Home > Other > RECLUSE > Page 7

by Andrew, Nikolai

  “It will get easier, baby,” I reassure her as she winces with every thrust, knowing I will have to be the best man I can for her. I will earn her love and trust and laughter every day.

  She meets my eyes, tears blossoming and rolling down her cheeks. “You promise?”

  “I promise. Just hold on for a little while longer. You’re so beautiful, I don’t deserve such beauty in my life.” I lean forward as my hips smack her ass and my balls bang against the edge of the table, dripping with her nectar.

  She reaches up, hands cupping my rough cheeks, then a finger is tracing my scar, eyes searching mine. “You’re perfect too, Daddy. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted. I love you.”

  The words take me by surprise, shocking me into silence and stillness, and I simply watch her, buried deep, stretching her body with my cock as the storm outside ends in a violent gust of wind and a final flurry of rain, pelting the window.

  Moments later, the moon comes out from behind the clouds, shining gently, illuminating the first moment we became one. For a split second, I can see us as we would look to anyone watching, incongruous, violent, needy and animalistic. A beast man taking a little girl.

  The thought should make me stop, make me draw back, make me ashamed.

  But it doesn’t.

  It makes me proud. Proud that such a perfect little girl says she loves me, even as my cock impales her on this altar of oak.

  “I love you, my Goldilocks.” I draw a deep breath, my voice thick with emotion. “I’m going to put a baby in this belly. You’ll have my baby inside you before we’re done.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Jesus Christ.” I struggle, the words seeping through gritted teeth. “So tight. Little girl tight.”

  “Because I’m your little girl?”

  “Yes, baby. You are my little girl.”

  She’s a goddess offered before me, and I take a few long, slow breaths, trying to remind myself this is hurting her and I have to control my own greedy needs.

  How did this happen? The object of my obsession is now taking me inside her body. Me. The first and only man who will ever get this honor…

  I bring my thumb to my mouth, sucking it and getting it wet as she raises her hips, riding me as I glide slowly in and out, afraid to let myself go and fuck her right into the emergency room.

  My will is breaking as I reach down and press the pad of my thumb against her hard little bud, her eyes rolling back as her mouth falls open, her chest rising and falling, faster and faster, as I rub and pump.

  I’m stuck inside her even as she rolls and twists, trying to force more of my monstrosity into her tight hole. Her body is lubricating the entry, but still I struggle as she grips so hard I can barely move.

  “Ease up, little one.”

  “I’m trying,” she answers, pressing her head into the hard table. “I want to feel so full like this forever.”

  “I’ll give it to you forever, but right now your cunt has my cock in a half-nelson.” I spin my thumb around her clit, her hot cunt starting to pulse. “You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?” I tease, but her eyes jet to mine and I see a hint of a smile.

  This little vixen knows what she’s doing.

  “I want it inside of me. I’m calling your cum with my pussy.” She squeezes and releases, over and over, drawing the cum up my shaft, the pain in my balls like a fire poker as I try to hold back.

  My temples throb as I work her clit, driving my hips forward as she lifts hers to receive the blows.

  The flesh of my hard pelvis smacks against her, wet and wild, over and over as each of my breaths burn. She screams my name, reverence and gratitude spinning inside my head as our orgasms collide.

  Exploding, my hot seed sprays into her tight channel. My balls jerk and heave, feeling like they are turning inside out, making sure every sperm is delivered deep into her warmth.

  The rhythm of our mutual bliss is manic. Our noises, the muscle spasms, the liquid arousal that mixes together as we undulate and call to each other, like some ancient chant in a language no longer spoken.

  The trust she has in me after such a short time tangles with my shame. What will happen when she finds out who I am?

  What I’ve done?

  I have to rid myself of the evidence, and yet I know that’s impossible. I can never get rid of the source of my worship, I will just need to hide it better. So she will never know.

  “Daddy…” Her voice is ragged as I hold myself deep, corking her tight cunt, battling the spill of our combined juices running down my balls.

