Seven Rogues for Christmas: A Historical Romance Holiday Collection

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Seven Rogues for Christmas: A Historical Romance Holiday Collection Page 14

by Dawn Brower

  “My dear, none of that surprises me. You’ve been shocking me since the moment you entered my home. Why would I expect anything less?”

  She smiled. “At least one of us had been predictable in a sense.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked affronted.

  “I expected a rake,” she replied. “You put on a good show at first, but I have to say I’m rather disappointed. You’re rather—tame.”

  If that didn’t result in a rise of outrage nothing would. Was it too much to desire a kiss from her intended. All right, he never planned on marrying anyone, outright refused her, and of course never asked for her hand, but he was going to marry her despite all of that. Juliette had never been kissed and more than anything she wanted him to be the one to do it.

  “Are you challenging me?”

  She shrugged, but wasn’t sure if he could see the gesture. “Of course not. It was an observation. If you’re the scoundrel everyone claims you to be wouldn’t you have already taken advantage of the situation? No one is stopping you, and we do intend to marry at the end of this journey.”

  “I’m not a seducer of innocents,” he proclaimed. “And I’ll be damned if I start with you.”

  Juliette sighed. Drat. Grayson was going to be difficult, and she wasn’t entirely sure how to achieve her goal. An idea formed in her mind and before she changed her mind she said, “I suppose I’ll have to have an affair. Otherwise I’ll never know true passion…”

  Juliette sat back and waited for his response. It was bound to be good.

  Chapter 5

  “By all means, do.” There wasn’t a chance in hell he’d allow her to find a lover. If another man so much as looked at her wrong he’d rip him to shreds. Grayson clenched his fists and kept his anger, and yes, jealousy, in check. If he exploded now she’d realize how much her statement bothered him. He couldn’t have that. She’d already owned far more of him than he was comfortable admitting. So his words belied what he truly felt. “I have no plans of ceasing any of my more pleasurable pursuits.”

  “That’s generous of you,” she replied. “You’re not worried about being cuckolded?”

  “My dear,” he said with sincerity. “A man is only a cuckold if he’s unaware or cares about his wife’s dalliances.” The sun was beginning to rise in the sky and her face was becoming more visible. Like a cloud moving away from the sun she was a bright beacon that brought warmth to his weary soul. “All I ask is you’re—discreet.”

  It was becoming harder and harder to hold back his true feelings. He hated the idea of her with another man, always had. But as long as he’d kept a distance her potential lover or husband was ignorable. With her present, and oh so close, the possibility of it ate at him. How could he expect her to remain chaste, especially as he refused to touch her. He had to reassess his earlier proclamation. The only way he’d be able to avoid caressing her was to avoid her all together, and yet even that didn’t sit well with him.

  “This is rather enlightening.” Her lips tilted upward. “So far I’d have to say the only downfall marriage to you would bring is your insistence I remain in England. I’ll take that as a challenge.” She waved her hand. “After a while you’ll gladly send me packing.”

  He gritted his teeth. She could do her worst, but she’d not leave England without his protection. There were things in the world she didn’t understand or couldn’t be learned from a book. Juliette was innocent and couldn’t comprehend the depravity seeping into the world. Grayson would ensure she didn’t ever experience the seedier part of society. When she sought his protection of his name she’d unwittingly agreed to his need to shield her as he saw fit. In time she’d realize he only had her best interests in mind when he dictated his demands.

  “Not bloody likely,” he replied. “Nothing you could do or say would make me budge on that particular detail.”

  “We’ll see,” she replied. “It feels as if we’ve been in this carriage forever. When do you think we’ll stop?”

  Not soon enough in his estimation. Time away from her, and a moment to stretch his legs, were both very much needed. Sadly, he’d not have either one of them for several more hours. He’d ordered his driver to take a median pace. There was no need to rush and run the horses to ground, but he still wanted to arrive in Scotland as soon as possible.

