The Angel of an Astronomer

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The Angel of an Astronomer Page 21

by Sande, Linda Rae

  Appearing a bit undecided, Ben shook his head. “I won’t if I might be allowed some time with you after your guests have taken their leave.”

  Before she could give him an answer, the remaining ladies appeared from the parlor. A flurry of ‘good nights’ and ‘good-byes’ occurred as several gentlemen joined the exodus, although it was apparent they were heading for their men’s club.

  “I’m off to White’s, sister. Wonderful dinner. Thank you for being my hostess,” George said as he gave her an exaggerated bow. “I’ll see you at breakfast,” he added as he departed with the younger guests, Lady Anne one of them.

  Angelica blinked when the vestibule was suddenly empty, and only Sir Benjamin and she were left in the great hall.

  “I owe you an apology,” Ben said, before she had a chance to suggest they move to the front salon. “I never once thought that omitting my honorific would cause you embarrassment,” he added in a quiet voice. “You are, in fact, probably the first person to whom I’ve introduced myself since the knighting ceremony, and I quite... forgot.” He swallowed. “I do rather prefer just being Benjamin Fulton,” he added as he dipped his head.

  “Your apology is accepted, of course,” Angelica murmured. She allowed a long sigh. “I suppose you’ve received a letter from my father.”

  He nodded. “My godfather, yes. And one from my brother.”

  She gave her head a shake. “When my brother told me, we were on the train. I couldn’t believe it. I... I never thought my father would do such a thing.”

  “Nor would I have expected it of my brother,” Ben stated.

  “Were you... angry?” she asked in a whisper.

  Ben’s eyes darted sideways. “I was,” he admitted, wincing when he saw how Angelica seemed on the verge of tears. “And then this angel appeared one night in my observatory, and I found my mind changed on the matter quite completely.”

  Angelica’s eyes widened. “An angel?” she asked in wonder.

  He nodded and then took her into his arms. “Gave me a thorough tongue lashing. Accused me of being a Peeping Tom.” He felt her stiffen in his hold, but he pulled her closer. “Imagine my surprise when I discovered I rather liked her.”

  “You do?”

  “Oh, yes.” He dropped his head until their foreheads met. “Especially when she kissed me.” He felt more than heard her slight inhalation of breath. “Which had me wondering if she might be amenable to doing it every day for the rest of her life.”

  Angelica’s eyes widened, her lashes nearly touching his cheek. “Kissing you?”

  “That, and being my wife.” His lips captured hers then, effectively cutting off any response she might have made.

  Angelica was at a loss. She had spent the entire dinner miffed with him. Besides having learned he was a knight, the minute before that, she had overheard him tell her brother he needed to marry for a dowry.

  Her dowry.

  She pulled her lips from his, and she stared at him. “Because of my dowry?”

  Ben blinked, and blinked again. He allowed a long sigh when he realized she must have overheard more of his conversation with her brother than he thought. “Truth be told, I had never thought it possible for me to take a wife.” At seeing her expression of concern, he added, “Because the Wadsworth earldom isn’t exactly flush with funds, you see. So I never... I never looked for one.” He sighed again. “Now I’ve been told if I marry you, we and our children can have a comfortable living, in a house right next door to your brother.” He gave a shake of his head. “I cannot believe I did not welcome the news when I first read of it.”

  Angelica furrowed a brow. “So then... why didn’t you?”

  “Because I didn’t know I would be gaining my very own delightful angel.”

  Knowing she had been anything but an angel on this night, Angelica allowed a wan grin. “My brother would take issue with you on that matter,” she murmured. “I can be terribly disagreeable.”

  “More so than the night we first met?”

  Angelica’s eyes widened before she finally said, “Probably not.”

  “Then marry me. Be my countess, should I end up with the earldom, or at least be the mother of the next earl.” He reached into his waistcoat pocket and pulled out the sapphire and citrine ring, not waiting for her response before he slid it onto her finger. “It’s not large, I know, but—”

  His words were cut off when Angelica took his lips with hers, one hand moving to the back of his neck. When she finally let go, her eyes glazed and her lips red, he asked, “Does that mean you will?”

