Seven Rogues for Christmas: A Historical Romance Holiday Collection

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Seven Rogues for Christmas: A Historical Romance Holiday Collection Page 2

by Dawn Brower

  "You're staying here tonight." He took a half step closer.

  "The hell I am!" she snapped, then clamped her hand over her mouth. She watched the flicker of amusement pass from his eyes to the curl of his lips. Then he smiled, baring his white even teeth in a sinful, devastating grin.

  "You don't have much of a choice. I'm the one giving orders here, and you can't seem to stay out of other people's business." He took two steps closer.

  She trembled as they stood toe to toe. He looked down at her. She met his gaze defiantly and thrust her chin out. "You can't keep me here against my will."

  "I can, and I will." He reached out and grasped her chin.

  She jerked it from his hand and pushed against his chest. "Out of my way." Pushing against him proved to be as useful as a shovel moving a mountain.

  With a quick movement, he clasped the iron cuff around her left wrist and tightened it. "Until I say otherwise, you're mine."

  Jess pulled at the cuff. "Get this damned thing off of me!"

  He fastened the other part around his right wrist and locked it. "Don't bother killing me for the key. Monty has it." His grin made her anger bubble.

  "How dare you come into my establishment, berate and demand, and then incarcerate me!" She reached for the door, and he pulled her back. Jess slammed into his chest and straightened quickly. The feel of him against her reminded her how long it'd been since she'd held a man. Her marriage had been short, but it hadn't left her inexperienced. Her husband's sudden death had left her with unattended desires. Jess licked her lips and stood beside him, the heat from his body making her aware of how close they stood.

  He sat down on the bed, pulling her down beside him. "Lie down." He lay on the bed, and she scrambled to lay down, carful to keep two feet between them.

  She stared at the ceiling, anger and disbelief coursing through her veins. The heat from his hand distracted her. How could I have been so stupid? What is he going to do with me? Her sister believed her to be in bed asleep. Jess sighed.

  "Do you have a name?"

  His question startled her. "Jessamine, but everyone calls me Jess."

  He grunted in response.

  "What am I supposed to call you?"

  "My lord."

  If she could have rolled away from him, she would have. The pompous arse.

  Chapter 2

  As he lay there, Edmund contemplated the woman beside him. He'd chosen this inn because of its remote location and proximity to London. Never had he imagined a slip of a woman complicating his otherwise flawless plan. It proved difficult enough taking on a job with two partners in tow, but since she'd stumbled onto their discussion, he had no choice but to involve her.

  He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. Her eyes were closed. His gaze raked over her dirty blonde hair coming loose from the chignon, and he wondered if it was as soft as it looked. He refocused his attention on the ceiling. The soft, tantalizing scent of her made the long suppressed hunger resurface. It'd been too long since he'd been with a woman. He chewed on the inside of his cheek.

  There were too many variables in play, too much at stake. He couldn't take the chance of bringing someone into his inner circle, especially a woman, and not even for a short period of time. Monty had recommended a discreet brothel, suggesting it may help him relax if he enjoyed some female companionship. Edmund had been far from amused. He wasn't going to pay for sex. He ran his hand across his jaw.

  The woman who occupied the space beside him, Jess, had now complicated his entire scheme. He hated involving any outsiders in his dealings, but there was nothing to be done about her. She'd approached at the wrong time. Her heavy sigh shook him from his thoughts.

  "Are you going to kill me?"

  He smothered his laughter before it escaped his lips. "Do you want me to?" he countered, his voice steady and deceptively calm.

  "Why are you holding me prisoner and what happens in the morning when I must return to my duties?" She propped herself up on her elbow and stared at him. He felt her gaze on his profile. "My sister will be worried if I don't return to help her. Are you going to kidnap me?"

  He turned to look at her at the almost fearful tone of her last question as if leaving this hovel were worse than death. "You prefer death to my stealing you away from here?"

  Jess glanced down at the irons binding them and shrugged. Her words grew bold as she met his gaze. "My preference would be for you to release me and leave my inn."

