Wolfish: Mateborne

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Wolfish: Mateborne Page 3

by G. K. DeRosa

  “Maybe I deserve it.” I didn’t have to kill his mom. I could’ve found another way to stop her.

  He peered down at me, his eyes pure molten gold. “Don’t say that.” My stomach took a nosedive as he tilted his wings, and we swooped toward the forest floor. “We’ll discuss this later.”

  “What’s the plan?” I asked. Ransom was only a few yards ahead.

  “We steal that little winged prisoner from the wolf bastard, and you claim your win.”

  “I still need Ransom, remember?”

  Hunter grunted. “Fine, but after you win, we’re revisiting his punishment.”

  “I love you too, Hunter.” I swept my lips against his cheek as he closed the distance between us and Ransom.

  Holding onto me with one arm, he scooped my former friend up in the other. Ransom muttered a slew of curses as Hunter beat his wings, sending us high above the tree line once again.

  “I suggest you stay very still, Royal, or I’ll drop your ass. You may not die from impact, but you’ll likely break every bone in your body. Which is what you deserve for turning a blind eye on my mate.”

  Ransom scoffed but stopped wiggling.

  “And just so we’re clear, you’re only alive because of Sierra’s kindness. If it were up to me, your head would be rolling across the forest floor as we speak.”

  “Big words from a small man,” Ransom bit out. “You won’t be able to protect her forever, Aristaeus. Too many wolves want her dead. I was doing her a courtesy today. Being knocked out of the competition as a result of an injury would’ve been a mercy.”

  Dread unfurled in my core as his words played on a loop in my head.

  “Shut your mouth.” Hunter’s beta power thickened the air, enveloping our little threesome in an uneasy bubble. “I will protect my mate from you and anyone else who threatens her.”

  A rueful chuckle slid out from Ransom’s clenched jaw. “At least you’ve finally admitted what she is to you. That’s definitely something.”

  “You don’t know how lucky you are that Sierra needs you for this win. Otherwise, I would’ve dropped your traitorous ass in the middle of the forest minutes ago.”

  “My, my Aristaeus. You really are hopeless. Now you’re gifting your mate the win? How does your partner feel about that?”

  Viceroy still ran below us in wolf form, a few yards behind.

  “Doesn’t matter,” he snapped.

  As we reached the edge of the forest, Hunter’s wings angled down and we began to slow. The white-uniformed attendant appeared at the starting line with the timer ticking down above his head. We made it with almost fifteen minutes to spare.

  “Give Sierra the prisoner,” Hunter barked, and a wave of his beta power pummeled into me. Ransom stiffened before handing me the feisty little creature.

  I squeezed him tight in my hands, but careful not to crush him, as Hunter alighted a few feet away from the game arbitrator and the warden. He released me first, then waited until I had nearly reached the warden before lowering Ransom to his feet. The Royal skulked beside me, his arms crossed tight against his chest.

  “This is highly unusual,” the man in white muttered as his gaze lanced over our winged escort.

  The warden’s silver eyes lit up at our approach. He opened the small box held tight under his arm, and I dropped the little faery bugger inside. “Well done. Sierra, right?”

  I nodded. “Thanks. You were right, he was a tricky little bastard.”

  “All of my inmates are.”

  Hunter moved forward and offered the warden his hand. “Vander’s told me stories. We appreciate the work you do at the prison, Logan.”

  He smirked. “Someone’s gotta do it.”

  “Wait a second, Vander used to work at Darkblood Prison?” I squealed.

  Both men nodded. I couldn’t imagine the sweet guy dealing with the worst supernatural offenders in all of Azar.

  “I’m sure he’ll tell you the story one day,” said Logan. “For now, it’s time for you to celebrate your win.”

  Hunter’s arm came around me, and he tucked me into his side as he ticked his head at the big man. “Nice seeing you, Logan.”

  “You too, Aristaeus. And good to meet you, Sierra.”

  As we walked away, the leaderboard lit up. Ransom’s name was on top, and I was in third. My best ranking yet. A smile lifted my lips for the first time all day. “Thank you,” I muttered into my mate’s shirt.

