Centaurius: The Prophecy (Green Galaxy Series Book 1)

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Centaurius: The Prophecy (Green Galaxy Series Book 1) Page 11

by SJ McGarry

  King Johan and Megan listened as Nella spoke rapidly about her dream experience and the ideas, she came up with to remedy the problems on Earth. Their first reaction, being her parents, was a robust and loud resounding, "No!" Not to be dissuaded, Nella kept talking, and the more details she revealed, the more her parents seemed to relent and began to understand the logic behind her plan.

  "Nella, you never cease to amaze me with the wisdom you possess over matters, not only of the heart, but also for the betterment of our galaxy, planet, and all those who dwell within."

  "Thank you, father," she replied.

  They continued discussing the plan all through the night to make it as foolproof as possible, using the limited time they had left before they had to present it to King Montrobius and the Council. They still ran into problematic areas that needed further refining so went to work to smooth out the kinks.

  One ring went by, then two. After the fourth Centaurian ring, they felt confident that everything was in place; they sent word to Montrobius they were ready to meet, and then with their nerves on edge, waited for the summons.


  The Birth of I-PERM

  Nella and her parents returned to the executive conference room of the palace. As their eyes once again took in the beauty of its architecture, they could see the twenty Council members seated in the ring of twenty chairs placed around the conference table that seemed to sparkle with secrets.

  "Come, let me officially introduce you," Montrobius said as he motioned for them to follow.

  Chairs magically appeared at their approach positioning her parents on the left side of Montrobius, and Nella on the right. The members commenced their introductions, each providing short versions of their responsibilities within each ring of Centaurius.

  King Montrobius requested for King Johan to begin their presentation and plan they worked on for the issues involving the present decline of Earth. King Johan opened the folder that held all their notes and ideas and took a deep breath before he began.

  "King Montrobius and distinguished Council members," Johan began, "as you know, my first responsibility is to protect our planet Centaurius from our enemies and govern my country of Utropia." You could see the Council members shaking their heads in agreement.

  Clearing his throat, King Johan continued. "The first important issue of concern is as follows: Earth is a mirroring twin to Centaurius. Therefore, our immediate concerns are to find and capture the Red Brume before it can wreak havoc beyond repair and seep into our galaxy and destroy all worlds within." All heads nodded in agreement. "It is paramount that we cleanse Earth in a way that will not harm those entities who live there. We must restore law and order and put proper programs into place for this purpose."

  "That is all well and good, but how do you propose to accomplish such a feat with the limited time left?" the general from the Twentieth Ring of Centaurius inquired. "Zennibar's forces are already preparing to overtake the government."

  The Council listened as Johan outlined the immediate crisis and safety measures needed for Centaurius. He then called on Nella to present the details of her plan she named "Inter-Planetary Earth Repair Movement"-or "I-PERM," for short-which mapped out the solution for the repair and rejuvenation of Earth.

  The Council members listened with rapt attention. Sporadic, heated debates broke out among them over the pros and cons of specific aspects regarding safety and the costs. King Montrobius was required to call the meeting back to order several times before heated exchanges changed to magical, uncontrolled abuse. Once everyone's energy seemed drained, Montrobius called a recess so he could seek further advice from the Empire's wizards, seers, and wise men.

  Montrobius sent the summons to the Royal Family, and everyone returned to their seats, Montrobius rose from his chair and addressed each of them by name.

  "King Johan, Queen Megan, and Princess Nella, I must be honest with you. We as members of the General Council knew you would more than likely dispute the original plans, we presented to you. We expected you might refuse our request for your input, or perhaps select the least damaging overall plan set forth. However, your revised and well-thought-out plan far surpassed our expectations. It certainly deserves merit, but it is not without risks. We discussed the perils involved with our wizards and seers. We still could not entirely agree on what to do, so we voted by secret ballot."

