Wicked Promises (Wicked Bay, #7)

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Wicked Promises (Wicked Bay, #7) Page 10

by L A Cotton

  “You’re sure?”


  I would’ve given her anything she asked for.

  Chuckling, I said, “I’m sure. But I’m not sharing my coke float.”

  Summer smiled, and it lit up her whole face. “Deal.”

  We ordered our food and fell into easy conversation. But when Summer asked about football, my palms grew clammy and my throat dried up. “So, when do you think you’ll be going back?” she asked.

  “If I get the green light, three weeks.”

  “Three weeks, wow, that’s soon.” I don’t know if she realized but her brows pinched. “How do you feel about it?”

  “Everyone says I’ll be ready, but I’m not sure. I’m eager to get back out on the field, but if I push too hard too soon, I could cause more damage.” I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. If I didn’t play this season it could ruin everything and if I did play, I risked underperforming or getting injured again.

  “But you’ll go back to classes even if you don’t play?”

  “Well, yeah.” I paused when the server brought our food over.

  “Here we go,” she said, placing down the huge seafood platter. Summer’s eyes widened with delight, running over various fish dishes.

  “Oh my god, this looks amazing.”

  “Here, try a shrimp.” Before I could stop myself, I’d picked up a shrimp and offered it to her lips. A sexy blush worked its way up her neck and into her cheeks as she opened her mouth and let me feed her. And damn, if it didn’t make me want to lean across the table and taste her lips.

  Summer leaned back, covering her mouth. “So good,” she murmured.

  I helped myself to a calamari ring, fighting a groan as the subtle taste hit my taste buds. Summer watched me across the table, her head inclined, blonde waves spilling over her shoulders. I wondered if she felt it too, the flow of energy between us. The connection begging for attention.

  “I’m glad I agreed to come out with you, this is really something.”

  “Oh, so it’s like that, huh?” I smirked. “You only want me for my choice of seafood restaurants and quirky date ideas.” Shit. I hadn’t meant for the D-word to come out. But if Summer was bothered by my slip, she didn’t let on, as she smiled back at me, shoving another shrimp in her mouth.

  We stuck to safer topics for the rest of the meal, laughing when our fingers grazed over shrimp and fish sticks. I let Summer have the last shrimp and she gave up the shellfish. When the server came to take away our plates, I sat back in my chair, letting out a long breath.

  “Are you in any rush to get home?”

  “No one’s expecting me.” Sadness clung to her words. “What did you have in mind?”

  “Ice cream?”

  She narrowed her eyes at me. “You’re good at this, you know?” Summer smothered a smile.

  Given I could count the number of real dates I’d had on one hand, I took it as a compliment. But something about her gaze bothered me.

  I didn’t want to see sorrow in her eyes, I wanted to see sparkle. And the more time we spent together, the more I realized I wanted to be the one to put it there.

  GETTING ICE CREAM WAS the worst idea I could have had. Watching Summer lick and tease her strawberry and chocolate wafer was torture. But apparently, I was a sucker for punishment because I couldn’t look away.

  “You have some right,” I swiped my thumb over the corner of her mouth, “there.” Bringing it to my lips, I sucked the melted ice cream off, only to be rewarded with her sexy-as-fuck flushed cheeks.

  “Thanks,” she murmured, as she settled the gaze back over the ocean. The beachfront was still a hive of activity, the lights of the port twinkling like stars in the distance. The lingering smell of barbecue and seafood and a hundred other smells I couldn’t define filling the air.

  I finished my wafer and took her hand in mine, needing her close. Needing to touch her.

  Needing anything to calm the storm raging inside me.

  Back at the restaurant Summer had asked about college, about the team, and all I could think was ‘in three weeks I have to leave you’.

  I was so far gone over this girl, but what, if any future did we really have together? Even if I was redshirted for the season, I would be back at SDU and Summer would be in Wicked Bay. I hadn’t been in the market for a relationship full stop, let alone, a long-distance relationship with me in college and my girl at home worrying about what—or who—I was doing.

