The Vincent Boys

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The Vincent Boys Page 20

by Abbi Glines

  “From the moment I held her she became mine. I’m sorry I did this to you but you never really loved the real Ashton. I do.”

  Sawyer nodded his head. “I know.”

  “I’ll do whatever I have to in order to be worthy of her. She’s everything I’ve ever wanted.”

  “Don’t change for her. She made that mistake with me. She fell in love with you just the way you are. Just be you, Beau. Just be you.”

  She loved me. Hearing those words sent a shiver of pleasure over me. I’d finally won my girl. “She had Mr. Perfect and she wanted me instead. Doesn’t make any sense,” I said, grinning over at Sawyer.

  “There’s no accounting for taste,” he chuckled and elbowed me in the ribs. “Go get her, man. She’s convinced she has to step out of our lives so we can fix our relationship. Her heart’s breaking. I could see it in her eyes. She is ready to sacrifice her happiness in order to do what she thinks is best for you. Go put the girl out of her misery.”

  Step out of my life. Like hell.

  I slapped Sawyer on the back and headed out to set her straight. But first I was going to feast on those full lips of hers that were all puckered up in a frown.


  Two arms wrapped around me. “God, you smell so damn good.” Beau’s voice was muffled in my neck. His warm breath sent chill bumps up my arms.

  “Beau?” I croaked out.

  “Mmmhmmm,” he replied, kissing my neck, and nibbling on my earlobe. I tilted my head to the side, giving him better access when I should have been trying to stop him. But with his warmth surrounding me and his hands moving up my sides I decided I didn’t care at the moment.

  “What?” I managed to get out as his hands teased the lower portion of my bra strap. He was overwhelming me. I couldn’t get my thoughts together.

  “I love you, Ash,” he whispered in my ear and kissed a trail from my ear to my shoulder blade.

  “Uh,” I squeaked out. His thumbs brushed the underside of my breast and my knees started to buckle. It had been so long since he’d touched me.

  “Easy, baby,” he murmured, pulling me back against his chest as he leaned against the tree that held our special limb. His leg settled between my thighs and I trembled.

  “I’m not letting you go. You’re mine, Ash. I can’t live without you.” His voice was low and fierce as he held me tightly.

  “But Sawyer . . .”

  “Sawyer is okay with this. I’ve spoken to him. He and I are working things out. But Ash, I can’t continue to want you from a distance. To love you and not have you. I’d end up in jail if anyone tried to touch you, and God forbid you tried to date someone.”

  I turned around in his arms and laid my hands against his hard chest. I loved his chest. Especially when it was bare.

  “I only want you,” I told him, staring up into his eyes. Those long black lashes shouldn’t be so ridiculously sexy but they were. Beau buried both his hands in my hair and sighed.

  “Good, because I want you too. Now. Forever. Just you.”

  The thought of forever with Beau sent tingles of joy through my body and shot straight to my heart. The dread and fear I’d felt when Sawyer had said he wanted to marry me one day had no place here. Because Beau was who I wanted. It had always been Beau.

  “Come to my truck with me,” Beau said in a husky whisper against my ear.

  Nodding, I let him take my hand and direct me back through the woods to his truck he’d left hidden. Had Sawyer seen him?

  “Sawyer was out here,” I told him as his hand slid up my side underneath my shirt.

  “Yeah, I know. We talked. He’s gone. It’s just you, me and my truck,” he replied with a wicked smirk on his face.

  Opening the passenger door he picked me up and sat me on the bench seat. His hands covered my knees and pulled my legs apart before he stepped up between them and laid me back against the seat. He hovered over me, never breaking eye contact. I was mesmerized. The hungry gleam in his eyes made me tremble with excitement. This was what I wanted. I wanted to be Beau’s. I wanted to touch him and taste him without guilt.

  “Ash, baby, I need you tonight,” he whispered as he lowered his body over mine until his erection pressed against me. I loved hearing the desperation and desire in his voice.

  “Okay,” I replied breathlessly, lifting my hips to press harder against him.

  “I don’t have a condom,” he said tightly as we rubbed against each other.

  “Kiss me,” I replied. I wasn’t worried about a condom just yet. I needed him.

  Beau’s mouth covered mine and his tongue stroked mine in one swift plunge. Arching against him, the low, pleased groan that vibrated his chest made me a little crazy. More. I wanted more. Beau pulled my bottom lip into his mouth and sucked gently before taking a small nip then slipping his tongue back into my mouth and teasing and tasting me. Frantically I continued to move against him and reached for the hem of his shirt, yanking it up his body and forcing him to lean back so I could pull it over his head.

  He chuckled as he gazed down at me. “You trying to get me naked?”

  “Yes, please,” I replied sweetly and he reached for my shirt, pulling it off just as swiftly. He undid the clasp on the front of my bra, baring my chest to his view.

  “So unbelievably perfect,” he whispered, running his hands over my erect nipples.

  “Please, Beau.”

  Beau lowered his head, keeping his eyes on me as he stuck his tongue out and flicked my nipple several times, causing me to squeal and squirm under his attention.