  "I have no intention of doing any of those things, so you might as well sleep."

  She flopped onto her back, her hair finally falling free from its knot. After a few moments of silence, Jess turned toward him again. "What did you steal?"

  "I thought you said you didn't hear anything?" He faced her again, struggling to keep his expression impassive. The minx was trying his patience and stirring his curiosity. Neither of those things boded well for his mission.

  Her face flushed a pretty shade of pink. "I...well, never mind." She lay down again and draped her right arm across her face.

  "Curiosity can be a dangerous thing." The words were a reminder to himself as much as a reprimand directed at her. "Go to sleep."

  She mumbled something under her breath and jerked the hand cuffed to him. "I can't sleep like this. It's uncomfortable."

  "How do you normally sleep?"


  He grinned at her snarky comment. "I meant do you sleep on your side, your back, or your stomach?"

  "Why do you care?" Her voice echoed with sarcasm in the small room. After a moment, she conceded. "My right side."

  Before she could react, he grasped her waist and rolled her over the top of him, tucking her body against his left side. Their cuffed hands lay on his chest as she looked down at him with wide blue eyes. They sparkled very much like the prize he had hidden in his pocket. He scowled as his body stiffened at her touch. "Lie down." Edmund wrapped his arm around her shoulders as she hesitantly leaned her head on his shoulder. Her hand rested over his heart. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

  Her scent consumed him as her curves nestled against his body. Every breath she took sent a shock of awareness ricocheting through him. She arched against him as she tried to find a comfortable position.

  "Be still," he snapped.

  Jess tensed beneath his hand. He ran a fingertip across her shoulder, back and forth, in an effort to soothe her. Honestly, he hadn't meant to startle her, but it'd been far too long since he'd had a woman in his arms. Any more movement on her part and he would have taken advantage of the situation and the soft woman chained to him. What the hell had he been thinking putting irons on her?

  The thought of Monty or Simon watching her triggered a pang of jealousy. Her smiling face and sweet greeting when they'd arrived at the inn struck him. He wasn't here for a dalliance; they had a mission to complete. But when she'd been caught red-handed outside the door, he'd had no choice but to take her captive. A complication with her gold spun hair and sapphire eyes.

  Her steady breaths brought him back to the moment. He glanced down at the woman now sleeping in his embrace. Edmund covered her hand with his and allowed himself a small smile.

  The wind howled outside. Hopefully the storm would let up by the next evening, ensuring a safe return to London. A pang of emotion struck him at the thought of leaving the feisty young innkeeper. It didn't matter. They would make the exchange and return to London before their absences were noted. He pushed thoughts of her away and fell asleep to the sound of the winter storm raging outside.

  Chapter 3

  When she opened her eyes, the sight that greeted her made her heart pound. Jess still lay cradled in the man's embrace. She frowned. How could she feel this way in the arms of a stranger who'd shackled her to himself and forced her to share his bed? He hadn't touched her inappropriately, so that must mean he had some semblance of decorum. Even though he spoke like a gentleman and dressed like one did not mean he was truly a gentleman.

  She caught a glimpse of his hand atop hers, resting on his chest. Gentleman or not, she missed the simple comfort of being held. Jess pushed the longing aside and moved her hand. He stirred at the movement but did not wake. The sharp angles of his face seemed softer in the morning light, even more so while he slept. She sighed as a tender emotion threatened to overtake her heart. Why waste such intimate thoughts on an overbearing stranger, a thief using me as insurance?

  "Wake up," she said poking him in the chest. "I said, wake up!" Jess jabbed her finger deeper, and he snatched her hand in his.

  "There are much more pleasant ways to wake someone." He smoothed his fingers over her palm. "A gentle word, a soft touch, a tender kiss..."

  "You deserve none of those." Jess repressed the burning need his touch ignited.

  "Your husband has been remiss in his duties. Perhaps he should've taken time to train you better."

  His words startled her. "My husband is dead."

  "I know."

  Her gaze snapped to his. "How did you know?"

