Wolfish: Mateborne

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Wolfish: Mateborne Page 11

by G. K. DeRosa

  My phone dinged, calling my attention to the screen and the text message from my bestie. I was wondering where she was at this hour.

  Cass: With Vander, sorry didn’t let you know but our date went better than expected ;)

  Me: OMG, are you spending the night?

  Cass: Maybe…

  Me: Yay! Can’t wait to hear all the details tomorrow. Have fun, love u!

  Cass: You too, girl

  * * *

  I was so happy for Cass and Vander that I barely noticed the bathroom door opening. Glancing up, my thoughts snapped from my best friend to the once again naked man before me. “Braxton!” I squealed.

  “Sorry, I thought you’d be in your room.” But the mischievous grin playing on his lips told a different story.

  The front door whipped open, and the hair on the back of my neck shot up. No, no, no. Hunter’s fiery gaze landed on a naked Braxton, and his fangs lengthened, a beastly growl tearing through his glistening white teeth. “Why in all the realms are you naked with my mate?” he snarled, his beta power slamming into the new wolf so hard he staggered back and hit the bathroom door.

  I shot up from the couch and stood between my mate and my only surviving pack member, hoping to keep it that way. Planting my palms on Hunter’s chest, his heart jackhammered against my hand, white-hot rage surging through our bond. “Hunter, relax. We came back from a run and Braxton just got out of the shower. It was an innocent misunderstanding.”

  “A run?” He spun his dark glare at me. “You took him out in public after all that talk about keeping him safe, keeping him hidden, here with you?”

  “It was almost dark, and we stayed on the outskirts. I’d never do anything to put him at risk.”

  “Sure, him, but what about you? If anyone had seen you two together--” His eyes darted to Braxton, and his lip curled in disgust. Jealousy swept through our link, spiraling into every nook and cranny. “Go put some fucking clothes on. And don’t come out until I tell you to.”

  Braxton turned heel and disappeared into the bathroom so quickly he moved more like a vampire than a wolf.

  “Hunter!” I grabbed his jaw and forced his eyes to mine. “Nothing happened. You’re getting all worked up for nothing.”

  “Nothing?” He scoffed and cracked his knuckles one by one, the sharp snaps sending a chill down my spine. “Don’t you see what he’s doing?” My eyes widened, and I nearly staggered back from the venom in his tone. “Are you so blind that you don’t even see that he wants you?”

  My head whipped back and forth as a flicker of anger ignited at his tone. “I’m not blind. I can see perfectly well what a dick you’re being.” I curled my arms around my middle and tamped down on the rising annoyance. “I’m his alpha, that’s all. He doesn’t even know me so how could he want me?” Better not to bring up my newly found connection to Braxton.

  “You’re more than that to him and you know it. He thinks he needs to live up to his parents’ dying wishes, Sierra. He wants to be your mate, and the longer he’s here, the more he’ll try to squirm his way into your vulnerable heart.”


  “He already has.” His face fell, darkness carving into his strong jaw. “I can feel it through our connection.”

  “It’s the pack link,” I said weakly. But was it more than that?

  Hunter’s head dipped down to the floor, and he loosed a frustrated breath. “Goddess I just don’t know what to do anymore. We’ve tried so hard, but maybe we’re not meant to be.”

  “Don’t you say that, Hunter,” I snarled and threaded my hands through his. “Never say that because it’s not true. Would I have liked to follow through with my father’s wishes? Sure. But he’s not here. Hell, neither is my mom or my grandmother. You are my family, and I don’t care if that sounds selfish, but you’re my priority, even when you’re acting like a wolfish wanker.”

  A sad smile lingered over Hunter’s lips as he regarded me, the brilliant gold of his irises a few shades dimmer. “You say that now, but as the alpha power kicks in, you’ll find it harder to refuse the call to protect your pack. And right now, that means Braxton. The two of you could create more Mystics, and that’s the only sure-fire way to protect yourselves.”

  “Do you have any idea how insane you sound? I’m not having puppies with Braxton. You are it for me.” I jabbed my finger in his chest, punctuating each word. “Let’s skip the trials tomorrow. We’ll go to the human world and search for Grams. Braxton can stay with Cass. I know she’ll keep him safe.”

