And Yet ...

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And Yet ... Page 32

by Christopher Hitchens

  Fireflies (S. Naipaul), 224

  Firing Line (TV), 137–38

  First Amendment, 54, 87, 89, 106, 107, 110, 112, 288

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 171

  Flanders and Swann, 43

  Flaubert, Gustave, 151, 167

  Fleming, Ian, 97–103

  Casino Royale, 99, 102

  Diamonds Are Forever, 97, 98

  Dr. No, 99

  For Your Eyes Only, 101, 103

  “From a View to Kill,” 103

  From Russia with Love, 100

  State of Excitement (unpubl.), 97

  You Only Live Twice, 98, 101

  Flowers, Gennifer, 213

  Fonda, Henry, 134

  Foner, Eric, 82

  Fool in Christ, Emanuel Quint, The, (Hauptmann), 275

  Foote, Paul, 57

  Ford, Gerald R., 200, 201

  Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), 107–8, 111

  Foreign Policy, “Colin Powell: Powell Valediction,” 251–59

  Forman, Miloš, 147

  Forrestal, Mike, 199

  Forster, E. M., 23, 93

  A Passage to India, 204, 205, 206, 207

  Forster, John, 295

  For Your Eyes Only (Fleming), 101, 103

  Four Seasons Biltmore resort, Santa Barbara, 172–75

  Fourth Amendment, 106, 112

  Fowles, John, 81

  Foxman, Abraham, 125

  Fox News, 89

  Franco, Francisco, 315–16

  Franken, Al, 43

  Franklin, Benjamin, 84–85, 88, 111, 113

  Freddoso, David, The Case Against Barack Obama, 229–34

  Freedom Defense Committee, 23

  Freeman, John, 136

  French, Patrick, The World Is What It Is: The Authorized Biography of V. S. Naipaul, 217–24

  Freud, Sigmund, 41, 94

  Friedman, Kinky, 80

  “From a View to Kill” (Fleming), 103

  From Russia with Love (Fleming), 100

  Frost, David, 136

  Frost, Martin, 173, 175

  Fyvel, T. R., 318n

  Galbraith, John Kenneth, 66

  Gallipoli, 36, 153

  Galloway, George, 102

  Gandhi, Indira, 135

  Gandhi, Mohandas K. (Mahatma), 80–81, 207

  Garbo, Greta, 151

  García Márquez, Gabriel, 5–6

  “Operation Carlota,” 6

  Gates, Robert, 127, 128

  Gati, Charles, Failed Illusions: Moscow, Washington, Budapest, and the 1956 Hungarian Revolt, 141–46

  Gehlen, Reinhard, 117

  Gellhorn, Martha, 2

  Gellner, Ernest, 24

  Genovese, Eugene and Elizabeth, 82

  Gentile, Giovanni, 274

  George V, king of England, 92

  George Orwell Diaries, 311–20

  Gertrude Bell: Queen of the Desert, Shaper of Nations (Howell), 153–58

  Gettysburg Address (Lincoln), 84

  Giancana, Sam, 2

  Gingrich, Newt, 270–71

  G. K. Chesterton: A Biography (Ker), 299–310

  Glezos, Manolis, 238

  “God Bless the USA” (song), 76

  Goering, Hermann, 276

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 275

  Goldstein, Baruch, 161

  Goldstein, Cary, 186

  Goldwater, Barry, 72

  Gombrich, E. H., 27

  Gonzales, Alberto, 113

  Goodbye to a River (Graves), 81

  Good Fight, The: Why Liberals—and Only Liberals—Can Win the War on Terror and Make America Great Again (Beinart), 115–21

