Feeling White

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Feeling White Page 69

by Charlotte E Hart

“Now, now, talk about temper tantrums. Unless you’re going to be useful to me in some way, I would suggest you check yourself and rein it back in, Alex. She’s only another whore, for fuck’s sake.”

  Venom gripped his spine as he stared into the eyes of his former employer and furiously searched for something to calm the impending storm. How fucking dare he?

  Elizabeth struggled again in his hold, which quickly brought him back to the problem at hand: her. He swivelled again without any further thought on the arsehole behind him and stormed onwards towards the exit. Andrews - he needed Andrews. Where the hell was he?

  His eyes scanned the entrance foyer as they arrived to find Andrews reading a paper calmly.

  “Car,” he very nearly shouted across the space. Andrews immediately dropped the paper and made for the door with a confused expression.

  “Alex, stop.”

  His step faltered as he heard the familiar voice of Conner behind him somewhere. He huffed out a breath and kept moving. Conner wasn’t what he needed to deal with at the moment on top of everything else.

  “Oh look, the fucking boy scout’s arrived,” Aiden drawled.

  Jesus, could this get any worse? He kept moving to the kerb and waited for the car to drive up. Perhaps if Andrews could get his arse into gear, he’d get through this unscathed. Unfortunately, Conner was right behind him.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Conner, please, tell him to… Ow, you’re hurting me again. Please...”

  “I’ve told you to shut up, Elizabeth,” he cut across her as he turned to face Conner. Where the fuck was the car? She stilled again and looked at the floor so he shook his head and frowned at Conner.

  “Man, what the hell’s going on?”

  “Nothing, we’re leaving that’s all. Elizabeth’s tired,” he replied as he scowled at Aiden who was damn well laughing. Conner’s brows rose slowly, only highlighting the deceit. He never could lie to the man. What the fuck was that about?

  “She’s not going anywhere with you in this frame of mind. I can see it a fucking mile off. Have you forgotten what happened in New York?”

  Absolutely not. He sneered at the thought as visions of that dungeon crawled into his head and reminded him of himself, so he loosened his hold on her a little as she sniffed back tears and fidgeted.

  The car pulled up at exactly the right moment so he opened the door and shoved her glorious backside into it before Conner got a chance to do anything about it. Slamming the door, he turned to find the furious looking blue hair staring back at him.

  “She’s tired, Conner. And there’s nothing wrong with my frame of mind.”

  “Oh, Alex, stop it. You’re killing me over here. What the fuck’s happened to you?” Aiden laughed out as he cut a cigar and wandered towards them.

  He glanced around Conner to the dick and tried to hold in his temper with the man. Beating the shit out of him wasn’t going to solve a damn thing and the Endigo brothers were still hanging around annoyingly. Conner briefly looked back at the shit, too, before turning back to him with a sigh.

  “What the hell is he doing here?” Conner asked quietly as he shoved his hands in his pockets, probably to stop himself taking a swing at the guy. He never had liked the man for some reason.

  “I don’t know,” he snapped in reply. This was not the time for a fucking question and answer session. Conner stared at him for a moment.

  “Look, just promise me she’s safe, that you’re not going to-”

  “That I’m not going to what, Conner? And who the fuck do you think you are, judging me? Just piss off so I can do what I need to do, will you?” he seethed in reply. If anyone knew him well enough, it was Conner. What the hell did the guy think he was about to do to the woman he loved? He supposed that AP being in the vicinity didn’t help, but for Christ’s sake…

  “Well, it would help if I knew what you needed to do?”

  No, it really wouldn’t.

  He opened the door again and stared at Conner for a few minutes, trying to convey that it was okay, that she was safe, but he didn’t want to give Aiden one inch of softness to play with so he just kept staring until Conner nodded his head slowly and turned away from him. He watched his friend’s back retreating for a few seconds before sliding into the seat and giving Aiden one last scathing look as the twat smirked back at him. The man needed some sort of comeuppance, and soon. He hadn’t got a fucking clue how he was going to achieve it, but achieve it he would. He’d damned near destroyed the only important thing in his life, and he deserved to pay for it.

