Seven Rogues for Christmas: A Historical Romance Holiday Collection

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Seven Rogues for Christmas: A Historical Romance Holiday Collection Page 9

by Dawn Brower

  The years of companionship put them of a similar mind. Simon would find the girl and return her. Until then, he had to pacify the hot tempered innkeeper. He groaned at the memory of her silky skin against his as he buried himself inside of her. Perhaps his decision to send her away had been made in haste. The thought of her made his blood surge straight to his groin. After a quick trip to the stables and the local modiste, he would make his way north in hopes of distracting the widow until her sister could be restored. Unless she decided to kill him first.

  Chapter 14

  Brushing the flour off her hands, Jess turned to the older woman who helped her in the kitchen. "Would you mind checking the bread in the oven?"

  With a nod the woman did as Jess asked. Andrew's mother, Marie, proved to be a diligent and reliable worker. She would consider taking her on full time, but Jess and Judy worked well enough together that they didn't require any additional help in the inn. Thoughts of her missing sister made her heart sink.

  They had a few travelers stop for the evening. She'd busied herself with menial tasks around the inn to keep the ache and hurt at bay. Judy's disappearance was a direct result of Edmund's orders. She knew it deep in her bones.

  Jess plopped the ladle into the pot of stew, splashing herself with hot broth. She groaned. The man had ruined her by allowing her to glimpse the glamour of the privileged class. She had been content in her ignorance, but that was before...Jess shoved the thoughts away. "I will not dwell on it," she mumbled to herself.

  "Would you like me to serve the guests, mum?" Marie asked as she loaded the tray with bowls of stew and fresh bread.

  "Yes, thank you." Jess turned away to hide the hurt in her eyes. When Marie left the kitchen, the weight of it all became too much to bear. He used and then dismissed you. The ache in her heart spread to her head. She leaned against the counter.

  "Are you well, my lady?" The concerned question shattered her solitude.

  She straightened wiping at her eyes before turning toward the voice. Bates stood at attention, his gaze alert and understanding. "I am perfectly fine, Bates. Is there anything else I can get for you?" Jess offered him a half-hearted smile.

  He came closer, searching her face for something. She took an involuntary step back. "Is this what you want?" he asked as he gestured to the inn surrounding them.

  "It's my home." Jess chewed on her lower lip for a second. "It belongs to me, so yes, this is where I need to be."

  "That's not what I asked." Bates cocked his head.

  Jess pursed her lips. She knew what he was asking. "Did your master put you up to this?" She crossed her arms. "Is this some twisted game he likes to play?" The pain of rejection welled in her chest again, and the tears threatened to spill once more.

  Bates took a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to her. "My lord has not given me leave to speak of these matters. I do this of my own free will."

  She took the cloth and dabbed her eyes. "Why, Bates?" Why can he not tell me the truth? Why would he ask me to stay and in the next breath dismiss me? Why does ice run in Winterbourne's veins? The silent questions raged inside her mind. But she let the butler draw his own conclusions.

  "The short amount of time you resided with us was the most contented I'd seen my master since Miss Katherine disappeared." He clasped his hands behind his back.

  "Katherine?" Jess murmured the name. The woman mentioned in the telegram. The same name Anne had used before the masquerade ball when talking about how well the gown looked on her. Jess crushed the handkerchief in her fist as she leveled her gaze at Bates. "Who is Katherine?"

  The butler swallowed, but his impassive expression never shifted. He looked a bit uncomfortable. "My lord has his reasons for not imparting that information." He bowed. "Forgive me, my lady. It was merely my wish that you understand while my master is direct in his speech, he often lacks the ability to convey his thoughts in a suitable manner."

  Her thoughts lingered on what he just said. Edmund knew what he wanted and demanded it, however his communication skills were severely lacking. At least on that point her and Bates agreed. "Tell me who she is." Jess pushed him. "Please. You know exactly what he's withholding, and yet you deny me."

  "I beg your pardon, my lady, I have already spoken out of turn." Bates bowed and turned to leave. He glanced over his shoulder. "He may seem cold and heartless, but he's not made of stone. Deep in your soul, you know this to be true."

