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Changed Page 23

by E. M. Leya

  It was clear Martin had no respect for my father. That eased my mind a little, but I was still overwhelmed at all the information he'd told us. I glanced at Tavish. "He hoped I was dead."

  Tavish eased a little closer to me. "I wish it surprised me."

  "Yeah, I guess it shouldn't surprise anyone." I sighed. "So now what? I sign something stating I'm alive and that's it?"

  "I wish it was that simple. While I can confirm you're alive, and I'm sure all the media attention will attest to it as well, there is the issue of the trust. You'll need to contact your mother's lawyer to handle that. He's the trustee and will be able to let you know what you should do to claim it. I'm not one to offer any legal advice when it comes to things like that." Martin tapped the folder with his finger. "I have all the information you need here, plus I also have a letter from your grandparents. They'd like to speak with you, but understand that you may have no interest in contacting them. They've asked me to only deliver the information and leave the rest up to you."

  I didn't know how to respond. I'd been so sure that I'd been forgotten that it was a shock to hear that someone had cared enough to look for me. I didn't want my father to have the money, but I wasn't sure I wanted it either. I didn't even remember my mother, though in my many fantasies about her, I imagined her as being loving and everything that I could have wanted in a mother. "Do I have to decide all of this now?"

  "Not at all. You take your time. We've confirmed you're alive, and that will put the brakes on any legal proceedings that your father is trying to push forward. All the contact information for your grandparents is in the file. If you decide you wish to contact them, you can do that whenever you're ready. As for the trust, I advise you to talk to your lawyer or contact your mother's lawyer to find out what needs to be done there. There is information on it in the file, but I'm sure they can explain it best." Martin took a drink of his beer.

  "This is the last thing I expected." I glanced at Tavish, hoping he might be able to help me figure out what to do.

  "We'll read over the documents tonight and decide. As happy as I am to keep your dad from getting your mother's money, I'm not exactly happy with your grandparents for walking away from you." Tavish shook his head. "They could have made life so much easier on you if they'd insisted on being part of your life."

  Martin didn't respond, which made sense. He'd done his job and it wasn't his place to defend either side.

  "Yeah, I agree." I was still having a hard time digesting all this. I didn't remember my mother, so it was as if some stranger was leaving me money. As for my grandparents, it was the same way, only they hadn't died like my mother. They could have been around. It wasn't as if my father would beat them up the way he had me.

  "I'll leave you both to talk this over. I'll be heading back to Colorado in the morning, but if you have any questions you can call me." Martin handed me the folder before pulling a fifty-dollar bill from his wallet and tossing it on the table. "Again, congratulations on your engagement. I wish you both the best."

  I offered him my hand without standing. "Thank you for taking the time to find me and deliver this."

  "Just doing my job." Martin gave a nod and left the bar.

  I watched him go before turning to Tavish. "Well, that was the last thing I expected."

  "I can't believe your dad was trying to claim you were dead. What kind of father does that?"

  "One who doesn't give a shit about his child and only cares about money." The hate I had for my father only grew. "I wonder if they believe my mother tripped or if they questioned that the way I do."

  "What made you question that story and think he pushed her?" Tavish asked.

  "I don't know for sure. Just the way he talked about it. There was a look in his eyes as he told me. There wasn't any sorrow. It was as if he was emphasizing the fact she tripped too strongly. Like he was trying to force the idea into my head. You'd think a husband would show some grief or sorrow talking about his wife's death. He seldom mentioned my mother, but when he did, it was never with affection. Then to get rid of all the photographs so I'd have nothing to remember her by. It just doesn't feel right." I ran my fingers over the folder that now sat in front of me. "I'm almost scared to open it."

  "You don't have to until you're ready. There's no rush on this." Tavish glared across the bar as someone started to snap pictures of us together. "Let's get out of here. Obviously, words out that we're here. While I don't mind showing you off, tonight's not the night for it. We'll order room service and just relax."

  I was thankful he wasn't in the mood to go out and eat. "Can we shift later?"

  "Are you restless?" Tavish left Martin's fifty on the table to pay the bill and stood.

  "Very." I lowered my voice as I stood and grabbed the folder off the table. "My wolf is sensing my unease and wants to protect me. But his idea of protecting me isn't as safe as it should be."

  Tavish laughed. "Run, hunt, kill, fuck. That's all a wolf wants. If he feels you unsettled, the answer is to kill whatever is causing you grief. It's one of those places you have to make sure the human side is in control."

  I stayed close to his side as we made our way to the elevator. "I'm slowly learning how to manage both sides, but it isn't easy when he's angry."

  "I know. It never is for any of us. It will be even worse when you feel you need to protect me. As your mate, your wolf will react to any sign I'm in danger. Be ready for that if it ever happens." Tavish turned to face me as the elevator door closed behind us. "Are you really okay? That was a lot to take in."

  "Yeah, I'm fine. I wasn't close to any of my family so it's almost like I want to ask if they're sure they have the right person. There's a part of me that wants to get to know them, find out more about my mom, but then another part wants to just ignore all this and go on like I have been the last few years." I lifted the file. "I'm nervous to see what's inside this."