  Yet, the idea of giving her up, giving this up, well it hurt something fierce.

  We stopped at a bench, sitting side by side, watching the gentle waves roll onto the shore.

  “Have you given any thought to what you might do now you’re not going to USC?”

  Summer shrugged. “I haven’t really thought about it. It’s too soon, you know?”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  “I still want to study Education and get my degree, but USC is not an option now.”

  “Kyle goes there though, doesn’t he?”

  “And his girlfriend, Laurie.” She confirmed. “But in some ways, that would only make it worse. Having them both fussing over me. And I don’t want to be around to watch Kyle try to refrain from beating the crap out of Nick.”

  “Maybe he deserves it,” I said, rolling my fist against my thigh.

  Summer looked over at me. “You think violence solves anything?”

  It was my turn to shrug. “I think it depends on the situation.”

  “Nick hurt me but me breaking it off with him is punishment enough. I hate him, but I don’t want to see him get physically hurt.” There was a strength in her voice I admired. If some guy had pulled that shit on my sister, Caitlin would have dreamed up the worst kind of revenge possible. But not Summer. She wasn’t like my sister, or hers for that matter. She was better. Different.

  She was in her own fucking league.

  “But USC, that part of my life, is over. Before Nick, I’d always wanted to attend UCLA, so perhaps I’ll apply there next year. Anyway, I don’t want to talk about all that. I just want to enjoy being here... with you.” Summer leaned her head on my shoulder, and I couldn’t resist slipping my arm around her to erase the slither of space between us. “I just want to live in the now,” she said, but I detected a trace of uncertainty in her voice.

  And I couldn’t help but wonder if she was thinking of three weeks from now, when I had to return to class.

  I DROVE SUMMER HOME, expecting her to tell me to park at the end of her driveway. But instead she dropped it out that her parents were still out of town.

  “I had a really nice time,” I said over the gentle purr of my truck. Summer smiled, drawing my eyes to her soft, pink lips. Lips I’d spent the last few hours dreaming of kissing.



  “Will you come in?”


  “I, uh...” I ran a hand over my head to the back of my neck. I wanted to stay, it sounded like heaven; but there was a fire in her eyes that hadn’t been there before. And I knew if I said yes, if I followed her out to the pool house, things between us might move to the next level.

  And I didn’t know if she was ready for that.

  If I was ready.

  “It doesn’t matter,” she backtracked, her gaze darting away from me. “I just thought—”

  “I want to,” I rushed out. “I just don’t want to rush this.”

  “This?” It came out breathy.

  “Yeah.” I hooked an arm around her, pulling her face to mine. “You and me.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  So did I.

  Too fucking much.

  “Do you believe in fate, JB?” she asked, catching me off guard.

  “Can’t say as I’ve ever really thought about it.”

  “If I’d never have been at the beach that day, we never would have met.” She had a point. But it kind of sucked, the circumstances we met under.

  “I guess I shou
ld thank Belinda The Sadist for her rigorous conditioning program.”

  Summer edged away, soft laughter spilling from her lips. “Well, tell her I said thanks.”

  Silence filled the truck, our eyes saying things neither of us were brave enough to yet say.

  “So I guess this is goodnight?” Hope hung on every word, and I squeezed my eyes shut.

  “Your parents are definitely away?”

  “They won’t be back until tomorrow afternoon.” Summer tucked her hair behind her ear, something I’d noticed she did when she was nervous.

  “I’ll come in,” the words whooshed out of me in one breath. “On one condition.”

  “Go on...”

  “You promise not to try to jump my bones the second we get inside.”

  Summer’s eyes went wide. A beat passed, electricity zipping between us, and then we both burst into laughter. Without another word, she climbed out, waiting for me to follow. I snagged her hand, the touch of her skin against mine filling my head with all kinds of thoughts.

  I could do this. I could stay because she needed me. It didn’t have to be about sex or any of that stuff. We could talk, cuddle, and then we could go to sleep.