  “We will stop in the first town we reach around the midday meal. If you’re hungry cook packed a few provisions for the journey.”

  “No,” she said. “I’m too nervous to eat.” Juliette rubbed her hands together and blew on them. “It’s just… I’m cold. The blanket isn’t enough.”

  Grayson sighed. He should be a gentleman and offer her his blanket, but he was cold too. The best solution to both of their problems was to offer to double up the blankets and share body heat. But that would mean he’d be in even closer proximity to her. If he held her in his arms he wouldn’t be responsible for his actions. His hands would wander over her lush frame and he’d take full advantage of her. It was wrong, but it was who he was. She was to be his wife—didn’t he have the right to stroke her any way he chose? Thoughts such as that one would surely lead to nowhere but trouble.

  “Join me over here and bring your blanket,” he said, resigned. He couldn’t allow her to freeze. What kind of cad would allow a lady to shiver when there was an acceptable answer to the problem? One who was afraid of what the lady’s closeness meant to his reputation. Grayson was supposed to be a rake—a scoundrel comfortable with debauchery, and he was felled by a mere lady. “I’ll keep you warm.”

  Juliette didn’t hesitate at his suggestion. He’d give her that much… Her bravery put the most hardened soldier to shame. Grayson lifted his blanket and she sat next to him, and handed her blanket to him. In one quick motion he had it spread over top of them both. With the double thickness of two blankets and their body heat spread over him.

  “You’re so warm,” Juliette said and cuddled into him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head on his chest. “Why didn’t we do this sooner?”

  Because he was an inconsiderate arse. “Did you manage any sleep?”

  “No,” she shook her head. “I was cold and uncomfortable.” Her mouth opened wide as a yawn overtook her. “Though now that I have you as a cushion it might be possible.”

  Juliette wiggled and nestled more firmly against him. His entire body tightened with each move she made. His need heightened to a painful state. She was going to kill him. “Try and sleep. We have hours before we stop again.”

  “I might,” she replied. “Gray?”

  What would it take for her to stop moving, talking, or damn well driving him mad? “Are you going to ramble incessantly the entire time we’re on the road to Scotland?”

  She was quiet for several heartbeats. He’d started to believe she finally closed her eyes and went to sleep, but she’d had something else in mind. The more time he spent in her company the more he believed she’d be the death of him.

  “I know you said our marriage would be in name only, and you don’t mind if I find a lover, but…”

  He closed his eyes and prayed for patience. What was she up to now? “Do you need me to say it again?” God help him, but he didn’t know if he could give her what she wanted. His desire for her was increasing at an alarming rate.

  “No. I understood the first time.” She tilted her head and met his gaze. Her hand slid lower and rested at the edge of his trousers. His breath froze in his lungs. “What must I do to convince you I’d prefer you be my first—everything.”

  Grayson had been right, having her sit next to him was a bad idea. Her brazen touch was undoing his already weakened resolve. He couldn’t fight her and himself—it was a futile effort. Somehow he had to rein in them both, and he had no idea how to halt it. “I’m honored…” The words he’d intended to say somehow had become lodged in his throat. Hurting her had always sat wrong with him. If he continued he’d crush her, and he couldn’t do that. Nonchalance
was one thing, but out and out cruelty he’d hoped to avoid.

  “Don’t say any more,” she said after a moment. “I realized a long time ago I was no great beauty. My step-mother has told me on more than one occasion at best I can be described as plain. I won’t push you to be with me if you’re having trouble finding even an inkling of desire to do so.”

  Plain? He was baffled she believed she was unremarkable. She’d mentioned being a wallflower, but even that still confounded him. The part of him that always found her lovely, and always would, wanted to protest on her behalf. If she realized how crazy he was to touch her she’d never let this idea of hers go. There would be no going back if he gave in to the craving he carried inside of him.

  “It isn’t that…”

  “You don’t need to explain,” she said sadly. “I understand.”