  Good Soldier Schweik, The (Hašek), 39

  Gorbachev, Mikhail, 119

  Gordimer, Nadine, 223

  Gore, Al, 50, 120, 213, 225, 226, 227

  GQ, 253

  Granma, 10, 166

  Grapes of Wrath, The (Steinbeck), 232

  Graves, John, Goodbye to a River, 81

  Great Britain

  Arab Bureau of, 154

  Communist Party in, 21, 22–23, 24, 27

  Empire of, 92, 141–46, 156, 203–9

  General Strike (1926), 302

  and India, see India

  MI5 and MI6, 100

  Great Leap Forward (China), 13

  Greenbrier resort, White Sulphur Springs, 76–77

  Greene, Graham, 81

  Stamboul Train, 160

  Greenwood, Lee, 76

  Guantanamo Bay, 226


  coup in, 9–10

  Guevara in, 8–10

  Guerrillas (Naipaul), 221

  Guerrilla Warfare (Guevara), 7

  Guevara, Ernesto Che, 1–18

  cult of, 3–5, 17–18

  death of, 3–4, 6, 7, 15–17

  early years of, 6–7

  Guerrilla Warfare, 7

  health of, 6–7, 15

  as internationalist, 7–11, 13–15

  in later years, 14–16, 17

  leper colonies visited by, 5

  medical training of, 5, 7, 8, 9, 160

  The Motorcycle Diaries: A Journey around South America, 5, 7–16

  rationalizations by, 11–12

  sense of humor in, 14

  wife and children of, 7

  writings of, 6

  “Guide to Finnegans Wake, A” (Wilson), 165

  Guillén, Nicolás, 6

  Habibi, Emile, Saeed the Pessoptimist, 29, 117

  Haile Selassie, 135

  Hale, Patricia, 218, 222

  Halliburton, 120

  Hamdi, Yaser Esam, 108, 109

  Hamilton, Alexander, 73

  Hamilton, Ian, 177–78

  Hamilton, Lee, 128

  Hanley, Jennifer, 211

  Hardy, Oliver, 93

  Hariri, Rafik, 266, 267

  Harriman, Averall, 198, 202

  Harvard Law Review, 233

  Hašek, Jaroslav, The Good Soldier Schweik, 39

  Hastings, Warren, 203

  Hauptmann, Gerhart, The Fool in Christ, Emanuel Quint, 275

  Havel, Václev, 24

  “Haw-Haw, Lord” (Joyce), 93

  Hayden, Michael, 110

  Hayes, Rutherford B., 45

  Hazlitt, William, 149

  health care, 159–62, 245

  Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 142, 148

  Heidegger, Martin, 274

  Heine, Heinrich, 149, 151

  Heller, Joseph, 65

  Hemingway, Ernest, 2

  Henry VIII, king of England, 309

  Hercules, 267–68

  Herero tribe, 276

  Hero of Our Time, A (Lermontov), 57–62

  Herzl, Theodor, 124

  Herzog, Werner, 5

  Hezbollah, 128, 265–68

  Hikmet, Nâzim, 34

  Hill, Christopher, 91

  Hillary, Sir Edmund, 211–12

  Hippocratic principles, 159–61

  Hirohito, Emperor (Japan), 206

  Hirsi Ali, Ayaan, 150, 193–98

  Infidel, 195

  History Boys, The (Bennett), 141

  Hitler, Adolf, 117, 149, 150, 238, 308–9, 318

  and Catholicism, 309

  Mein Kampf, 274

  Soviet alliance with, 21, 115, 116

  and Spanish Civil War, 314

  Hoffman, Abbie, 200

  Hoggart, Richard, 313

  Hoggart, Simon, 181

  Homer, Odyssey, 164

  Hooters, 76

  Hoover, J. Edgar, 110

  Hopkinson, Tom, 315

  House for Mr. Biswas, A (Naipaul), 220

  Howe, Julia Ward, 116

  Howell, Georgina, Gertrude Bell: Queen of the Desert, Shaper of Nations, 153–58

  “How to Write about Lenin—and How Not To” (MacIntyre), 148–49

  Huch, Ricarda, 150

  Hudis, Peter, 273

  Hughes, Karen, 107

  Hull, Blair, 230

  Humphrey, Hubert H., 116

an Revolt (1956), 141, 142–46, 202

  Hussein, Saddam, 49, 254

  and Bush (H. W.) administration, 120, 128–29, 213, 226

  connections of, 37, 102, 123

  and Iran, 129

  and Kuwait, 119

  opposition to, 105, 120, 129, 213, 227

  removal of, 227, 266

  and September 11 attacks, 120, 226

  TV interview of, 131, 132

  Hutton, Barbara, 91, 96

  Huxley, Thomas, 296

  Hylton, Wil, 253

  Ian Fleming & James Bond: The Cultural Politics of 007 (symposium), 97

  Ibn Saud, 155, 156

  “If the South Woulda Won (We’d a Had It Made)” (song), 74

  Ignatius, David, 263

  I Married a Communist (Roth), 116

  In a Free State (Naipaul), 223


  Amritsar massacre, 93, 206

  colonial leadership in, 156, 203–4

  end of the Raj in, 93, 143–44, 203–9

  and partition, 206

  riots in, 316

  In Dubious Battle (Steinbeck), 232

  Infidel (Hirsi Ali), 195

  Information Research Department (IRD), British Foreign Office, 19, 20, 24, 27

  Inquisition, 306