  He shook his head, shoulders sagging. “Tyrien’s already pissed we missed the trials the other day. I don’t want to give him another reason to take it out on you.”

  “Fine, we’ll sneak out early then.”

  “Do you have any idea where to look?”

  I didn’t, but I wasn’t about to admit that. “I’ve got a few in mind.”

  Nodding slowly, he blew out another breath. “That reminds me, I spoke to Terra. She agrees that the potion could be dulling your powers along with the purple hue. She sends her apologies for not having thought of it herself.”

  “That’s great news.” Maybe once the potion was out of my system, a brilliant idea about finding Gram would come to mind. I eyed the bathroom, and a pang of guilt pricked at my chest. “Maybe you should let him out now?”

  He grunted and paced a tight circle around me. “Can you hear him in your head?”

  I nodded slowly. “How did you know?”

  “It was only a matter of time if he really was a Mystic. The pack link usually snaps into place the first time you’re in fur together.”

  “Thanks for the head’s up,” I deadpanned.

  “Who knew you’d be reckless enough to go out by yourselves?”

  I stepped closer and slid my arms around his waist. He slowly relaxed beneath my touch. “Do you know me at all?”

  He chuckled, and the smooth, warm sound reverberated against my chest. “Oh gods, Sierra, I want to. I want to know all of you, every single inch, dark nook and secret curve.”

  “Then let’s do it, Hunter.” I cupped his cheek, running my thumb across his taut jaw. “Let’s complete the mate bond like we were about to a few nights ago before Braxton showed up. It’ll put an end to all of this.”

  “There’s nothing I want more, Sierra.” A tidal wave of guilt washed over me, and it wasn’t my own this time. “But we can’t yet. Not when Braxton’s just arrived and the possibility of resurrecting the Mystics is so close. I won’t have you locked into a mate bond with so much up in the air. If you regretted it, if you grew to resent me, I’d never forgive myself.”

  “I could never—”

  Hunter placed his finger on my lips, cutting me off. “You’ve only been a true alpha for a couple hours. Trust me, your feelings in regard to your pack will change as time goes on. I’m not saying no, I’m just saying not right now.”

  I stuck out my lower lip into my best pout and gave him my cutest sad puppy dog eyes. “You really want to hear me beg, don’t you?”

  He captured my mouth, gently tugging on my lower lip as he drew me flush against his body. “Sierra, I want to do all kinds of things to you when you’re mine. And I don’t mind a little begging either.”

  He deepened the kiss, and I pressed harder against him. Now that I’d had a taste of him, I doubted I’d ever have enough. I reached for the button on his jeans when an unexpected voice shot through my mind.

  Can I come out yet?

  I jerked out of Hunter’s arms, Braxton’s voice snapping me from the heated moment like a bucket of ice water over the head.

  “What’s wrong?” Hunter asked.

  “It’s Braxton,” I muttered. “You’ve got to teach me how to keep him out of my head.”

  “Right.” He tucked his hands into his pockets and heaved out a sigh. “Guess I should let him out, huh?”

  “Yup.” I reached for his hand before he turned away. “But let’s pick this up later, okay?”

bsp; “Sure.” But his tone seemed less than sure.

  As I watched him stalk toward the bathroom, I couldn’t help but wonder if Hunter and I would ever consummate the bond. I’d never admit it to him, but he was right. Our future was even more uncertain now than it had been a few weeks ago. Right now, the curse was the least of our problems.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Crouched behind a massive oak, I slurped in a breath of air to slow my racing pulse. With the manic pounding, one of the Lunars would find me with their damned sensitive hearing. And I couldn’t let that happen, not when I was so close to finishing out the third round with my highest score ever.

  The week had flown by in a volley of events and breakneck competitions. Despite Hunter’s concerns, I’d stopped taking Terra’s potion which meant the next time I turned, my glowing purple wolf would make her grand appearance. I’d purposely avoided shifting for the past few days, but I wasn’t sure how much longer I would last.

