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The Topaz Brooch: Time Travel Romance (The Celtic Brooch Book 10)

Page 78

by Katherine Lowry Logan

“Sophia told me. I should be pissed, but I understand why you sent Connor to do it.” At the time Sophia told her, Connor’s break-in had felt like an invasion, but with so much else going on, it quickly slipped to the bottom of the pile, and now it didn’t matter.

  “The father of one of my clients fought in that battle for the French. I studied it at the Academy, and I wanted to know more. But I don’t think I could have handled it if I’d landed there.”

  “I don’t either, but yeah, I freaked out, and Kenzie took me down. It was embarrassing in more ways than one.”

  “Just so you know, if you ever lose it around me, I won’t do that. I’ll try to calm you down somehow. I’ll have your six, always and forever.”

  His muscular arms engulfed her in the kind of hug she’d come to depend on, and he nuzzled her cheek, brushing her ear. “I couldn’t ask for anything more.” His lips drifted across hers before he took her hand and led her toward the kitchen. “Let’s go see the family.”

  Everyone who’d been there the night before was there now. Shorts and sundresses replaced the kilts, suits, and cocktail dresses. They all looked rested, especially Braham and Charlotte, who hung on each other like young lovers. Braham seemed to move at a much slower pace than everyone else, apparently unfazed by the hectic rhythm of life in the twenty-first century.

  A cacophony of high-pitched voices welcomed them. “They’re here!”

  Charlotte kissed Penny’s cheek and handed her a beautiful posy made with flowers from the garden—bright orange roses, purple and red carnations, purple asters with green bells of Ireland, and seeded eucalyptus. Then, like an orchestra conductor, Charlotte led the group in a wedding march.

  “Dum dum da dum. Dum dum da dum. Dum dum da dum dum, da dum dum da dum.”

  Braham gave Rick a cigar and a clap on the shoulder. “Congratulations. We’re happy for ye.”

  Penny was deeply touched, and a tear trickled down her cheek. “Thank you all so much. This is awesome. So, I guess since you’re all here, you know this guy,” she glanced up at Rick, smiling, “asked me to marry him, and I said yes!”

  Soph hurried over. “I’m so excited. Let me see the ring. Ohhh,” she touched her heart. “It turned out exactly the way Rick wanted it to look.”

  Penny studied her ring, then looked from Rick to Soph and back again. “You did the design.”

  “No, he did it,” Soph nodded at Rick. “I just plucked the concept out of his brain. You know, don’t you,” she winked at Penny, “that I have magical powers.”

  “I heard your magical powers got General Jackson to agree to your scheme.”

  “It had nothin’ to do with magical powers,” Remy said. “She gave away my drugs.”

  Elliott kissed Penny on both cheeks. “Congratulations, Wilhelmina. I couldn’t have chosen a better partner for the lad.”

  “How come everybody knew about this but me?” Based on Rick’s pleased expression, he even knew about the breakfast.

  “I suspected this would happen when Rick went back for ye. As for the engagement, ye can’t keep secrets in this family. If one knows, we all know.”

  She put her hands on her hips, glaring. “Tell me you didn’t just say that, Boss.”

  He laughed. “Well, occasionally, someone will manage to keep a secret.”

  Meredith hugged her. “We’re so happy for you both. Now, if you want to get married here this week, we can do that, or if you’re going to wait until you return to Napa, we can do it at the winery, or you can get married in Europe when we’re there in July.”

  “Or ye can elope,” Braham said. “Which I would advise.”

  Charlotte gave him a teasing nudge. “Don’t suggest that. We all want to be there.”

  “Yes, you can elope if you want to, of course, but I know a few people who wouldn’t be happy,” Meredith said. “You do events for a living, so I’ll stay out of your way, but the winery would be a beautiful background for a wedding.”

  “Thank you,” Penny said, carefully modulating her voice, mostly to keep her splitting head from a complete explosion. “Rick and I haven’t discussed a venue, but I feel sure we’ll get married in one of the Cathedrals in San Fran or Oakland.”

  “Well, the winery or the farm in Lexington are both available—” Meredith said.

  “Or here in Virginia,” Charlotte added.

  “Thank you. We’ll keep all your suggestions in mind. But I have a file on what I want in a wedding, so after Rick and I go through the options, we’ll let you know how you can help us make our special day perfect.” She didn’t really, but she did have a list of what she liked about her friends’ weddings.

  “The Colorado ranch or the castle in the Highlands are also options,” Meredith said, tapping her cheek with a fingernail. “Or the vineyard in Tuscany. Surely one of those locations would be a suitable venue.”

  Penny smiled but wanted to roll her eyes. “How about we eat and leave wedding planning for another day? With all those venues, I’m sure we’ll be okay no matter what date we choose.”