  "You don't have to do it alone," Tavish promised.

  "Thanks. I'm not sure I could. If you hadn't been with me tonight, I doubt I would have been brave enough to even talk to Martin."

  "He seemed nice enough. I respect that he didn't push you. Didn't try to talk up your grandparents in a way of forcing you to meet them. This is all up to you, and there is no rush. If you don't want to deal with it now, it can wait until we get back from the tour. Even then, if you just simply want to forget it all, you can do that too."

  I nodded. "I'll respond one way or another, a letter or a call, but I'm not sure which yet. They deserve that much for tracking me down. I'm not going to worry about it tonight. I want to get dinner, then spend the night with you. Maybe tomorrow I'll read through the file. It will give me something to do while you finish up in the studio."

  "I should be done by noon or so. We just have to do a few minor things. Then we've got a show tomorrow night. Another small venue. Once that is over, I thought we'd head to my house and spend a week together before we head out on tour." Tavish led me to our room.

  I shook my head. "It's all gone so fast."

  "What has?"

  "Everything. My changing, our meeting, the studio, the tour, us getting engaged."

  Tavish pushed the bedroom door open and we went inside. "We've been engaged since the moment I caught your scent. The rings and engagement are to humor the humans around us. As far as I'm concerned, you're my mate and that is as final as we can get."

  I thought about the ceremony I still wasn't brave enough to face. In time, I knew I'd be ready, but for now, the rings and engagement meant more to me than I think Tavish understood. Maybe it was just me holding on to human thinking and customs, but I liked wearing his ring. I tossed the file on the table, forcing myself to forget it. "Can we order steaks and shift before we eat?"

  "Sure. I'll call now so we don't have to wait too long." Tavish kissed me softly. "This is all going to work out. No matter what's in that file, you have me."

  I leaned against him, wrapping my arms around his body. "Thank you." I
closed my eyes, wishing I could tell him I loved him. For some reason, I just couldn't say the words.

  Soon I'd tell him. Until then, my wolf was the one to express everything. Once we got in wolf form, all the clutter would be gone and the two of us could be everything we were meant to be to each other.



  I'd watched Mark through the window of the studio all morning. He'd sat on the couch in the back of the sound booth, lost in whatever was in the folder that Martin had given him. I tried to keep my focus on the music, but at times, I sensed such sadness in my mate's facial expressions that I wanted nothing more than to go and comfort him. By the time the band finished what we were doing, my wolf was on edge and I just wanted to sweep Mark into my arms and make it all better.

  I held off asking about things until we were alone in the back of the limo. "Everything okay?"

  Mark pressed his palm to the folder on his lap. "Yeah. There isn't a ton in there. The papers for the trust fund are there. The amount is a bit shocking." He bit his lip and shook his head.


  "It's just strange to think my mother set this all up for me. I was two when she died, yet she took the time to make sure I'd be taken care of. It just makes me want to know more about her and the person she was." Mark opened the folder and pulled out a sheet of paper, handing it to me.

  I read it silently before smiling at Mark. "You no longer have to stress on coming into this mating with no money." He was set to get just over a million dollars.

  Mark laughed. "I don't even know what to do with that kind of money."

  "Whatever you want. I have more than enough money to take care of us, so if you want to use that for something special, go right ahead." We'd never discussed money as far as how much I had, but it was a lot more than the million he had. "Buy a car or something you've always wanted. Go shopping and get things you never could afford before."

  Mark shook his head. "I think I'll just let it sit for now. Maybe someday we can use it for something together. A trip or something somewhere we can shift and run all day."

  "We can do that. A lot of the wolves go to Alaska for a few weeks and spend almost the whole time in wolf form. It's too soon since your first shift to risk that yet, but in time, it's something I'd like to do." I'd dreamed of taking a trip like that.

  "Really? They don't shift for weeks?"

  "At least not much. Just often enough to make sure they don't get stuck in wolf form. Even the oldest wolf is at risk of that if they remain in one form for too long." I handed the paper back to him.

  "I'd like to do that."

  "Then we will when the time is right." I settled my hand on his thigh. "What else is in there?"

  "A letter from my grandparents. Well, I think it was my grandmother who wrote it. They apologize for allowing my father to keep me from them and wish they could go back in time. They said that they'd like to explain in person someday why they made the choices they did. It's clear they don't like my father." Mark sighed. "I have to wonder if they knew how violent he was. It makes me wonder if he beat up on my mom too and I was just too young to remember it. But if that's the way it was, how could they leave me there once she died? How could they leave me with him?"

  "I don't know. I hate to think anyone could do that." I wished I could give him answers, but I had only questions.

  "I had an uncle. He was three years older than my mom. He died in Afghanistan. He was in the Army. Grandma told me a lot about him. It sounds like she's still grieving him. He was killed only two years ago."

  "I can't imagine how hard it must have been for them to lose both their children."

  "Yeah, she talks about that. She also stresses that I'm their only grandchild and they would really like a chance to get to know me. I think they feel guilty because I ran away and had nowhere to go."