  She allowed a brilliant smile. “Yes,” she replied with a nod. Then she sobered. “But with one condition.”

  Ben stiffened. “What might that be?” he asked, worry evident in his expression.

  “That my parents be our witnesses at the wedding. They will come to London for Christmas if there is a reason.”

  “And you’ll wear this gown?” he countered. He leaned over and plucked a rose from the arrangement on the table. “And carry red roses?”

  Angelica blinked, glancing down the front of her dinner gown. “If you insist.”

  “Good.” He straightened and took a deep breath. “I suppose you’ll want to see the house. Make sure it’s to your liking. If there’s anything that needs to be changed, I’ll see to it before we’re wed.”

  A thousand thoughts seemed to collide in Angelica’s head all at once. Thoughts of marriage. Her mother’s comments about duty as a wife. Her duty to the Wadsworth earldom. Her future as the Countess of Wadsworth. Heirs and spares, which meant giving birth to babies, which meant...

  Making babies.

  Ben was already in his mid-thirties. Some might think it was almost too late for him to be starting his nursery. The sooner they saw to the creation of an heir, the better.

  Turning to discover no one else was in the great hall, Angelica said, “Then let’s be off.”

  It was Ben’s turn to blink. “Now?”

  “My brother has gone to his club, or so he claims. He won’t be home for hours,” she replied, hurrying into the vestibule for her redingote. “The Wadsworth earldom needs an heir. We should get started just as soon as possible. There’s really no time to waste.”

  Still on duty in the vestibule, Winston helped her with her coat as Ben pulled on his own coat and top hat. “I’m going for a tour of Bradford Hall,” she told the butler. “Tell Banks I won’t need her this evening. And there’s no need for you to wait up for me.”

  “I’ll see to it she’s returned by way of the back door,” Ben said in a quiet voice, ignoring the excitement he felt at what she had just said.

  Did she really mean for them to... to make love?


  Winston’s brows did a perfect imitation of Peters’ brows when he was surprised, and Ben had to resist the urge to smirk. He held out his arm, and Angelica placed hers on it.

  They said not a word as they stepped out the door and slipped behind her brother, Lady Anne, and the other departing guests as they made their way to the front door of Bradford Hall.

  Chapter 36

  Farewells and a Proposal

  Meanwhile, in front of Worthington House

  George bade his friends a farewell, claiming he would be joining them at White’s once he had seen to it all his guests were safely on their way.

  Gabe Wellingham, holding the Trenton town coach door open for his sister, waved to the other young bucks and made the same claim. “Are you coming?” he asked when he saw that Anne still stood with her hand on Hexham’s arm.

  Anne glanced up at George, about to give him her farewell when he answered Gabe’s query on her behalf. “I will see to escorting your sister home.”

  Regarding Anne with a look of suspicion, Gabe finally allowed a nod. “All right, Hexham, but... one kiss. That’s all,” he warned, just before he climbed into the coach.

  A moment later, and all the town coaches were headed up Park Lane.

watched them go, and when they were out of sight, he turned to Anne. “Let’s go back inside,” he said, offering his arm again.

  Her pulse increasing with every step they took, Anne remained quiet as he led her back into the hall and then up not one, but two flights of stairs.

  “Where are we going?” she finally asked. After all the hubbub of that night’s dinner party, the house was eerily quiet.

  “I wish to show you something,” he replied.

  Anne blinked.

  How terrible was she to think he might be referring to part of his anatomy? Although she was well aware of what a naked man could look like—she’d seen dozens of statues in the British Museum—her mother had just spent that afternoon describing what would happen to her on her wedding night.

  Why her mother had chosen this particular day had been a mystery to Anne, but now she wondered how her mother could have known that this would be the night Hexham would propose.

  Father would have told her, of course, although if he had, she might have expected her mother to shed some tears when she took her leave of the house.

