Alonzo and Melissa; Or, The Unfeeling Father: An American Tale

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Alonzo and Melissa; Or, The Unfeeling Father: An American Tale Page 38

by Daniel Jackson and I. Mitchell

value 1811ff Stripped of all their intrinsic value inordinate passion, or what you would call pure affection 1811ff ... what some would call ... pining for a hopeless object 1811ff ... a hapless object which will sail for any part of America in some time 1851/70 ... for some time Ah! had this but have happened in time to save a life 1870 Ah! had this but happened ... consecrated piles, and funereal monuments of the sacred dead 1811ff sacred piles, and funeral monuments ... October 26, 1776, 1811 Oct. how tenderly pensive does she beam her lovely eyes upon me! 1811ff how tenderly does she beam her lovely eye upon me! There [_pointing to the grave_] there behold how my dearest wishes 1811ff Then ... the first holy whisper of her consecrated lips 1870 whispers determining to proceed on early in the morning 1811ff ... proceed early in the morning 1870 ... proceed early the next morning which before sunrise encreased to a violent storm 1851/70 which before sunrise had encreased to a violent storm was to be opened for that night only 1851/70 was to be opened that night only To the general enquiry of "_what's the matter?_" 1851/70 To the general enquiry, "_what's the matter?_" forbade that he should re-pierce the ten thousand wounds 1811ff forbade that he re-pierce ... [QUOTATION] Song, beauty, youth, love, virtue, joy: this group . . . As yet unforfeit! in one blaze we bind. 1870 Song, beauty, love ... 1870 As yet a forfeit! ... They immediately retired to a separate room, where the stranger 1811ff ... when the stranger private concerns; more extraordinary may you esteem it 1851/70 private concerns, and more extraordinary you may esteem it "Are you unmarried, sir?" "I am now, and have ever been single." 1811ff Are you married 1851/70 I am not numberless suitors have sighed for her hand 1811ff numberless suitors sighed ... It seemed that if she could but speak with him 1870 ... speak to him This extraordinary dream she has communicated 1851/70 ... she had communicated Her father, who has but two children besides herself, being dotingly fond of her 1811 two children, one besides herself 1851/70 two children, one beside herself 1811 doting in a rallying way told her I had seen her _invisible beau_ 1811 in a railing way 1851/70 told her that I she thought but little of it 1811ff she thought little of it my leaving you so abruptly, and of my not returning 1811ff ... and not returning Now, sir, it is necessary for me farther to explain 1870 Now, sir, it is necessary farther to explain on reviewing the incidents which led to 1811ff on reviewing the incidents which to I have experienced a sufficient change of objects and of country 1851/70 ... and country a silk girdle, with diamond clasps 1811ff a silken girdle ... Did not Alonzo see her death announced in the public prints? 1851/70 ... her death in ... And is not all this sufficient to prove 1811ff And is not this ... However the author may succeed in description 1811ff ... in his description the bower on her favorite hill 1870 the bower of ... Have we not, according to the advice of the moralist [FOOTNOTE] 1804 see _Barometer_, no. 118 their tears fell in one immingling shower 1811ff ... one intermingling shower you were proof against the whole arcana of beauty 1870 ... the whole arena of beauty Indeed, sir, I cannot but applaud your discrimination 1811ff ... your determination the true novel style 1811ff the novel style "There I confess," said he, looking at Alonzo 1811ff "Then I confess" ... He is the son of a deceased uncle 1811ff ... my deceased uncle a servant took charge of Alonzo's carriage 1851/70 ... took care ... the eldest, a son about ten years of age 1811ff the eldest son, about ten years of age to its members and its guests. And here, were we to adopt the method of some novel writers, we might close our history, and leave it for imagination to paint the sequel. But there are some _mysteries_, which if not elucidated, will render our story incomplete, and besides were we to stop here, the real _finishing_ stroke would still be wanting; we shall therefore pass with as much rapidity as possible over the remaining incidents of our story, rendered already too lengthy for a weekly paper. It was agreed that Alonzo 1811ff to its members and its guests. // It was agreed that Alonzo [entire paragraph omitted] I told her that as I had been placed there by my father, I should not consent to a removal unless by his express orders 1811ff I told her that I had been placed there by my father, and should not consent I hardly know what I did wish 1811ff I hardly knew ... As we passed out of the