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Dominick Page 7

by Eve Langlais

  “You want her. Have at her. She’s trash,” Thomas spat.

  “More like the treasure you didn’t recognize, asshole. Out.” Dominick dragged Thomas to the door and literally tossed him out. He then did his best to close the door, only the busted jamb proved problematic.

  “Oh, shit. Sorry I broke it.”

  “Don’t be.” She’d never been so happy to see someone. She hated how easily Thomas had disarmed her. How she forgot to fight because of her fear that he’d take even more from her than he already had.

  But Dominick wasn’t afraid.

  “I want to kill him for real,” he muttered as he knelt to inspect the damage.

  “I wouldn’t complain. Hell, I’d give you an alibi.” She winked.

  His smile was grim as he said, “I might take you up on that. But until that time, I need a tool kit. A hammer, preferably.”

  “Okay. But I warn you, it’s pink.”

  It was also child-sized, according to him. He worked quietly fixing the door; meaning she got to watch.

  He really was a nicely put-together man. And while dour of expression most of the time, it made the way he softened in her presence all the more special and attractive.

  When Dom was satisfied with the door repairs, he closed and locked it. Only then did he finally face her.

  “Sorry I was late getting here. I went to the store first.”

  “It was my day off.”

  “Which would have been useful to know,” he grumbled.

  “You could have easily checked the schedule at the store.”

  “It’s on the computer, and I’m not good with that shit. You’ll have to tell me, and I’ll try to remember.”

  “Why do you care about my hours?” Never act too eager. All the articles she’d ever read stated it like a golden rule. Hard to get. Aloof. Make him work for it. Don’t just rip off the panties and yell at him to shut up and take you.

  All conscious thought went out the window when he said, “I wish I’d known so I could have spent it with you.”

  For a second, warmth filled her. So sweet. And nice. And…then she understood why he’d shown up at all. “Are you here because you got interrupted? I should mention I’m not a believer in tit for tat. Last night, I was in the mood. Tonight, I’m tired…”

  “Then we’ll go to bed.” He smiled wickedly.

  “That wasn’t what I was suggesting.”

  “Would you rather we made out on the couch?”

  She lifted her chin. “I’m not a sex doll. Maybe I want to talk.”

  He collapsed onto her sofa and spread his arms across the top. “Okay. Talk about what?”

  Well, damn, she’d not expected him to capitulate so easily. She scrambled. “Your brother. Did you find him?”

  “I did.”

  “And?” she grumbled, sitting across from him in a hardback chair. Not as comfortable as a couch cushion or his lap.

  “The little fucker thought it would be a bright idea to smoke some unknown substance. In the woods, by himself. He ended up having some hard-core hallucinations. He’s lucky he didn’t get hurt.”

  “But he’s okay?”

  “Yeah. But he tripped pretty hard. Got naked and ran around for about an hour. Says he doesn’t recall a single thing.”

  “What the heck did he smoke?”

  “That’s the weird thing. My brother Raymond, he’s got connections, so he sent the baggie of dope to his buddy, who swears it’s catnip.”

  “Catnip doesn’t get people high.” She wrinkled her nose.

  “That’s what I said. I should add I took a whiff of what was in that bag. It was definitely more than just catnip.”

  “Did you get stoned, too?” she asked.

  “A bit. Yeah,” he admitted.

  “Okay, that’s weird. I could have sworn I once read an article that said catnip didn’t affect humans.” A quick search on her phone only reinforced that truth.

  Dom frowned. “That doesn’t make sense because Ray’s friends seemed pretty sure.”

  She tapped her lower lip and then said, “I’ve got an idea. Wait here a second.”

  It took her only a few minutes to knock on her neighbor’s door, and then she was back with a spray bottle.

  He eyed it. “What is that?”

  “Catnip juice. Maureen, my upstairs neighbor, has like four cats. Figured she might have some.” She spritzed it into the air and sniffed. Wrinkled her nose. “Not exactly appetizing.”

