BEYOND THE GRID BOX SET: The Complete Beyond The Grid series (book 1-4)

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BEYOND THE GRID BOX SET: The Complete Beyond The Grid series (book 1-4) Page 30

by Connor Mccoy

  The left side of his face was red with burns and blisters. Smoke still rose from the flesh, as it did from his back, where his jacket hung off in charred tatters. His tattered clothing exposed even more burns, which appeared even nastier on his back. The man must be hurting, yet his overpowering grip meant he was fighting through the agony.

  “Tell me…” Nguyen fought to speak. “…your real name.”

  Diablo bared his teeth. “What the hell are you babbling about?”

  “I want to know.” Nguyen tried to push back but his arms were giving out, with his left arm even going numb. “I want to know that you are human.”

  Diablo ripped the scalpel out of Nguyen’s hand and then plunged it into the left side of Nguyen’s upper chest. Nguyen cried out. The pain was horrendous, almost equaling the effects of the gunshot.

  Diablo released Nguyen’s left hand, letting the doctor slump to the floor with the scalpel still embedded in his flesh. Diablo stared over him. Nguyen could not so much as twitch his legs to move them. He was done for.

  “George,” Diablo said, “George Johnson.”

  George Johnson. An ordinary name for an ordinary man. Nguyen took it as a reminder that this man who called himself the devil was born with a real name. Perhaps the EMP had hardened him into this vicious killer, or perhaps he had become a killer even before this world had taken its turn for the worse. In any case, Doctor Nguyen was glad to hear the man’s actual identity.

  Diablo walked out the door. Nguyen could not even turn in his direction. He winced. He could do nothing to stop Diablo now, nothing to prevent him from going after the Averys. He only could hope that they had made good their escape.

  With nothing else he could do, he gazed at the bed where Sam laid, under the covers. “I’m sorry,” he said in a raspy voice. “I tried. I guess it’s all up to them now.”

  “They’re strong people. They’ll come out on top.”

  Nguyen looked up. Doc Sam suddenly was seated in the chair by his closet, all decked out in his khakis and a fresh white polo shirt, holding a fresh glass of bourbon. “That was one hell of an idea, rigging up that flame thrower.” Sam laughed. “It sounds like something you’d come up with.”

  Nguyen chuckled. “I can come up with some amazing things in the kitchen.”

  “I know. I’ll never forget that stew you cooked up, oh, I think it was thirteen years ago. Warmed me to me toes but put me and Dan on the shitter all night. Too bad you never cooked it again.”

  “Are you that much a glutton for punishment, Sam?” Nguyen asked.

  “It’s more like I never knew when to quit. Well, why don’t you get up already?” Sam reached for a second glass, lying on the nearby dresser. “I’m not going to polish off this beauty by myself.”

  Nguyen stood up and took the glass. Before he could raise the glass, he hesitated. “Sam…you think they’re going to be okay?”

  “The Averys?” Sam asked.

  “The whole world, actually,” Nguyen replied.

  Sam gave it a little thought. “I think so. But we’re going to have to let the world be.” He stood up from his seat. “We’ve got friends waiting for us, friends and family, all with enough tales to share that will fill three lifetimes.”

  Nguyen smiled. “I can imagine. Alright, what are waiting for?”

  And so Doc Sam turned toward the open closet door. He walked through, with Nguyen accompanying him close behind.

  However, if anybody had been in the room for those past few minutes, the person never would have heard the preceding conversation, nor would they have seen Doc Sam with the glasses at all. The only thing perceptive to human eyes and ears was Doctor Nguyen sitting by the door, entirely motionless, his right hand curled as if holding a drink, and with a look of serenity across his still features.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Jacob was frightened, perhaps more so than he ever had been in his life. His daughter was trapped between the door and the wall. His nine-year-old son was on the other side. A madman with a gun was approaching. Bullets were fired. Jacob did not know who fired the bullets, and who was on the receiving end.

  “Brandon!” he screamed, “What’s happening?”

  I missed!

  Brandon was sure Zell had not been hit by any of the shots. The Lutz cousin had not been fully in the doorway when Brandon had squeezed the trigger. In fact, Zell had spotted Brandon and already was beginning to back away from the doorway. Brandon fired twice but did not hear a body fall or a cry of pain.

