Seven Rogues for Christmas: A Historical Romance Holiday Collection

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Seven Rogues for Christmas: A Historical Romance Holiday Collection Page 36

by Dawn Brower

  “I will not.” She lifted her chin in defiance.

  Father grabbed her, pulling until she lost her grip, then shoved her toward Bradford as he came into the room. “Hold her.”

  Natalie scrambled to regain her footing and return to Christian, but Bradford captured her first. “Release me,” she demanded.

  “Do not fight, Christian’s voice penetrated her anger and she turned her gaze on him. “You will only make the situation worse.”

  Father grabbed Christian by his cravat and tugged him closer. “You are to leave my home at once and never return.”

  “No. You cannot do this, Father.” Natalie squirmed in another vain attempt to gain her freedom.

  Bradford whispered in her ear. “You cannot prevent his leaving. I warned you he was not the marrying type. I am sorry you got hurt.”

  She reached for Christian when he walked past her in calm, assured foot falls. He did not even look at her. Was Bradford correct? Should she let go of Christian? Tears picked at the backs of her eyes. She could not accept that fate, not without a fight. But it seemed he had already let her go—maybe never sought to hold her at all.

  “What in heaven’s name is going on in here?” Mother came to stand beside Father, her fan clutched in one hand. “The commotion reached halfway down the hall and Lord Knightly did not so much as nod when he strolled past me going toward the foyer. Now I see Bradford holding Natalie and”—she placed a hand on Fathers arm—“You are clearly distraught. What has Natalie done now?”

  “She went against my direct order. Tarnished the family name.” He paced to the other side of the room. “I found her in a compromising embrace with Knightly.”

  Mother gasped. “We must see her wed at once.”

  Natalie went rigid in Bradford’s arms. “I refuse. You cannot make me marry anyone.”

  “You will do as you are told or there will be severe consequences. We have spoiled you for far too long. It is time to grow up and act as a proper duke’s daughter should.”

  “That includes marring a man of your Father’s choosing. A man who will not only advance the dukedom but also provide for you, while keeping our good name intact,” Mother added.

  Natalie leveled an icy glare on her Mother. She did not give a wit about the dukedom or proper behavior. Not when her heart was splintering. Not splintering—it had disappeared, left with Christian.

  “I will approach the Earl of Norton with an offer for a match between Natalie and his son at once. He expressed an interest in joining our families recently. I was unwilling to entertain the match because of Maddox. Clearly things have changed.”

  She could stand it no longer. While her parent’s ignored her wishes and planned her future, Christian was getting away. She did not know what he felt, if he wanted a future with her. He’d not said, but she did know what her heart demanded. “I am sorry,” Natalie said as she stomped on Bradford’s foot with all her weight and sank her fingers into his hands, digging into them until he squealed in pain, releasing her.

  Without pause, she fled from the room, racing toward the front door. She had to find Christian—the storm and her parents be damned.

  Chapter 12

  Christian mounted his horse not at all certain of why he had kissed Natalie in the way he had—with such depth of emotion—such heart, not just lust but true passion—or where he would seek shelter from the raging storm. Traveling any further than the village would not be an option with the weather once again gaining in intensity. The storm seemed to rage and calm in time with his own emotions. He oddly found comfort in the thought as he pushed his horse into a cantor leaving the safety of Harrington Gardens and the warmth of Natalie’s embrace behind.

  Would Sheridan have a change of mind once the situation sank in? If he did and chased Christian down demanding marriage would it be such a bad thing? He never thought of marriage in a positive light before. Now the idea seemed to be circling his mind—warming its way into his heart in much the same way Natalie herself had.

  There was an unfamiliar ache in his heart. A longing to have her back in his arms—to keep her there forever. It was a sensation foreign to him. A need that was growing by the minute. What was happening to him? He tipped his face up allowing the rain to fall upon it. The cool drops were refreshing despite their sting but they did nothing to cool his blood, still warm from her passionate kiss.

