King of Nice

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King of Nice Page 13

by R H Tucker

  “Don’t move,” EJ whispers. A smile cracks over my lips. “Turn around, slowly.”

  Doing as he says, I raise my hands, keeping my finger around the trigger of my gun, unsure what opening I might get. A mischievous smirk flashes across his face, and he keeps his gun pointed at me.

  “Looks like you got me,” I whisper to him.

  “Looks like I do,” he replies.

  There’s rustling behind me, and his eyes jump over my shoulder to see what it is. I make my move and go to tag him, but he reacts faster than I expect and grabs my wrist, keeping the aim of my gun away from his vest.

  “Tsk, tsk,” he snickers at me with another smirk.

  “You’re not gonna tag me?” I ask him, not putting up a fight to wrestle my gun away.

  He leans closer, and I finally find the EJ I thought I saw earlier today. He’s looking at me like he wants me. Like we’re not part of some game or deal, but we’re an actual couple. Leaning closer to me, he lets go of my wrist, and his fingers travel up my arm. They run through my hair, and I reach up, still holding my gun, but throw my hands over his shoulders.

  His nose brushes against mine, and through the darkness, I still find his tawny eyes. There’s a slight hesitation that swims over his gaze but disappears quickly, and our lips connect. Even with the glow from the neon lights, the darkness reminds me of our night, and I wish we were back there. With my arms around his neck, I pull him closer, and he doesn’t resist. Dropping his gun, he wraps both arms around my waist, and we sidestep closer against a wall. His lips break from mine and float across my jaw, up to my ear.

  “Skye, I don’t know what this is.”

  “It’s … okay.” I roll my eyes at myself and the lame reply. It’s okay? What does that even mean? Pulling away from my ear, his eyes meet mine. I know he’s thinking the same thing. “I don’t either,” I finally reply. “All I know is I like this.”

  His smile returns, and he connects with my mouth again. I think this might finally give us a moment to talk. To find out if he’s feeling something like I am. Maybe we can—

  “Gotchya! Whoa!” Maddox shouts, breaking us apart. “Bow-chika-bow-wow.” He starts laughing.

  EJ cringes, shaking his head at him. “Would you shut up with the stupid porno sound effect.”

  “I’ll stop as soon as you give me a reason to stop.”

  I feel my face getting red, but can’t help letting out a giggle.

  “What’s happening?” Jade yells, and I hear her running over.

  “Nothing,” Maddox calls back, then aims his gun at me. My vest sounds, and then he fires at EJ. His jacket sounds, and he lets out an annoyed sigh. Jade gets closer, and Maddox makes a dramatic move, firing his gun under his arm, and her vest starts beeping and flashing.

  “I win!” Maddox laughs, running away.

  EJ rolls his eyes, then looks over at me. “I guess that’s it.”

  He begins walking away, and Jade watches him carefully. Looking over at me, I think she’s about to ask me something, but I shake my head. No matter what her question is, I wouldn’t have the first clue as to how to answer it.

  Every time there’s a slight opening, I think EJ and I might be able to talk about what we’re both really feeling, something blocks it. What did he mean when he said he didn’t know what this is? This as in us? As in how he feels around me or kisses me? Was he talking about the deal? All questions I have no idea how to bring up and time is running out to figure out how to answer them.



  My brain is mush. I don’t understand what’s happening and now it’s Friday. In just over a week, I’m supposed to meet up with Alicia Summers. For the life of me, I can’t figure out what to do.

  Skye and I slept together. Then she told me to tell Alicia we’re just friends. After that, I talked to Jade and was inspired to finally throw something out; to speak with Skye about everything. Then she posted on social media about how in love she was, playing up our deal. Then we made out during laser tag, during which she said she knows.

  She knows? She knows what? That this is a complete mistake? That I like her? That she’s confused, too? What do either of us know!

  I’m standing in front of the mirror in my room and adjust the E.T. hoodie. Zipping it up halfway, I push up my sleeves and stare at myself.

  “This is stupid,” I hiss, pulling the hoodie off and throwing it on my bed.