  “I’m okay, Dad!” Brandon called back. “But I didn’t get him! He’s still out there!”

  “It’s okay, Son. I’m coming. I don’t know how, but I’ll get this damned thing open and help you!”

  “Jay, help me pull Jubilee in. I think she’s almost in!” Domino called to her husband.

  “Alright.” Jacob turned to his daughter and took hold of her while keeping his back against the door. He would pull her in while using himself to wedge the door open any extra inches that he could.

  “Okay, count down,” Domino said, “One…two…three!”

  Jubilee screamed as her parents pulled her the rest of the way through the passage. Brandon heard loud thumps behind the door. He couldn’t see what had happened. He rushed to the gap in the door and looked downstairs.

  His mom and dad lay in a heap across the steps with Jubilee on top of them. The Avery daughter wept. Wedging herself through the tight space must have been painful.

  I’m sorry Jubes, Brandon thought. I thought this was a good idea. I didn’t know it’d be so bad for you.

  Jacob gently pushed Jubilee up onto her side. “We got you, Baby. We got you.” Domino grabbed her from behind.

  She’s safe. That creep isn’t going to get his hands on her. Now Brandon could squeeze himself through.

  Jacob climbed to his feet. “Okay, Brandon, here we come.” He took one step, but stopped, crying out in pain. “My back. Damn. That door did a number on me. Don’t worry, I’m coming. Just hold on—”

  The sound of a loud pop from one of the shelves close to Brandon cut Jacob off. Brandon dove for the ground. Two more shots impacted the wall above his head. A fourth struck the bunker door.

  “Brandon!” Jacob shouted.

  “It’s Zell!” Brandon cried as he crawled as fast as he could. Cover. Cover! Where’s cover?

  More shots rang out. They were being fired through the garage window that was almost fully facing the bunker. Zell was shooting into the garage from outside.

  The space under the truck bed. It looked wide enough to squirm into. Trying his best to ignore the bullets, Brandon ducked under Doc Sam’s vehicle.

  “You little shits!” Zell cried through the window. “Where are you? I’m going to blow your heads off!”

  Nestled under the truck, Brandon tried to catch his breath. He sounds really pissed, he thought. Dad, please, help me!

  Jacob tried to push on the door, but his muscles protested too fiercely. He probably had pulled a muscle or two yanking Jubilee through. He couldn’t hope to pry open the door with his own strength now.

  “We have to get this door open somehow, wedge it, anything.” Jacob turned back to his wife and daughter, who by now had made it to their feet. Domino was drying Jubilee’s eyes. “There has to be something down there we can use, something Sam packed away. Doms, help me. He gave you some additional tours down here, didn’t he? Is there anything you can remember seeing, something we can use?”

  Domino shut her eyes tight. “I’m trying. I’m trying.” She banged on the stairwell behind her. “I think I remember seeing something. The emergency excavation locker. Yeah, I think Brandon was asking Sam about it, about what might happen if the bunker door was stuck.”

  “Then we’ve got to get it.” Jacob began descending the stairs. “Hurry! We have to get to Brandon!”

  Brandon waited. The gunfire had stopped. Was Zell out of ammo, or did Zell think he had nailed Brandon? If so, he likely would show up to confirm the k

  Maybe I can flip this around on him. I’ll lie in wait and take him out when he shows up. But lie in wait where? Down here? I can’t aim for anything but his legs!

  All debate ended in a flash when the sound of footsteps intruded into the garage. Zell was here. Brandon couldn’t move without tipping off the Lutz cousin that he was still alive.

  “Alright!” Zell shouted, “Whoever the hell’s in here, you better be dead already, because if you’re not, you soon will be.”

  Brandon held his breath. Please don’t come over here. Please don’t come over here.

  Jacob, Jubilee and Domino held onto the pry bar with all their might as they traipsed up the stairs. Sure enough, Domino was right. The excavation locker contained tools that could be used to dig through a possible collapse of the bunker entrance. This was the heaviest pry bar that they all could pick up in their battered condition. Hopefully, it would be enough.