  She didn’t though, not at all. If she did she’d have an entirely different attitude toward him. Grayson didn’t deserve her or what she offered. He was tainted by his choices. At the time he believed he was making the right decision. His father had put strict dictates in place and Gray had been expected to follow them to the letter. After he’d been forced to sever his friendship with her he’d lost all reason and went to the dark side of his nature. Once he embraced every depravity he could he realized there was no going back. He could never resume their friendship, and she’d be far better without him in her life.

  “Jules,” he said reassuringly. “You’re not plain. Don’t let anyone ever convince you of that claptrap ever again.”

  He couldn’t agree to be her lover, but he could convince her she was beautiful. It wouldn’t be a hardship or a lie. She was gorgeous inside and out. Her step-mother was probably jealous of her and set out to make Juliette doubt her own worth. Women let their claws out at the first sign of competition, and Jules was indeed that in the Riverdale household. It was a shame the earl hadn’t married a kinder woman. Juliette’s mother had been one of the most gracious and thoughtful women he’d known. Which was more than he could say for his own mother—she’d abandoned him at the first sign of adversity, maybe if she’d stood up to father his life would have taken a different turn. He’d never know one way or the other. There was no room for regrets in his life. He fully believed the past was left where it was, quite firmly behind him.

  “You’re only being nice because you think my feelings are hurt.” She laid her head down on his chest once again. “Don’t worry about me. I’m all right with being forgettable. In a way it makes things easier. When no one sees you they say some very interesting things. I’ve overheard a lot of titillating information by being invisible.”

  That had to be the saddest thing he’d ever heard in his life. “There is nothing good about going unnoticed. What kind of fools have you been socializing with?”

  “Socializing is too strong a word for what I’ve been allowed to do.” She sighed. “First I was in mourning, and then father remarried.” Juliet raised her hand higher up his stomach leaving a trail of pleasure that continued on as she drew circles on his chest with her forefinger. He could become accustomed to her touch rather easily. “After that he forgot I existed until Eloise decided I must marry and leave my father’s care. At first it sounded wonderful. My first season had been cut short, and I did long to have my own family. Now I’d rather have the freedom to choose for myself my own destiny.”

  “If you didn’t go out in society” —he paused and took a deep breath— “How did you overhear anything at all?” He’d not realized she’d been secluded from society? His informants failed to tell him she’d not returned to ton after her mourning period. But to be fair all he ever asked is if she was happy and healthy. It had been enough to know she was alive and well. The rest would have been a torture he’d not have been able to endure.

  “My father had occasional dinner parties, and I was allowed to attend them.” She continued to run her fingers over his chest. He never wanted her to stop. “And sometimes he’d have a visitor. No one paid me any mind.”

  They were all fools, especially her father. Grayson could take comfort in knowing she’d never endure indifference from him again. No, she’d endure it from him. How was he any better than what she’d been living with. He didn’t like the conclusion he was drawing from himself to her father.

  “As a duchess you’ll be able to command society and set trends,” he said. It was all he could bring himself to offer.

  “I never wanted to be sought after by the ton,” she said quietly. “All I ever wanted was to be loved by one person completely.”

  His heart beat rapidly in his chest. He wanted to hug her tight against him and reassure her he’d love her always, but wouldn’t make a promise he couldn’t keep. Lucky, or maybe unlucky, for him he was saved from responding. The carriage rocked as it hit a jut in the road and wobbled back and forth. Then a crack echoed on the wind as they crashed on the side of the road.

  Chapter 6

  Stabbing pain shot through Juliette’s head. She lifted her hand and placed it over the throbbing ache. What happened? The last thing she recalled was—had Grayson been about to say something? Damn it was all fuzzy inside her head. She rolled to her side and searched for him. He’d been by her side, and keeping her warm, now she was cold and alone.

  “Gray?” she mumbled.