  “Now you’re one step closer to the win.”

  “True. And all I have to do is stay alive long enough to get there.”

  I leaned my head back on the folded towel and released a sigh as the warm water enveloped me in a relaxing cocoon, discharging the strain in my sore muscles. The scent of lavender and chamomile swirled in the air, and I soaked in the calmness as bubbles slowly drifted over my body. Hunter had been right. A hot bath was exactly what I’d needed. He’d practically compelled me with his beta powers to relax tonight despite my begging to go search for Grams. I worried that the longer we waited the less likely it would be to find her.

  A jab of hurt pierced my heart as thoughts of my grandma flitted by. How could she just leave me like that? Especially so soon after losing Mom. Did I know my grandmother at all? She was the freakin’ high priestess of the Lune Sacré while she’d led us to believe she’d had nothing to do with her coven for decades. Had Mom known?

  I’d never get any answers until I found her. And I would. I’d search the ends of the earth if I had to. Not only to force her to break Hunter’s curse but also to look her in the eye and ask her why? How could she pick her desire for vengeance over her own flesh and blood?

  The bathroom door whipped open and I jolted up, crossing my arms over my chest. “Holy shift, Cass!” I shouted as my heart catapulted against my ribs. “I almost jumped out of my skin.”

  “Sorry, I knocked at the door, but you didn’t answer so I used my key.” She waved the little silver keychain at me. “I got your text and came as fast as I could. I can’t believe Ransom almost let you die.”

  I shook my head as memories of me dangling off the ledge shattered my momentary peace. “There was no almost about it. He let me fall and if Hunter hadn’t saved me…” I shuddered at the thought, letting my unfinished words hang in the air.

  She hopped on the vanity, her lips twisted into a pout. “I just can’t believe it, Sierra. First his mom and now this. I don’t think I can work for the Royals anymore.”

  Gods, I was the worst friend ever. I’d been so wrapped in my own drama I hadn’t even considered what it meant for Cass. “What are you going to do? Don’t you really need that job?”

  She nodded. “And until all this happened, I actually liked it. Sure, Sonia and Lucien were super creepy, but I didn’t deal with them much. Now Lucien doesn’t even come out of his chambers, but I can’t live under the same hill as someone who stood by and did nothing while my best friend almost died.”

  “I’m so sorry you were dragged into this mess, Cass. I wish there were something I could do. I can talk to Terra. I’m sure they could use a talented healer like you, but then you’d have to deal with Tyrien.” I scowled at the thought.

  She huffed out a breath and ran her hand through her curly locks. “Well, I have to think of something if I want to stay in Moon Valley. And there’s no way I’m leaving you now.”

  I tucked my knees to my chest and gave her a smile. “Thanks, Cass. I don’t know what I’d do without you here. You can crash at my place for as long as you like if you do decide to quit. And don’t worry about money, everything’s covered with my generous college tuition package. Which I’m pretty sure Hunter is bank rolling by the way. Vander’s been super cryptic about it, and with everything else going on, I haven’t had too much time to dwell on it.”

  “Well, I appreciate the offer, but I can’t live off you forever.”

  “We’ll figure something out. I’m sure of it.”

  She nodded and hopped off the countertop. “Sorr
y I barged in on your bath by the way. I’ll let you finish up, I’m sure Hunt—” She snapped her mouth shut and twirled toward the door.

  “What about Hunter?” I called out before she got away.

  “Ack! Vander was right; I do have a big mouth.”

  I eyed my best friend, all Zen completely out the window. “Spill.”

  “It’s nothing bad. It’s good actually, and now I’m totally ruining the surprise. Hunter’s going to come by soon to hang out.” She gestured air quotes around the last two words.

  My heartrate accelerated at the mere mention of his name. “What does that mean?”

  “I can say no more. Just get dressed and wear something cute.”

  I finally focused on my friend’s outfit: sexy black halter top, showcasing ample cleavage, cute skinny jeans, strappy wedge sandals, hair done, makeup and hoop earrings. “Wait a second, are you going out?”