  “You okay?” Jade asks, leaning in my doorway.

  “I’m fine,” I answer, shaking my head at myself and letting out a sigh of defeat.

  Glancing over her shoulder, she enters the room and closes the door behind her. I know what she’s going to say before she says it. “What’s going on with you two? For reals?”

  Slumping my shoulders, I take a seat on my bed. “I have no idea.”

  “Didn’t you say you were going to try and talk to her?”

  “I was!” I throw my hand in the air, getting back to my feet. “She was going to meet up with us at the signing, and I made it a point to act more confident. I tried flirting a little, I kissed her when she sat down. Jade, I don’t know what the hell I’m doing, but I thought I was acting like I’m supposed to. Then she posted something about how I’ve stolen her heart.”

  “That’s good.”

  “No!” I begin pacing back and forth in front of her, chewing on my thumbnail. “It’s not good. It’s exactly what our plan is. Trying to prove to everyone how in love she is, and when it’s all over, I’m going to break her heart.”

  “EJ, you guys seriously need to talk. If you really want to try and have an actual relationship with her, you both need to clear the air.”

  “But what if I’ve been wrong about this entire thing? She’s obviously more experienced than me, maybe this is exactly how it’s supposed to go. I’m probably reading into everything more because I like her, but she’s sticking to the plan, and I’m overanalyzing it all.” I stop pacing back and forth, dropping my head. “Why did I ever agree to this? Who cares if everyone thinks of me as a nice guy? I’d gladly take that over completely freaking out about every little interaction I have with her.”

  Walking over to me, she places her hands on my shoulders, looking me in the eye. “EJ, I stand by what I said. I really do think she likes you. Maybe she’s afraid, too. You’ve made it sound like she’s wanted to get rid of being labeled a heartbreaker as much as you and the King of Nice name. If that’s true, she might think you’re going along with your part as much as she is hers.”

  I pinch my lips together. I guess that could be true. Perhaps she’s afraid to say if she really does feel something for me because I’ve wanted to be known as anything other than the King of Nice since it was bestowed on me.

  “Maybe you’re right,” I finally reply.

  “Hey, guys, I’m thinking of going over to—” Derrik opens my door, but his words cut off, staring at Jade standing in front of me with her hands still on my shoulders. He quirks an eyebrow. “Uh, what’s going on?”

  She quickly pulls her hands back. “Nothing,” she answers.

  He keeps his eyes on me for a moment longer. I scan my room, trying to think of an excuse. “Jade was just … helping me with something.”

  Derrik’s gaze narrows, bouncing back and forth between Jade and me. “Helping you with what?”

  I can’t think of what that something could be, so I do the next best thing and change the subject. “You were thinking of going where?” I ask him.

  His suspicion seems to mount, and now my own nerves are jittering around like a crazed beehive that’s been whacked with a baseball bat. What does he think he saw? Me and Jade? Crap, my life is continuing to spiral into an enormous ball of confusion and misdirection.

  “Yeah,” he finally breaks his silence. “I was thinking of checking out that exhibit at Treasure Island. Uh …” He scratches the back of his neck, still wary of both of us. “Is something—”

  “That sounds good,” Jade cuts him off and
hurries out of the room. “Let me know how it goes, EJ.”

  Derrik stays in the doorway. “EJ? Something you want to tell me?”

  “It’s not what it looks like.”

  “Are you sure? Because it looked like—”

  “It’s nothing, D. And I can’t go, I’m meeting up with Skye. We were going to check out Maddox’s gig over at that Gracie James party.”

  “Oh, right. I was gonna go to that before it ended.”

  Glancing back at my hoodie, I decide to forgo it and head toward the door. Derrik steps in my pathway. “Hey, you know you can talk to me if … something’s going on.”

  “Dude, I just said it’s nothing,” I snap at him. He flinches, staring at me cautiously. “Sorry. But really, it’s nothing.”

  He nods but doesn’t reply. I feel his eyes on me as I walk past him and out of the penthouse.