  Juliette scrambled to her feet, her heart raced inside her chest. The carriage was slightly tilted and the door swung open. Wind whistled through the carriage and sending goose bumps up her arm. The biting cold settled deep inside her and if she didn’t do something soon she’d freeze. Where was Grayson? Carefully she slid out of the carriage and stepped warily onto solid ground. She scanned the area searching for him. Not too far away from the entrance to the carriage she found him sprawled on the ground.

  His eyes were closed and blood dripped from a gash on his forehead. She knelt beside him and cupped his face in her hands. “Grayson.” Her voice wavered with barely restrained emotion. She brushed her fingers through his hair and said, “Please open your eyes.”

  He had to be all right. She refused to accept anything less. It was her fault they were on the road to Scotland. If she’d not insisted they marry he’d be safe at home. Juliette stood and scanned the area. The driver was a few feet ahead sitting on the ground. She rushed to his side and helped him to his feet. “His Grace is injured. I need your help with him.”

  He looked past her and cursed. “We hit a rut in the road and it threw a wheel. We’re still a mile outside the nearest village. I’ll have to ride one of the horses for help.”

  Juliette glanced from Grayson and then back to the driver. It would be up to her to see to Grayson’s care while the driver went for help. The wind was too strong and biting to stay outside the carriage, but tilted as it was they couldn’t sit inside of it either. They couldn’t stay in the cold for too long… “Please hurry. I’ll grab the blankets from the carriage and keep him as warm as possible until you return.”

  “I’ll be back before you realize I’m gone,” he promised.

  The driver unhitched a horse, hopped on its back, and headed toward the nearby town. Juliette prayed he’d return fast. She turned to the carriage and grabbed the blankets. Grayson needed to be kept warm, but she didn’t have a clue how to ensure it. The ground was hard and cold. It wouldn’t provide any of the necessary warmth even with the blankets on top of him. When she’d cuddled with him in the carriage it had helped. Perhaps that was the solution to her problem. If she were to wrap herself over him along with the blankets she’d be able to aide in keeping the cold at bay.

  She spread one blanket over top of him, and then the other over it. Then studied her handiwork. He seemed rather uncomfortable, but it was hard to tell. Maybe something to cushion his head would help. She went back to the carriage and grabbed her hand muff. It was small, but large enough for a pillow to cushion his head. Carefully she lifted his head and placed it underneath. Satisfied with the result, she crawled under the blanket with him a
nd wrapped her arms around his torso.

  The ground was colder than Juliette realized and she shivered involuntarily. She laid her head on his chest and prayed they’d be rescued soon. After several moments warmth began to spread over her. It wasn’t much, but enough to make the cold more bearable.

  “Don’t worry, Gray,” she said. It was more for herself than him. He was unconscious and unlikely to reply. “The driver will be back before we know it. Then we can take sanctuary in a nice warm inn while they fix the wheel. I’m so sorry, more than I can say. This is all my fault.”

  It wasn’t too late to rectify any of it. After she saw him safe and sound in the inn she’d turn back. Marriage to Lord Payne would be awful, but at least she would know Grayson was safe. In the end that was all that mattered to her. He might have complained, and on the outset said no, but he’d come through for her. When she decided to ask for his help she knew he’d not turn her away. There was some of the boy she’d grown up with still in the man—however faint it was.

  She lifted her head and memorized his features. The boy had been soft and more pretty than handsome. The man was breathtaking. The soft edges had formed into high cheekbones, and soft full—kissable lips. He’d refused to kiss her. Juliette craved his lips on hers more than she’d ever wanted anything. One kiss and maybe then she could go on with life, satisfied.

  What if she never got the chance. Should she take it now? Would he be upset if she did? She bit her lip and considered. It would be wrong to do something against his will, but she couldn’t resist kissing him. It wasn’t a kiss the way she wanted, but one of comfort. She leaned down and pressed her lips to his forehead. “I’ll be by your side as long as you need me.” Then she laid her head on his chest and snuggled against him.


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