  And yet, even as she said it, he’d slunk off the couch and was on his knees in front of her, eyes closed, face lifted.

  “What are you talking about? That smell… Fuck me, that’s good.”

  It was weird how he softened and yet hardened at the same time. She sprayed the air again, and he caught it with his skin and breathed deeply then released the air in a low rumble.

  When he opened his eyes, there was a wildness in their depths.

  “Annie.” He purred her name.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “Never better.” He put his hands on her hips and pressed his face to her groin. Blew hotly through her pants. She gasped, her fingers curling in his hair.

  He nipped at her through the fabric, and she moaned. Swayed.

  “Where’s the bed?” Before she could answer, he’d stood and lifted her into his arms.

  He kissed her as he found the door to her bedroom then laid her down gently.

  Still kissing.

  There was a sexiness to his actions, a reckless abandon as he tugged off her shirt, growling in his haste. Especially when it got caught and she had to help him.

  Her breasts were encased in her good bra, put on in anticipation. She was glad she’d not changed out of it before his arrival.

  He buried his face in the valley between her breasts and breathed hotly.

  “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”

  Actually, it was probably a bad idea to sleep with him, but she didn’t care. He drove her wild. Made her want.

  And she would have.

  Her turn to yank at his shirt, wanting to feel the firmness of his flesh against her. Their pants hit the floor in a frenzy that rid her of underwear, too.

  There was none of the awkwardness that sometimes happened the first time all parties got fully naked. He was built like a brick house. Solid all over.

  And he appeared to love her body. It wasn’t just his hands worshipping her. His gaze smoldered. His dick…

  It bobbed, hard and more than ready.

  He cupped her pussy and growled. “Wet.”

  He moved until he could nuzzle her mound. She grabbed at his hair as she parted her thighs.

  “Smell so good,” he whispered against her nether lips.

  His first lick was a slow, long swipe. She shuddered and sighed his name. “Dom.”

  He tongued her, making her flesh quiver. Her hips gyrated. She dug her nails into his scalp.

  She cried out as the tip of his tongue flicked rapidly, teased back and forth against her clit.

  So good.

  So very, very good.

  She gasped and writhed.

  He kept stroking until she had her first orgasm. She cried out, and her back arched. The climax rippled through her, and still he licked. Until she began whimpering.


  “Dom.” She moaned his name.

  “Give me a sec,” he growled. She heard the crinkle of plastic and, through lids heavy with passion, watched him put on the condom.

  When he finally unrolled it, he caught her gaze and rumbled, “Mine.”

  Possessive and sexy.

  Palming her ass cheeks, he dragged her to the edge of the bed and lifted her to the right height. He prodded her with his erect cock, rubbing the swollen head against her slick pussy. Teasing them both.

  “Dom.” His name emerged with a low, guttural sound this time.

  He slid into her, and she arched. Breathing hitched, she felt him stretching her. Filling her. So p

  Her legs wrapped loosely around his waist, she let him control the pace. He held her firmly and pressed in and out of her with a slowness that was both excruciating and amazing.

  He thrust, in and out, creating a delicious friction that suddenly turned into pressure as he drove deep and then proceeded to rotate only his hips, grinding into her.

  Hitting her sweet spot.

  Over and over.

  Until her fingers clawed at his shoulders.

  Only when she screamed and came on his cock did he start thrusting again, drawing out the waves of her orgasm and then transcending it.

  She’d never been pleasured to near death.

  And it took a while for her to come back down to earth. To find herself cradled in his arms, spooned against him, his face in her hair.

  Smart man, he didn’t say a word. Just cuddled.


  In the middle of the night, Dominick woke with a major thirst. Carefully, so as not to disturb Anika, he slipped out of bed, and padded quietly to the kitchen.

  As he poured himself a glass of water from the tap, he noticed the stupid catnip fragrance bottle. Earlier, it took only a spritz for him to lose a bit of control and ravish Anika—not that he needed much encouragement.