  “Penny’s right,” Charlotte said. “And she has a medical procedure tomorrow, so let’s keep breakfast calm and low-keyed.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Rick said. “Would you like a mimosa, babe?”

  “I’d love one.” Rick drank more of the champagne last night than she had, but after this well-intentioned but overwhelming family greeting, even if her blood alcohol concentration was ninety-nine percent, she’d be begging for one more drink.

  Soph beat Rick to the bar and handed Penny a mimosa. “You look like you need this. Drink one for me.”

  Penny sipped. “Thanks. You’re right. I do need it. And thanks for helping Rick pull off last night’s surprise. It was incredible.”

  “After all you’ve been through, you deserved a perfect night. And you deserve a perfect wedding too. Take it from me. You won’t regret it if you give Meredith specific jobs to do. Her help was amazing when Pete and I got married. She can pull strings and get just about anything you want or need. So don’t leave her out. It’s better to have her in the fold than out of it, and it will keep Elliott happy. And a happy Elliott means a happy family.”

  Rick came over with a plate. “Do you want me to fill it up with food, or do you want to?”

  She took the plate. “I’ll do it. Just stay close and run interference.”

  A mouthwatering spread was laid out on the buffet—biscuits and gravy, Virginia ham, scrambled eggs, country bacon, hash brown potatoes, grits, hotcakes, fried apples, oatmeal, fruit, coffee, and mimosas. Penny couldn’t have planned this surprise breakfast with any more flare. It was perfect.

  She took some of everything and reclaimed the seat she had last night, and while the table conversation went through the pros and cons of having a wedding at each of the MacCorp properties, Penny tuned them out and enjoyed her food. When she finished, she sat back, crossed her hands in her lap, and yawned.

  Rick whispered in her ear. “Are you ready?”

  She yawned again. “Yes. I’m so tired.”

  “Then let me do this one thing before we go.” He clinked his coffee cup with a knife. “Since thankfully none of you were with us when I proposed, I thought I’d give you all a chance to bear witness to an early gift to my fiancée.”

  Charlotte handed him a small box, and he held it out to Penny. “You once gave this to a man who was special to both of us, and now I want to return it to you, because, Wilhelmina Penelope Malone, you are my life, my treasure, my love, and I hope I can give you all the joy and happiness you deserve.” He kissed her, and she kissed him, and they kept kissing until someone clearing their throat brought them back to the present.

  “That was beautiful.” Penny held the box against her breasts. “Is this what I think they are?”

  He laughed. “Open it up.”

  She unwrapped the box, and slowly lifted the lid, and when she saw the glittering diamond earrings, tears streamed down her cheeks. “How in the world did you find them

  “Elliott has connections all over the world. He put out feelers and found them in Charleston. I flew down last weekend and bought them. The earrings went from Tommy’s wife to their daughter, to her daughter, and so on, until the offer I made the current owners far exceeded their emotional attachment.”

  “What about your gunnery sergeant? I never asked.”

  “He’s a cop in Charleston, and he’s doing great. It was his parents who sold me the earrings. I didn’t mention it because it would have spoiled the surprise.”

  “Ah, I’m so happy to hear that.” She kissed him, then whispered in his ear. “Take me to the cabin so I can show you how much this means to me.”

  He stood and pulled out her chair. “If you’ll excuse us, I’m taking my fiancée to the cabin for a nap. She has a busy day tomorrow.”

  “Wait just a minute,” Charlotte said. “I’ve had some leftovers boxed up for an afternoon meal. Then you can go back and sleep the day away. No one will bother you.”

  Penny leaned into Rick. “Thank you, Charlotte. I am exhausted.”

  “I’ll drive down and pick you up at six-thirty tomorrow morning. You need to be there by seven for pre-op, but your procedure won’t be before nine or ten. Don’t drink any more alcohol and nothing by mouth after midnight.”

  “The hospital sent me all the instructions. We’ll be ready to go.”

  One of the women working in the kitchen carried out a basket. “Here’s the food for the picnic, Miss Charlotte.”

  “Thanks, Betty.” Charlotte handed the basket to Rick. “Take good care of our gal.”

  He kissed Charlotte’s cheek. “I will.”

  Before Penny left, she gave hugs to everyone and a big one to Rhona. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Charlotte wants me up here for a couple of days, so we’ll be in the visitors’ wing, too.”

  Rhona’s eyes glistened. “Thank you for what you’re doing.”

  Penny hugged her again. “I’m so glad I’m a match. We’re going to get you well.”

  Rhona walked with her toward the front door. “I heard Philippe on the phone talking to Elliott,” she said, lowering her voice. “They’re moving our home in New Orleans here to the plantation, and they’re trying to keep it a secret. Have you heard?”

  “I have,” Penny said. “But don’t let anybody know that you know. Elliott wants it to be a big surprise for the July 4th celebration.”

  Rhona put her hand over her mouth, chuckling. “After last night, we all know secrets in this family are impossible to keep.”