  He turned his attention back to the mucky roadway and slowed his horse a fraction. Could he let her go? His heart demanded he hold on as tight as she had back in the parlor, but his mind cautioned him to walk away. Somehow, a lifetime without the beautiful, obnoxious, sensual, hoyden by his side seemed unbearable.

  Sheridan would come demanding Christian do right by his daughter. Any gentlemen would—would they not?

  The most important question was: was he man enough to stand up and take his due—his punishment, of sorts. Though nothing about loving and holding Natalie every night for eternity seemed close to punishment. The true penance would be walking away only to see her marry another, fall in love with another, have children with another. Would she hold that man tight as she had him? Certainly, he would not be as foolish as Christian to let her go.

  He squeezed his eyes shut. What if her father did not bring him up to snuff? What if the Duke thinks him unworthy of his daughter? Wait a damn minute! He was suitable. He’d care for her—make her happy—love her forever. This was one game he would win.

  The cards were stacked in his favor—which thankfully, aligned with Natalie’s wants and desires.

  Christian’s pulse speed as he wheeled his horse around, setting a course for the Sheridan’s home. He had not gone overly far and could easily reach her within the hour. Once back at Harrington Gardens he would make his intentions known. He would demand the duke accept his offer for Natalie. Should the man refuse, Christian would let the entire assembly know what had transpired between them. The duke would be forced to consent to the match or see his daughter and his precious name ruined.

  The closer he came to Natalie the more confident he became. She had not embellished—there was something special between them. How had he been such a fool as not to see it sooner?

  He rounded the final bend in the road and speed his horse into a gallop. Soon he would have everything he never allowed himself to dream of. A woman to love him, to challenge him, to befriend him—warm his bed and bear his children. Christian would cherish her for the rest of his life. The perfect hoyden. The woman he…

  His heart skipped a beat as he pulled his mount to a stop. Natalie sat on the side of the road clutching her ankle and dressed in no more than the gown she’d worn back in the parlor. She was cold and shaking violently. He jumped from the saddle and ran to her side, kneeling in the mud beside her. He wrapped his arms around here.

  “Christian…” Her breathy voice faded and he dropped a kiss on her cold lips.

  “You are freezing.” He released her long enough to remove his jacket and drape it over her shoulders. “What are you doing out here? What happened?”

  “I came after you. I care not what my parents think. I need you. I love you, Christian.”

  He pulled her closer knowing with his whole soul that he had to marry her. His heart swelled with a new awareness. “I love you, too, Natalie.” He kissed her again—a passionate kiss full of promise.

  “Now tell me how you came to be here on the side of the road?” He reached for her foot and gently removed her slipper followed by her silk stocking. Her ankle was red and swollen.

  “My horse became spooked and threw me. I landed awkwardly, twisting my ankle. I was so afraid…so cold.”

  He lifted her into his arms, cradling her against his chest. “Hush now, love. I have you. I’ll take care of you.” He lifted her into the saddle before mounting. “We will be married at once.”

  She rested her head against his shoulder. “My father will never give his permission for us to wed.”

  He noticed the rain had turned to soft sn
owflakes. The wind settled a bit…it would be a white Christmas after all. A perfect holiday with the perfect lady at his side. “Do not fret, Natalie. Allow me to take care of you for once. I will see to your father. You have my promise. All will be well.”

  Before long, they reached Sheridan’s drive. He bent, giving Natalie a sweet kiss before dismounting and carrying her into the house.

  Bradford and Kissinger stood in the foyer wearing their cloaks and hats as Christian stepped inside.

  “Good God, what happened?” Bradford looked them over.

  “I have seen you look better after a long night of raising hell.” Kissinger added.

  “I’ve returned to claim Natalie as my wife.”

  His friends stared at him in shock.

  “You want to step into the parson’s noose?” Kissinger shook his head. “I have clearly imbibed far more than my share this night for I am imagining things.”

  Greenwich gave a playful shove. “On the contrary, you have not had nearly enough.”

