Wolfish: Mateborne

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Wolfish: Mateborne Page 15

by G. K. DeRosa

  Braxton, where are you? I called out to him through the pack link, hoping it would work. I’d never reached out to him on purpose. Braxton?

  Nothing. Dammit, was I doing it right? I doubled back down the tunnel and headed in the opposite direction, down the hill to the back exit that led into the woods. It was the only other way he was familiar with.

  I jogged down the earthen corridor and hauled the thick metal door open, anxiety already rippling through my gut. What if someone found him? What if someone knew who he was?

  I stepped into the forest, the thick canopy shielding the early morning light and sniffed the air. The musky scent of my packmate filled my nostrils, not just him, but his wolf. That little sneaky bastard!

  Braxton, where are you? I tried again, throwing some power behind my request. I’d felt Hunter and Tyrien’s alpha power a dozen times, but I wasn’t sure how to master my own.

  Maybe if I was in my wolf… She scrambled to the surface and fur sprang up across my arms. She was dying for a run. Poor girl had been cooped up since I’d stopped taking Terra’s potion. I’d been wanting to let the purple wolf out of the bag, and maybe this was the time. If anything happened to Braxton because of me, I’d never forgive myself.

  The change came over me instantly. My she-wolf blasted to the surface in the space of a heartbeat, her brilliant violet glow illuminating the dim forest. I sniffed the moist earth and caught onto Braxton’s unique scent. I sprang forward, nose to the ground.

  As I jogged along the path, I shot off a quick message to Hunter. He’d be pissed, but there wasn’t much I could do about it now. Braxton ran off. I’m out in the woods behind the university looking for him.

  I held my breath as I awaited his angry reply.

  Are you in wolf form? He broadcasted back, his voice oddly calm.

  Yes. I wasn’t sure why he asked. As beta, he somehow always knew.

  A deep growl ricocheted across my skull. You should’ve waited for me. I don’t like you going out there alone, not glowing like a damned purple beacon.

  Hunter, Braxton is my responsibility. I’m his alpha, and I’ll find him. As for my wolf, we’ve already had this argument, and I won’t have it again.

  So as his alpha, call him back to you.

  I don’t know how! I couldn’t help the whiney twinge.

  He grunted, and somehow, I could tell there was a snide comment behind it. I’ll be there as soon as I can. I’m finishing something up with Tyrien.

  Fine. I shut off our connection and focused on Braxton’s trail. Only I was pissed now. Hunter may have been acting like an overprotective alpha male, but he was right, I should’ve been able to summon my own underling—underwolf? Was that a thing?

  I threw out my front paws and my claws dug into the dirt, halting me. Focusing on the thread that laced around my heart, I envisioned giving it a tug. And then another one, more forcefully this time. Braxton, as your alpha, I command you to answer me. Where are you? A swell of power filled my chest, and the violet light glinting off my fur intensified.

  I’m by some lake. The answer came clipped, but it was there all the same.

  Gods, Braxton, I was so worried. I thought someone had taken you, like—I cut myself off, not ready to relive the tragic story. There was so much he still didn’t know. Maybe if I told him, he wouldn’t have run off so stupidly.

  I didn’t think you cared.

  Of course, I care. I’m your alpha. I began running again, his scent and the lake clue telling me exactly where I’d find him.

  But that’s it, right?

  My heart squeezed, steel bands of guilt wrapping around my chest. We’ve already talked about this, Braxton. I cut off the connection, quickening my pace. The lake on a warm morning was bound to fill up with other wolves, and the last thing I needed was him getting chatty with the wrong person.

  When I reached the clearing, my stomach took a nosedive. Four wolves surrounded Braxton’s gray and white beast.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  I drew in a deep breath as I waited in the shadows. This was it. I was officially coming out of the closet. Or, I could shift back to my human form and avoid the whole business for another day. But what was the point really? The truth would come out in the trials eventually.

  Steeling my nerves, I crept out into the lush glade. Five wolfish heads spun in my direction as I emerged. Besides Braxton, I recognized two immediately. There was only one wolf I knew with pointy horns, and the other sent ice cascading through my veins.