  So, did Hexham intend to ruin her this night?

  Anne was almost sure he did when he stopped before a bedchamber door and opened it.

  Inside, several candle lamps had been lit, bathing the peach and green fabrics and carpet in a golden glow. A large bed topped with a canopy of ruched peach silk took up most of the room, while a japanned screen, dressing table, and dresser filled the rest.

  “Whose room is this?” she asked, thinking it was far too feminine to be his. “It’s lovely.”

  “Yours, if you’ll have me,” he replied, and then quickly added, “You don’t have to give me an answer right away, if you need some time to think on it.”

  “Have you?” she questioned, amused by his nervousness.

  “Yes.” He suddenly winced. “I guess I forgot the most important part,” he whispered, mostly to himself.

  Anne remembered Gabe’s query about George having trouble speaking to her. “What might that be?”

  Quickly pulling her into the bedchamber, George glanced around and finally moved them to stand in front of a window. Beyond the sheer drapes, he knew the Bradford Hall observatory couldn’t be seen—this bedchamber was on the opposite side of the hall from Angelica’s and faced the park. “Will you be my wife?”

  A brilliant smile lit Anne’s face, and she nodded. “Yes,” she said quietly.

  “You’re sure?”

  She allowed a giggle. “Quite sure.” Before she could ask as to when they might marry, his lips had captured hers. When he pulled them away, slowly, he left his forehead pressed against hers. “I don’t think I shall ever tire of kissing you,” he whispered.

  “And I shall never tire of being kissed,” she replied with a smile.

  He kissed her again, and then suddenly pulled away. “I forgot. I have a...” His hands moved to a waistcoat pocket, and after a moment, a gem-topped ring appeared between a thumb and forefinger. He held it up, the light blue stone catching the light from a nearby candle lamp. “A ring. To match your eyes.” He lifted her hand and slid the gold band onto it, sighing with relief when it seemed to fit.

  “It’s lovely,” she murmured, her gaze going from the ring to his eyes. “It’s the same color as your eyes.”

  “Your eyes, you mean,” he countered.

  She dimpled and leaned up to kiss him. “Our children will have the same color eyes,” she said in a whisper.

  George dipped his head. “They’ll look just like you.”

  “Oh, I do hope the boys take after you rather than me,” she argued. “I would hate for them to have so many curls.”

  He chuckled at the thought of the blonde cherubs his sister had described when they’d been on the train. “How many should we have, do you suppose?”

  She allowed a shrug. “How many would you like?”

  His gaze darted to the side. “Four, perhaps?”

  Anne grinned and nodded. “Agreed.” Her gaze darted to the bed. “Did you intend to... to start tonight?”

  George’s eyes widened. “Oh, no,” he replied as he shook his head. Seeing how her brows lifted, he allowed a sigh. “I suppose it would be my right, but... but I think it best we wait until... until closer to our wedding day,” he stammered. “Or... or that night. When I can have you all to myself, and I’m not... I’m not expected anywhere else.”

  When he saw her look of disappointment, he nearly rolled his eyes. She was practically offering her virtue to him, and all he could do was stutter and stammer. “Your brother is expecting me at White’s. If I don’t join him and the others from tonight’s dinner party, he will have to challenge me,” he warned, a bit dramatically. He knew her brother had joined Angelo’s Fencing Academy and had taken up the sport. “I’m a terrible shot.”

  “And not very good with a sword,” she said with a twinkle.

  His eyes darted to one side. “Well, not that kind, anyway.”

  A brilliant smile appeared. “Will we wed soon, then?”

  “What... what were you thinking?”

  “A Christmas wedding, perhaps? If that’s too soon—”

  “No. It’s fine,” he assured her. “It’s perfect, really. Gives us time to take a wedding trip before Parliament convenes,” he murmured.

  “Oh, good. Because my father says I cannot deprive my mother of seeing to my wedding, but I don’t wish to give her too much time to plan something elaborate.”