  In this particular event, which was a mash-up of capture the flag and Survivor, my wolf’s stealthy moves could’ve come in handy, but I’d promised my mate only to shift if absolutely necessary. We’d been separated early on in the competition and every time we’d attempted to find each other, we’d been attacked. The Lunars were definitely teaming up against us. So here I was by myself hiding out with the Mystic Pack flag clenched in my fist.

  All I had to do was keep up my magical cloak for a little longer so that I could race across the field and plant my flag on top of the hill. Besides me, only four others remained in the game: Hunter, Ransom, Viceroy, and Zuriel. The rest had been taken out—by any means necessary. Based on the nauseating snap of bone, I was certain Zuriel had broken Aquor’s leg when he’d tackled the mer-wolf for his flag. There weren’t many rules in this last competition, and that fact was both thrilling and terrifying.

  Luckily, even without shifting, my fickle magic was finally starting to cooperate. Guess I was right about the potion after all. I’d actually managed to knock out Canyon when he cornered me by summoning a boulder from the hill I’d been backed against. I coaxed it down the incline and leapt out of the way, just before it smacked into the unsuspecting faery. I only felt slightly guilty about his bruises.

  The faery douche canoe picked the wrong she-wolf to mess with.

  The crackle of leaves sent my heartrate spiking. I held my breath and remained perfectly still. To preserve my magical energy, I’d made myself a cloak light, only hiding my physical form, but I could still be heard or sniffed out. I needed to start flexing my magical muscles until they were in better shape.

  More approaching footfalls ratcheted up the jackhammering against my ribcage. Peering around the large trunk, the shadow of massive wings took shape. Zuriel. Then Viceroy entered the clearing, his flag tucked into the collar of his suit.

  Are you okay? Hunter’s panicked voice catapulted across my thoughts.

  Yes, fine. Just waiting to make a move.

  Okay. The Royal pain in the ass has been keeping me distracted, but I should be there soon.

  No worries, I’m good.

  Hunter closed off our mystical connection, and I refocused on the wolves a few yards in front of me.

  “Give me your flag, angel boy, and I won’t have to hurt you,” Viceroy purred.

  “Please, demon. Don’t you know that my kind doesn’t surrender to yours?”

  He chuckled. “So high and mighty, aren’t you, Zuriel? You think you’re better than us with your pure, angelic blood, but the truth is, you’re more devious and conniving than the lot of us. Because the difference is, what I am is obvious, but you are a wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

  The angel stepped closer, an ethereal glow emanating from his alabaster wings and a sneer curled his lips. “I am better than you, demon.” A gleaming sword appeared in his palm and he struck at Viceroy, the fiery angel blade skimming over the top of his head.

  Viceroy ducked and somersaulted between the imposing angel’s legs. But Zuriel was fast. He spun around and raced after the fleeing demon. I remained still until the sound of thrashing through trees completely fell away. I’d been lucky the males were too distracted to notice me.

  I eyed the clearing and the hill just ahead. Wiping the beads of sweat from my forehead, I focused on the invisibility cloak. Keeping it up for so long was taking its toll on my magical reserves. It was a risky move being so out in the open, but if I didn’t run now, I could lose my chance. Here goes nothing.

  I darted out from behind the tree, a sliver of sweat trickling down my spine, and raced across the clear meadow. Pumping my arms like mad, with the Mystic flag clenched tight in my fist, I reached halfway across when a dark blur zipped across my peripheral vision.

  Only one of the Lunars could move like that. Ransom.

  He cut in front of me, so I was forced to stop or barrel right into him. I dug my heels into the dirt and snapped my jaw shut to muffle my ragged breaths. An eternity passed as he eyed me with a cocked brow.

  “Come out, come out, wherever you are, little witch,” Ransom singsonged. His fangs lengthened, and he ran his tongue over the pointy tips. “Your heart is pounding faster than a hummingbird’s wings and your scent…” His nostrils flared. “Delicious as ever.” A hint of my old friend laced his tone, but there was a jagged edge there now.