  Five pairs of eyes bored into me as I neared, and heat raced across my furry cheeks. I shook off the warmth and held my head high, puffing out my chest. Hopefully, they’d be so distracted by my magical glow, they’d forget all about the new wolf in town.

  Wolf-Viceroy cocked his head and sat on his haunches as he scrutinized me, his female harem following his lead. But Ransom, his eyes blazed pure crimson.

  Stay in your wolf form, I barked at Braxton.

  He dipped his head and stretched out on the lawn. Tracing his movements, I almost missed Ransom and Viceroy shifting back to their human forms. With each of us in different packs, communicating through the pack link wasn’t an option. Only Hunter as supreme alpha heir held that skill and it was unusual at that.

  “Well, well, well, isn’t this unexpected?” Viceroy rubbed at his chin, his dark gaze never deviating from my iridescent wolf.

  I called on my magic and my wolf disappeared, replaced by my fully naked form. Not one of my finest moments, but I was getting ogled either way. Braxton’s wolfish gaze scorched over my exposed flesh, and I crossed my arms over my chest as I searched my mind for a quick summoning spell.

  Muttering the incantation, I snapped my fingers, and my discarded shirt and jeans appeared over my naked form. Ransom didn’t speak, just stared, his jaw slightly unhinged.

  “Are you going to explain?” Viceroy probed. “Or are we to guess?”

  “Your guess is as good as mine.” I shrugged, then pointed at the two naked males. “I can conjure you up some clothes if you’re interested.”

  The Demon wolf shook his head with a sly smirk. “I’ve got nothing to hide.”

  Ransom remained frozen, his eyes fixed just above my brow line. Did he know what my purple fur meant?

  “Fine, suit yourself.” I ticked my head at the lake. “So, you guys all here for a swim?”

  One of his females moved closer to Braxton, and the hair on the back of my neck bristled. She sniffed him, and he rolled over on his back. Ugh, please. From her coloring, I was fairly certain it was Kezia. The she-wolf who’d been all over my mate the first time we’d met.

  “Just enjoying a day off from the trials,” Viceroy answered. “And you? Is he your friend?” He motioned at Braxton who was busy sniffing Kezia’s backside.

  “Yup, just out for a run. He’s a new Crescent wolf. Vander asked me to keep an eye on him.”

  Ransom’s dark gaze moved from me to the gray and white wolf, and his lips twitched. The tendon in his jaw worked, but he didn’t say a word.

  “So is no one going to bring up the unique purple of Sierra’s wolf?” Viceroy turned to Ransom whose expression had turned bored.

  The Royal beta shrugged, his mouth twisting.

  “Did you know about this, Ransom? I was under the impression you and Sierra were close before the awful business with your mothers.”

  He shook his head, still refusing to meet my gaze as a streak of pain lanced through my heart. I figured everyone knew what had happened, but no one had ever mentioned it before.

  “No one knew,” I finally said. “I hid it from everyone with a potion. I didn’t think it was anyone’s business.”

  “And why have you allowed her to be seen now?”

  “I don’t think it matters anymore,” I finally said. “Everyone knows I’m a Mystic so why hide who I really am?”

  “Bravo, little witch.” Viceroy clapped, a dark twinkle gleaming in his pro
found irises. “I knew I put my money on the right horse.”

  “What does that mean?” I blurted. “And why did you help me the other day in the trials?”

  He smirked, a knowing smile revealing sharp fangs. His forked tongue threaded through the gap, tasting the air. “Nothing for now,” he hissed. “And I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Does this wolf have a name, Sierra?” Ransom ticked his head at Braxton as he spoke, but his eyes remained cast down.

  I wasn’t sure what stung more, that he wouldn’t look at me or that he didn’t use my nickname. Which was stupid. Because after everything Ransom had done, he should’ve been the last person I cared about. “Braxton,” I said casually.

  Ransom bent down and stuck his hand out. “Why don’t you shift so we can officially meet?”

  Don’t, I shot through our link.

  What am I supposed to do?

  I don’t know. Growl at him or something!