  Before she could speak, Bates left the kitchen. She pushed the rolling pin on the table as a sudden weariness washed over her. Maria returned as Jess untied the apron and pulled it over her head.

  "I'm sorry, suddenly I don't feel well. Would you mind finishing up?" Jess hung the apron up and walked past Maria.

  "Of course, my dear. Andrew can help me. There are only a few patrons left. I'll see that everything is tidied up before I leave for the evening." Her warm smile comforted Jess. How lucky she was to have their help.

  Jess thought of her sister as she pushed open the door to her room. After closing it behind her, she leaned against the solid wood. What had that brute done to her? She struggled to remember the man Edmund had left with her sister. The quiet one she had called him. Panic clawed at the inside of her chest. She needed answers when nothing but questions abounded.

  Stumbling toward the bed, she collapsed on it and buried her face in the pillow. The sheets weren't as soft as Edmund's. She shook her head. Stop thinking about him. Stop it! The man who had caused her nothing but distress since he walked through her front door a week ago. Had it really only been a week? One week to break a country widow. Jess closed her eyes. Her head pounded, and the worry dug into her heart like a parasite.

  A soft click echoed as the door opened. Jess waved her hand. "I'm fine, Maria." The door clicked closed, and she relaxed again.

  "You're far too trusting."

  Edmund. His voice echoed in her head. Her eyes shot open. For a brief moment, she thought she'd heard him speak. The fire crackled in the small stove. Surely she must be mistaken. The bed springs squeaked as someone sat on the bed next to her feet. Jess bolted upright, turning in time to catch the look of amusement on Edmund's face.

  "What in the blazes are you doing here?" Jess pressed her hands to her cheeks. His calm demeanor belied the heat burning in his eyes.

  "I received your telegram."

  "It was not a summons for you. I demanded my sister be returned." Jess glanced at the door. "Have you restored her?"

  Edmund cocked his head. A small smile played on his lips. "She is in capable hands."

  "Your henchman still has her then?"

  "Rest assured, Simon will not allow any harm to come to her." He rested his hand on her leg, his fingertips brushing the stocking clad skin exposed just above her boot.

  "Why are you here, Edmund?" Jess jerked her legs away from him. "You haven't come all this way just to deliver that message."

  He arched his brow and stood. "Your debt remains unpaid. I came to reclaim what belongs to me."

  Jess shot to her feet. "I have done everything you asked of me. You got your jewels. I want my sister returned, and then I demand you leave us in peace."

  Quicker than lightning, he grasped her wrist and pulled her against him. "Why would I do that?"

  "You sent me away. It was you who told me to forget whatever happened last night." Her throat constricted as the tears threatened again. She pounded her free hand against his chest. "Why are you doing this to me?"

  "I changed my mind."

  As if his simple explanation would soothe the fractures in her heart. She met his gaze, defiant and proud. "I belong to no one. You've made your choice, now leave me." Jess tried to pull her hand from his grasp, but he tightened his grip and held her firm against him. She clutched the lapel of his jacket, half in desperation and half in anger.


  "Damn it, Winterbourne, I am not subject to your whims and demands." She gasped as his lips came down on hers. Her irate words dissolv
ed on his tongue. Rage and passion burned inside of her. She'd missed his touch, his kiss, the heat in his embrace, but her anger consumed the desire in one bite as her teeth dug into his flesh and the taste of blood filled her mouth.

  He reared back and pressed his hand to his mouth. "Fuck." Glancing at the blood on his fingers, he met her gaze. "Jessamine, you are playing a dangerous game."

  "As are you." She refused to back down. Her eyes followed his tongue as it brushed over his bite-swollen lip.

  "Never in my life have I chased after a woman." He gripped both her wrists in his hands and took a step toward her. She backed away until she collided with the wall, her heart pounding beneath her breast. He pressed his body against hers and pinned her wrists to the wall above her head. Edmund leaned close, his scent overwhelming her as he pressed his lips to her throat. "Never have I wanted a woman as I want you."