  “Yes, baby,” I manage, my voice thick and painful from the grunts and primal roars she pulled from me.

  “I love you.” Her golden eyes close for a moment then look up, and my heart speeds. “How can that be? We only met yesterday. How can I love you already?”

  “Because, baby.” I steady myself, light-headed, her opening still feeling like it’s going to sheer my thick cock clean off any second. “Daddies and their babies fall in love at first sight. And it never changes. You’re mine. I’m yours. It’s magic. I didn’t believe in magic before you.”

  A sweet smile tugs at her lips. “I didn’t either.”

  “Well, now we do. We are magic, little one. Don’t you ever doubt it.”



  “I’m not stopping. Try if you like, but I’m taking what’s mine. Like it or not.”

  My words pound in my temples. I said that to her. I’m telling myself it was part of our game, but was it?

  In the end, her words tangle with the memory of my own, giving me some comfort that I’m not the monster I think I am.

  You’re everything I’ve ever wanted. I love you.

  My thoughts thrash and rage inside me.

  She told me no. Part of me knows it was what she wanted, knows how it ended, but there’s a heavy lingering mantle of shame across my shoulders. Have I really fallen so far?

  Have I lost my humanity entirely?

  After I fucked her like a boar in the rut, I carried her upstairs and bathed her in the moonlight as the storm passed away over the forest, battling the dark conflict inside of me. Then I dried every inch of her battered body, dressed her in the softest shirt I could find, and put her to bed in my own room, climbing in behind her. The big spoon to her little spoon. And she whispered, in her childlike voice, sounding calm, content; she told me that laying there, with me, in that bed, felt just right.

  I’ve never had this before, never been so possessive, so needy, never been out of control.

  Now, she’s sitting at the very table where I took her by force last night then after, cleaned and soothed her battered pussy with a warm, white cloth. It came away streaked with the evidence of what’s I’d done to her cinching my chest and hoping she somehow would forgive me.

  Now, she’s distant, and the gnawing inside of me is because she hates me, but I still know I can’t let her go. I’ll be better. I’ll prove to her all the things I will be.

  More like a father in a way. The Daddy that emerged from me is real. I want to guide her, protect her. I want the best for her and want to be the shield that guards her heart, her body and her soul from any harm.

  She’s back in her yellow sundress and I want all my closets to be full of beautiful things for her. Sweet things, teddy bears and unicorns, coloring books and classic novels that I’ll read to her or recite by memory in bed while she curls into my lap, hugging her favorite stuffed animal. I want to see her in pigtails one minute and strapped down to the bed in leather restraints the next.

  My grip on reality is hanging by a thread. “Beautiful baby, you need to eat. You need to keep up your strength. I took a lot out of you.”

  She looks down at the plate of scrambled eggs, gathered fresh this morning from my own chickens because she said that was her favorite breakfast. I also made toast from bread I baked myself. She picks up her fork, but it dangles from her fingers.

  “Thank you, I’m just not�
�” Her words trail off, and instead of looking at me she stares out of the window.

  “Does it need more salt or pepper? Ketchup? I don’t have ketchup, but I have tomatoes from the garden, maybe I can figure out how to make ketchup…” Fuck, I’m needy for this girl. I want her. Even now, trying desperately to please her, to be a good Daddy, my restraint is holding on by a thread.

  “No. It’s perfect. I’m just not hungry.”

  I hesitate, not sure how to mend the damage I inflicted. I have never acted the way I did last night, greedy, desperate, demanding.

  Because I’ve never felt this way.

  “Cookies will be done in a minute.”

  “They smell great.” Her voice is flat. Distant.

  If I’ve ruined things between us before it’s even begun I’ll never forgive myself. I should have given her more time, time to get used to us, to this, but how can I make up for it now? I can’t go back in time. It’s like a hangover. When you wake in the morning and realize all the things you did while you were intoxicated, wishing you could take it all back.

  But even if I could, would I want to?


  You’re perfect. I love you.