  A deep growl vibrated Wolf-Braxton’s throat, and Ransom took a step back.

  “He’s new,” I said. “Still figuring it all out.”

  “I see.” Ransom’s dark brows furrowed as he folded his arms across his chest.

  This was so not good. Of all people to find out about Braxton, the Royal beta was the absolute worst.

  “Well, it was fun seeing you guys and all, but I think I get enough of both of you during the trials.” I shot Viceroy a wink and motioned at the big wolf at my feet. “Come on, Braxton, Vander’s probably waiting for us already.”

  The rustle of grass drew my attention to the tree line. Four wolves emerged from the thick greenery. On the opposite side of the clearing, five more appeared and another dozen from each corner of the vale. Growls echoed across the forest as they crept forward with hackles raised.


  “Are those your escorts?” Viceroy quipped as his eyes scanned the circle of intruders.

  “Definitely not my friends.” My head whipped toward Ransom. “You?”

  His fangs lengthened, and a ring of crimson lined his onyx pupils. “Unfortunately, not.”

  Ugh, Hunter, I think we have a problem! I screeched through the bond, hoping he’d kept our connection open.

  His frantic response roared across my subconscious, but I couldn’t focus on what he said, not when the wolves were closing in. My head spun back to Viceroy and Ransom. “Can anyone communicate with them?”

  A creamy curtain fell over their pupils for an instant before their eyes were clear and focused once again.

  “They’re not Royal,” said Ransom.

  “Or Demon,” Viceroy added. “Maybe they’re Dragos. Perhaps your father-in-law to be got tired of waiting.”

  “Ass,” I gritted out. “It can’t be. Hunter would’ve warned me.”

  The three of us moved back-to-back with Viceroy’s she-wolves snarling in front of us and Braxton hiding behind my legs.

  “Where is your mate anyway?” Ransom snapped. “We could use some of his dragon firepower right about now.”

  “He’s coming.” But I wasn’t just going to sit here and wait. “Time to put your sparkly unicorn powers to good use, guys. If we’re all on the same team, anyway.” Muttering the words to the summoning spell and squeezing my hands into tight fists, I envisioned the daggers Vander used for my training sessions. When I opened my hands, two lay in each palm. I pocketed one, handed one to Viceroy and eyed Ransom.

  “Neat trick.” Viceroy’s eyes glinted with amusement.

  “Well, do I get one or not, Violet?” Damn my heart for constricting at the sound of my old nickname.

  “If you promise not to use it on me.”

  Ransom grabbed the hilt from my hand, grumbling through clenched teeth.

  “And here—” I summoned each of the males a pair of shorts. There was no reason they should be fighting these wolves with their manly parts hanging out. I cringed at the thought.

  “Thanks,” they muttered in unison.

  There had to be at least twenty to thirty wolves surrounding us. A big, mottled brown one took the lead, closing the circle around us. They snapped and growled as they continued their slow approach.

  Had someone seen my purple wolf? Or was it Braxton they were after? It didn’t matter now because they were all going to die. I’d been holding back on my powers in the trials since I’d stopped taking the potion to keep Tyrien in the dark, but not anymore.

  The first wolf charged, and Viceroy’s females threw themselves in front of us. As the first wave battled it out, I dropped down to Braxton. Do you fight better in human or wolf form?

  How the hell do I know? I’ve only been a wolf for like a minute.

  Okay, just stay next to me, and I’ll protect you.

  I’m not completely useless, he growled.

  A wolf leapt on top of Ransom, and he let out a shout as fangs buried into his arm. His own incisors lengthened, dropping below his lip and he chomped down on the wolf’s scruffy neck.

  Bleh. Would he suck his blood too? I’d never asked when we were friends because I feared the answer.

  Beside him, Viceroy had shifted and was locked in battle with two wolves. He headbutted one beast with his horns, a pointy tip gouging an eye out. Forcing myself to focus amid the snarls and howls of battle, I called on my wolf, allowing her magic to surge through my veins.

  I summoned a ball of witchfire in my palm, the white-hot flames hovering just over my flesh. I threw it at a pair of gray wolves galloping toward us. It shot between them, singeing a streak of fur down each of their hairy bodies. They yelped and split up, taking off in opposite directions.