  “Mmmm, sweet,” he said approvingly before pulling one into his mouth and sucking on it intently.

  When he began unsnapping my shorts and lowering the zipper I lifted my hips so he could pull them off. He took off my panties with the shorts and threw them up in the dashboard. His mouth left my right nipple and began kissing down my stomach until he reached to just below my belly button. His hands caressed the inside of my thighs before pushing them back and opening my legs to him. Shivering, I watched helplessly as he continued his downward path. I knew where he was going but I couldn’t do anything to stop it. I was frozen with desire and need. At the first swipe of his tongue my world exploded, but he didn’t stop. Each lick sent me shivering into a bliss like I’d never known. Digging my fingernails into his shoulders I held on and screamed his name over and over as he made everything else fade away. All that mattered was Beau and how he was making me feel.

  Chapter 28


  The crowd rushed onto the field as the final seconds of the clock ticked away. We’d won the state championship, 27-6. Families swarmed my teammates, congratulating and hugging them. I didn’t wait on my momma to show up. She was working tonight. I pulled off my helmet as Sawyer and Ethan poured the rest of the Gatorade over Coach’s head. He threw out his hands and laughed loudly. Sawyer was happy. The grin on his face made me smile. This was his element. Winning always had been. It was part of who he was. His mother came up behind him and tightly hugged him around his waist. Aunt Samantha had never been a fan of mine and now that she knew the truth about my DNA I was pretty sure she disliked me even more. I couldn’t really blame her for that.

  Samantha Vincent was everything my momma wasn’t. Polished, polite, educated and loving. Not once, growing up, could I think of a game when Aunt Samantha hadn’t been up in the stands cheering her son on. As a kid, I’d pretend she was my momma too and that all her cheering was for me as well. The older I got, the harder that was to pretend. Especially when her face pinched up in a frown every time she looked my way.

  Sawyer’s eyes met mine and his smile faded. He was doing better with me and Ash but the betrayal was still there. I knew it would be a long time before it was forgotten. If ever. I nodded my head and said “Good game” knowing he could easily read my lips. He replied, “You too.” That was enough for now.

  Harris Vincent stepped in front of Sawyer, blocking my view. I watched as the man who had been always
been my uninterested uncle patted the son he loved and acknowledged on the back. I couldn’t hear what he was saying but I didn’t have to. The beaming smile on Samantha’s face told me that he was praising Sawyer’s win. He leaned forward and pulled him into a hug. A sudden tightness in my chest surprised me. I couldn’t let that in. This was something I had to forget and move on from. My dad was gone. I didn’t have one now. That man’s sperm may have been a factor in my creation but he was not my father. I didn’t need a hug from him and I sure as hell didn’t need his approval.

  Sawyer’s eyes met mine over his father’s shoulder. I could see the concern in them. I knew what he was thinking. The little shit was worried about me. I didn’t want him to worry about me. I was fine. I didn’t need anything from Harris Vincent. I’d made it eighteen years without him. He was as good as dead to me.

  “You won!” Ashton’s squeal broke into my thoughts and I turned to see her push her way through the crowd until she was free to throw herself into my arms.

  “Hey, you,” I replied, holding her tightly. I needed this. I didn’t want to think about why I needed a hug so bad right now, but I did. Ashton was the perfect person to deliver it.

  “You were amazing. I am going to be hoarse tomorrow from screaming so loudly. That last catch you made on the twenty was beautiful,” she told me as she placed kisses all over my face.

  “I’m all sweaty, baby,” I told her as I laughed at her excitement.

  “I don’t care. You just won State. It’s cause for celebration.”

  I buried my head in the curve of her neck and inhaled her sweet, sexy smell. Much better than a field of sweaty guys. “I can think of a few ways I’d like to celebrate,” I said against her neck.

  “That sounds promising,” she giggled and ran her hands through my hair.

  “Oh, it’s real promising,” I assured her.

  Ashton pulled back so she could look up at me. “My parents want to know if they could take us out to eat tonight.”

  The anxious tone of her voice told me she was actually worried I’d say no. The fact her parents were even considering accepting me as good enough to date their daughter made me willing to do anything they asked, short of staying away from Ashton.

  “Sounds good to me,” I said, pressing a kiss to her nose. “Where are they taking us?”

  “Hank’s, of course. I want a burger.”

  I pulled her to me for a kiss and enjoyed the soft feel of her lips against mine. She didn’t shy away or worry about who may be watching. Instead, she wrapped her arms around my neck and deepened the kiss. I may not have parents that love me but I have Ashton. Nothing else really matters. She is all I need.


  I hadn’t been in bed long when my phone started ringing. I picked it up to see Lana’s name appear on the screen. I hadn’t talked to her in about a week. Curious as to why she was calling so late I pressed ‘OK’ and put the phone to my ear.


  “Hey, I hope it’s not too late,” she replied.

  “Nope. Not at all. What’s up?” I asked, knowing she wasn’t calling me at midnight because she wanted to chat.

  “Um, well, I was wondering if maybe you think this summer I could come visit you.”

