Seven Rogues for Christmas: A Historical Romance Holiday Collection

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Seven Rogues for Christmas: A Historical Romance Holiday Collection Page 28

by Dawn Brower

  Alexander descended the ladder and placed the hammer down. He closed the gap between them and rested his hands on her arms. “I wanted to be sure you had a place to sleep should you wish... that is, if you do not wish to return to our marriage bed.”

  “You want me back in your bed?”

  “I do.”

  She gazed up at this handsome man—her husband. A little dust fell from his too long hair as he tipped his head forwards and she swiped a finger down his nose to remove it. His brown gaze searched her face and she saw the uncertainty there. It seemed the duke felt just as unsure of himself as she did at times. The idea made her heart stretch. Perhaps they were more alike than she thought. After all, he favoured active pursuits over anything else and though she might not climb mountains, she was happiest when she was productive. Looking after the Balmead estate had been no easy task but she’d relished it.

  “When you left, I didn’t wish to sleep in there. It felt cold and lonely,” she admitted.

  “I don’t wish you to feel lonely ever again.”

  She glanced around the room once more and fell against him, burrowing her head against the warm hollow of his neck. “Even if you go off and climb mountains again, as long as you promise me you shall return and join me in my bed, I shall never be lonely again.”

  “I can certainly promise that, and I have little intention of spending eleven months climbing mountains again. Besides, Scotland has many for me to explore. I plan to spend as much time as possible here.”

  A smile burst across her face, completely out of her control. But before she got carried away, she had to confess her secret. She forced herself to maintain a serious expression and took his hand to lead him to the bed.

  “I must tell you something, Alexander.”

  His own smile dropped but he let her lead him to sit down. He gripped her hand in his lap and stroked his fingers over the back of her hand. “You can tell me anything.”

  “The money... the estate... I have not been mismanaging it or spending the money, or at least I’ve tried my best not to. But, you see... I have a brother.” Emma saw his brows rise in surprise. No one knew of her brother except for her and her late father. Not even her mother knew her father had been unfaithful. “My father never claimed him and his mother died when he was only eight. He found me quite by accident shortly before we married. He was in the Navy, but under a vicious, horrible captain.”

  “When Geoffrey came to me, he’d been beaten badly. I could not send him away so I promised him whatever aid I could. When he left the Navy, I started sending him some of my allowance. And then once we married, I had him send his bills to me so I could pay them, but we’ve had some lean months and it’s been getting harder to support him.”

  Alexander rubbed a hand across the back of her neck and shook his head. “This brother, was he here after our wedding?”

  “Yes, he came by briefly to tell me he’d found work in Sheffield, but it didn’t last it seemed.”

  He closed his eyes then opened them. “I saw you two together. I assumed...”

  “You assumed...?”

  “He was your lover.”

  Emma almost reeled backwards and probably would have done were it not for his hand coming to her back and holding her up. “A lover? Oh my goodness, no! I would never... why would you... oh my.”

  He offered her a wry smile. “Let’s just say I will never jump to conclusions again. I figured out quite quickly that I had been wrong. But at the time you were so distant and you seemed so unhappy in bed. I had no idea how to please a woman. I was a virgin, you see.”

  Emma found herself thoroughly charmed by his admission and any annoyance at his foolish behaviour vanished at the sight of his bashful expression. He had been a virgin too. No wonder they had struggled so much on their wedding night. Neither of them had known what they were doing.

  “So I was your first woman?” she asked softly.

  “You were indeed. My first and hopefully my only?”

  She nodded, twisted and looped her arms around his neck. “Definitely.”

  Alexander wrapped his arms about her waist and drew her down onto the bed so they lay side by side. Then he took her mouth in a firm kiss.

  Alex lifted himself away marginally. “We shall help your brother,” he murmured. “I shall help him find work and together we’ll make this estate thrive once more.”

  “Thank you, Alexander. Thank you.”

  Unable to resist any longer, he kissed her again until her skin grew hot and her clothes were an annoyance. Then someone knocked at the door.

  Alexander cursed. Then he kissed her again. Someone knocked once more.

  “Damnation.” He pressed away and tore open the door. Mr Hampton stood on the other side and Emma quickly came to standing and smoothed her gown with a sigh.

  “Hannah wanted me to let you know that dinner shall be ready in an hour.”

  “Thank you, Hampton,” Alexander said tightly, causing Emma to giggle.

  When Mr Hampton was out of earshot, he shook his head and cursed the butler again.

  “He’s only doing his job, Alexander.”

  The duke reached for her hand and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. “One day soon, I will get you to myself. If I don’t, I fear I shall turn into a raving lunatic.”

  She nodded. “Yes, you will. Very soon. But first we must open our presents and have dinner.”

  He groaned but released her hand. “Come then, let us do our duties as usual.”

  “Smile, Alexander, it’s not all bad,” she said, pressing a hand to his cheek.

  He nodded and his smile warmed. “No, you’re right. It’s not all bad at all.”

  Inside, warmth swelled in her chest at his fond expression. She too burned with frustration but she also looked forward to a day spent with her husband. She looked forward to a day of no longer feeling alone.

