Wolfish: Mateborne

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Wolfish: Mateborne Page 17

by G. K. DeRosa

  “I’m so sorry, Hunter.” I crawled into his lap and held him close.

  “Me too,” he mumbled against the crook of my neck.

  “It’s not over, you know that right? Now that we’re mates, we’ll both be stronger and maybe it’ll be just what I need to find Grams.”

  He nodded, but the vacant stare mirrored his hopelessness.

  “Did you hear back from Vander’s friend?”

  “I did, but it took a back seat to everything after what happened.”

  “Well, it’s over now. I’m all better and it’s time for us to kick up the search.” The truth was that my recovery had been miraculous. My wound was nearly all healed, and a new energy strummed through my veins. I hadn’t been able to test out what it meant yet, but I had a feeling it would make all the difference. “Call Vander and tell him to get his friend here ASAP. We’re going on a witch hunt tomorrow.”

  “Sierra, are you sure?” His hands gingerly stroked my back, his fingers skimming the spot where the blade had entered.

  “I’m sure.” I kissed the tip of his nose. “I don’t know if it’s the mate link or your blood, but I feel incredible.”

  He swept my hair behind my ear and brushed his lips against my cheek. “You look incredible,” he whispered, his breath sending goose bumps down my arm. He lay me on my back and gently lowered himself on top of me, so the bulk of his weight rested on his forearms. “Is this okay?”

  “It’s more than okay,” I answered as I laced my arms around his waist.

  “I was thinking, if you’re up to it, we could re-enact the bonding ritual?”

  A smile so big split my lips that my cheeks hurt. “I’d love that.” I tugged his shirt over his head, not wanting to waste another minute. My body burned for him. I needed him closer, always closer. Would it ever be enough?

  He lowered his lips to mine, and my gaze caught on a slightly raised patch of skin by his collarbone.

  “Wait, what’s that?” I gently pushed him back so I could see more clearly. As my fingers ran over the light brown splotch, my birthmark tingled.

  He sat up, pulled his phone from his pants pocket and turned on the flashlight.

  I stared at the familiar mark, tracing the unique shape of a wolf’s head, as my brows knitted. “Is that my birthmark on your collarbone?”

  His eyes bulged out, the gold eclipsing the green and his breath hitched. “It must be our fated mate mark.”

  “Our what?” I glanced down at the splotch of tan skin beneath my chin and then back at his.

  His gaze bounced from my chest to his and back, as a swirl of awe streaked through our connection. “It’s rare but sometimes the goddess Luna marks mates with matching symbols. It means our union is truly blessed.”

  As if the blood moon eclipsing the sun hadn’t been enough.

  I placed his palm on my birthmark and covered his with my own. His pounding heart beat against my skin. “You see? I told you we were meant to be. We weren’t fighting against fate this whole time, we were just being tested.”

  “And it isn’t over yet,” he muttered.

  “That’s okay. Let’s just enjoy this win.” I lay back down and pulled him down on top of me. “I’m ready to become your mate. Again.”

  A heart stopping smile graced his lips before his mouth claimed mine.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  My heart pounded out an erratic staccato to mirror Hunter’s thundering pace as he moved over me. We rocked in perfect rhythm, our bodies meant to move as one. The need to be connected, to be a part of him had intensified a hundred-fold. As he worshipped my body, my chest felt so full I was certain it would explode. His emotions along with mine entangled in a feverish dance as our physical forms entwined.

  Sex with Hunter before had been incredible but now, with the new mate bond thrumming between us, it was devastating. In the best way possible. With each thrust, he brought me closer to the edge. I moaned his name as the bundle of nerves at my core clenched, and I teetered on the precipice.

  “It’s time,” he growled, his voice all wolf.

  I glanced up to meet those smoldering golden irises as he curbed his movements to slow, deliberate plunges. Oh, gods. I bit down on my lower lip to halt the cry threatening to break free. One more thrust, and I’d fall.