  Christian continued with the tale, ignoring his friend’s remarks. “It seems Natalie was unwilling to let me go either.”

  “You have no need to convey that to me. The hellion stomped my foot and attempted to break my hands.” Greenwich smirked, shaking his head.

  Christian looked down at Natalie. “Splendid move, love.”

  “You will regret encouraging her when it is you on the receiving end of her temper.” Greenwich laughed.

  Christian rubbed Natalie’s shoulder as he cradled her, relishing the feel of her soft body against him. “I found her on the roadside after her horse threw her. Her ankle is sprained. We must send for a doctor and see her changed into dry clothing and tucked into bed at once. Have coals brought to warm her bed.”

  Bradford turned to the butler. “Send for the doctor at once.” He beckoned a nearby footman. “Have Lady Natalie’s bed turned down and send her lady’s maid to her room with all do haste.”

  Christian dropped a kiss on her forehead. “I must go speak with your father.”

  She held tight to him, gazing into his eyes. “Do not let me go. Promise.”

  “You have my word, love.” He gave a reassuring smile. A shadow of doubt, or was it fear, crossed her striking blue eyes. If the duke sought to fight him further, they would soon find themselves journeying toward Scotland—if the doctor agreed her ankle was sound enough for the trip.

  “No matter what my father says or does…you swear you will marry me?”

  His heart hitched. “I swear it. You will be my wife if I have to abduct you and race to Gretna Green in order to see it done.”

  Natalie smiled, her eyes lighting with the same joy that filled his soul. She was his missing half and he would never allow anyone—certainly not the Duke of Sheridan—to take her from him.

  “I love you, Lady Natalie Seymour, from now until forever.”


  One Year Later

  Natalie laughed as she pulled the coins from the center of the table toward her. “Are you gentleman ready to admit my superior card skills yet or must I take more of your allowance first?”

  Bradford and Kissinger, as she now called them, had elected to join her and Christian for the Christmastide holiday and had yet to depart her home—not that she minded. Natalie rather enjoyed having the pair around. They entertained her and brought out the rogue in her husband. Which is the part of him that Natalie had fallen in love with all those years ago—an aspect of his person he never lost, thank the heavens.

  The four of them had been playing cards for several hours now, with Natalie winning most of the hands. Perhaps her skill came from avoiding alcohol in the afternoon while the gentlemen imbibed in Scotch with no regard for the time of day. But she preferred to believe she’d bested them of her own accord.

  “Do not underestimate my wife.” Christian smiled at her from across the table. “She is a card shark of the first order. How do you imagine she acquired that fine ring on her finger?” He winked at her.

  Natalie flushed at the memory. She’d won the ring in a game of strip whist with Christian soon after they were wed. Her face heated as he stared at her, lust shining in the depths of his eyes. He had won that night as well, and she would wager he recalled the memory at this moment. She glanced away not wanting her brother or Kissinger to catch on.

  “Very well, I concede,” Bradford said, pushing his cards into the middle of the table. “When are Pippa and Maddox expected to arrive?”

  Natalie had penned a long letter to Pippa, apologizing for the way she had treated her and inviting her and her new husband for dinner. She missed her dear friend immensely and had many regrets over what had happened between them. “They will arrive within the hour.”

  “You never tell me what happened to cause the rift between the two of you to begin with.” Bradford lifted his glass. “I must admit to a mild curiosity.”

  “A lady never shares her secrets nor does she talk about a private matter between her and a friend.” She did not know if Pippa had ever spoken of their falling out in detail, but she had not and would not. She glanced between Christian and Bradford. “Why don’t the two of you tell me how you convinced Father to allow my marriage? I have been wondering for almost a year.”

  “I offered to wed you myself.” Kissinger leaned forward. “Turns out there is one man even more unacceptable than Knightly. Your father did not think my offer to salvage your heinous and utterly ruined reputation was worth saddling me to his family for all eternity.”

  “Oh, come now! My reputation could never be damaged enough to be repaired by a Kissinger man!”