  His arm shot out and I barely dodged his grasp, escaping his outstretched fingers by inches. I couldn’t just stand here. I was a sitting duck. But if I moved, he’d sense me. I considered dropping the cloak and wolfing out, but Ransom was too fast. He’d be on me before I got anywhere near the hill.

  I stepped to the left, and he shadowed my movement. He lunged for me again, this time swiping at my torso. Thanks to my skintight suit he couldn’t get a good grip, and I spun free. This time I kept running. What other choice did I have?

  He zipped around me, his vampire speed no match for mine, but with the invisibility cloak he was having a hard time pinpointing my exact location—and more importantly my flag. The pounding of footfalls behind me suddenly stopped. A second later, a two-hundred-pound weight collided into my side, and I hurtled toward the ground.

  I smacked into the earth with Ransom on top of me, the impact forcing all the air from my lungs. I panted beneath his weight, sucking in oxygen as I tried to wriggle free. His hands roamed over my suit as he blindly searched for my flag.

  “Watch it!” I shrieked as his fingers grazed one of my breasts.

  The hint of a smile curled his lip and for a second, my old friend was back. I dropped the magical cloak, my energy almost completely zapped. The moment I materialized, Ransom’s smirk twisted, his dark eyes freezing over. His expression was carved in stone as he reached for the flag tucked under my arm. “It’s over, little witch.”

  The whoosh of something large plunging toward us spun my head around. A dark form pummeled into Ransom, propelling him off my back. I leapt up as soon as I was free, and my jaw dropped as my gaze landed on the two males.

  Viceroy sat atop the Royal, straddling him, with his mouth agape. A deep crimson vapor surged from Ransom’s lips, and Viceroy seemed to be sucking it in. What in all the realms? I watched frozen and horrified as the demon wolf snacked on my old friend’s life force.

  Ransom’s head lolled back, only the whites of his eyes showing. Indecision ate at my insides. I wanted to help him, but should I, after what he’d done to me?

  Viceroy craned his neck back, pausing from his meal and shouted, “Go!”

  “But—” I whipped my head back and forth, still unable to get my feet to move.

  “I’m not going to kill him, little wolf. I’ll just take enough to incapacitate him for a while.” He ticked his head at the clear field and the hill ahead. “Now’s your chance.”

  “Thanks,” I muttered. As I darted across the clearing, one thought flashed across my mind over and over again. Why would Viceroy help me?

  I reached the edge of the hill and raced up the side as the whirr of flapping wings
drew my gaze skyward.

  Are you okay? Hunter’s voice echoed through my mind.

  Yup, I got this. Nice of you to finally show.

  I was watching. You were handling yourself just fine, so I didn’t want to steal your thunder.

  I shot him a wicked eyeroll as I hauled myself to the top of the promontory. I grabbed the pole and ran the Mystic flag over the wood. Holding it up high, I waved it back and forth for all to see. A screen appeared in the middle of the clearing, and wild applause burst from the magical monitor. The camera panned over the thousands of spectators back at the arena. Apparently, our event had been broadcasted live.

  Hunter landed beside me, his glimmering golden wings tucking in behind his back, and he threw me an indulgent smile. “I knew you could do it. Now plant that Mystic flag because after the next round, there’s going to be a new high alpha in Moon Valley.”

  My lips split into an enormous smile, and I jabbed the pole into the dirt. My heart thrummed with pride as the Mystic Pack crest waved in the gentle breeze. It was time to resurrect my pack; it was time for us to take our rightful place in Moon Valley.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Thank Luna round three is over,” I muttered as I took a sip of lupine beer. Unlike the human one, it was about five times more potent and had a stronger, hoppy taste. After the week I’d had, I needed to tread carefully. I’d likely be drunk after two.

  Cass bounced in her chair as she ordered us another round, chatter and laughter echoed around us, slowly lifting my spirits. She insisted we celebrate my victory and so here we were at Howl at The Moon, best pub in all of Moon Valley according to Vander. He and Hunter were supposed to meet us for the celebration. I, for one, was happy to have some alone time with my bestie to get caught up. With Braxton moving in and everything else going on, we’d barely had time for girl talk.

  “So… you still haven’t told me what happened with Vander the other night.”


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