  Hunter’s mouth released mine and skimmed my jawline before moving to my neck. His fangs lengthened, the pointy tips scraping my flesh. I bucked beneath him, the excitement building inside me beyond my control. My wolf stirred within my depths, her furry head ramming against her skeletal confines. One day she could have Hunter in his wolf form but not today. Today, he was mine.

  “Ready?” he rasped out.


  His mouth closed over my neck, and two pinpricks registered in my brain as his incisors pierced my skin. I let out a yelp. The sudden pain was instantly replaced by overwhelming desire as his tongue dragged over the wound. My blood thrummed. Tiny shocks of electricity surged through my veins as his saliva mixed with my blood.

  Hunter rolled me over so I straddled him, and he filled me deeper. My core clenched around him, the feeling of fullness, of completeness, so overwhelming that tears burned my eyes. I blinked them back and refocused on Hunter who lay beneath me, his golden irises practically glowing.

  “Now you,” he whispered.

  I lay flush against him and dipped my lips to his neck. My wolf surged to the surface, and my incisors popped out. At least one of us knew what to do. The light brown patch of skin on Hunter’s collarbone caught my eye as I prepared to bite him. It was an exact replica of my own birthmark, and I still couldn’t believe it had magically appeared on his body. Was Hunter right? Had our mating really been blessed by Luna herself?

  Not that it mattered. I’d wanted Hunter from the first moment I saw him. Whether it was Luna pushing us closer or something else, we were finally together, and I’d never let anything come between us again.

  “Sierra…” Hunter groaned, and I refocused on the present.

  I licked his salty skin, a mix of his scent and mine and a satisfied growl vibrated my insides. Closing my mouth around the tender flesh at the crook of his neck, I bit down.

  His wolf howled in my mind, and mine took up the call, echoing his desire. Warm blood filled my mouth and surprisingly, I didn’t find it as repulsive as I’d imagined. The coppery taste was mild, and more than anything it tasted like Hunter, rich and velvety. I released him after a few seconds and followed his example, slowly licking the wound.

  The newly formed cord around my heart constricted, pulling me toward my mate. He must’ve felt it too as he met me halfway. His mouth ready to meet mine. We began to move in a perfectly syncopated rhythm once again, and my pulse skyrocketed.

  Hunter writhed beneath me, his need pummeling into me as his thrusts became more insistent. In and in and in. Each plunge filled me so fully I wanted to cry out. I couldn’t take it anymore.

  The binds tightened between us, intensifying the devastating pleasure until my body moved of its own accord. Our two hearts beat as one, our forms entwined in an eternal dance. An explosion of pleasure filled my core as I plummeted over the edge, and Hunter fell with me.

  The aftershocks lingered for minutes later as jolts of pleasure swirled through our bond. I collapsed on top of him, my legs like jelly and my heart still pounding like mad.

  Once my ragged breaths normalized, I peered up at him and grinned. The smile on his face stole my breath away once again. Uncontrollable happiness zipped through the bond, a combination of his and mine swirled into one.

  “I’m glad we got a do-over,” I finally murmured.

  “Me too.” His voice was still rough, a delicious caress to my fluttering insides. “Maybe we should add this biting thing to all our lovemaking rituals.”

  A ridiculous giggle burst from my lips. “You said lovemaking…”

  His expression fell, and I wanted to smack myself for opening my big mouth. “Just thought it sounded nicer. S
ex doesn’t seem to do it justice.” He closed his eyes and drew in a long breath. “I did feel something for an instant, but it was gone as quick as it came.” A rueful smile tilted his lips once again. “Enough that I’m going to want to do this as much as possible. A tiny echo of your love is better than nothing.”

  “I think that can be arranged.” I brushed my lips against his, our scents still thick on his skin. “I love you, Hunter, and if that’s as good as it can be, I’m okay with that.” He opened his mouth, but I cut him off with my finger. “But, that doesn’t mean we’re still not going to try everything in our power to break this curse. I won’t give up. Ever.”

  “I know.” He kissed the tip of my nose. “And that’s why my wolf is so madly in love with you.”

