Logan's Rattler

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Logan's Rattler Page 11

by A J Jarrett

  “I’ll be back soon.”

  “Just be careful.” Logan bent down to kiss Finn’s lips.

  “Hello? I would like some answers.” Leo rested his hands on his hips and began to tap his foot.

  “Yeah about that.” Finn looked up at Logan and winked. “Logan you got this, right?” he said as he rushed out the door.


  AJ Jarrett

  Chapter Thirteen

  The ride to Garrett’s was quiet. Too many things counted on what Carter may or may not learn from the mysterious voice trying to contact him in that house. All Finn knew was that it involved Rhett and indirectly involved his mate.

  The car pulled into the drive, and they climbed out. Ben, Lachlan, Klaus, Carter, Abner, and Finn were the only ones to come to the alpha’s home. There was no reason to think they would be ambushed, but if they were, they were all fierce warriors. Well except for Carter.

  He was still young and wasn’t much for fighting.

  “I’ve kept everyone out of Rhett’s room,” Garrett informed them as they neared the house. He stood with the door open waiting for them. “If there is anything in there to help point to his whereabouts, let’s find it. To be honest, I’m a little concerned that Rhett might not be the only wolf who has been consorting with Dark Warriors.”

  “What makes you say that?” Ben asked as he entered the home.

  “Nothing really.” Garrett’s brow furrowed in thought. “More like a feeling I’m getting. Something just seems odd around here.”

  “Well, lead the way,” Carter said as he pushed past Garrett, heading to the staircase. “Hopefully whatever I felt earlier will still want to contact me.”

  “What the fuck is he talking about?” Garrett’s eyes darted from Carter back toward Lachlan. “Does he think my house is haunted or some shit?”

  “Carter’s magical gift is to read a person’s past, and something was trying to contact him the last time we were here,” Finn supplied

  Logan’s Rattler


  when no one else spoke. “So we’re hoping it has something to do with Rhett’s life before he came to be a part of your pack.”

  “But how do you know it involves Rhett? It could be anyone that is living here.”

  Finn nodded his head. It was a good question but it also had a very easy answer. “This entity said a name.” He looked over at Garrett.

  “And it just so happened to be Rhett’s.”

  “Ladies, are we done with the Q and A? I’d like to get started.”

  Carter trailed off as he started walking up the staircase. They followed Carter as he reached the top then turned left and walked down a long hallway. He paused outside the last door at the end.

  “How did you know this was Rhett’s room?” Garrett asked.

  “I’m not sure, but it’s like I was drawn to this location.” Carter placed his palm flat against the wood door.

  “This is really weird,” Klaus said as he placed a hand on Carter’s shoulder. “Are you sure this isn’t a game your mind is playing on you?”

  Carter glanced over at the older witch. “Oh how sweet. You care about little old me.” He flashed a grin at Klaus. “I always knew you liked me.”

  “I do, but it’s more about self-preservation. If something happens to you, Abner over here”—Klaus thumbed over his shoulder to Carter’s mate—“will crush me.”

  Finn nodded his agreement. No matter how much Abner denied his mate, the bear shifter was completely in love with the weird little witch. Their rocky beginnings had set the mood for how they treated each other now. It was truly sad, but if fate destined them to be together, it had to work out in the end.

  Garrett stepped forward and unlocked the door. It creaked opened to display an oddly neat room. Everything was organized and tidy.

  Almost freakishly so. Finn looked at the wall above the bed. It had pictures evenly placed. Finn assumed that Rhett had a bad case of obsessive compulsive disorder. The room was just too well kept.


  AJ Jarrett

  Finn turned toward Carter when he heard the witch gasp for breath. Abner and Klaus were at his side instantly. Finn hung back near Ben, wanting to hear what Carter had to say.

  Pain flashed across Carter’s glazed-over eyes. His body shook, and his lip began to tremble. Abner wrapped one of his large, meaty arms around his mate’s thin frame when Carter nearly fell to the floor.

  Carter leaned into his mate. He stared off into space and nodded his head as if he were talking to someone else, but there was no one in front of him, just empty space. Very slowly Carter gained his footing, and Finn and Ben stepped aside when Carter headed in their direction.