  Chapter 13

  Alex did enjoy exchanging gifts with his wife. He also enjoyed the dinner. He would, however, much rather have spent the day in bed with her. Emma had proved herself to be a kind-hearted woman and it only increased his need for her. Over the festive period they had become husband and wife in many ways but one. His desire to bed her had nothing to do with siring a child and everything to do with needing to feel those supple thighs wrapped around his hips.

  And any nerves he might have had were gone. One touch from Emma did that. It astonished him that now the truth was out, he felt so much more confident. It went to show how important communication was for their marriage. He silently swore never to keep anything from his wife again.

  Emma dabbed her mouth with her napkin and Alex eyed her lips, recalling the taste of them. It would be wholly inappropriate to take her to bed in the middle of the day, and certainly at Christmas, but, damnation, he wasn’t sure how much longer he could wait. Everything was against them it seemed.

  He leaned back in his chair and peered out the window. The sun glinted off the snow and the day was bright and crisp and tempting. Almost as tempting as his wife.

  “We could go for a walk?” she suggested, laying down the napkin.

  Alex nodded, hoping he didn’t seem too eager. He needed to get out of the house for a while and burn off some frustration. “A fine idea. I think we need to walk off some of that dinner.”

  Emma left to fetch her coat, hat and scarf and Hampton brought him his. He slipped on his leather gloves and wrapped his scarf around his neck then waited for his wife. He tapped his foot. There was a small cabin on the edge of the estate, he recalled. Perhaps they could walk there and get some privacy.

  He allowed himself a grin. What a fine idea actually. No interruptions from supercilious butlers or roofs or flooding baths. No distractions. It was hardly proper but they had done everything properly on their wedding night and look where that had led him. He warmed to the idea the more he thought about it, but would Emma be as keen?

  When he heard her footsteps on the stairs, he glanced up and felt his smile
expand. With a few strands of red hair peeking out under a green hat that matched her thick wool coat, she looked like a beautiful Christmas present. And he urgently wanted to unwrap her.

  She tucked her hand in his and they headed out into the snow. Cold bit into his cheeks and his breath puffed out in front of him. A few animal tracks in the snow were the only sign of life. The peaceful serenity of it all might have calmed his impatience had he been impatient for any other reason. It was slow going. The snow was thick and reached halfway up his calves and almost to the top of her boots.

  “Alexander, slow down,” she said with a laugh. “This is meant to be a leisurely walk. We are in no hurry, are we?”

  “No, I suppose not,” he grumbled. But then he recalled he had sworn not to keep secrets from her. “There is a cabin not far from here, do you know it?”

  “The hunting lodge?”


  “What of it?”

  “I wish to take you there,” he said, his voice gruff and low.

  Two spots of colour appeared on her cheeks. “To be alone?”


  She released his hand and he feared for a moment she would turn and leave him, that he had shocked his quiet wife. But then she picked up her coat and skirts and began to dash across the snow in the direction of the cabin. She was hardly fast but it forced him to hasten to catch up with her. He laughed and snatched her waist to pull her to a halt.

  “Where are you running to?”

  “The cabin. With great haste. Come on, Alexander.”

  Then she wriggled out of his arms and began her clumsy run across the snow once more. Pausing to admire the sight, he shook his head to himself and raced to her side. It only took them about ten more minutes to spot the cabin not far from the edge of the woods. They half ran, half skidded down the slope towards it. As soon as they arrived at the door, Alex pushed it open, urged her in and pressed her up against the wall to claim her mouth.

  She gasped and wrapped her arms around his neck to press the kiss deeper. There was no finesse to the kiss and he had no patience left. For too many days he had been trying to bed his wife with no success. Nothing would get in the way this time.

  Fingers tangling in her hair, he knocked the hat from her head and tugged her scarf from her neck. He released her mouth briefly to cast his gaze around the lodge and breathe a sigh of relief when he spotted the fire ready to be lit and the thick rug in front of it. Someone had expected it to be used upon his return by the looks of it.

  Though he doubted they expected him to use it for this purpose.

  He turned his attention back to his wife and took in the image of her glossy lips and messy curls. “I just need to...” She grabbed the lapels of his coat and flattened her lips to his. “Need to...” he murmured between kisses, “need to light the fire.”

  She released him long enough to let him get the fire started. Once the flames grew and lit the dark cabin with an orange glow, he stood and locked his gaze with hers. Standing by the door, she plucked at her gloves and eyed him. He saw the heavy rise and fall of her chest, and the air in the cabin grew thick. This was it.

  He drew off his own gloves and unbuttoned his coat. She followed suit, casting them aside so they landed on one of the battered chairs. He flung his on top of hers and added his hat to the pile. His necktie came next, then his waistcoat. As he began to pop open the buttons of his shirt, she flung herself at him. Her lips against his, she clutched his shoulders and Alex gripped her waist to draw her as close as her clothing allowed.