  I'd be mad if it was me, but I wasn't going to say that out loud. Mark needed to sort through his feelings on his own. I'd be there for him, answer anything he asked me, but I couldn't tell him how to feel. "Do you want to see them?"

  Mark glanced up at me. "I think so. Is that horrible? They ignore me for years, yet the moment they make contact, I want to go to them."

  "There is no right or wrong in this as far as you go. It was wrong of them not to keep in contact with you. It was wrong of your father to keep you from them. As for you, you need to do what you feel is right. The past can't be changed, but it's up to you how the future goes."

  "Will you go with me if I decide to see them?"

  "Of course, I will." I'd cancel tour dates if I needed to so that I could stand by his side through this. "Do you want to go soon? We could go after the show tomorrow night. I've got a week off. You could spend some of it with them."

  "You'd be okay with it? You don't want to get home and run?"

  "I always want to run, but they live in Colorado. We can sneak away and find some secluded trails somewhere and shift for a few hours. There's always a way to do things if we want to. Colorado is an easy place to find other packs to run with too. Besides, it's only a week. If we don't get to shift and run, we'll get to soon enough."

  The car stopped in front of the hotel and we climbed out. Security was by our side for the short walk into the elevator and up to our room. It hadn't taken long for fans to find out where we were staying, and while the hotel was fantastic about keeping them away from us, it was getting harder. I was glad we were leaving in the morning. We stayed silent until we were in our room and alone again.

  "I think I'll give them a call later tonight and see if they're okay if we come visit. It might be too soon." Mark set the folder on the table before turning to me. "Sorry, I didn't ask how things went for you. Did you get everything finished?"

  I wrapped my arms around him. "We're done recording. It will be a few months before the album comes out, but they'll release a couple of songs to go along with the tour, and we'll play some of the new stuff on tour. They have it all figured out as far as timing to keep our fans interested. I leave that to Will and the others." I kissed Mark softly. "We'll meet the rest of the band tomorrow afternoon for a soundcheck, then once the show is over tomorrow night, we'll head to my house. From there, we can figure out if we're going to Montana or Colorado and arrange a plane either way. I had my assistant, Gretchen, go shopping so there is food at the house. We can stay there as long as you want."

  "You have an assistant?" Mark looked surprised.

  "She's actually my maid. She takes care of the house while I'm away. Comes in twice a week to make sure it's clean and no one has broken in. When I'm home, she comes for a few hours a day and takes care of cleaning and laundry. She's worked for me for years. She's retired and enjoys having something to keep her busy, but she didn't want a job that would take all of her time. I think you'll like her when you meet her."

  "There's still so much I don't know about you." Mark took a step back.

  "I never thought to mention her. I can't think of anything else I haven't told you. If there is, it's just because it hasn't come up in conversation. You know I have no secrets." I wanted to tell him that if we'd gone through the mating ceremony, he could get in my head and know everything, but I didn't want him to feel as if I was pushing him.

  "I know. It's just that sometimes I'm reminded how different this is as wolves. It's so instant. Humans date and take the time to know everything about each other. We started a relationship, then worked on knowing each other."

  "We trust fate to know who is right for us." I tugged him back into my arms. "I want to get naked and spend the night reminding you just how right we are together."

  Mark's scent gave away his arousal and how much he like that thought.

  I rubbed my nose along his neck. "I love your scent."

  "Will it change once we do the ceremony?"

  "A little. Enough to warn others that we're taken. It won't be a drastic change, but enough so that if we did the ceremony tonight, the rest of the band wou
ld know when we see them tomorrow."

  "It's hard to get used to everyone knowing everything by scent." Mark blushed.

  "I like them knowing that we want each other. I like the way your scent flares when I touch you. You know they're just jealous. They want the same thing in their lives. We don't think much of it since we were born into it. For us, we grew up knowing by scent when our parents were going at it. It's just the way wolves are. Humans make sex into something dirty or taboo, but it's a normal part of life. I love that I can touch you like this…" I ran my fingers over the denim that covered his cock. "And know by your scent that you like it. That you want more."

  He groaned as I cupped his bulge. "We're wearing way too many clothes."

  Mark pressed forward against my palm as he lifted his shirt over his head.

  "Much better." I lost my own shirt before pulling him close. Our bodies pressed together as our mouths met for a long, hard kiss. I'd never get enough of him. Each time was like the first time and the only thing that would make this better was to complete the ceremony so I could feel his pleasure mixed with my own.

  Mark's hand worked my zipper open, and it took only seconds before he had my cock in his hand and was stroking me. "I want you so badly."

  I stared into his eyes, seeing his wolf alert behind them. The flash of the wolf's eyes only added to my arousal. I loved my mate in both forms, loved our sex in both too. "I'm yours forever," I vowed as I toed off my shoes before stepping back and stripping out of all of my clothes. "Your turn. Let me see how hard you are for me."

  Mark stripped off his clothes slowly, his gaze never leaving mine. His cock leaked with precum as it bobbed proudly between his legs.


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