  Carter moved toward Rhett’s bed and sat down.

  Ben looked to Finn and shrugged his shoulders. It was like Carter was on autopilot. Finn and everyone else in the room scooted closer to the bed. Carter nodded his head one more time then gave a quick shake of his head. The action was so quick everyone in the room jumped at the action. Carter was back from wherever his mind had taken him.

  “That was fucking unreal,” Carter said as he looked up at the men standing around him. Finn saw a tear escape the witch’s eye before he could swipe it away.

  “What was that?” Abner asked as he sat down next to his mate.

  “It wasn’t just Rhett’s past I saw. I got flashes of a man named Lindsay’s, as well,” Carter said.

  “Who’s Lindsay?” Finn asked what they all were wondering.

  Carter let out a nervous laugh. “Rhett’s dead mate.”

  Finn couldn’t believe his ears. This could explain why he had developed an attraction toward Logan. The man might just be lonely.

  That Finn could understand. But his violent actions toward Logan were unacceptable.

  “Rhett had a mate?” Garrett looked shocked. “He never said anything to me about it. Fuck, the pain he must be suffering through.”

  “I have to ask, how did you not know this, Garrett?” Ben asked.

  Finn could tell Ben was barely able to hold back his fury. “He is your

  Logan’s Rattler


  responsibility as alpha. If he were to have hurt Logan, you would have been held liable.” Ben’s voice began to rise. “What kind of pack are you running here?”

  “Hey, don’t judge me, vampire.” Garret spat the word out. “I have over two hundred pack members under my protection, and I just became this pack’s alpha. I haven’t had the chance to get to know everyone personally,” Garrett defended himself. “But I will say this, Rhett always kept to himself. He never gave off any indication he was hurting or that he needed any kind of help coping. As far as I could tell, he was fine.”

  “Ben, it’s not Garrett’s fault.” Carter spoke up. “Rhett lost his mate over a hundred years ago. He’s had plenty of time to hide his trauma over Lindsay’s death.” Carter looked at Finn. “Could you sense anything strange coming from him when you met Rhett?”

  Finn shook his head no. Rhett just seemed like an overprivileged asshole. A character trait not uncommon in wolf shifters. “Nothing stuck out indicating Rhett was dealing with a loss of this magnitude,”

  Finn explained. “I thought he had anger issues.”

  “Maybe I’m just asking the obvious here, but what does this have to do with Finn’s mate?” Lachlan asked.

  “That’s a good question.” Finn crossed his arms over his chest trying his best to connect the two.

  Carter leaned forward and started rummaging through Rhett’s bedside drawer. When he found what he was looking for, he stood up.

  “This is why.” Carter handed over a framed picture to Finn.

  Finn reached out his hand and took the photo. As he stared down at the black-and-white picture, his skin began to crawl, and a cold sweat broke out across his forehead. It was like seeing a ghost. He looked up at Carter, asking without words what it meant.

  “I’m sorry, Finn. But Logan is a direct descendant of Rh
ett’s dead mate. And if Lindsay’s images are correct, he thinks Logan is the reincarnation of him.”


  AJ Jarrett

  “Hang on.” Ben raised his hand into the air. “I’m confused. Since when can you speak to dead people?”

  “It wasn’t like that. It was flashes of what Lindsay experienced in his life.” Carter pointed to the picture in Finn’s hands. “A part of Lindsay’s soul is still attached to that photo, and Lindsay gave me flashes of what Rhett has said to that thing. I can sense from Lindsay’s memories that he’s worried about Logan. Rhett has vowed to do whatever is necessary to keep Logan and break him of his ties to this world so he won’t fight Rhett when the soul exchange takes place.”

  “Lindsay wants to protect Logan?” Finn whispered.

  “Yes. Lindsay had a half sister, and that’s where Logan’s family tree starts. So this Lindsay guy is Logan’s great-great-great”—Carter waved his hand in a circle—“you get the picture, uncle.”