gate, I looked back at the mansion 1870 ... back to the mansion which put him in a terrible fluster 1851/70 ... a terrible flutter we have little peace in the house 1870 we have but little peace in the house the servant delivered a packet of letters 1811ff ... a package of letters my uncle found it impossible to submit to these stern injunctions 1811ff ... these firm injunctions soon after the birth of their first child 1811ff ... the first child Inconsolable and comfortless, my uncle put the child out to nurse 1870 ... the child to nurse He finally married to an amiable and respectable woman 1870 He finally married to an amiable woman yet soon greatly alleviated the pangs of early sorrow 1851/70 yet greatly ... he considers you to have formed an improper connection 1870 he considers you have ... I have seen some troubles in this way myself, in my early days; perhaps my counsel may be of some service 1870 in that way ... council I immediately gave him a correct account 1811ff I immediately gave a correct account write to your father, advising him not to proceed too rashly 1811ff ... desiring him ... her health evidently decreasing after she came to this place 1851/70 ... decreasing. After ... and was thereafter retained in the family 1811ff and was therefore ... In Charleston it was also generally supposed 1851/70 In Charleston it was generally supposed he was not only deprived of you 1811ff he was not only deprived of me except that you had gone in search of me. Vincent conjectured that you had gone to New London 1811ff except that you had gone to New London He then confidentially unfolded to your father 1870 He then confidently ... from whence you then came, to where you went 1851/70 from whence you then came, or where you went she had undoubtedly given him his lesson 1811ff ... given him instructions he finally initiated himself so far in my aunt's favor 1870 he initiated himself ... he had left a wife and family in Virginia in indigent circumstances 1870 he had a wife ... yesterday morning at my uncle's house in town, which Alfred had proposed for the scene of action 1811ff ... my uncle's house, which ... I trust that difficulty will soon be removed 1851/70 I trust that that difficulty ... if he had ever known Doctor Franklin 1811ff if he ever knew Dr. Franklin I have inflicted a wound still deeper on my own bosom 1811ff ... in my own bosom your daughter was the subject of my earliest affection 1851/70 ... the object of ... I shall in some measure realize former happy anticipations 1811ff ... former anticipations bowed his gratitude and after appointing that day week, departed 1851/70 bowed his head in gratitude; and after appointing ... when a person rapped to the door below 1811ff ... at the door below to intervene their happiness, no determined rival, no obdurate father 1851/70 to intervene their happiness, no obdurate father The sun blended its mild lustre with the landscape's lovely green 1811 ... the landscapes' ... encircled by a wreath of flowers 1811ff ... a wreath of artificial flowers Edgar then rising, motioned to the intended bride and bridegroom 1870 ... mentioned to ... "Where tides of heavy sorrows swell'd," 1811ff ... sorrow ... "And do I receive thee from the dead!" he said. "I am anxious to hear the mystery unfolded 1811ff And I receive thee as from ... the mighty mystery unfolded But wearied with the bustles of life 1870 ... business of life who all soon left it under the foolish pretence or impression of hearing strange noises and seeing frightful objects, and such is the superstition of people 1811ff who all left 1870 under foolish pretence 1811ff of hearing noises 1851/70 of the people which might lead to the elucidation 1811ff which might tend to the elucidation they struck a fire and lit candles, which they had brought with them 1811ff lighted candles 1870 which they brought where no objects presented, they lay flat on the ground, with orders not to stir, or to discover themse
lves 1811ff where no object presented, lay flat on the ground, with orders not to stir, or discover themselves so that nothing should be discovered from without. Things thus arranged, they observed almost an implicit silence 1811ff so that nothing could ... 1870 ... almost implicit silence For a long time no sounds were heard 1811ff ... no sound was heard to prevent discovery took off their shoes 1811ff to prevent discovery they took off their shoes "Those rascally cow-boys detained us too long."----"Well, well, never mind it 1811ff "Rascally cow-boys 1851/70 "Well, never mind it a noise as if several doors shut to 1870 ... shut too [this spelling is used several times] gave the signal to the men without 1811ff gave the alarm ... the chairs on which these now invisible beings had sat, had all

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