  After a pause, Montrobius continued. "It is a known fact-prophesied in the Book of Twenty and found in the Akashic Records-that you, Princess Nella, are indeed the chosen one to lead this mission. Therefore, the Mission I-PERM was unanimously accepted.”

  Nella and her parents clapped with joy, but Montrobius cut their small victory short with a raised hand.

  "We also know the seriousness and danger that is present with such a massive undertaking for a young and unseasoned warrior. However, because Nella is from such a noble lineage, and the great-granddaughter off Grizel, the greatest warrior ever known on the planet Centaurius and the Andromeda galaxy, it is foreordained that Nella is to commence her destined role."

  Montrobius paused as he looked up through the dome to the vastness of their galaxy, a small sigh escaped his lips. Turning to Nella's parents, he continued. "Nella will be given additional instructions and training before she begins her mission and space-flight to Earth, which will take about two full cycles of the Twenty Rings (2 Earth years) to complete, or until her 1,800th birthday. The date for launch is scheduled for the 6694th ring of Centaurius."

  Montrobius then turned to Nella. His eyes bored into her soul with energy and power. "Nella, there are some basic rules and guidelines to follow. These rules and instructions are non-negotiable and engraved in stone. We want to make sure that you gain all the information and have all the right tools needed to be successful in this mission. The General Council put together the guidelines as follows." Montrobius stretched forth his hand, and a large scroll made of parchment paper appeared within the hologram screen, along with a large, ornate quill held by a floating hand that was ready to transcribe. It began writing as King Montrobius dictated the rules.

  "Rule number one," he began. "King Johan and Queen Megan, you will both remain on planet Centaurius to govern and protect your country Utropia, as well as the neighboring countries, from Zennibar and his demon warriors. The only support or directive allowed to Nella is through your spiral BCs and hologram mode. At no time is permission granted to leave Utropia to assist during any part of her travels on Centaurius or Wethersfield during training, space travel, or planet Earth."

  Queen Megan looked at her father. Nella saw her mother's face go pale. Megan's hand reached out for Johan, which he quickly covered with his own. He looked directly into her eyes as they silently communicated to each other in a way only they knew how to do. Knowing her parents, Nella knew they did not like the idea, but they also realized that now was not the time to speak out of turn in respect to King Montrobius and the Council.

  "Rule number two," Montrobius continued. "Konan will travel to Earth with Nella as her protector and mentor. Two IPGO agents from our Inter-Planetary Galaxy Operatives will accompany Nella, fly the spacecraft, and set up base operations."

  You could hear Nella's parents let out the breath they had been holding. They were relieved to know about the protection and power Konan would provide during the mission.

  Montrobius looked over to Johan and Megan. You could see a twitch of a smile as he continued. "As for the selection of worthy and experienced agent candidates from our pool, I leave it up to you, King Johan and Queen Megan, to make the final decision.”

  They nodded their heads in agreement. Montrobius continued. "On Earth, humans will know the agents as Nella's aunt and uncle. The background story is as follows: Nella, your parents died in a car accident. You were still a baby. The IPGO agents will be your guardians while on planet Earth. They will maintain base operations under the guise of a family living in a home within a rural community. They will own a local business-
one that deals with the buying and selling of creatures of the land, air, and sea, along with all the supplies needed for their habitat and care. On Earth, they call this a 'pet shop.' The particular business model will make logical sense of the unexplained number of creatures coming and going from your business and home command center.

  "Rule number three: During flight mode, to provide educational background information, downloads of memories past will be sent to you about the history of Earth and its problems. Upon reaching Earth, you will have complete historical knowledge of everything that has transpired to their present day. You will merely circle in orbit around Earth for a set period in time, observing and gathering statistical data, and relaying information directly back to Captain Norhann and the Council. At a specific time, you will be given time to land and begin ground operations.

  "Rule number four: You may take two of your Fur and Feather Warriors from Utropia, as their magical powers will prove invaluable to you while on Earth." King Johan and Megan looked at Nella and then Montrobius in confusion at his remark. It was apparent by seeing the Royal Family’s surprised looks they were oblivious and uninformed of their petbots' magical abilities.