  “And even though Rhett’s his mate, Logan’s family, and family stick together.” Carter held up a finger. “Especially when said mate has lost his fucking mind. Lindsay knows he has to help protect his nephew, and that means stopping Rhett.”

  “So what do we do now?” Lachlan asked.

  “We head back to the warrior compound and lay in wait,” Ben said as he walked toward the door. “If Rhett thinks Logan is his mate, he won’t be going anywhere without the man.”

  Finn took the picture when he left the room. If anything, he could give it to Logan to show him a member of his witching family. He raced down the steps, hot on Ben’s heels. They needed to get back home before Rhett had the chance to attack.

  Logan’s Rattler


  Chapter Fourteen

  “So we’re living with vampires, too, huh?” Leo asked as he paced around the room.

  Logan was impressed his best friend was taking it so well. But he really shouldn’t be. Leo loved anything supernatural. His computer was loaded with erotic romances revolving around vampires and shifters. Maybe Leo had a kink for this type of thing.

  “Yes.” Logan wrapped an arm around Leo’s shoulder and started walking him toward the door. “I’ve met Trevor. He’s a newly turned vampire, and he reminds me a lot of you. Let me introduce the two of you.”

  “Okay, but I have to ask, is he cute?” Leo turned hopeful eyes up at Logan.

  Logan chuckled. “I guess. I really didn’t look at him in that way.”

  Logan paused at the door and turned Leo to face him. “But I think he has a thing for another vampire living here. I could hear his inner feelings toward the older vampire, and he has some unresolved issues where Quinn is concerned.”

  Leo shook his head. “I think the one thing that will take the most getting used to is that you’re a freaking empath. Just let me know if I get too emotional, and I’ll try to tone it down.”

  “Leo, my friend, you and me both. And I will for sure let you know on the overly emotional issue.”

  They headed downstairs, and Logan could hear chatter coming from the kitchen. It seemed to be a hot spot for the occupants of the house. Logan walked in first, and all eyes turned toward them. He flashed a nervous smile.


  AJ Jarrett

  “Hi, everyone.” Logan put a hand on Leo’s back and pushed him forward, trying to put all the attention onto him. “This is Leo, my best friend. He’s going to be staying here with us.”

  “Well, let me welcome you into our little family here.” The man named Miles got up from the table to come shake both their hands.

  “Logan, I know we haven’t met yet, but Trevor has told me a lot about you.” Miles looked at him with curiosity in his eyes. “An empath, huh?”

  I’m in love with Ben, and if he were here right now I’d ride him like…

  “Stop, please!” Logan shouted. “That’s way too much info for me to absorb after only just meeting you.” His heart pounded in his ears.

  The last thing he wanted to know was about was everyone’s sex life.


  Miles started to laugh. “I was just messing with you. I just wanted to see if it would work. And I guess it does.”

  Logan nodded his head. “Yes, and I wish I could control it. I mean, don’t get me wrong,” he rushed to say. “You seem like a really nice guy, and Ben is great, but I really don’t want to actually know the details of your all’s sex life.”

  “Don’t sweat it.” Miles lightly punched him in the arm. “I’d have to agree. It would make being around here hell. So many emotions running rampant. It must suck for you.”

  “It’s not all bad.” Logan shrugged one shoulder. “I only hear some things but not all. The emotion has to be pretty strong to come through.”

  “Cool.” Miles turned to the table. “Well, Leo, this is Astrid and Trevor. I’m Ben’s mate, and Astrid is Klaus’s. Have you met them yet?”

  “No, but it’s nice to meet you three.” Leo’s eye immediately flashed to Trevor. “A vampire. How interesting.”

  “Huh?” Trevor gave Leo an odd look.

  Logan’s Rattler


  “Oh, it’s nothing. Logan just informed me before we came downstairs that actual vampires lived here. They told me about you guys, but I just assumed everyone living here was a shifter of some sort.”

  “Miley is one, too!” Astrid said excitedly.

  “Miley?” Leo and Logan both asked in unison.

  “Little man here means Miles.” Trevor ruffled up Astrid’s long hair.

  “Yes, Astrid has a habit of giving people nicknames,” Miles said.