  Ransom must’ve finished off his wolfy snack because crimson blood dribbled down his chin as he spun at me. “I’m guessing these rogues are here for you?”

  I shrugged. “Shouldn’t you know? It was probably Lucien that sent them.”

  His lip curled into a scowl, and what I could’ve sworn was a pang of hurt streaked across his dark irises. “I don’t know how many times I have to tell you that I’ve had nothing to do with your persecution or that of your pack. If my mother or father did, they were working on their own.” He stumbled over the word mother, and guilt reared its relentless head.

  After everything that happened, could I trust Ransom?

  I had to for now.

  The wolves grew more bold with each attack and no matter how many we fought off, more kept coming. Flashes of the clearing by Grams’ farmhouse came to mind. It was like déjà vu. Where the hell were they coming from and what did they want?

  The wolves weaved between us, breaking up our tight circle. I tossed witchfire at the outer rim, but I couldn’t risk hitting one of my friends—or frenemies. Another shifter lunged at me and I drew my dagger, driving it up into its chest. His momentum knocked me to the ground and the big beast landed on top of me, his warm blood drenching my shirt.

  Wolf-Braxton ran to my side, nudging the whining, dying form off me. He growled as another one approached from behind me.

  Get up! He shouted.

  I jumped to my feet, but the animal darted around me and went for Braxton. His jaw clamped around his neck and fear lanced through my chest.

  “No!” I shouted. Splaying my hands out, sparks of energy spiderwebbed from my fingertips. The lavender cords encircled the furry fiend. He jerked and spasmed for a moment before his body grew completely still and dropped to my feet.

  Well, that was new.

  I darted to Braxton who lay naked on the ground, now in fully human form. A deep gash tore across his neck, blood oozing free.

  “No, no, no!” I covered the wound with my hand and ripped the sleeve off my shirt. Wrapping it around his neck, I fashioned a tourniquet from the old tee. “You’re going to be okay, Braxton. Just stay with me.” I huddled over his bare form, protecting him from the continued assault.

  His eyes glazed over, sweat lining his brow.

  With one hand, I shot witchfire and the other I kept pressed tightly to his w
ound. My own power was dwindling, my magical reserves nearly depleted. I scanned the field, but there was no end in sight. Ransom, Viceroy and his harem fought the remaining wolves, but both males were too far to reach, too consumed in the fight to help me.

  “Hunter!” I cried. “Where are you?”

  The rustle of stealthy paws on soft grass turned my head as Hunter’s panicked voice rocketed through my mind. Watch out!

  Magic tingled on my fingertips as I raised my hand, but a sharp pain pierced my back, shooting fire through my veins. I crumpled forward as a scream ripped from my clenched teeth. Darkness crept into the corners of my vision before blanketing the clearing. No. The wolves fought all around me as I tried to push myself up. Braxton’s panicked eyes met mine. “It’s going to be okay,” I rasped out before icy black pulled me under, and I succumbed to its unrelenting will.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  * * *

  My frozen heart shattered into a million jagged slivers as the blade sank into Sierra’s back. A piercing howl tore through my lips as I raced across the clearing toward her crumpled form. I was too late.

  A man stood over her, a stranger I’d never seen in Moon Valley. Another damned thug for hire undoubtedly. The question was who had hired him? Maddening thoughts raced through my mind as my paws pounded the earth faster and faster.

  Sierra! Sierra, please don’t leave me.

  I could feel her, but barely. She was dying, and it was all my fault. I never should’ve left her alone, not for one moment.

  Sierra! I howled, my wolf’s heart splintered beyond repair. If anything happened to her, I’d die. It didn’t matter that the mate bond hadn’t been completed, if I’d been able to love her or not, I wouldn’t live without her.

  I lunged, eating up the distance between the looming male and me. He never even heard me coming. I tore into the back of his neck, his blood gushing into my mouth and dribbling down my fangs. I ground my teeth together, sawing through bone, muscles and spine, until there was nothing left. His head lolled forward then rolled to the floor.


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