  Montrobius paused as if contemplating the next rule, choosing his words carefully. The hand holding the quill also hesitated, waiting for him to continue. The hand began tapping the feather on the side of the hologram to show its impatience.

  "Ah yes, rule number five," he quickly added. "You are to find your mirrored Earth Warrior-the chosen one who is foreordained in the Book of Twenty. He has the container needed to imprison the Red Brume, as well as the key to your royal crown. Without these missing pieces and the fact of the Earth Warrior's lack of magical experience, both of your powers by themselves would be useless on Earth. However, bonded together, working as a team, you will become fearsome and powerful advocates for the survival of both planets and galaxies."

  Montrobius paused again as if seeing the event unfold before his eyes. Clearing his throat, he continued. "The Earth Warrior will fight by your side on behalf of all life on planet Earth and will provide pertinent information to find alternative solutions to Earth's diminishing natural resources and dying life forms.

  "We have learned this deterioration of Earth is partially coming from the inhabitants themselves but also instigated by Zennibar's interference. However, the ultimate threat is the dreaded Red Brume, which we believe Zennibar stole and hid deep within the bowels of the Earth or within of the rogue neighboring e planet Nine galaxy. The Red Brume has been awaiting a code command to completely break its confines and wreak further destruction and havoc on planet Earth. If Zennibar unleashes the Red Brume and it escapes its present capsule before you, and the young Earth warrior is in place to fight and imprison it once again, it will eventually spread and devour everything in both the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies."

  Nella thought for sure that everyone could hear her heart pounding. Every beat threatened to explode out of her chest with the heavy weight of responsibility she knew she would soon own.

  Montrobius continued, and his voice started to rise with each new directive. "With your success in your joint venture of Mission I-PERM, you will slow down the extinction problem. Earth will begin its recovery, and it will be in a perfect state of being before the merging of our two galaxies and the development of the New Milkomedia Galaxy. If you fail," here, Montrobius' voice boomed at a painful decibel around the room, "then all life forms on Earth will deteriorate, as will those on Centaurius, and the Centaurians who can't escape to Safelight Colonies. Failure is not an option!" You could see the tension mounting on every face in the room.

  "Rule number six," he continued. "Before you start your voyage to Earth, you are to go to the country of Wethersfield."

  Everyone heard a gasp escape from Queen Megan as she lowered her head in embarrassment. Montrobius turned and looked at Megan.

  "Queen Megan, are you okay? Is there a problem with this request?"

  Megan raised her head, looked directly into the eyes of Montrobius, and said, "It's just that those who tried to bypass the law and jump ahead of their rings in time to a higher dimension, has never returned or heard from again. It is as if they completely disappeared off the safe passage to time travel to another realm of existence and the future before her time?" Megan held herself erect. Nella could not hold back her smile. Her mother looked so brave and noble as she sat there, challenging the highest and most powerful leader in their galaxy. Nella could see the flecks in her mother's eyes swirling around so fast that it made Nella dizzy to look at her.

  "It will be taken care of, and although there will be much danger, Konan will be with Nella on the journey to Wethersfield as well to assist her with receiving magical power and training in the ways of the warrior by his example. Her Omnis III personal computer, Tessie, will assist in technical issues and send surges of power, or if executed, defend against any life-threatening situations. With his added protection and powers, they should be able to hold off any opposition that tries to stop them in the early stages of the mission."

  Turning back to Nella, King Montrobius continued. "Rule number seven: Your great-grandmother will help train, groom, and polish your skills for your role as a warrior.

  "Rule number eight: Upon the completion of this training, you'll receive the heirloom of power, the magical royal crown." The hologram showed the royal crown as it swirled around slowly for all to behold. Its beauty was beyond imagination and verbal description. A small gasp escaped Nella's lips.