  She waved a nonchalant hand. “Vander and I are just grabbing dinner. It’s no biggie. I was going to cancel to hang out with you, but then he told me Hunter had already planned something so…”

  I grabbed the towel from the side of the tub and wrapped it around myself before stepping out. At least I’d gotten in a few minutes of relaxation. “You still never told me how your first date went.”

  “It was fine.” The silly smile on her face told me it was better than fine.

  “Oh my gods, you actually like him,” I blurted. Usually when Cass was seeing someone, she wouldn’t shut up about them. It took me a while to learn it was when she kept quiet that it was serious.

  “We like just met, Sierra, and it’s way too early to tell.”

  “Umhmm.” I sauntered by her, and she followed me back to my room. “If you want my opinion, I think he’s great.”

  “Of course you do.” She rolled her eyes. “He’s Hunter’s best friend so that’s no big shocker.”

  “It’s not only that,” I said as I dipped into my closet and scanned its paltry contents. I had no idea what Hunter had planned so picking an outfit was going to be tough. “I’ve spent a lot of time with Vander, training and stuff. He seems like a really good guy.”

  Her brows furrowed, and she worried her lower lip between her teeth.


  “Nothing, he just keeps saying he did things in his past he’s not proud of. He won’t elaborate but I think it has something to do with him being undercover at Darkblood Prison.”

  I nodded slowly. “I actually met the warden today. I guess he and Vander were tight at some point.”

  “Well, anyway, he keeps saying he’s got sins to make up for.” She shrugged.

  “Don’t we all?” Deep crimson blurred my vision, and the snap of vertebrae echoed across my eardrums. I’d killed someone. How would I ever make up for that?

  She crept into the closet and squeezed my shoulder. “Don’t go there, Sierra. Sonia killed your mom, and she would’ve done the same to you. You were just protecting yourself and Hunter. Ransom will figure it out eventually, and he’ll come around. I know he will.”

  “Right.” I blew out a breath and grabbed a flowy black top and some jeans. Good enough. Cass pulled me into a hug, and I leaned into my best friend. “With mom and Grams gone, you’re the closest thing to family I’ve got.”

  “Girl, I’ve got a whole herd of family back in Maginaria, and you’re still my favorite.”

  I chuckled as she released me.

  “Now, let me help you get ready for your date.”

  Chapter Four

  Two quick knocks at the door sent me leaping off the couch, but Cass grabbed my arm and hauled me back before I got far. “Chill, girl. I know he’s your fated mate or whatever, but all men like to do a little chasing.”

  I laughed at my best friend. “Please, Hunter knows he caught me a long time ago.”

  “There’s still one part of you he hasn’t had,” she whispered with a conspiratorial wink. “It might not be the worst thing to drag that out.”

  I scoffed. “He’s the one that insists we wait!”

  Another knock elevated my heartrate, the hair on the back of my neck rising as my wolf sensed her mate’s approach.

  Cass must have noticed my tortured look because she finally released me. “Okay, okay, just go let him in.”

  I swung the door open, and Hunter filled the doorway, his musky cedarwood scent enveloping my senses.

  His eyes lit up with anticipation as they raked over me. “Please don’t tell me someone spoiled my surprise.” His gaze lifted over my shoulder to Cass.

  “That was my fault.” Vander appeared behind Hunter and elbowed past his friend. He moved next to a beaming Cass, and a twinge of happiness filled my insides.

  She really likes him.

  Good because he’s crazy about her. Hunter’s deep voice surprised me as it ricocheted across my mind. Our eyes met and my lips melted into a smile, despite the slight annoyance that he’d snuck into my private thoughts.

  “Should we make it a double date?” Cass asked.

  “No,” Hunter and Vander barked in unison.

  “Sheesh, no need to get so grumpy.” She folded her arms across her chest and narrowed her eyes at her date. “I guess that means you’ve got something pretty awesome planned?”

  “Of course, I do.” Vander grinned.

  “Not as good as mine,” Hunter countered.

  The anxiety from earlier was banished by the easy banter. With all the drama lately, it was exactly what I needed. A tiny hint of normalcy—a date night with my boyfriend. Boyfriend? That sounded weird. It felt like too trivial of a word to describe what Hunter meant to me.