  Inshallah (Fallaci), 138

  internationalism, 321

  Interview with History (Fallaci), 134

  Invisible Woman, The (Tomalin), 291

  Ioannidou, Maria, 235

  Iran, 129, 227, 247–50, 265, 267

  Iran-Contra, 17

  Iraq, 153–58

  birth of, 154, 155, 156

  inspections in, 258–59

  as Mesopotamia, 154, 155, 157

  war in, 120, 127–29, 212, 213, 227

  Iraq Study Group (ISG), 127, 129

  Ireland, Ulster mutiny (1914), 93

  Islam, Yusuf (formerly Cat Stevens), 110

  Israel, 255, 265–68

  Jackson, Henry “Scoop,” 118

  Jackson, Leslie, 75

  Jagger, Mick, 200

  James, Clive

  Cultural Amnesia: Necesssary Memories from History and the Arts, 147–51

  Fan-Mail, 151

  James, C. L. R., The Black Jacobins, 223

  James, Henry, 93, 305, 320

  James Bond Dossier, The (Amis), 98

  Japanese imperialism, 206, 207

  Jefferson, Thomas, 44, 54, 55, 73, 78, 288–89

  Jesus of Nazareth, 81, 109

  Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel (Shahak and Mezvinsky), 161

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 72, 199, 245

  Johnson, Magic, 75

  Johnson, Samuel, 305

  Journals: 1952–2000 (Schlesinger), 197–202

  Joyce, James, 81

  Finnegans Wake, 164–65

  Ulysses, 164

  Joyce, William “Lord Haw-Haw,” 93

  J Sisters, 181–83

  Judgment of Paris, The (Vidal), 180

  Judt, Tony, 124–26

  Jumblatt, Kamal, 266

  Jünger, Ernst, 149

  Justice Department, U.S., 106, 108

  Kabila, Laurent-Désiré, 3

  Kafka, Franz, 167, 307

  Kahane, Meir, 125

  Kahn, David, The Codebreakers, 111

  Karenga, Ron, 287

  Kashmir, 63–67, 69

  Keats, John, “Ode on a Grecian Urn,” 242

  Kemal, Mustafa (Atatürk), 34–35, 36–37

  Kennedy, Edward M. (Ted), 137, 200, 202, 243–46

  Kennedy, John F., 117–18

  and ADA, 118

  assassination of, 71

  and Cuba, 7, 12, 100, 117, 198, 244

  health of, 244

  and Schlesinger, 197–99, 200

  Kennedy, Joseph, Sr., 244

  Kennedy, Robert F., 199

  Kennedy family, 198, 244

  Kentucky Derby, 79

  Kenyon College, Ohio, 45, 46

  Keogh, David, 106, 107

  Ker, Ian, ed., The Everyman Chesterton and G. K. Chesterton: A Biography, 299–310

  Kerouac, Jack, 6

  Kerry, John, 17, 40, 42, 48, 49, 50, 52, 225, 254

  Keyes, Alan, 230

  Khomeini, Ayatollah, 135

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 12, 142, 144, 198

  Kimche, Jon, 318n

  King, Florence, Wasp, Where Is Thy Sting?, 73

  King, Larry, 137

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 110, 199

  Kinzer, Stephen, 8

  Kipling, Rudyard, 58, 92, 93

  Kirwan, Celia, 24–25

  Kissinger, Henry A., 127, 128, 133–34, 201, 257, 287

  Klein, Melanie, 27

  Klein, Morton, 123–24

  Koestler, Arthur, 24, 94, 318

  Kołakowski, Leszek, Main Currents of Marxism, 149

  Koran, 36

  Korda, Alberto, 3

  Kovály, Heda, 150

  Kraus, Karl, 150

  “Kubla Khan” (Coleridge), 36

  Kulwicki, Alan, 76

  Kundera, Milan, 166

  Kuwait, 119, 129, 255

  Kuwait Oil Company, 97–98

  Lamb, Brian, 137

  Laschitza, Annelies, 273

  Lashmar, Paul, and James Oliver, Britain’s Secret Propaganda War, 19–20

  Latitudes del Silencio (Pesce), 7

  Laurel, Stan, 93

  Lawrence, A. W., 235

  Lawrence, D. H., 81

  Lawrence, T. E., 153, 154, 157, 158

  Learmont, George, 59

  Lebanon, 265–67

  Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme (Molière), 72

  Lee, Robert E., 78

  Left Behind series, 166

  Lehrer, Tom, “A Christmas Carol,” 283–84, 285, 286

  Lemkin, Raphael, 261

  Lenin, V. I., 275, 278

  The Development of Capitalism in Russia, 274

  tomb of, 4

  Leninism, 9, 11

  “Lepanto” (Chesterton), 299–300, 301

  Lermontov, Mikhail

  A Hero of Our Time, 57–62

  “No, I’m Not Byron,” 58

  “On the Death of the Poet,” 61

  Lessing, Doris, 62

  Letters of Rosa Luxemburg, The (Adler et al., eds.), 273–79

  Lewinsky, Monica, 213

  Lewis, Anthony, 287

  Library of America, 164

  Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph, 149

  Lieberman, Joseph, 120, 226

  Liebknecht, Sophie, 277

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Emancipation Proclamation, 71, 109