  But as we reached the pool house, my body was coiled so tightly, I thought I might explode.

  “Wait,” I said yanking her back to me. “Maybe we should rethink this?”

  Rethink this? What the fuck are you doing Holloway?

  Summer gazed up at me, her expression soft. “I’m not asking you for anything JB; I just didn’t want the night to be over yet.”

  “And I don’t want to do something that’ll ruin this.” She frowned and I explained. “I’m a guy, Summer. And you’re... Jesus, you’re so fucking beautiful. Resisting you—”

  “So don’t.” The words hit me like a wrecking ball.


  Summer placed her hands on my chest, sliding them North. She leaned in, running her nose across mine, her lips hovering dangerously close. “Don’t resist. I’m not glass, JB. Remember, I won’t shatter if you touch me.”

  It was the worst thing she could have said to me. My mind instantly filled with images of her naked, pressed up against me, as I kissed her, touched her, moved inside her.

  “Summer, you’re killing me...” She was too close. So fucking close I couldn’t think straight.

  Did she really want this?


  Did I really want to go there when she was still getting over Nick and losing the baby?


  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  “Kiss me,” she whispered, so softly I was sure I’d misheard her. But then her lips brushed mine. And I was done.

  My hands went around her waist, hauling her against me as I strode into the pool house and nudged the door shut behind me, the sound reverberating around us, matching the vibration of anticipation in my chest. Summer giggled, pressing her lips to my neck and the sound was so fucking glorious I wanted to bottle that shit and keep it with me for a rainy day.

  “Put me down,” she said, despite looping her arms tighter around my neck. I walked over to the kitchen counter and dropped her down on it, pushing her legs wide so I could step between them. My hand gently held the side of her neck, my thumb brushing over her soft skin. She gazed at me dreamily through her long lashes.

  “The things I want to do to you,” I said quietly, gauging her response. Her eyes widened a fraction, the sharp intake of breath laced with need. That flush I loved so much skittering to her neck and into her cheeks.

  “I’m... I’m not sure I’m ready for—”

  “Ssh.” I leaned in kissing the corner of her mouth. “I’ve got you, Summer. And I know exactly what you need.”

  Chapter 15


  My heart beat wildly in my chest as JB kissed me, taking his time to get acquainted with my lips, the curve of my mouth, the taste of my tongue.

  Kissing Nick had always been one of my favorite things to do. We knew each other so well, knew what the other person liked and how we worked. With Nick it was like we were two pieces of the same puzzle. There was a comfort in that, a simmering desire that ignited every time we touched. But with JB it was more. Exciting and scary and butterfly inducing. We had to learn how to fit together, how to find a rhythm, and it was nothing like I’d ever felt before.

  His tongue lapped at mine, slow gentle strokes, as if he wanted to savor every last touch. One of his hands remained on my neck, possessive yet cautious, as if he was scared I might disappear at any moment. His other hand crept under my dress and along my thigh but didn’t move too high, as if he wanted to feel me but didn’t know if he should.

  “It’s okay.” I covered his hand with mine, sliding it higher. “Touch me, please,” I whispered.

  “Jesus, Summer...” He eased back to look into my eyes. “Not here, not like this.”

  I wanted to tell him, yes, here, but JB picked me up again, carrying me down the hall toward the bedroom all while kissing me. He lay me down on the bed, staring down at me with such intensity I could hardly stand it. “Do you have any idea what you to do me?” he rasped.

  Crooking my finger, I silently begged him with my eyes to kiss me again. He pulled off my shoes and then kicked off his own, before covering me with his strong body. “Do you trust me, Summer?”

  I nodded, too choked up to reply. A wicked smirk tugged at his lips as he fixed his mouth over mine, licking and stroking. Sucking and nibbling. But he didn’t kiss me for long. Instead, he moved his lips over my jaw and down the slope of my neck, trailing a path of hot wet kisses over my skin until I was panting and writhing beneath him. My fingers twisted into his shirt as he worked my body into a trembling mess. When he rocked back, a small cry escaped my lips.