  My heart swelled at his words, and I convinced myself they were true. Because I knew this man would do anything for me, would adore and cherish me until his dying day.

  A wave of desire surged through our bond, and I arched a brow at my mate. “Seriously, again?”

  His arousal brushed my thigh, wordlessly answering my question. “It’s a mate thing, Sierra. I can’t help wanting you.” His arms encircled my waist as he pressed me closer. “It’s our wolves’ drive to procreate. It was the reason the mate bond evolved.”

  “Procreate?” I stiffened. “Um, I’m not ready for little furry pups yet.” Which was exactly why I’d been religiously taking the magical contraception Cass had conjured up for me.

  He chuckled, his broad chest bouncing up and down beneath me. “Trust me, neither am I.” His eyes lit up with a mischievous glow. “But I’m not opposed to practice.” He nudged at my entrance before I could get a word out. “I need to be inside you,” he whispered. “It’s the only time my heart feels alive.”

  My heart broke at his words, at the sadness in the admission. And the truth was that I was ready for him. I nodded quickly and he slipped inside me, a soft groan filling the air between us.

  He moved gently against me, his eyes never leaving mine. “We’re going to do it slow this time. So I can savor every last inch of you.”

  A delicious chill skittered up my spine. And I began to move with him, meeting each leisurely thrust and relishing every moment. After all we’d been through, we deserved it.

  Three quick knocks at the door woke me from a deep sleep. I rolled over, right into a firm, warm chest. Hunter’s eyes opened, and a satisfied grin split his lips. “Good morning, mate.”

  “Morning, yourself, tiger.” I yawned and eyed the clock on the nightstand. It was nearly ten already. I wasn’t surprised considering our insatiable mate link had kept us busy for most of the night.

  “Hello? Are you guys ever going to come out?” Vander’s annoyance seeped through the cracks in the door.

  I groaned, searching the sheets for my discarded undergarments.

  Hunter slipped on his boxers and tugged a shirt over his head before reluctantly forcing himself out of bed. “This better be good, Vander,” he muttered.

  When I emerged from my bedroom a few minutes later in my tank top and short shorts, Hunter’s hungry gaze raked over me. Geez, he really was relentless. Cass and Vander stood next to each other at the kitchen counter watching Hunter ogling me like a wolf stalks a cute furry bunny.

  A smirk split my bestie’s lips as I joined them in the kitchen. “I’m surprised you can still walk.”

  “Ha ha. Very funny.” I wagged my finger at her. “I never poked fun at your sexcapades back at Arcane.”

  “Because you’re way too nice. I definitely deserved it.”

  Hunter shook his head, tearing his gaze away from me and finally focused on Vander. “You said you had news?”

  “I do. Azara is ready when you are.”

  “Good.” Hunter grabbed a pod from the bin and dropped it into the coffeemaker.

  “Azara?” I asked, my gaze bouncing from Vander to Hunter.

  “The friend I told you about who can help with the portals.”

  I’d known it was a girl as he’d referred to her a few times, but it had never hit me until now. “Wait a second, I thought we needed a warlock.”

  “She is a warlock.”

  My eyebrows slammed together. Sure, I was kind of new to the supernatural world, but warlocks were always males. Well, except for that one… I searched my memory from my wiccan history class. “Hold up. Is this the Azara? The demon-warlock dark lord of the Underworld, whose mom was the first female warlock in Azarian history?”

  “Wow, Sierra, and I thought you never paid attention in class.” Cass was smiling, but there was a darker undercurrent in her tone I couldn’t quite decipher.

  “Yes, she’s the one,” said Vander.

  “Who knew you had friends in such high places?” I quipped.

  His expression shuttered, and I realized Azara must have somehow been connected to this dark past Cass and Hunter had alluded to.

  Okay, time for a subject change. “So when can we go?”

  Hunter’s eyes met mine over the rim of his coffee cup. “Are you feeling up to it?

  “Yeah, I’m totally fine.”

  “I should hope so,” said Cass. “You guys have been screwing like bunnies. If she’s good enough for that, I’m sure she can handle some portal jumping.”