  But as they reached the top of the stairs, they heard a voice bellow from the other side, “Alright! Whoever the hell’s in here, you better be dead already, because if you’re not, you soon will be.”

  “Zell,” Domino whispered breathlessly.

  “He’s in there.” Jacob knew if they started prying the door open now, Zell would hear and see them and open fire. With all three of them trying to budge the door open, they would be defenseless.

  Jacob looked down at his holster. Yes, he had rearmed himself from the armory below. Good thing he reminded himself before rushing up to the door. “Doms, Jubilee, hold onto that bar,” he said quietly. “When I tell you, pry it open.”

  Then he darted to the top of the stairs and peeped through the passage. With the dousing of the lantern in the garage, it was mostly dark in there. Still, the dark silhouette of Zell Lutz should be easy to spot if he passed reasonably close. The only places Jacob could not scout out were the two far ends of the garage, near the front and back doors.

  He heard footsteps approaching. Jacob tried to quiet his breathing.

  “You little shits in here? I bet you’re hiding!” barked Zell. “You killed my cousin. You killed Evander! So I figure I got some payback. Is that bitch in here, too? If she is, I’m going to force her down and make her scream before I put a bullet in her head!”

  Not on your life, you son of a bitch, Jacob thought. But he still didn’t see Zell yet.

  Suddenly, Jacob did see Zell—face to face. The Lutz cousin suddenly had lunged into the open passage.

  “You!” Zell cried out, his spittle striking Jacob in the face. “This is where you bastards are hiding!”

  Jacob was so startled that he didn’t open fire. He had hoped to take Zell by surprise, but now he was the one being ambushed.

  But before Zell could shoot, a loud bang rang out from behind him. Zell cried out in pain and sank downward. “Ow! Damn it! Goddamn it! Someone shot me!”

  That wasn’t me. Maybe it was Brandon? Whatever had happened, Jacob saw his chance. Zell had turned away, limping. Jacob quickly poked his gun through the passage and squeezed the trigger.

  One of the shots hit Zell in the shoulder blade. Blood spurted out and hit the walls. Zell hobbled away as fast as he could. Jacob fired again and again until Zell left from his view, and even then Jacob tried to tail him, but the wall blocked him from aiming much further.

  “Damn!” Jacob gritted his teeth. “Please tell me I got him.” He still heard Zell’s screams. Then he heard a flop onto the floor. Zell had fallen. But his shouts were not dying out. He still was very much alive. He might be able to get up and go after him again.

  Or Brandon. He knew he was nailed from behind. He might figure out where Brandon was hiding from the direction of the shot.

  “The bar! Hurry!” Jacob cried.

  Domino and Jubilee joined him with the bar. Jacob added his own strength to it. “Alright, one…two…three!”

  All three of them pushed hard against it. The door pushed open several inches, opening up a gap wide enough for a person to fit through.

  “Got it! Throw it down!” Jacob ordered. He and his wife and daughter released the bar onto the stairs. Jacob barreled through the gap, gun drawn, looking in the direction of the front door.

  Zell had managed to stumble to his feet, though he still was hunched over. He also walked with a slight limp, and he cried and moaned with each step. He was retreating toward the front door.

  “Stop!” Jacob shouted, “Don’t move!”

  Zell was in such bad shape that he couldn’t stop on a dime, but he did turn around just as he reached the open doorway. He swerved his gun in Jacob’s direction, but he did not fire, perhaps realizing that Jacob had him covered.

  “Drop your gun,” Jacob said with barely contained fury.

  “And then what?” Zell winced. He couldn’t hold still. “You…you’ll kill me!”

  “After what you’ve done to my family and Sam, I ought to. But shooting you in cold blood, well, that’s just not me. I don’t want it to be. If you want to throw in the towel, then I’m willing to let you live.”

  Zell fell back against the doorframe, nearly slipping out of the door altogether. His leg wound must be driving him crazy, and Jacob still wondered if he had nailed him in the back. If he didn’t surrender now, he might die anyway from blood loss.

  C’mon, you dumbshit. Realize this is over with! You want to die here?