  I get backstage while The Electrocutes are still performing, and hang out with a couple of artists I know in passing. A pop singer, Crystal Diaz, who we’ve crossed paths with at a few other music festivals, approaches me.

  “Hey, EJ, right?” she asks with a broad smile, waving.

  “Yeah. How’s everything?”

  “Good, thanks. Sorry, I’m Crystal.”

  “I know,” I reply, which earns me a slightly bashful smile from her. “I think you almost took down ‘Road to Z’ a few months back from the top Billboard spot.”

  She giggles, and I’m almost positive she starts blushing. It catches me off guard. “Um, so you’re going out with Skye Robbins?”

  “Yeah. We’re headed to a party Maddox is deejaying when they’re done.”

  “Cool.” She looks away, fidgeting with her fingers. “You know … I always thought you were cuter than Maddox.”

  That comment totally catches me off guard. “What?”

  “Oh my God.” She slaps her hands over her mouth. “I can’t believe I told you that. Sorry, just forget it. I’m so embarrassed.”

  “Wow. Don’t be,” I say, trying to keep from smiling ear to ear. “Thank you.”

  “Hey, you,” Skye calls out, running over and wrapping her arms around me. Crystal’s face goes from pink to crimson red. “Hey, Crystal. Whatchya guys talking about?”

  Crystal’s eyes widen. She seems to stand frozen for a moment, then averts her eyes. “Oh, I was just telling EJ how much I love your setlist.”

  My eyes narrow, but Skye smiles. “Aw, thank you,” she replies.

  “I better get going. See you guys around.” Crystal takes off without waiting for a reply.

  Skye raises a brow, keeping her hand around mine. “That was weird.”

  Chewing my lip, I’m trying to decide what to do. If I was in a real relationship with Skye, what would be the right thing? Tell her what Crystal really said, or keep it to myself? Since we’re in a fake relationship, it oddly makes the decision that much more difficult. We start walking backstage, and I decide to tell her.

  “So … that wasn’t what we were talking about.”


  I let out a confused and embarrassed chuckle. “Yeah. She actually said she always thought I was cuter than Maddox.”

  Skye stops walking and stares at me. For a moment, I think she’s going to get mad at me. Then she grins and slaps my chest. “Look at you, catching the eye of pop stars.”

  It’s a weird feeling. She grabs my hand again and we start walking, acting like we’re together, but she was just happy some other girl said she liked me. And if I had any doubts that this was really all just an act, even with what just happened, her next words reinforce what this really is.

  “EJ, that’s it!”

  “What’s it?”

  “How we can end this.” She looks over at me while we continue to walk. “I mean … isn’t that what we need? It probably has to happen before Alicia shows up.”

  I clear my throat, knowing it’s over. It was never anything real. Time to accept that. “Uh … yeah, I guess so.”

  When I agree with her, her excitement seems to die down. “Did you … that’s still what you want to do, right?”

  Swallowing the nerves and any lingering thoughts of trying to talk to her about us, I nod. “Yep. That’s the plan.”



  We’ve been at Gracie James’ party for an hour. Maddox is still playing music, and all I’ve been doing is kicking myself.

  Getting off stage, my blood was still pumping from performing, and when EJ told me what Crystal told him, my first reaction was being happy for him. I know we went into this whole thing because of my issues and his, so I was glad to see he’s not just looked at like a nice guy. I mean he is nice, and I like that about him, but he’s more than that. So I’m happy to see him finally recognize that. But the minute I said what I did, I know it sounded like I’m still looking at our situation as nothing but the verbal contract we set.

  Roxy and Leah showed up, and are hanging out by the bar with me as the spotlights swirl around the small club where the party is being held. When EJ told me about the party, I wasn’t sure if it was actually going to be a place where we might gain some attention. Sure, it’s a party for a reality star, but I didn’t know who was going to attend. And honestly, I kind of hoped it might be a little quieter than it is. Because then I’d have an opportunity to ask EJ what he meant during laser tag. But no such luck.

  Celebrities are everywhere. Gracie is a small, perky redhead with a pixie haircut. To call her bubbly would be a disservice. She’s a frenetic ball of energy and is all over the place, but most of the time, she’s been hanging around Maddox while he stands behind his DJ table, playing music.