  Gettysburg Address, 84

  habeas corpus suspended by, 108

  second inaugural address, 84

  Lindbergh, Charles, 54, 116

  Lindh, John Walker, 109

  Lin Piao, 12

  Literary Essays and Reviews of the 1920s and Literary Essays and Reviews of the 1930s (Wilson), 163–68

  Literary Mind, The (Eastman), 164

  Lituchy, Gregg, 180, 182, 186

  Lloyd George, David, 234

  Lloyd Webber, Sir Andrew, Evita, 3

  Locke, Richard, 218

  Lodge, Henry Cabot, 146

  Los Angeles riots (1992), 68

  Louis, Wm. Roger, Ends of British Imperialism: The Scramble for Empire, Suez, and Decolonialization, 141–46

  Loved One, The (Waugh), 168

  Lowell, Robert, 45, 81, 177

  Lowenberg, Marc, 180

  Lugar, Dick, 234

  Lumumba, Patrice, 14

  L’Univers concentrationnaire (Adler et al., eds.), 273–79

  Luxemburg, Rosa, 11, 150, 273–79

  Lycett, Andrew, 97

  Lyssarides, Vassos, 160

  Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Lord, 204

  MacDiarmid, Hugh, 27

  MacIntyre, Alasdair, 7

  “How to Write about Lenin—and How Not To,” 148–49

  Macready, William, 296

  MAD (mutual assured destruction), 118–19
br />   Mahfouz, Naguib, 29

  Mailer, Norman, 81

  Main Currents of Marxism (Kołakowski), 149

  Makarios III, Archbishop, 134

  Malenkov, Georgy, 143

  Malinowski, Bronisław, 27

  Malle, Louis, 147

  Mandela, Nelson, 17, 81

  Mandelstam, Nadezhda, 150

  Man Who Was Thursday, The (Chesterton), 307

  Maoists, 12

  Mao Zedong, 160, 271

  March on Washington, 199

  Marconi case, 301

  Marks, Herman, 10–11

  Marshall Plan, 116

  Martí, Farabundo, 6n

  Martí Liberation Front, 2, 3

  Martin, Kingsley, 26

  Martin Chuzzlewit (Dickens), 297

  Marx, Karl, 7

  Marxism, 8, 13, 149, 274

  Mason-Dixon Line, 73

  Masters, John, Bhowani Junction, 205

  Matos, Huber, 12

  Matthews, Herbert, 11

  Maugham, Somerset, 81

  Mayan indigenes, 8

  McCain, John, 231

  McCarthy, Joseph, 26, 28

  McCormack, Edward J., 244

  McCurdy, Dave, 118

  McCuskey, Madeline, 173

  McGovern, George, 199–200

  McMahon, Linda, 271

  McMurtry, Larry, 81

  Meacham, Jon, 232

  Mearsheimer, John, 125

  Medea (Euripides), 237

  medical profession, 159–62

  Medvedev, Dmitry, 234

  Meet the Press (TV), 14

  Mein Kampf (Hitler), 274

  Mencken, H. L., 79, 150

  Mengele, Josef, 160, 161, 276

  Menuhin, Yehudi, 94

  Mercouri, Melina, 239

  Meredith, James, 198

  Mesopotamia, as Iraq, 154, 155, 157

  Mexico, Guevara in, 10

  Mezvinsky, Norton, 161

  Michael, Quintana Roo Dunne, 281–82

  Midnight’s Children (Rushdie), 64

  MI5 and MI6, 100

  Miguel Street (Naipaul), 223

  Milani, Abbas, 249–50

  Mill, John Stuart, 296

  Miłocz, Czesław, 148

  Milosevic, Slobodan, 258

  Milton, John, 165, 319

  Mimi (cat), 277

  Mishra, Pankaj, 67

  Mladic, Ratko, 193

  Mobutu Sese Seko, 3, 15

  Modern Quarterly, The, 28

  Molière, Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme, 72

  Molotov, Vyacheslav, 22n

  Monroe, Marilyn, 199, 244

  Montesquieu, 141, 145

  Moore, Henry, 23

  Moore, Michael, 51, 118

  Morgan, Peter, 136

  Morgenthau, Henry, 261–62

  Morozov, Pavlik, 21–22

  Mosley, Sir Oswald, 22, 94

  Mother Jones, 118

  Motorcycle Diaries: A Journey around South America (Guevara), 5, 7–16

  Mount Everest, 211

  Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 66, 71–72

  Mudd, Roger, 137

  mudslinging, 39–44

  Muggeridge, John, 95–96

  multilateralism, 255

  Munich (Spielberg), 99

  Munif, Abdelrahman, Cities of Salt quintet, 29

  Murrow, Edward R., 136

  Mussolini, Benito, 274, 275, 303, 306, 314


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