  Zell extended his gun hand. Then he turned the gun on its side. He lowered his hand a couple of feet, and then let the firearm drop.

  Jacob sighed loudly. Now Zell wouldn’t be any threat. He could retrieve the rest of his family and…

  Any further thoughts about his improving situation were drowned out by the sudden outbreak of gunfire. But it wasn’t Jacob. The shots all came through the door.

  Jacob dove for the floor. Even then, the only reason he wasn’t skewered by the gunshots was due to Zell. The man took a few of the bullets that would otherwise have pierced Jacob’s head or chest. Jacob couldn’t see what happened to Zell next, but judging from the sound of the crash on the floor, Jacob figured that Zell was done for. At that range, Zell might have been dead before his body hit the floor.

  “Dad?” Brandon called from under the truck.

  “Stay there!” Jacob whispered back. “And keep still.” Jacob retreated to the far end of the truck. Bullets still zinged over his head.

  Who the hell is it? Is it Doctor Nguyen? But he would have heard me offer Zell a surrender. He wouldn’t have just opened fire. But if not him…

  Two loud footsteps intruded into the garage. “Papa Bear! Show yourself! I heard you talking to this dipshit, so I know you’re in here.”

  Jacob’s blood chilled. Diablo. The bastard was still alive. But if he survived Nguyen’s ruse, it only could mean bad things for the doctor. Jacob winced at the thought of losing another friend tonight.

  Diablo marched farther into the garage. “If you don’t, I’ll barge into the bunker and shoot up your lady, and anyone else who’s hiding in there!”

  Jacob’s blood suddenly boiled. He couldn’t let Diablo get his hands on Domino or Jubilee. The madman wasn’t close enough to the bunker yet to fire. Jacob had one chance.

  He turned, using the truck for cover, and fired at Diablo’s legs and lower midsection. Diablo dove for the ground while returning fire. One shot hit the back wall and impacted with such a loud reverberation that it stung Jacob’s eardrums. He cursed loudly as he drew back.

  Diablo crawled backward a few steps. “Damn you! You and your whole family are stubborn as hell.”

  “And you? What do you get out of this?” Jacob shouted back, “Why’d you come back here? Why don’t you just skip town?”

  “The thought had crossed my mind. Maybe, maybe I just want you and your lady to suffer for all the hell you put me through. I figure you and Nguyen were in on this. He tried to kill me just to save you.”

  “Doctor Nguyen,” Jacob whispered. He loathed to ask the question. “Where is he?”

p; “Inside with his blood spilled on the floor. He got what he had coming after he tried to burn me alive.”

  He’s dead? Jacob’s blood boiled once again. He almost didn’t care about Diablo shooting him if he could get a clear shot at the bastard. Unlike Zell, Jacob had no desire to let this son of a bitch live.

  But your family, they need you, and if you die, they’ll die too if Diablo survives. That fear cooled Jacob’s rage for the moment.

  “So that’s not enough for you,” Jacob said with calmness that surprised even himself.

  “I can’t go back to Middleburg like this, empty-handed,” Diablo said. “The stuff that’s in that bunker, it might make it worth all of this.”

  “You’re afraid they’re going to reap you if you don’t make a haul? They’ll kill you?” Jacob wondered if this guy genuinely was afraid. Perhaps he could play into that. “Well, let me tell you something. It ain’t happening. That bunker down there has plenty of ammo, and my family and I got a hold of it. We’re armed to the teeth. You’re outnumbered and you’re outgunned, so you don’t have a prayer of even getting out of this town.”

  “Is that so? So, your lady is still in there? Who else you got? Your kids? I’ll kill them where they stand,” Diablo retorted.

  “And you really think you can get past me? C’mon. I don’t think you’re that stupid. You saw me fooling around with that panel downstairs. I knew all along it had guns. I got to it first. If you’re really that sure I’m bluffing, why don’t you peek down the bunker yourself?”

  Diablo did not move.

  “How about this? If I’m telling the truth, then two shots will fire from the bunker door. They won’t hit you if you stay put. But if not, then, well, I guess you win this.”

  Diablo cleared his throat. “Two shots, huh? You got to the count of three. One…two….”


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