  He raised a brow. The sharp scrutiny of his gaze made her shift uncomfortably. "I make it a point to research the places I visit before I arrive."

  "I could have been an innocent woman...a maid employed by the owner of the inn. How would you have known?"

  "Had you been an innocent, you'd have been trembling and terrified when I brought you to this room." He gripped her wrist. "But your body's reaction to my touch told me all I needed to know about the status of your...innocence."

  She pulled her hand away. "Release me."

  He opened his mouth to reply when a knock gave him pause. "Come along." He sat up, pulling her with him. When he'd set them both on their feet, he unlocked the door and swung it open. "Yes?"

  The man's silent friend stood there, a scowl on his face. Did the man ever smile? The scruffy one stood behind him, a cigarette dangling from his lips. They both looked irritated.

  "A messenger sent word Terence and McGruder are on their way. They've been tipped off to our direction. We may have to change plans, they're not far now." The scruffy one spoke, blowing smoke in an agitated huff. "All that work, what a pain in the arse."

  "True, but they don't know who they're after. They have a scent trail, nothing more." The man bound to her stroked his chin with his free hand. "Both of you, take the carriage and go north then double back. I'll remain here and give these two hounds a new fox to chase."

  The two accomplices nodded and turned to leave.

  "Monty, the key please?" the man asked, holding his hand out.

  "Right." The scruffy one took the key from his vest pocket and dropped it in his hand.

  "I'll meet you boys back here before supper." He nodded to them as they left and then turned his attention to her.

  Jess swallowed as he unsnapped the metal brace from her wrist. "Thank you."

  "You're involved now." He pocketed the irons and key. Taking her chin in his hand, he leaned close. "If you betray me or my comrades, it will implicate you as well. Then I will take my payment from you in any way I deem satisfying." He forced her to meet his intense stare. Her heart ceased beating as his breath brushed her lips. "Behave and I shall leave you in peace."

  She nodded, afraid her voice would fail if she tried to speak. He was not a man to be crossed, of that she was certain. He released her, and Jess stumbled back.

  Closing the door again, he turned to her. "Lift your skirts."

  Jess backed away from him, shaking her head so hard her hair tumbled over her shoulders.

  He approached her as a wolf would stalk a rabbit. "I gave you an order."

  When she slammed into the wall next to the fireplace, he stopped. She stared past him, her eyes darting around the room looking for a weapon of some kind. He grasped her hands and pinned them to the wall beside her head.

  "Do I terrify you?" His soft voice made her still beneath him. "If you obey me, I promise no harm will come to you." He released her hands but did not step away. "Lift your skirts, or I will do it for you."

  Jess inched her skirt up until her drawers-covered thighs were exposed to his view. He knelt before her trailing his hand across the linen. The heat from his hand burned as she closed her eyes. What is he going to do to me? She bit her lip, anticipating his touch. Her body's reaction should have been fear and loathing, but the desire that pulsed inside of her shook her to the core.

  He pressed something to her thigh, and she felt the distinct tightening as he tied it there. Her eyes flew open. Glancing down, she watched him tie a small sack to her thigh, just above her garter. His fingers brushed the crease where her thigh met her torso, and she suppressed a whimper. Her body betrayed her again. She cursed it.

  Making sure the sack was secure with a tug, he glanced up at her as his hands slid down her legs and fell away. "Put your skirt down."

  Jess dropped her skirts and pushed past him. "I have work to do." She fumed at the emotions raging within her. He shouldn't arouse me. He's threatened and intimidated me. The inn called...her work, her life. She had a job to do. Damn him.

  As she reached for the door, he snatched her arm and pulled her back to him. "Today, I am your husband. Speak only when you're spoken to." His grey eyes hardened as he spoke. "Understand?"

  "My sister will never allow this charade." She pulled her arm from his grasp, and he relinquished it without hesitation.

  "Convince her. Until the sun sets, you are my wife." The expression on his face remained impassive, but there was no ignoring the intensity in his voice. "Do you have clothing for me to change into? No one will believe I'm your husband dressed like this."