  He looked across at her and found her folded up in the corner of the car with her feet tucked up under her, staring out of the window. She’d moved herself as far away from him as possible and was very nearly trembling as she tried unsuccessfully to sniff back the tears that were now flowing down her face. He shifted his vision to the back of the seat in front of him as the car moved off and pulled in a long breath. She’d probably be doing a lot more of that before he managed to find a way through this for them so she might as well get some of it out now.

  He pulled out his phone and called Louisa. She answered on the second ring, thankfully.

  “Can you have the jet ready for take-off within the hour?”

  “I should think so, Sir. Where do you need to go?”

  “New York,” he replied as he reached for the Cognac and noticed her flinch beside him as she rubbed at her wrist. He sighed at the reddening marks on it and refocused on the decanter in irritation. She was scared of him, and although he hated the thought, it may well be exactly what she needed to be at the moment. She needed to hate him, needed to feel what it was like to fear and to despise someone so much that you’d do anything to be without the feeling. That you’d kill to dispel it and feel some sort of control over your existence. Much as he hated to admit it, Aiden may have just helped him set up a situation to perfection.

  “How long for, Sir?” Louisa asked, as if that fucking mattered. He’d continue with this for as long as it was necessary, for as long as it took for her to understand and forgive him for it. He told her he’d never leave her, and he meant it.

  “As long as I need,” he replied as he ended the call and filled a glass.

  He glanced over at her again to find her licking her lips and scrunching herself up into an even tighter ball as she continued to stare firmly out into the dark. Much as he was sure she’d like a drink, she simply wasn’t going to get one. It would dull the adrenalin and calm the fear - two emotions he was counting on to help her see his idea of sense. Only in hate would she understand it, and only in fear would she ever feel it.

  The car kept driving in silence as he looked at his phone and pulled up the number he was going to need to help her see his point of view - the only person who had the slightest inkling as to how this all worked. Whether this was the right thing to be doing was still undecided, but it was the only way he could think of to show her, and the only way to possibly save them because she deserved to know and see him for who he really was. She said she wanted it all, well she was going to get it.

  He sighed as he typed the text and sent it.

  - I need you in New York in the next few days. We’re leaving tonight. Call me when you land.

  There was no need to go into detail and no point in explaining any further because it was more than likely the man would simply understand his thoughts somehow. He always had before, probably would in the future, too, and given that he had some sort of influence over Elizabeth already, it was the best course of action to take.

  Fifteen minutes later as the car pulled into the driveway, he looked back across at her for the first time. She was still sniffing and occasionally wiping at her beautiful face as she remained focused on the window.

  “Wait here,” he said as he recalled the need to reach out and soothe her. Fuck, this was already agony. What the fuck it would be like when he eventually did what needed to be done was anyone’s guess. She didn’t answer, just kept
sniffing and somehow crawled further away from him, so he opened the door and went into the house to retrieve his laptop.

  “Sir, will you need me in New York?” Andrews asked as he walked back out the door and headed towards the car.

  “No,” he replied shortly. The last thing he needed was Andrews’ fatherly intent to interfere with his current thought process. It was going to be hard enough without having to look into that man’s eyes. “But I do need you to trust me for a while. She’s not going to like what’s about to happen.”

  Andrews looked at him and then at the car with a frown.

  “Are you talking about Elizabeth?”

  “Yes,” he replied as he held onto the door handle and waited for a response. Andrews stared for a moment and then nodded. Presumably it was in agreement of some sort so he nodded back at him and opened the door.

  He got back into the car to find her now sitting more upright with her lovely legs crossed, staring across at him, a glass of Cognac in her hand. Clearly she’d decided enough was enough. He reached across and snatched it away from her.