  He nodded his understanding, appreciating her desire for a simple affair. “As for the trip, where would you like to go?”

  Anne remembered what Sir Benjamin had said during dinner. That he planned to take his bride to the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. “Could we go to Italy?”

  George adored how she gazed up at him. At how she asked in such a sweet manner when his sister would have insisted and then simply expected him to comply. “I believe that can be arranged.”

  Her brilliant smile had George pulling her hard against the front of his body. “Will you always be this easy to please?” he asked in a whisper.

  Her eyes darted to one side. “Will you?”

  Nodding, he gave her another kiss. He pulled away and suddenly sobered. “Oh, dear. I believe I have exceeded my limit when it comes to kissing you on this night.”

  Anne frowned. “Whatever are you talking about?”

  “Your brother only gave me permission for one.”

  She allowed a giggle. “It’s not as if I’m going to tell on you,” she countered.

  He chuckled and kissed her again. “Come. I should... I should get you home.” At her pretend pout, he added, “Remember, if I don’t make an appearance at White’s tonight, Gabe will think I’ve had my way with you.”

  Loving how a pink blush bloomed on her face, George kissed her one more time.

  Once they were in the town coach heading for Trenton House, he kissed her several more times, and then again at the front door of the townhouse.

  “You’ll kiss me every day?” she asked, just before Barclay opened the door.

  “Every day,” George replied. Given the butler was watching them, he merely kissed the back of her gloved hand and wished her a good night.

  Chapter 37

  Devotion to Duty

  Meanwhile, back at Bradford Hall

  Peters opened the door before Ben could lift the knocker.

  About to step into the house, Ben paused and instead lifted a surprised Angelica into his arms.

  “Peters, I am betrothed,” Ben announced once he was in the vestibule. He lowered Angelica until her feet touched the floor.

  “Best wishes, sir, my lady,” the butler replied. “Will you be requiring my assistance this evening?”

  Ben gave the butler a quelling glance, wondering if the query referred to something other than his duty as a valet. “I will not. Lady Angelica has requested a tour of the house, and I intend to be her guide.” He helped with Angelica’s coat and divested his own o
uter garments with Peters’ help.

  Angelica pretended to review the hall and the rooms beyond as they made their way to the main stairs. “An excellent floor plan,” she remarked.

  “I hadn’t noticed,” Ben replied, glancing around as if he were seeing his home for the first time. “In fact, I don’t believe I’ve even been in all the rooms.” He seemed to struggle with the stairs, never before having to negotiate them with a hardened cock straining against his satin breeches.

  Giving him a sideways glance, Angelica was about to tell him that her parents had made love in every single room of Worthington House save the servants’ quarters. Instead, she said, “Are you a man of routine, then?”

  “I suppose I have been,” he replied, a brow furrowing. Did the woman have any idea of the agony he found himself in just then?

  “If I should say or do something you find... annoying, you must tell me,” she said as they made their way through the first story hall to the next set of stairs. She gave a cursory glance into the yellow and navy blue parlor and allowed a sound of appreciation.

  “I cannot imagine what that might be,” Ben replied, his body reacting in a manner it had not in a very long time. Desire had him feeling feverish. The scent of her perfume had his head feeling light.

  “I intend to kiss you every morning at breakfast,” Angelica informed him. “On the cheek, if a footman is present.”

  Ben blinked. “I will do the same. On the lips. I care not if a footman is present.” Before tonight, he never would have thought to kiss a woman in front of a servant.

  Angelica allowed a brilliant grin. “Unlike other ladies, I do not write my correspondence before breakfast, but rather afterwards. I find I’m too distracted by hunger otherwise. I would only write about food and dinner parties and the menus.”

  Ben grinned as they climbed the stairs to the second story. Before breakfast, he decided he would be thinking only of her, and what she might look like in the early morning light. He might have to rise with the sun on occasion just to find out. “I am terrible at writing letters, which reminds me that I must send one to your father and one to my brother on the morrow.”


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