  "It will not be an easy trip," Montrobius warned, "mainly because you must elevate to another astral dimension through dangerous portals and pass through their gates and those that guard the entrance.

  Rule number nine: You must travel on foot to Wethersfield. You can only take with you the magical scrying mirror-which the Council will provide-and of course Tessie, your OMNIS III computer, and the clothes on your back. We will provide basic instruction throughout the journey, as needed.

  "Rule number ten: Konan will accompany you, but he cannot interfere or do anything on your behalf unless it threatens your life. You must learn about the dangers and powerful evil forces on your own. He is to protect you from anything that might end your present ring of time prematurely."

  As if things could get any worse, Nella thought to herself.

  Nella's parents looked at each other, and then at their daughter. Their ashen faces did not hide their fear; tears ran down Megan's cheeks, and King Johan's jaws locked, his hands coiling into fists by his side.

  The golden flecks in Megan's eyes were still whirling around at speeds Nella had never seen before. As for her father, his eyes defied anything but ordinary, practically sending out piercing diamond lasers that were ready to spear and destroy anything in his range of vision.

  The guidelines set forth were a tall order, but Nella knew there were no alternatives. Nodding in understanding to her parents, she turned to address Montrobius.

  "King Montrobius, I can only go forward with faith and hope that the decisions made here today are correct. I realize there is a lot for me to learn, but I am completely capable of being successful in this mission. Here is my oath to you, the Council members, family, and to all people who live on Centaurius. I will go down to Earth and complete the mission as outlined. One day I will return to my beloved home, planet, and galaxy, knowing that Earth and Centaurius will form a beautiful mega-galaxy that will be a model of peaceful sovereignty and freedom for all life forms and future worlds." Nella turned and nodded to all the Council members, then bowed her head before Montrobius.

  Each Council member offered Nella words of wisdom and support. Montrobius then proceeded to outline the many dangers and the final request to complete the mission I-Perm.

  "You know, of course, that the corrupting waves of power fueled by Zennibar, along with the assistance of Abigor's legion of demons reaches far and wide within the constellation of Canes Venatici which includes the Whirlpool Galaxy, and several o
ther galaxies within this constellation?" Nella nodded her head confirming her knowledge.

  "Your final mission assignment, before you to return to Centaurius and your country of Utropia, is to seek, capture, retrieve, and destroy all Zennibar's stash of stolen technical equipment - particularly satellites - that he resells on the black market to enemies of the Centaurian Empire. Are you in agreement with this last request?" Montrobius questioned.

  "Yes, King Montrobius. I have been updated with this situation and accept the final assignment," Nella responded.

  "Good! Do any of the Council members have anything to add?"

  The Council member's open discussions buzzed around the room all the pros and cons, but in finality, the majority agreed that Nella would need to find a solution for putting an end to Zennibar's greed and insanity.

  "Nella, you will need to appoint someone you completely trust to take over your responsibilities on Centaurius while you are gone," Montrobius said. "They will be your primary contact during the mission.”

  Without skipping a beat, Nella immediately stated, "King Montrobius, distinguished Council members, mother, father: While I am on Mission I-PERM, my replacement on Utropia will be my great-grandmother Grizel, the Warrior of Old." Nella raised her head to look at everyone in the room, confident of the decision she had made.

  To her horror, the Council members' voices rose once more around the table in a heated debate as they expressed their doubts and concerns regarding her request.

  "Montrobius, Grizel has elevated to a higher astral plane," the general of the rings Nineteen and Twenty spoke up.

  The Council member of rings One and Two stood and twisted his hands around and around in a nervous circle pattern and asked, "Will Grizel agree to oversee two astral planes with such a gap between ring one and twenty to help Nella with this mission?"

  "What happens if she gets delayed between both planes and can't return to either in case of an emergency or attack from outer forces?" the general of rings Nine interrupted and Ten shaking his head in agreement.


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