  Did it really affect him? Anika wasn’t here to distract. He lifted the bottle to his nose and took a good whiff. Fucking amazing. No wonder felines loved it.

  Before he could question his sanity, he poured some—all—into his glass of water and carried it to the window, where he peeked out. This time of night, the neighborhood lay dormant, the streetlights illuminating empty sidewalks.

  Almost empty.

  He saw the bright flare of a cigarette. Someone outside having a smoke. No big deal. He took a swig of his water.

  Mmm. Nice.

  The person with the smoke shifted, and their face came into view.

  What the fuck? It was that asshole, Thomas.

  He took another swig then another, downing the whole glass before heading outside, realizing only as the cool air hit him that he was still naked.

  He didn’t care. When Thomas opened his mouth to say, “What the fuck?” it seemed only natural to snarl. Then he gave chase to the running man.

  * * *

  Dominick woke curled around Anika. Content. Warm. A good place to be, considering his strange dream. He’d dreamt that he hunted, his prey fleet of foot, but not as fast as him.

  Anika stirred, and he slid his hand from her bare hip to her mound. He palmed her, and she uttered a soft sigh and rolled her hips against him.

  “You awake?” he whispered against her hair.


  “I’ve got something to help with that.” He parted her thighs, slipping his finger in enough to stroke her, finding her wet already.

  She moaned as he replaced his hand with his cock, his arm around her waist, keeping her spooned against him as he rocked and thrust gently into her. When he felt himself getting close, his finger went to her clit and rubbed it. Rubbed until he felt that sweet pussy of hers clenching around him, drawing his own orgasm.

  He held her as they cooled from their climax. Happy to spend the day in bed with her, but she wiggled.

  “I need to shower.”

  “Sounds like an excellent plan.”

  She shot him a look over her bare shoulder as she sat up. “It’s not big enough for two.”

  “Then I’ll watch,” was his reply, along with a wicked grin.

  She blushed.

  Fuck he was head over heels for this girl.

  He watched her bathe. Then licked her until she came again. But when he would have dragged her back to bed, she shook her head.

  “I can’t. I work one to nine, which means I need to do my laundry this morning.”

  “I’ll give you a hand.”

  “What? No.”

  But he wasn’t taking no for an answer. “Is that your basket?” He pointed.


  “Where’s your machine?”

  “I don’t have one. I use a laundromat.”

  He grimaced. “Not today, you’re not. We’re going to my house.”

  “I am pretty sure your mom doesn’t want me using her washer.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because of the wear and tear on her machine along with electricity costs.” She rolled her eyes as if it were obvious.

  She didn’t know his mom very well. “One, she really wouldn’t give a shit. And two, if it makes you feel better, you can pay her the coins you would have used at the store.”

  “If you don’t want to come to the laundromat, that’s fine. I don’t mind doing it alone.”

  He leaned close. “Never said I minded. If you really insist, we’ll go to your laundromat, but my place might have cookies or brownies.”

  “Don’t you have to work?” she asked.

  “No.” Then he added, “I might have gotten fired.”

  Her mouth rounded. “This is because of Thomas, isn’t it?”

  “Kind of. Apparently, he complained to the head office, and when the manager asked me not to threaten him again, I kind of said I couldn’t make that promise.”

  Actually, his exact words were: “If that motherfucker shows up again to harass Anika, you might find his body in a dumpster with the garbage.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I’ll find another job.”

  A knock at the door had her frowning. He tensed.

  “I take it you’re not expecting anyone?” he asked.

  She shook her head.

  “I’ll answer.”

  She put her hand on his arm. “What if it’s Thomas?”

  The fear in her made him bristle. “It better not be that fucker.” He flung open the door to find two cops standing on her doorstep.

  “Can I help you?” Dominick asked, shirtless but wearing his pants. The female cop eyed him with cold appraisal, but the young guy smiled and winked.