  “What the fuck are you doing? I have no idea what the hell is going on here, but can’t I even have a damn drink after the shit you’ve just put me through?” she hissed in response to his actions as the car pulled through the main gates. It was a fair point, but no, no alcohol. He wanted her nervous.

  Sudden thoughts assaulted his mind as he recounted Aiden’s words. “I’ve never seen you nervous before. I’m enjoying it.”

  Why would Aiden be enjoying seeing him nervous? And why the hell did he bring any of that up in the middle of a party anyway? The man wasn’t stupid. He was well aware that anyone could have heard what was being said. He narrowed his eyes and stared across at her lips as he reached up to take off his fucking tie. Why was she with Aiden? Regardless of the show, how did she even know him?

  The darkness rushed by the window as he watched her opening and closing her mouth, probably trying to find whatever she had to say and end this quiet contemplation within him. She wasn’t going to find anything soon. It was time to show her who she’d fallen in love with and unfortunately for her, it wasn’t going to be a particularly pleasant experience. He raised a brow at her and lowered the privacy screen as he flicked his top button open and rubbed at his throat.

  “Andrews, I need you to do a bit of quiet digging on AP. Can you do that without being found out? I also need you to see if there’s any connection between him and Henry while we’re away. Something feels off and I can’t quite see what it is.”

  “Of course, Sir,” Andrews replied as she looked back at him in confusion, her lovely brow heavy as she realised that she was coming, too.

  “What do you mean, we? I’m not going to New York. I’ve got a business to run and it’s nearly Christmas. You can sod off if you think I’m going with you.”

  “You don’t have a choice in the matter, Elizabeth.”

  “I think you’ll find I do. What the hell is going on with you?” she asked as she folded her arms and glared back at him. “Michael, take me home please.”

  To his credit, the car didn’t change direction at all and Michael just kept driving straight towards the airport. Whatever the man currently thought of the situation, he was at least listening to his instructions and doing as he was asked. Whether that was out of loyalty to Alex or concern for Elizabeth was questionable, but thankfully he seemed to be agreeing with the plan.

  “For fuck’s sake, Alex, take me home, will you?”

  He sighed and shook his head as he turned away from her and looked out at the London skyline flashing beside them, breathtaking in its glory as it continued onward as far as the eye could see. Tall skyscrapers lined the sky with their lights glinting and showing the world that it never stopped, never closed down, never forgot that its job was to keep trading and be what it was designed to be. A money making empire with a cutthroat attitude towards business and all that got in its way - his home, the place that had helped to create the young man he’d been and the grown one he’d now become. The juxtaposition was fucking hilarious really. In reality, the only difference was he didn’t use a knife anymore, or at least didn’t unless he had to.

  He pinched his brow and continued to gaze out the window, wondering how this was all going to end. Would she allow him this and forgive him his sins, or was this whole thing going to destroy everything he’d found in her.

  “I love you, Elizabeth, and I’m sorry, but I’m not taking you home.”

  “Well, this is a fine way of showing me how much you love me. I’m not sure you know the meaning of the damn words anymore, Alex. Look at me and tell me what’s going on or I swear to God I’m leaving. You told me you’d be honest with me so what the hell is it that you think you’re doing?”

  What needed to be done.

  He didn’t reply, just kept looking away from her and hoped she’d remember what he’d just said because it would be the last time she’d be hearing a loving word from his mouth for a while. The only words she’d be receiving would from the version of himself she didn’t know, the one he didn’t really want her to know anything about, but unfortunately, it was the one she needed to see to get them through this.

  A car horn blared beside them as Andrews turned the corner into the airport and smoothly travelled along the tarmac towards the plane. Briefly stopping at the checkpoint, he glanced across at her and noticed her face in the moonlight, that angelic halo drifting around her red hair again as it reflected in the window beside her. Christ, what was he doing? The thought of subjecting such beauty to his hands was very nearly enough to make him change his mind and tell Andrews to take them home again. She turned to look at him as the car pulled off again, her eyes watering slightly as she continued her stare and drove herself deeper inside him with every breath.