  The idea of having Aunt Caroline in my house even for a week this summer made me cringe. But I did miss Lana. I couldn’t not see her because her mom drove me nuts.

  “Sure. What week are you thinking of coming?” I asked, hoping it was only a week.

  Lana paused a moment. “I was kind of wondering if maybe I could come down after graduation and stay the summer with you. Before we go off to college—maybe have one last summer to hang out?”

  Wait . . . the whole summer? There was no way I could put up with Aunt Caroline all summer. My dad may even move out if that happened. But surely Aunt Caroline wouldn’t have Lana calling me to see if they could stay the summer. She’d just call my mom. So did that mean . . .

  “Do you mean just—you—come visit for the summer? Not your mom?”

  Lana let out a small laugh on the other end of the line. “Yes, I mean just me. Mom has things to do this summer. I need some distance from her before I go crazy. She and Dad are still at each other’s throats.”

  “Then, YES! I would love for you to come spend the summer . . .” I paused, realizing that Lana wasn’t a fan of Beau and that he would be with me all summer. Was this a good idea? I didn’t want her to make him feel unwanted. He had enough of that with his stupid father and his aunt.

  “I think this is a great idea. I’d love to see you but you understand that I’m with Beau now . . .?” I trailed off, waiting on her to respond.

  “Oh, yes, I know. I’m glad y’all worked this all out. How are things going with those two these days? Is Sawyer handling the fact you and Beau are together better now?”

  Not exactly. Maybe. I didn’t want to give her cause to dislike Beau more so I decided on a small white lie.

  “Yes, we are all moving on. Sawyer and Beau are even bonding again. Soon it will all be water under the bridge.”

  “That’s wonderful. I’m so glad it’s all worked out so well for you.” The sincerity in her voice made me feel guilty. I loved Lana but her sweet, innocent, trusting heart made me feel like an awful person sometimes.

  “Yep, life is good.” That wasn’t a lie. Life was good. I had Beau.

  “So, do you think you might talk to your mom about calling my mom and convincing her this summer thing is a good idea?”

  She really must need to get away if she was already planning her escape. The least I could do was get Mom to help her out. Besides, it would be fun. I could fix her up with Kyle, or Ethan or Justin. Ethan was the sweetest out of those three. He was probably a better fit.

  “I’ll talk to her in the morning. I’m sure she’ll love the idea.”

  “Thank you so much,” Lana replied. I could hear the excitement in her voice. Yeah, I’d be excited too if I was going to escape Aunt Caroline a few months sooner than planned.

  “No problem. It’ll be fun,” I assured her.

  We said our goodbyes and hung up. I rolled over on my back and stared at the ceiling fan. Tonight had been amazing. Both my parents had been nice to Beau and congratulated him. We’d had a good dinner. Then Dad had even let Beau drive me home. He’d gone very slow and I’d taken full advantage of him while he was driving. A smile tugged at my lips when I thought about how sexy he looked trying to drive and remain calm while I teased him.

  Then an image of Sawyer flashed in my head. I hadn’t spoken to him after the game. His parents had been with him and I wasn’t ready to face them just yet. He’d also had a few cheerleaders hanging on his arms. I didn’t care but I figured it was best I kept my distance. Maybe he’d move on with one of them. I wanted to find a way for us to be friends again. I missed him. He was important to me. We didn’t belong together but we had been friends way before we’d entered into a relationship. Reaching for my phone I decided I’d leave him a text before I chickened out. Small steps to help bridge the gaping hole between him and Beau and me.

  Me: You played an excellent game tonight. I’m so proud of you.

  I pressed send and waited. Just when I thought he wasn’t going to respond my phone dinged.

  Sawyer: Thanks.

  Don’t miss


  Coming soon . . .

  Sawyer Vincent is still heartbroken over his break-up with Ashton Gray, but Lana McDaniel thinks she might just have a cure. Lana’s lived in her cousin Ashton’s shadow all her life, but now she’s taking the lead and is determined to make Sawyer her man. But can she be sure that Sawyer’s not just using her to get back at Ashton? And what if Sawyer sees through her new sexy version of herself and discovers the shy, geeky girl she used to be?

  Which one’s your Vincent Boy? Tweet us on #TeamBeau or #TeamSawyer

  About the Author

  Abbi Glines can be found hanging out with rock stars, t
aking out her yacht on weekends for a party cruise, sky diving, or surfing in Maui. Okay, maybe she needs to keep her imagination focused on her writing. In the real world, Abbi can be found hauling kids (several who seem to show up that don’t belong to her) to all their social events, hiding under the covers with her MacBook in hopes her husband won’t catch her watching Buffy on Netflix again, and sneaking off to Barnes and Noble to spend hours lost in the yummy goodness of books. She blogs regularly but rarely about anything life changing. She also really enjoys talking about herself in the third person. Visit Abbi at or on Twitter: @abbiglines

  First published in Great Britain in 2012 by Hot Key Books,

  Northburgh House, 10 Northburgh Street, London EC1V 0AT

  Copyright © 2012 Abbi Glines

  The moral rights of the author have been asserted.

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  All characters in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

  ebook ISBN: 978-1-4714-0151-0





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