  The scrape of his teeth against her tender skin made her whimper. "Edmund..." He kissed her neck, and the pulse of pleasure mixed with pain radiated through her body. When he pulled away, his eyes flickered with unfiltered lust. Jess licked her lips.

  "This marks you as mine."

  "Stop." Jess murmured. "I cannot play these games. Please."

  Edmund dropped his hands and stepped back. His gaze remained fixed on her, his expression filled with barely restrained need. He clenched his hands into fists and then released.

  Desire coursed through her, screaming for his touch. Jess ignored the turmoil within her and tilted her chin up as she spoke. "Who is Katherine?"

  Edmund raked his hand across his face and nodded. "Of course." Shaking his head, he turned away from her and leaned his hand against the wall.

  Jess stared at his broad back. Trepidation nagged at her. She kicked it away. "If there is to be anything further between us, you need to tell me the truth."

  With a sigh, he turned back to her. "If I tell you, then you become mine, permanently." A sudden jolt of uncertainty shook her. His handsome face betrayed nothing as he closed the gap between them. "Do we have an accord?"

  Her heart pounded. The air stilled as he came closer, his lips hovering over hers. Jess could only stare at him. Her freedom as a widow would vanish with a simple word. But would she be satisfied with such a life after glimpsing the world beyond? The words swirling around in her brain dissipated before they reached her mouth. His breath brushed across her lips. The lure of Edmund, of the promises etched in every caress called to her.

  "I want to know everything, Edmund." Jess' breath caught in her throat as his hand settled on her waist. "There can be no secrets between us."

  Edmund brushed his lips against hers, the warmth fleeting, and yet she swayed against him wanting more. "Say the words," he whispered.

  "I belong to you." Jess watched the transformation in his eyes as they softened. In relief?

  He leaned his forehead against hers, their noses brushing, breaths mingling. After a long moment, he spoke. "Katherine is my sister."

  "Your sister!" She could barely contain her surprise, and he winced against the pitch of her exclamation. "I'm sorry...I didn't..." A tender kiss silenced her. He broke away and met her gaze. All the questions she'd had started to fall into place, the clothing, the maid, all of it. "What happened?"

  He ran a hand through his hair, mussing it. A lock fell across his forehead. "She disappeared six months ago. Simon and Monty have been helping me track her."

  "The telegram." Jess remembered the missive from the night before. "He's found her though, hasn't he?" Jess clutched at his jacket in hope of good news even though she'd never met his sister.

  With a nod, he stroked her cheek with the backs of his fingertips. "It's in your nature to feel compassion for those around you, isn't it?"

  "I was raised with a conscience." Jess teased him when a thought struck. "The jewels then?"

  "They belong to me. Family heirlooms. My sister was wearing them the night she vanished." He smiled. "Am I still a thief?"

  "Technically, yes." Her eyes widened. "What of my sister? You promised me the truth, remember?"

  "I did." His fingers tipped her chin up and caressed her sensitive throat. "Your sister is in Simon's possession. He will have her returned soon."

  Jess narrowed her gaze at him. "If that were true, you could have had her returned by now."

  Edmund sighed. "She disappeared at the station, lost in the crowd." He pressed a finger to her lips before she could reply. "But I trust Simon implicitly. She will be returned unharmed, you have my word."

  She nodded conceding to his words. "You put a lot of faith in that man. Why?"

  "I've known Simon since we were children."

  "Is he a lord as well?"

  "In a manner of speaking," Edmund replied with a teasing smile on his lips. "Now, I've answered your questions." He kissed her, soft and sweet on the mouth. "Be a good girl and open the bag."

  She glanced down at the satchel that lay on the floor half under her bed where he pointed. When had he dropped that? Jess turned to him to protest when he swept his hand along her gown, unfastening the buttons along the front of her gown.

  "I want you to wear it for me." He finished unfastening the gown and stepped away. "Put it on." Edmund sat down on the bed, loosening his cravat.

  Jess pulled the dress off with a steady hand, her senses heightened at the knowledge of his attention on her alone. She dropped the homespun gown onto the floor and picked up the leather satchel. Withdrawing her hand, she found it clenched around a mass of black lace.