  “Guess we’ll have to let the girls decide when the epic dates are over.” Vander elbowed Hunter in the side, and he buckled over, pretending to wince.

  “Ooh, epic, I like the sound of that.” I glanced up at Hunter, and he entwined his fingers through mine.

  “Let’s go.” He tugged me toward the door, and I waved at my friends over my shoulder.

  “Have fun!” I called out.

  As soon as we got outside, Hunter’s dragon wings unfurled, the golden scales catching fire beneath the moonlight. My breath hitched at their unearthly beauty, and my fingers reached for the reptilian appendages of their own accord.

  I stroked the smooth scales, and a groan vibrated Hunter’s chest, his muscles straining beneath his black button-down shirt.

  “If you keep that up, I’m going to turn us back to your den and we may never leave.”

  Heat unfurled in my lower half at the rough edge to his tone. “I’d totally be okay with that.”

  He chuckled, and the honeyed sound filled my soul. His hand closed over mine, and he drew it away from his wing and brought it to his lips. He kissed my knuckles, then the back of my hand. “You know there’s nothing I want more than to make love to you, but I want exactly that. I want to be able to make love to you with a free and unburdened heart.”

  I locked my eyes on his and wrapped my arms around his waist. “Hunter, no matter what happens I’m sure that when we do make love, it will be just that, whether we’ve broken the curse or not. Because despite everything, I feel your love every moment. Maybe it’s your wolf, and I’ve accepted that, but know that I’m ready to be yours whenever and in whatever way possible.”

  Hunter cupped my cheek and captured my lips with a slow, sweet kiss. He pulled away too soon, leaving me wanting so much more. With his forehead pressed to mine, he whispered, “And that means more to me than you’ll ever know.” Bending down, he scooped me up into his arms. “Now for the epic date.”

  “With words like that, you’ve set my expectations through the roof. I hope you can deliver, Dragon Boy.”

  Mischief sparked in his golden irises as he catapulted us into the sky. My stomach dropped, but his arms tightened around me and the clear night enveloped us.

  “Where exactly are we going?” I asked as we continued to ascend. He usually didn’t go this high when it was a local trip aroun
d the valley.

  “You’re just going to have to wait and see.”

  I nuzzled into his chest and decided to enjoy the ride, putting my curiosity on the backburner for now. I forced myself to silence all the clamoring thoughts of revenge, deceitful family and the festering pain of losing Mom just for one night. And with my mate’s strong arms protecting me and the bond happily humming between us, I actually succeeded.

  My eyes must have closed at some point because my stomach dipped, alerting me of our descent.

  “Nice to have you back, sleeping beauty.” Hunter smirked as the powerful flap of his wings slowed and slanted toward the earth.

  I glanced down, and the lights below revealed the outline of a familiar compound. The towering wrought iron gates made my body stiffen. “Um, Hunter, why are we back at Arcane Academy?”

  This was not where I imagined our epic date. At all.

  “Just give it a chance before you doubt me.”

  A hint of disappointment laced his tone, and guilt stabbed at my insides. He was trying to do something sweet, and I was totally raining on his parade. “No doubt, just surprised.”

  We landed outside the grand hall, and a barrage of memories flooded my mind. Ripping my dress, twisting my ankle, spending the night at the infirmary, countless masquerade balls, falling in love with Dragon Boy, then having my heart ripped out every time he disappeared. My mate had made a risky move by bringing me here.

  Soft footsteps turned my attention to a familiar lithe form approaching from the direction of the courtyard. Terra’s warm smile momentarily chased away the onslaught of memories.

  “It’s all set,” she said to Hunter.

  “Thank you, Terra. I can’t thank you enough, as always.”

  “Enjoy your evening, you two.” The Dragos Pack healer dipped her head at me before disappearing behind the imposing building.

  Hunter tugged on my hand, turning my attention away from Terra and back to the odd sensations being back at my former academy was unearthing. “Come on.” He ushered me between the corridor of the grand hall toward the old stone courtyard.

  Only it wasn’t exactly as I’d remembered it.


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