  Her words, but was she just drunk with the moment as well, or frightened into compliance?

  “I want to take you for a walk today,” I tell her, trying beyond hope to sound cheerful. “Through my woods. There’s a stream on the east edge of the land. I want you to see it with me. There’s something special there.”

  The carvings she hasn’t seen. The ones I’ve been working on these past six months. The reason the dragon is only half finished.

  She shakes her head, barely meeting my eyes. “I have to get back.”

  Unable to stand it any longer, I take a seat across the table, reaching out to gather her hands in mine. She doesn’t pull away, but her eyes are unfocused. “If I pushed you too far last night, my little Goldilocks—”

  Her face falls, liquid gold irises fixing mine, wide, searching, confused. My words falter as I try to explain myself.

  “I’ve never…never acted like that before. I wanted you so badly, baby. I lost my fucking mind.”

  She shakes her head. “You were…” She draws a deep breath, breasts rising together inside the same dress she was wearing when she arrived yesterday. My eyes start to burn, ready for harsh words, ready to be told she never wants to see me again. I’m a deviant. A misogynist bastard. “You were a force of nature, Vincent. I’ve never felt anything like that before. Never imagined it.”

  “I’m sorry, baby girl. If I went too far…”

  “You think I’m upset?”

  “Aren’t you?”

  “No!” Her mouth falls wide. “No. Not with you.” She draws her hands out from between mine, but instead of pulling them back to herself, she grips my forearms like I’m a raft in the tumult of her life. “Never with you. You took what you wanted, what you needed, what you deserved. I was your prize and I…” She gulps, her mouth closing for a moment as she grips tight. “I enjoyed it. Too much. I don’t know, I’ve just never… I mean, I never thought I’d want something like that. It was…”


  “Yes. But not because of you. Because of me. Because of the way I reacted. These thoughts, they’re confusing to me. I’ve always been independent, always strong. I’ve focused on my career despite a lack of support from my parents, despite my boss being a complete…” She draws a deep breath and lets go of my arms, one of them fluttering to her chest as she tries to calm her breathing. Her boss. He’s a piece of shit, but if he’s touched her…fuck, he doesn’t know what’s heading his way. “I liked it all and it scares me. I’m afraid to lose who I am but I want to become what you are creating inside me too.”

  Afraid to lose who I am.

  Become what you are creating…

  She feels like she was falling, tumbling, unable to stop what was happening to her, not from me but from herself.

  I stand and turn as the timer on the oven dings, opening the door and pulling out the tray of pink sugar cookies. I try to calm my racing heart as I use the spatula and ease each one onto a cooling tray I’ve set on the table. Melanie looks up and smiles, reaches out to pick one up, then winces and puts it back.

  “Ouch. Too hot to take a bite.”

  “Yes, be careful, don’t burn your sweet lips, I have big plans for your mouth.” I try to smile as my cock thickens at the thought. “Baby, I’m not good with words. But you’ll never lose who you are. Being a beautiful, dirty girl for me doesn’t mean you’re not you anymore. It doesn’t mean you’re not strong or independent. It doesn’t mean your parents were right and you were wrong. I’ve never felt this either, so we’re going to figure it out together.”

  She breaks off a piece of a cookie, bringing it to her lips and wincing when it’s still too hot.

  “What did I tell you?” I give her a hard stare and she touches her lips with her fingers. Standing, I head to the freezer and grab an ice cube, wrap it in a clean white dish cloth and press it to her lip.

  She pulls back. “Too cold, Daddy.”

  I frown, holding her still as I press the ice firmly into place, ignoring her squirms to get away. “You will learn to listen, understand?”

  Her eyes are wide, but I see understanding, and her shoulders soften. “Especially when it comes to your safety. I want you to make good decisions for yourself, but when it comes to keeping you safe, you will listen to me and do as you are told. We clear?”

  She nods. Then she draws a breath, and I hold mine, frightened that the next words will be the last between us.