  “We’re looking for Anika Mandelson.”

  “That’s me. Can I help you?” Dominick could hear the dread in her voice.

  “Do you know a Thomas Fitzpatrick?”

  “Yeah. He’s my ex-husband.” Her lips turned down. “What has he complained about now?”

  “When was the last time you saw him?”

  “Last night. He showed up here asking for money.” She left out the part where Dominick arrived to find the fucker threatening her.

  “And?” the cop with the badge that said Ramirez asked.

  Anika’s lips pursed. “There’s nothing else to say. I said no. He left.”

  “What time did he leave?”

  She shrugged and glanced at Dominick. “You arrived as he was going. Was that nine or ten?”

  “Closer to ten,” he supplied. “He left when I showed up.”

  “You are?” the female cop asked.

  He puffed out his chest as he said, “Dominick Hubbard. Her boyfriend.” He snaked an arm around her waist to draw her close.

  Anika didn’t protest. “What’s this about, officers?”

  “Mr. Fitzpatrick was attacked last night. Badly. He’s currently in intensive care.”

  “What?” Then her eyes widened as she exclaimed, “It wasn’t me.” When Ramirez shifted her gaze to Dominick, Anika quickly added, “And it wasn’t Dom. We stayed in all night.”

  “Can you provide proof?”

  Dom leered slightly as he said, “How many recently used condoms would you accept as evidence?” Which reminded him. He’d forgotten one this morning—something to worry about later.

  The cop pursed her lips. “Do you own a cat?”

  “A cat?” She wrinkled her nose. “No. I’m more of a dog person, but Thomas took Jackson in the divorce.”

  “Are you sure, Ms. Mandelson? Because Mr. Fitzpatrick was quite adamant that you and your boyfriend released some kind of large cat from your apartment and it attacked him.”

  “Hold on a fucking second
. That asshole tangled with an alley cat and got a few scratches, and you’re blaming Anika?” Dominick couldn’t hide his incredulity.

  “It was larger than a domestic. The tears in his flesh are consistent with his claim that a panther attacked him.”

  Anika laughed. “Oh my God. You can’t be serious. I don’t know what Thomas’s done this time, but I assure you, I don’t keep exotic animals in my place.”

  “Then you won’t mind if we have a look?”

  She shook her head and stepped aside. “Be my guest.”

  Usually, Dominick would have advised against inviting questioning cops inside, but she had nothing to hide in this case.

  The cops paced through the apartment, which didn’t take long. Dominick and Anika remained in the kitchen, waiting for the coffee to brew, which was when he saw the bottle of catnip spray by the counter.

  Empty. Because he’d drunk it. Weird. He blamed a shift in his taste buds from his time overseas. He dumped it into the garbage as he got them both a cup of coffee ready.

  The police officers soon returned from searching the bedroom and bathroom to take a quick peek in the kitchen, barely large enough for two people.

  Ramirez wasn’t done. “Do any of your neighbors have pets?”

  “Mrs. Hyde upstairs has a few cats, but the biggest, Floof, is old and blind in one eye. He’s also not allowed outside. And he looks nothing like a panther, given he’s white with a brown patch between his eyes.”

  “What about her other pets?”

  “Small and also indoor cats.”

  “Thank you for your time, Ms. Mandelson. Please be aware, we might return with more questions.”

  “Perhaps instead of wasting time investigating my girlfriend, you should look into Thomas’s associates. Rumor has it he has a gambling problem,” Dominick stated. Or so Raymond had told him when he asked for a background check. He’d wanted to scout out potential problems.

  The cops left, and Anika’s shoulders slumped. “I swear it’s never-ending drama with that man. Accusing me of siccing a jungle cat on him? What the hell is that about?”

  “Weird,” Dominick agreed, but disturbing, too, because it reminded him of his dream.

  A dream where he was a hunter, stalking prey, and that prey had Thomas’s face.


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