  "There's more." Edmund's voice remained calm, but the hunger in his eyes emboldened her.

  She laid the lace on the bed and searched the bag again. A silk lined corset lay at the bottom of the satchel. Jess placed it next to the lace and set the bag aside. "You want me to wear this?" she asked as she picked up the lace again, examining it closely. "Drawers?" Jess glanced at him as the heat stole across her cheeks. "I'm not even going to ask where you found such...impractical undergarments."

  A wolfish grin appeared on his lips. Jess sucked in a breath. Edmund was handsome, but when he smiled in such a way, he transformed beyond that into something regal and irresistible. "You'll soon discover things that seem the most impractical can often be the most enticing."

  Her fingers brushed the rough cotton of her own chemise. The thinning garment had served her well, but under Edmund's scrutiny she realized how ill-suited she was to him. The reality of their stations slammed into her with the force of a mule's kick. Jess crossed her arms and backed away from the flimsy garments. When she met his heated gaze, she faltered.

  "What's wrong?" he asked as if sensing her hesitation.

  "I'm sensible, frugal, and conservative." Jess shook her head. "I'm no lady, merely a simple innkeeper's widow, the daughter of a farmer." Saying the words aloud made their implication more tangible. She turned her back to him as the reality stabbed her heart.

  His heat surrounded her as his arms slid around her waist, and he pulled her against his broad chest. "If I cared about your bloodline, I would never have claimed you." Edmund pressed a soft kiss against her cheek. "You belong to me, Jessamine."

  "Edmund," she whispered as he gathered fistfuls of her chemise in his hands and pulled the fabric over her head. Tossing the garment behind him, he then turned his attention to her bare chest. His hands cupped her breasts as his fingertips teased her nipples. She swayed back against him, her head dropping back against his chest.

  "Perhaps I should only make you wear the bloomers." He slid his hand across the curve of her stomach and dipped beneath the fabric of her drawers. His fingertips brushed the curls at the juncture of her thighs. "Or nothing at all. I like having you bared to me." Edmund pushed her drawers down and turned her to face the wall.

  Jess whimpered. Every caress sparked a desperate need deep inside her. She wanted to spin in his arms and bury her hands in his hair, kiss his wicked mouth.

  "Put your hands on the wall." He positioned them to his liking then tur
ned his attention to her legs. Slipping a hand between her thighs without touching her core, he nudged them apart. The soft brush of his fingertips trailed over her thigh and hip, along her side, and across her breasts.

  Jess shivered knowing she grew more aroused with every second of his prolonged seduction. "Must you torture me?" she asked, her voice pleading. The warm press of his kiss against her bare shoulder made her legs tremble.

  "You call this torture." He chuckled, his breath sending delightful shivers along her spine. He thrust his hand into her hair and tipped her head back to nibble on her neck. "This is reverence." His other hand came to rest on her hip and pulled her against his arousal. "I will worship you until the sun rises." Edmund released her for a moment, but in the next breath, he slid between her thighs, pushing against her opening.

  With a gasp, Jess arched her back, urging him on. In one motion, he buried himself inside her, his hands grasping her hips. She moaned as he moved, the rhythm increasing the ache for release. He pushed his body against hers, and she took what he gave, savoring it. Desperate for more, she met every thrust and her body begged for the pleasure his actions promised. When his fingertips brushed against her clit, she sobbed and bucked against him. He stroked the sensitive spot as he made love to her. The pant of his breath across her skin and the graze of his teeth as he peppered kisses along her spine pushed her over the edge. Jess tumbled headfirst into bliss, allowing the pleasure to claim her. Her knees buckled, but he caught her around the waist and carried her to the bed. Her vision blurred by the waning pleasure, she sank into the mattress as he climbed on top of her.

  "I'm not finished with you yet, mon amour." Edmund captured her lips in a kiss that left her breathless. He slid into her again, slowly building the delicious sensations to a crescendo.

  When she came again, the pleasure pulsed through her like a wave crashing on the shore. He took his own release filling her completely. Pressing his forehead to hers, he whispered, "Mine," and stole a soft, warm kiss full of promise.


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