  Natalie burst out in laughter and was soon joined by the men. She knew there had to be far more to the story, but in the end, none of it signified. Christian had wed her—how he managed it did not matter. She stood and sauntered around the table to lower herself into his lap.

  He put his arms around her, pulling her. “I’ll never let go,” he whispered in her ear.

  A shiver of longing coursed through her, a smile tugging at her lips.

  “Who needs a lady bird when one has a wife such as yours?” Kissinger took a drink of his scotch.

  “Indeed. I am a lucky man.” Christian gave her a little squeeze. “May both of you someday be so blessed.”

  Kissinger blanched. “I pray that I am not.”

  Bradford chuckled. “As do I, for the lady’s sake.”

  A footman entered the room, interrupting their playful banter. “Lord and Lady Maddox have arrived.”

  Natalie stood. “Do show them to the drawing room.” She reached for Christian’s hand. “Come along.”

  A mixture of excitement and uncertainty turned her stomach. How would Pippa receive her? Natalie would not blame her if she held some residual hard feelings. She had treated Pippa terribly and for no other reason than blind jealousy. She pulled in a deep breath before stepping into the drawing room on her husband’s arm.

  She had only one wish this Christmastide season—to return her dearest friend to her.

  Her gaze met Pippa’s and she smiled, genuinely happy for the chance to restore their friendship. “Thank you for accepting my invitation, Pippa.”

  Pippa immediately stepped forward and the two embraced.

  “You are my dearest friend.” Pippa said.

  “Gentlemen, what say you we retire to the smoking room and allow the ladies some time to catch up?”

  “Splendid idea,” Maddox concurred.

  It came as no surprise to Natalie that Kissinger took the lead in exiting the drawing room. Once they were all out of sight, she turned back to Pippa. “Do make yourself comfortable. I’ll ring for tea.”

  Pippa positioned herself on a chase and smoothed her skirts.

  Natalie rang for tea, then joined her. “I am most sorry for what I did. As I stated in my letter, I have no good excuse.”

  “I forgave you the moment I stepped on the stage at the recital. I confess, I never did figure out what had a
ngered you so, but I do not care. The past is where it belongs. You are a piece of my heart—one that has been missing for over a year.”

  “I misinterpreted your actions with Christian on the veranda at my come out ball. Jealousy turned me into a monster and I will regret my actions for the rest of my days.”

  “Do not waste another moment on the matter.” Pippa smiled. “All has come right. We both found love and now we have our friendship as well.”

  “I am so very happy for you.” Natalie took Pippa’s hand in hers. “Tell me how you and Lord Maddox fell in love. I want to hear every detail.”

  Pippa beamed at Natalie. “Only if you agree to share your story as well.”

  Natalie’s heart warmed. It was as if she and Pippa had never fallen out in the first place. They resumed their friendship right where it had left off, sharing secrets, laughing, and enjoying each other’s company. She would never understand why Pippa so readily forgave her, but she would be forever grateful. Natalie would treasure their friendship forever.


  Thank you for reading How to Kiss a Rogue. I do hope you have enjoyed it!

  Pick up your copy of book one in the Connected by a Kiss series A Kiss at Christmastide written by Christina McKnight and read Lady Pippa and Lord Maddox’s story today.

  Turn the page for an excerpt from ENCHANTED BY THE EARL from Amanda Mariel’s fairy tale based, bestselling Fabled Love series.

  What reviewers are saying:

  "This story is enjoyable and witty, featuring a delectable hero who swoops in to save the day in a timely fashion. Rose, Hunter and the sinister Dewitt seal the love triangle with charm, capturing all that is wonderful about a classic Regency romance." ~InD'tale Magazine

  "Enchanted By The Earl is a charming Regency-era romance. Author Amanda Mariel has created an extremely likeable pair of protagonists in Hunter and Rose. Hunter's wrestling with himself, trying to deny his growing attraction to and fondness for Rose, was particularly well-written and believable. He's definitely the kind of hero I'd love to see more of in Regency romances." ~ReadersFavorite


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