  “Cass!” I hissed.

  She shrugged. “What? It’s true.”

  I was suddenly beyond thankful that Braxton was still staying with Terra at Bea’s in Maginaria. I did not need my rejected fiancé hearing my new mate and I at it all night long.

  Vander cleared his throat and turned to Hunter. “I’ll let her know you’re ready. Talon will likely go along with you. Those two are inseparable.”

  Hunter squeezed his friend’s shoulder, and a guarded look passed between them. I opened our connection to eavesdrop but shut it down at the last minute. I wouldn’t like it if my mate went sneaking into my thoughts without my permission so I should probably grant him the same courtesy. Or at least save it for something really important.

  I’d have to ask Hunter the backstory when we were in private. “And you’re sure we can trust them?” I asked instead.

  “Absolutely,” Vander answered. “Talon is like a brother to me, and Azara is his wife and mate. I’d trust them with my life.” He grunted. “I did actually on numerous occasions.”

  “Mate?” Wolves didn’t often mate with different supernatural species. They tended to stick to their own kind.

  “Talon’s a dragon, not a wolf,” Hunter supplied. “And Azara is his mate, then later became his wife. It’s not very common in dragons either, but it happens.”

  Interesting. I was starting to look forward to this mission for more reasons than one.

  “Well then, if it’s settled, I’ll have them meet us first thing tomorrow morning.”

  “Thanks, Vander,” I said as Cass simultaneously asked, “Us?”

  Vander’s cheeks turned a cute rosy color as he lifted his gaze to my friend. “I figured I’d go along to help.”

  “With the girl you were in love with?”

  My jaw dropped, and my brows nearly reached my hairline. Whoa, I did not see that one coming. I struggled to put words together, but Hunter’s voice ratcheted through the jumble.

  Stay out of it, Sierra.

  Wait, you knew about this?

  Of course I did. Vander’s my best friend.

  Well, Cass is mine and I deserve to know what’s going on if these people are helping us. I slid him a glare.

  I’ll tell you about it later.

  I snapped my jaw shut, pinching my lips.

  “Vander, why don’t you stay here and keep an eye on Braxton.” Hunter’s words lanced through the thick silence. “The last thing we need is to let our guard down. Who knows how long it’ll take to track down her grandmother.”

  “Fine,” he gritted out, and I felt the blast of beta power that Hunter had used on his friend.

  A muffled growl echoed through my mind, and my gaze shot to my mate, but
his face was impassive. I focused on the deepening sound and muttered a gasp. It wasn’t Hunter. But the voice was familiar.

  I glanced up at Vander and concentrated on his downcast expression. Can you hear me? I shot toward him.

  His hazel eyes widened into twin glowing orbs. How did you get in my head?

  I’m not sure. I thought I heard you in mine, so I gave it a shot.

  Hunter’s gaze darted back and forth between us, a line furrowing the indentation between his brows. “What’s going on?” he asked.

  “Apparently, your new mate can hear my thoughts,” Vander grumbled. “Just what I need.”

  “Is that a supreme alpha heir mate thing?” I glanced between the two males.

  “Not that I know of.” The lines deepened across Vander’s forehead. “But it has to be a result of the mate bond.”

  Cass hadn’t said a word since her outburst about Azara. She leaned against the counter, arms pressed tight across her chest, but even she looked up now. “Could be because of that miraculous mating the goddess enabled.”

  “Do you think I can hear all the wolves you’re connected to?” I asked Hunter.

  “Maybe. We’ll have to test it out later.” His wary gaze flicked to Cass and Vander. “Let’s keep this newest development to ourselves, all right?”

  They both nodded.

  “Since we’re not leaving till tomorrow, I was thinking I should go see Braxton.” I’d been communicating with him through the pack link, but the guilt from not visiting was real. And like Cass said, if I was well enough for all the sex, I owed my wolfy underling a visit.

  “Fine, but I’m going with you.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Plus, this way I could get the lowdown on Azara and Vander before they showed up. I shot Hunter my best smile before darting into my room to get ready.


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