  “I won’t play your games anymore, Alex. Whatever this is, don’t make me hate you for it. I love you. Please don’t break us apart when we were getting so close. I don’t care what Aiden was talking about. Just explain it and then we can move on. It really doesn’t matter. Let’s just go home and talk about it,” she said as she reached a hand across towards him.

  He watched those fingers descend until they landed softly against his own, allowing him to revel in the feeling of her warmth for a moment. Probably the last time she would show any affection towards him, given what she was about to experience. Hate… Was she even capable of it?

  Her tender touch disabled any thoughts of pain or torture for a few seconds as he gazed at her bracelet in hope and ran his finger across hers gently. Much as he might like to stop this, it wasn’t possible anymore. She needed to know the truth and then make her judgement on him, her morally decent one. He pulled his hand away with a sigh as the car pulled to a stop outside the plane.

  “We’re not going home, Elizabeth,” he said as he opened the door and felt the wind hit him with force. He looked up into the sky and shoved his hands into his pockets as Andrews opened her door and helped her out.

  “But I don’t want to go, Alex. Please... I’ve got commitments here and I can’t just... well you can’t just take me. It’s kidnapping if I say no, isn’t it? Michael, tell him. He can’t just-”

  “Your commitment is to me and nothing else, Elizabeth. You’ll do as you’re told.”

  She looked instantly shocked again and opened her mouth in retaliation so he walked straight past her towards the steps and nodded at Phillip as he reached them.

  “Bring her in, Andrews,” he called over his shoulder.

  “Michael, no, stop it. What are you doing? Let go of me for fuck’s sake,” was all he could hear behind him as he climbed up the steps and tilted his head at Tara. She might be useful to some degree.

  “Mr. White, Sir,” she said with a smile. The woman was clearly a glutton for punishment. He was pretty sure he’d been rude to her the last time she was here, but then she was a whore, wasn’t she? He shook his head and continued on to the main cabin, still listening to
the scuffling that was being created by the love of his life as Andrews hauled her through towards the seat.

  “Fuck off, Michael. Don’t ever touch me again. How fucking dare you?” her lovely lips snapped as Andrews let her go and retreated a step. He chuckled a little at her hostility and turned to Andrews.

  “You can go now. I’ll call you when we land.”

  Andrews stood there for a moment, looking thoughtful. This was worrying. He raised a brow at the man in expectation. He really didn’t want an argument but he’d damn well have one if it had to be done. The woman currently glaring at the pair of them was his only concern, and that need to kill something was still bubbling along under his skin quite effectively so a few minutes of kicking the shit out of something would work out quite nicely for him.

  “Fine,” Andrews eventually said as he glanced over at Elizabeth and then back at him. “Have a good trip.”

  “A GOOD FUCKING TRIP? ARE YOU BOTH FUCKING INSANE? Alex, I don’t want to be here. What the hell is going on?” she screamed as she bolted for the door.

  Without a second thought, he lunged across the space and caught hold of her. She could go into the damn bedroom if this was the way it was going to be. She immediately struggled in his hands and began kicking out at him, those heels of hers spiking into his shins with precision as she slapped her hands around his face. It seemed her viciousness lesson had been very effective indeed.

  “Get the hell off me, you psychopath,” she snarled again as her nails scratched across his cheek on the way through the corridor. He very nearly laughed at the statement. She might not be that far from the truth to be honest.

  She abruptly stopped trying to attack him and put both her hands on those walls to try and stop the forward momentum, fuck knew why because he was twice as big as her and intent on showing her exactly how brutal he could be.

  “Keep trying, Elizabeth. We both know how much I like it.”

  “Fuck you,” she spat as she began her kicking again and grabbed onto various hand holds in the hope of stopping them.


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