  I’ve seen a few other artists from the music festival, laughing and having a good time. Then I notice Mitch from the Adam Coleman party, still looking like a costumed rock star. Someone is standing next to him, and I wonder if it’s Bret or someone else from his band. Whoever it is, I notice Maddox scowl over in their direction.

  “Where’s EJ?” Leah asks, taking a sip of her drink next to me.

  “He had to use the bathroom,” I reply, still taking in the atmosphere. It’s not as lavish as Adam Coleman’s party, but it’s definitely more energetic.

  “So, what are you going to do?” she asks.

  I know what she’s referring to, but I have no idea how to answer. “Maybe I shouldn’t do anything. Maybe I should just stick to the plan. Crystal has given me the perfect opportunity.”

  “Skye, stop that!” She slaps my arm. “Tell me the truth; do you like him?” Taking a deep breath, I nod. “Then, no. You’re not going to tell him to hit on Crystal. You’re going to talk to him tonight and tell him how you really feel.”

  “But what if he doesn’t feel the same?”

  “As if!”

  “What if he has doubts? It’s not like we hooked up under normal circumstances.”

  “He might have doubts, but you don’t exchange whispers in dark places and start making out if you’re not feeling something for the other person.” I may have told her about the laser tag incident. “When he comes back, you need to make it a point of getting to the bottom of this. Or at least, as close to the bottom of it as you can.”

  I nod in agreement. She’s right. I must be overthinking this. We wouldn’t have these awkward silences, shared quiet moments, or continuously be drawn to each other if there wasn’t something here.

  “Speak of the devil,” Leah says. I turn around and see EJ walking back over to us. “I’m gonna go mingle. Get to the bottom of it.” She eyes me, then heads in the opposite direction, toward a group of artists I’ve seen backstage during the music festival.

  “Did you know Gracie has a photo booth in the bathrooms?” EJ asks with a laugh. “I guess you can get your selfie on while at the urinal.”

  His comment makes me smile. This is the EJ I like the most. The guy who makes random comments and is comfortable with himself.

  “That has to be unsanitary,” I reply, giggling. “Gives
a whole new meaning to dick pics.”

  He’s taking a drink and nearly spits it out. “I didn’t even think about that.”

  I grin, holding back a laugh, and take a deep breath. This is it. I need to ask him. “Hey, so I want to talk to you about something.”

  “What’s up?” he asks, and I pause to take another sip of my drink. He quirks an eyebrow. “How much have you had?”

  “It’s okay, EJ.” I place a hand on his chest. “I’m the heartbreaker, remember?”

  The mood shifts. I scream at myself internally and do everything I can to not roll my eyes. He was just having fun, and then I bring up my moniker, instantly delivering to his mind his nickname that he hates. I can see the shift immediately, and he lifts his brows, looking around. “Yeah, right,” he replies. “Bad boys don’t worry about girls drinking too much.”

  “No, EJ. That’s not what I meant.”

  He scans the room. “You know, I think I saw Jenny Sparx around somewhere. If we get in front of her, she’ll no doubt get our pictures plastered all over her blog. It’s not a huge reach, but certain people in the business read it.”

  “Hey.” I pull at his arm. If we’re ever going to get to the bottom of this, it needs to happen now. “I really didn’t mean it like that, EJ.”

  He faces me, a small smirk replacing his look of annoyance. “How’d you mean it, then?”

  His smile inspires one of my own. “I just meant—”

  Before I can say anything else, EJ is pushed into me. He catches himself, putting both arms around me and propping himself up on the bar, his face close enough to mine to kiss me. But I can’t enjoy the closeness because I’m jolted from the feeling by Roxy yelling.

  “What’d you say?” she shouts. “Screw you!”

  EJ turns around, and I look over his shoulder to see Roxy shouting at the guy Mitch was standing next to. “Chill out, chick,” he says, slapping her hand away from his face. “Look, you girls are cute, but rock stars? Gimme a break.”


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