  Alex didn’t think he had ever undressed so quickly, and they made light work of all her skirts and blasted undergarments. Before long they were naked in front of each other. He had to concentrate on breathing as he took in her long limbs and beautiful curves. He reached out to draw her into him and recalled how to breathe when he sucked in air through his teeth.

  Her nipples prodded his chest and his arousal pressed against her soft, soft skin. Alex skimmed his hands down to her back, traced her curves and cupped her rear. God, it really was the most beautiful bottom. He kneaded it and brought his mouth to her ear. She shuddered when he blew softly and tugged on her lobe with his teeth. He smiled to himself, gratified by her reaction.

  Then he urged her down onto the fur rug. The dark fur contrasted with her pale skin and he took the time to stroke over her shoulders that were dusted with a few freckles and down to her breasts, before lying next to her and cupping a breast.

  “Beautiful,” he murmured.

  She reached between them and a slim, cool hand curled around his heat. He groaned and closed his eyes for a moment. Emma was bolder than he could have anticipated. It seemed their time apart had given her courage too. She moved her hand up and down him and he wrapped his hand around hers to show her how to move. Her beaming smile reached down into his chest and looped around his heart.

  “I can’t wait for long,” he said, aware he needed to prepare her. He’d been dreaming of this for days now and if she kept touching him, he was sure he might lose his mind and plough straight into her.

  Which he did not wish to do. He had to prove himself and make this good for her.

  Skimming a finger downward as he propped himself on one elbow, he found her wet and ready. She gasped his name when his finger slipped between her folds and found that spot again. Every time he rubbed or circled it, she bucked and trembled. Alex watched her parted lips and fluttering lashes with fascination. He all but forgot the way her hand moved erratically over him.

  Emma dug her nails into his shoulder and released his erection to grab the furs behind her head. Her breaths came in short, sharp pants and his blood fired. “Alexander,” she gasped. “Please...”

  Alex couldn’t deny her, nor himself. It was time. A fresh start for both of them. With this moment, their first year of marriage would be forgotten and they would embark on a new journey together. He spread her legs further and settled between them. Her hands found his rear and urged him closer. He paused and looked down at her.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  He let his lips tilt. “I’m waiting for something terrible to happen. For something to stop us.”

  They both fell silent and waited. Nothing. Then Emma laughed and he followed suit. Bringing his mouth down upon hers, he tasted her warmth and pressed into her. He found her wet and willing, and he savoured sliding each inch into her. The tiny sounds of pleasure coming from her with each press increased the pleasure, and he had to suck in a few deep breaths to maintain control.

  When he was fully inside her, he lifted on his arms to gaze at her. Those stunning blue eyes were slightly damp, and he kissed away the tears from the corners. Understanding ran between them. I love you, her eyes said. I love you too, his responded. This is it. This is us. Our fresh start.

  He began to move, slowly at first, then with each grip of her fingers and each quiver of her body, he picked up the pace. Her legs wrapped about him and he groaned as it brought him deeper. With strong, swift strokes, he pressed her into the furs, the heat from the fire licking over their skin and turning his body slick. Alex’s arms shook as the pleasure burned through his body.

  Emma tightened around him and heard her draw in a sharp breath and hold it. Nails bit into his skin. She convulsed, once, twice and a third time before becoming limp underneath him. He gave in completely then, pounding into her until his release streaked through his body and stars jumped in front of his vision.

  Aware of his heart galloping against his ribs, he near collapsed on top of her and buried his head in her luscious flower-scented curls. Emma stroked his back, up and down and then brought her hands to smooth his hair from his face. He lifted his head and grinned down at her.

  “Am I too heavy?”

  “A little,” she admitted, “but I like it.” She squeezed her arms around him. “I like it a lot.”

  “Good. I plan to do this many more times.”


  Alex chuckled at her e
ager tone. “Well, it is Christmas?”

  “It is indeed. Merry Christmas, Your Grace.” Her lips twitched.

  “Merry Christmas, Emma,” he said softly, ignoring her teasing tone. “I love you.”

  Her answering smile filled him with such happiness, he feared he was dreaming. But then she swept a finger across his lips and traced the shape of them before whispering, “I love you too.”

  Alex kissed her, still buried inside her and decided he would make it a tradition from now on. Whatever was happening in their lives, no matter where they had been, they would come here every year and show each other exactly how much they loved one another. He released a grin that had her raising a brow until he began to move inside her again. Her quizzical expression soon vanished and Alex went back to showing her exactly how much he loved her. His Christmas seduction plans had not gone so badly after all.


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  Emma shuddered and peered out of the window for the hundredth time that morning. The snow was falling heavily and the road to the house had vanished. A tug at her skirts drew her attention away from the snowy scenery. She could not help but smile as the five-year-old stuffed her fingers in her mouth and snuggled into her dark green gown.

  “Will we decorate a tree soon, Mama?” Isabel said around her fingers.

  “As soon as your father has gone to get one. You know he loves to do it himself, darling.” Juggling the nearly one-year-old baby in her arm, she bent to give Isabel a squeeze. “I am sure he will want to go straight out and get one as soon as he returns.”


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