  “Here, have a seat. Let’s get to know each other better.” Logan and Leo pulled out their chairs and took a seat at the table. “So, Trevor here also said that you just found out you’re a witch. That had to be a surprise.”

  “It was at first, but I’m okay with it now.” Logan lowered his voice. “It’s the whole becoming a snake shifter like Finn that has me freaked out.” He felt like he could trust these men, and he really needed to discuss it with other people who had made the choice to become a paranormal being.

  “Trevor and I got turned kind of against our will.” Miles explained quickly about how Trevor was bitten by a Dark Warrior when a man named Malcolm kidnapped Miles. And how Miles took his own life to save Ben and his fellow warriors. But Astrid was able to keep Miles alive until Ben could turn him.

  “Shit,” Logan said without thinking. It was fucked up what happened to Miles and Trevor, but in their cases it all worked out for the best. Plus, Logan should be grateful that he had the choice to become a shifter or not.

  “I know, right?” Miles smiled across the table at him.

  “But you don’t have to turn if you don’t want to. The rules don’t apply to witches.” All eyes turned to Astrid. Up until then the witch had sat quietly. “What?”


  AJ Jarrett

  “What do you mean the rules don’t apply to Logan?” Miles asked.

  “He’s only part witch. Doesn’t he need to become something else to make him stronger and harder to kill?”

  “No.” Astrid shook his head, causing the white-blond strands to fly around his head. “Klaus was telling me about Logan.” The witch pointed a finger at him. “As long as he has witch’s blood coursing through him, all he has to do is train. His physical attributes will strengthen in time.” Astrid gave them a look like they were all crazy.

  “Being a witch trumps everything. We’re like at the top of the food chain.”

  The three men before him started a playful banter back and forth.

  But Logan couldn’t hear what they were saying. All he could think about was what Astrid just said to him. He didn’t have to become a snake. He was relieved. Not that being a shifter was bad thing, but it was awesome news to know he had a choice. He would have done it for Finn, but as luck turned out he didn’t need to.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt
,” Logan’s voice rose to be heard over the bickering trio. “But let me get this straight. Even though I’m not a full-fledged witch, I’ll still be as strong? I won’t weaken Finn by not becoming a snake shifter?” He had to make sure he had his facts straight.

  “No. When you mated Finn it solidified that connection. So if you train and master your skills, you’ll be fine. Being mated to Finn makes you immortal, but also being part witch did, as well. You probably would have noticed as you got older that you weren’t aging like everyone else. So it’s a good thing Finn found you in the woods that night.” Astrid giggled. “Fate never gets it wrong.”

  “Dude, you’ve been hanging around your mate too much.” Trevor blew out an exaggerated breath. “You’re soaking up all his useless knowledge.”

  “Hey, it’s not useless.” Astrid pouted. “I just helped out Logan.”

  Logan’s Rattler


  “I know, little man.” Trevor one-arm hugged Astrid. “I’m just teasing you. But for reals, you sound just like Klaus. That guy is a fountain of information.”

  “So, Logan, it this good or bad news?” Miles asked him.

  “Good. I mean I’d have turned for Finn, but if I don’t have to, I’d rather not. If it doesn’t hurt my mate, then I’m good with staying just like this.” He winked over at Astrid. “And according to my brethren over there. I’m at the top of the food chain.”

  Miles and Trevor started to razz him, and Logan loved it. He always wanted a family, and being in this house with all these different men was like having one huge extended family.

  The sound of a cell phone buzzing brought him out of his thoughts.

  “Oh, sorry, guys, it’s me.” Leo stood up. “I’ll take it out there.”

  Logan watched Leo leave the kitchen. He still felt guilty for the changes that would come to his friend’s life. But he was happy Leo hadn’t bailed on him. It would have been so easy for Leo to do, and Logan couldn’t have blamed him if he did. This new life of theirs would take some getting used to.

  A few minutes had passed, and Leo still hadn’t come back into the kitchen. Being ever the concerned friend that he was, Logan excused himself to go see where Leo had taken off to. As he came around the corner, he saw Leo standing by the front door. His hand wrapped around the door knob so tightly Logan could see the man’s knuckles turning white.


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