to push into Colden. His hold around my waist tightens. If anyone were to see us right now we’d look like a couple. I don’t know why he hasn't let me go yet, but he, for some reason, is still holding on. He likely fears I’ll fall over onto my face.

  “Text it to me.” I ignore Colden the best I can. It’s really hard because well, he’s really hard. “My number is—”

  “Just take a picture of his phone,” Colden cuts in.

  “My camera doesn’t work. Old phone.” I turn to look over my shoulder at him. “Everything is always blurry.” I can’t afford a new phone at the moment and I never take pictures so it is at the bottom of the list of things I need.

  “Text it to me, Mr. Evans,” Colden tells Steve as he pulls me from the desk. My mouth hangs open at his arrogance.

  “Hey,” I say after I get it together, but we’re already out of the building. Even Steve’s face looked shocked at Colden’s actions.

  “You don’t need to be giving your number to random men.” My mouth pops open again at his weird comment.

  “Steven isn't random. He’s the head of the building security. I think it’s okay if he has my number.” I roll my eyes. “You need to relax a bit, Colden.” Still he keeps his arm around me, holding me close. The streets are busy and I tell myself he's doing this so we don’t lose each other. It’s helpful, too, because people jump to get out of Colden’s way. He’s a big man and no one is going to shoulder-check him. If they did, they'd be the one who went flying.

  “I don’t like it.” His hold on me tightens once more. Is he jealous? No, he was just on the phone telling someone he missed them and was going to go and see them. He had a freakin’ date last night! I bet he is just one of those men who doesn’t like to share. Well, I’m not some toy that he can have many of and I can have none but him. He’s really starting to piss me off. I’m usually quiet and nice, but he’s being ridiculous. He practically embarrassed me in front of Steve for no good reason.

  “I like Steve,” I blurt out with force. Colden stops walking, turning to look down at me. His face is hard. I watch as his nostrils flare.
Wow, he looks super pissed. He didn't look this mad when I flooded his house. He’s been bossing me around a little too much and while he is technically my boss, I don’t appreciate his actions.

  “He’s married,” He grits out. I roll my eyes.

  “As a friend.” I look down. We shouldn’t be stopped in the middle of the sidewalk but I’m guessing no one in their right mind is going to tell Colden to get a move on it. “I don’t have any friends.” It’s the truth. The ones I had at my old job cut ties with me after the news broke about what my mom did. They assumed I was guilty by association. I have no idea where she is at this point. I’m guessing she’s hiding from the cops.

  “I’m sorry.” My head jerks up to look at Colden. The words sound foreign coming from him. “I’ll do better.” He says the same words he’d spoken the night before. It leaves me feeling as confused as I was last night. Before I know it, he’s grabbing my hand and leading me toward the store. His demeanor changes have me feeling as though I have whiplash.



  It took everything in me to make it through our supermarket trip. After shopping and loading up on all the things she wanted, I had a driver come and pick up all the bags and deliver them to my building. Penelope insisted on carrying one of them home because she said that’s what normal people do. I wasn’t a big fan of her having to carry anything. Well, maybe my baby, but that’s for the future. I don’t know where that random thought came from. It’s probably because I know if she had my baby inside her she’d stay put. It puts me on edge that at any moment she can up and leave if she truly wants to. It’s why I’m running so damn hot and cold making her think I’m fucking crazy. I’m trying to tone it down and be more sweet and soft, but this possessiveness keeps creeping forward, and let’s not forget I’m just a cold bastard by nature.


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