by Ivy Fox
I’d like to thank two ladies that had a hand in giving me some stellar feedback while writing Soulless — Jenny Dicks and Marjolein Van Laere. Thank you for taking the time to read the rough, downright-raw, and ugly version of Soulless. Sometimes you just need someone to give you a little nudge and tell you that you’re on the right track. Your enthusiasm for these characters and love was everything to me. It’s nerve-racking showing your baby for the first time, and you ladies made it completely painless. Thank you!!!
I also need to send out a huge freaking thank you to all the readers, bloggers, and Instagrammers who shouted out about ‘The Privileged of Pembroke High’ as loud as they could. You beautiful women have no idea how much this means to me. You sharing the love you have for my book babies made it that other readers found out they even exist. LOL. And that’s all any writer can wish for.
And last but certainly NEVER least — My Sassy Foxes!!! I LOVE YOU! You make all the sleepless nights worth it! You will forever be my ride-or-die tribe!
With lots of love and gratitude,
About the Author
Lover of books, coffee, and chocolate ice cream!
Ivy lives a blessed life, surrounded by her two most important men—her husband, and son—and also the fictional characters in her head that can’t seem to shut up.
Books and romance are her passion.
A strong believer in happy endings and that love will always prevail in the end.
Both in life and in fiction.