  “Yes, I do understand. But, I need to go home, Vincent. I have a cat. Peaches. She hasn’t been fed since yesterday, and the storm and everything…I have to go home. I have to…to think. I have to go to work, I was only supposed to be coming up here for a quick check-in yesterday. There’s no signal on my phone, I can’t call in or anything.”

  “You mean you have to go back to your apartment.” I seethe through clenched teeth. Hearing her say somewhere else, when here is her home, sends irrational anger boiling through me.

  She shoots me a quizzical look and I huff out a breath.

  Fucking get it together.

  She says she doesn’t blame me, but what would she say if she knew the truth? That I am the reason she was trapped here in the first place, that I left a tack strip to stop her car, that I more or less kidnapped her like some maniac. That the reason I was soaking wet last night was because I was out there, in the rain, collecting the trap I left for her. The evidence of my lunacy.

  Well, one piece of evidence. There are plenty more. The flowers I left at her apartment last night, after I followed her home. The cum I spilled in my truck, watching her when she thought she was all alone.

  I want to take her in my arms, to ask her to marry me right now. My thoughts wander to the way I took her, bare, unprotected. The way I held my cock inside her, spurting through an orgasm that felt like I was delivering my soul into her. Then I held myself there for damn near an hour, going off again, plugging her, making sure every hot drop filled her womb.

  My baby might be growing inside her right now and she might reject me if she knew just how depraved I am. The idea makes me want to put a collar and chain on her, to keep her here. I want to grab her and tell her how much I want her, and tell her she’s staying here forever, but how crazy would I seem if I proposed right now?

  “Your cat needs you.” I draw a ragged breath, wanting to keep her next to me but thinking she may need a few hours for herself. “You’ll drive my truck and I’ll get your tires fixed.”

  I stand and turn my back on her, the thought of her leaving swelling a lump in my throat. I look out at the chicken coop. The roof needs tacking down at the edge, where the storm pulled it up. Branches lie around the yard, snapped off from the fierce winds. I should get to it, then dust off my older truck and head into town, pick her up a couple of new tires and fix her car like I�
��ve promised.

  If I look at her much longer, I won’t be able to stop myself. I’ll take her again, and I still don’t think I have gentle in me.

  “Thank you. I’ll come back with your truck after work for my car. Will that be enough time?”

  I would do anything for her. Words aren’t enough, even if I had them. “Yes. I’ll have it done.”

  She has no idea what she does to me, how she makes me feel. It physically hurts to restrain myself, to stop the chemical reaction inside me.

  To remember who I once was. A civilized man. A gentleman. So long ago.

  “Here,” I say, grabbing two keys off the rack hanging by the back door. “For the padlock at the front gate and this is for the truck.”

  I step forward, my lips brushing hers.

  Her sweet smile at our kiss, her fingers brushing her lips… I almost lose the last shred of control. “Just right, Daddy,” she whispers.

  Be gentle. Be gentle.

  “Drive safe, little one.” I struggle to keep my voice even. “If you’re not back by let’s say three o’clock, I’m going to come make sure you’re okay.”

  “Thank you,” she mutters, and turns, taking her bag, and I’m afraid if I follow her outside I won’t be able to let her go. Instead I wait for her to leave the room, then pound my fists on the table.

  But, I don’t stop there. I try to breathe as I listen to the truck pull away, then turn to watch it go, torturing myself. Once it’s out of sight, I lose my fucking mind.

  I storm though the doors outside, throwing broken branches and logs against trees, stabbing them into the wet ground. Bear follows me as I destroy whatever is in my path. She’s not here. I can’t see her. Don’t know if she’s safe. If someone is touching her.

  Why did I let her go?

  Because it’s what normal humans do.

  I’m. Not. Normal.

  I’m this crazed and she’s only been gone less than a minute, but it doesn’t seem to matter in my fogged brain. Any inanimate object is crushed, broken, cracked, thrown, until my lungs burn. My temples pound. And I know there is no life without her anymore.


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