  She perched her hands on her hips and narrowed her gaze at him. Insensitive, cold, and irritating...but he was right. No one would believe they were married with him dressed in his finely tailored suit. "I have some clothes in my room that used to belong to my husband. You can wear those."

  He stretched his arm out and opened the door, motioning for her to proceed. The two of them walked in silence to a room in the back of the inn beside the kitchen. A soft clang of metal echoed from the kitchen as they slipped into her chambers. She closed the door behind them. Quickly locating the garments, she tossed them on her bed.

  "Here. I'll leave you alone to change. I need to talk to my sister about your...request." She struggled to keep a civil tone.

  His lips thinned as he pressed them together, regarding her in silence. "Say nothing of what you know. I needn't remind you of the consequences."

  With a stiff nod, Jess left the room and entered the kitchen. "Morning, Judy." She forced a cheerful tone and smiled.

  "Jess, you weren't in your room when I went to wake you." She kneaded the dough on the counter and rounded it into a loaf. "Did one of those gentleman take you to his room last night?"

  The heat rose in her cheeks, giving her sister the wrong impression, but she played off of it to keep her word to the brute now changing in her room. The thought of him naked made the blush deepen, and she fanned herself with her hand. "You could say that."

  "Jessamine Annabell Watson. Tell me everything!" Judy dropped the loaf onto the table and dusted her hands on her apron as she rushed over to her sister.

  Jess put her hands up. "I can't give you details now. Please, just listen to me." She took her by the shoulders and tucked a flour stained lock of hair behind Judy's ear before smiling at her. "He's going to be with me today, all day, by my my husband."

  "You're getting married?" Judy's jaw dropped.

  "'s just pretending to be my husband today. Please, there are some guests passing through...well, I can't explain it all right now, but I need you to trust me. Can you do that? Just this once, I swear I will make it up to you." She shook her sister. "Judy, I need you to do this for me, please, I'm begging you."

  A soft sigh fell from Judy's pouted lips. "Fine, but I want all the details tonight. Every. Last. One."

  "Thank you." Jess hugged her tight. "I promise I'll make it up to you. N
ow, I have another request."

  Judy narrowed her eyes. "Sure," she said with an exasperated sigh. "What is it?"

  "I need you to stay in the kitchen today."

  "All day?" Judy stared at her in disbelief. "But have...ugh, fine. I'm keeping a tally of your debts, you know. One of these days I'll call them in and you'll..." Judy's voice trailed off as the door squeaked behind her.

  "Am I interrupting anything?" a familiar and irritating voice asked. If she hadn't been privy to his coldhearted threats and demands, she'd have melted into a puddle on the floor. His deep voice oozed confidence and...well, other things.

  Jess turned to him. "No, everything is fine. This is my sister, Judy."

  He reached out and took her sister's flour covered hand, pressing a kiss to the back of it. Jess' stared at him in amazement and watched his face transform when he smiled at Judy. "Tis a pleasure to meet you." He dropped her hand and flashed his grin at Jess.

  She stumbled back and gripped the countertop behind her. Who was this man? There could be no way it was the same man she'd just spent the night with. What...who... She pressed her hands to her temple and shook her head. He winked at her. Oh sweet merciful God in heaven.

  "Jess, you lucky devil." Judy giggled as she returned to her loaves of bread. "Well, charming, do you have a name?"

  "Please, call me Edmund."

  Jess had endured enough. She snatched him by the arm and dragged him into the common room. "We'll just be out here," she called to Judy as the door swung shut behind her. Spinning to face him, she saw the icy façade slip back into place. "Care to explain that little production?"

  He shrugged. "I don't have to explain anything to you."

  It took every ounce of willpower she possessed not to wrap her hands around his throat. She took several deep breaths before speaking again, meeting his gaze levelly. The last sin she wanted to add to her ever growing list was murder.

  "Is that really your name?" she asked, turning away to wipe the bottles of liquor on the shelf.


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