  “Don’t worry,” he said, “I’m not going anywhere.” His fingers found the hem of my dress pushing it up over my hips. Only the second guy to ever see me like this, I expected to feel shy, vulnerable even, but I felt nothing but desire as his eyes drank in the sight of me.

  JB rolled to the side of me, fitting his body against mine. His hand splayed possessively on my stomach. He didn’t say anything; he didn’t need to. That one action told me everything I needed to know. JB accepted everything that had happened. Understood everything I’d lost. And he was still here.

  His thumb stroked my navel, sweeping lower and lower until he was at the waistband of my panties. “Are you sure?”

  Offering him a timid smile, I nodded. He leaned in, capturing my lips in a bruising kiss as he gently ran his hand lower, applying enough pressure that a soft moan escaped me.

  Somewhere at the back of my mind, as the building hum of anticipation rippled through me, I knew his touch wasn’t supposed to feel so familiar, so good, but it did. And I never wanted him to stop.

  “More,” I breathed and JB chuckled against my lips.

  “Patience, Angel,” he replied, kissing me harder, deeper. Swirling his tongue with mine. His fingers dipped inside my panties, sliding between my wetness, and a low groan rumbled in his chest. “So wet,” he murmured, circling me with the pad of his thumb. Teasing me. Pulling away when my body began to quiver and dipping back in just as I caught my breath. But when his fingers moved lower, I hesitated.

  “Hey,” he kissed the end of my nose. “I don’t have to.”

  “I- I want you to. I’m just...” the words lodged in my throat.

  “It’s okay. If I do anything you don’t like or you need to stop, just tell me and we’ll stop, okay?”


  Slowly he worked a finger inside me, eyes locked on my face as I gasped, my breath catching. “It feels... good,” I said. As if his touch could possibly be anything else.

  A half-smile lifted the corner of his mouth as his thumb began circling my sensitive bud again. “You feel good,” he whispered against the corner of my mouth. “So fucking good.”

  I could tell he was holding back, still handling me with kiddie gloves, but
for now, I was okay with that.

  JB built a slow delicious momentum, sliding another finger inside me, filling me.

  “Oh God,” I moaned, burying my face into the crook of his shoulder. Waves of pleasure began to wash over me. Gentle at first. Building higher and higher with every stroke of his fingers, every roll of his thumb.

  My hands gripped onto him, needing something to steady me, to ground me as I began to soar. “JB...”

  “Let go, Angel. All you have to do is let go.” He curled his fingers inside me and I arched into him, crying his name as pleasure knocked the air from my lungs.

  JB held me close, letting me ride out the high. I snuggled closer, aware of the hard bulge in his jeans. My hand drifted down his abs to his waistband, but he caught my wrist. “Tonight isn’t about me.”


  His fingers slipped under my jaw, coaxing my face to his. “No buts, we can take this slow, okay?”

  “It’s still early though,” I blurted out, embarrassment staining my cheeks.

  “Is that your way of asking me to stay over?”

  “Maybe.” I peeked up at him and his smile morphed into a grin.

  “I’ll stay on one condition.” My brow rose, waiting for his stipulation. “We can watch a movie and order takeout.”

  “Takeout? But we just ate like an hour or so ago.”

  JB shrugged as if it was no big deal. “What can I say, I’m hungry.” His eyes darkened and a bolt of lust shot through me.

  “Fine, big guy, we can order takeout. But I’m not sharing my soda,” I threw back his words from earlier.

  He kissed the tip of my nose. “I wouldn’t dream of trying to steal your soda.”

  Suddenly, it didn’t feel like we were talking about takeout and soda anymore. But before I could dissect his undertone, JB climbed off the bed and held out his hand to me. I took it, relishing the feel of his fingers encasing mine. He tugged me up, roping his arms around me. “One day soon,” he said, his lips brushing the shell of my ear. “I’m going to bury myself so deep inside you, you’ll forget all about him.”


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