  “Yeah, tell me about it. I didn’t even get to share my engagement news with anybody.”

  “Oh, honey, you shared it with all of us, and we’re thrilled. Now go rest and make love to that fiancé of yours again. I bet he’s a stud in bed.”

  Penny laughed, her shoulders shaking, “Oh, honey, you’ve got that right.” Penny hugged her a third time. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Rick stood at the front door holding the picnic basket. “What’s up with Rhona?”

  “If I tell you a secret who will you tell? Pete? Your brothers? Sister? Pops? Who?”

  “I don’t share secrets unless it’s necessary to protect someone.”

  “Oh, that’s nice to know.” They stepped off the porch, and Penny swung into the driver’s seat of the golf cart. “I’ve never driven one of these.”

  “Oh, boy.” He made a big production out of hunting for a seat belt. “Well, drive carefully. I’ve got commitments to meet this afternoon.”

  She toed the accelerator, and the cart lurched forward. “You do? Like what?”

  He nibbled on her neck as he tweaked a nipple, then, after a couple of minutes, slipped his hand under her dress to tease her clit. “I need to finish what I just started. Your panties are already damp.”

  She flexed her hips to grind against his hand while making a sharp turn into the cabin’s driveway.

  Rick almost tumbled out of the cart. “Hell, Penny. You trying to kill me?”

  “Hell, no. I’m in a hurry to screw you.” She took her foot off the accelerator, jumped out, and dashed toward the front door of the cabin, peeling off her dress as she ran.

  He hurried after her, carrying the basket. By the time she reached the bed, she was wearing only her damp panties.

  “Damn, woman. If you don’t kill me on the road, you’ll kill me in bed.”

  “Stop complaining and get over here.”

  He dropped clothes as he stalked toward the bed, giving her one of his killer grins. “I’ve created a sex goddess, and I’m going to fuck your goddamn brains out.”

  “Oooh, I’m soooo scared!” She shook for effect.

  He grabbed a condom off the table, ripped open the foil, and sheathed himself. Her heart skipped a beat and then another, watching him roll it over his shaft while anticipation swirled her nerves and tingled down her spine. It was like the first time all over again. Her body ached for him. The intensity of his stare sent a shiver of heat to every limb, all the way out to her fingernails and toenails.

  “You better be scared, babe. Your orgasms are going to rock your world.”

  Erotic texture and timbre saturated his voice, and its vibrations rolled across her skin. He yanked down her panties and tossed them on the floor. Her nipples hardened, and if he breathed on her, she might explode.

  He played with her, teasing, touching, pushing in and pulling out, making her moan his name over and over. Then he urged her legs apart, and his tongue slid over her clit, circling the tight bundle of nerves until she bucked against him for more. And he gave her what she craved until she came undone on his tongue.

  He moved up her body, trailing a string of kisses to her nipples. “Do you want me?” He settled between her thighs, and the thick crown of his cock nudged her slickness. “Tell me if you want my dick inside you.”

  “Yes, damn it!”

  “Nuh-uh. Not till you say please. Not till you beg me.”

  “Don’t tease me. Fuck me!”

  “M-kay. But you’ll only get an inch at a time.”

  “Why are you being mean?”

  “Mean?” He bit her lower lip. “I’ll never be mean to you. Tease you. Torture you with my tongue and dick. But I’ll never be mean.”

  His throatiness vibrated against her, and the slow, intoxicating friction of his shaft triggered electrifying sensations.

  Needing him closer, she squeezed her legs around him and dug her fingernails into his butt. Her throat went dry from gasping as she flew fast and furiously, her nails digging deeper into his skin. He flexed, and she urgently needed more and more and more.

  Her cries turned into screams, and she climaxed on his thrusting cock. Every dream she’d ever had of life and love and happily-ever-afters was coming true. She held her breath until he climaxed, delighting her with a tangle of breaths and tongue-licking kisses.

  Finally, they cleaved to each other’s sweat-dampened bodies, and they stayed that way, tangled together, not knowing where one ended and the other began.

  “Next time you’ll get me all at once. Inch by inch nearly killed me.”

  “I’m glad,” she moaned. “You were torturing me.”

  “I love you, my blue-haired Penny.”

  “And I love you, Marine. You rock my world.”


  Mallory Plantation—Penny

  Penny woke disoriented. What day was it? What time? She rolled over and covered her head with a pillow. She didn’t want to know.

  But then she snuck a peek at her watch—six-thirty. Was that a.m. or p.m.?

  Then she remembered Charlotte was coming for her at six-thirty. Rick would have made sure she was up and ready to go to the hospital, so it must be evening. And it was too bright to be early morning anyway. That’s why she buried her head. But her bladder wouldn’t let her go back to sleep.

  “Okay. Okay.” She rolled to a sitting position, holding onto her throbbing head. She needed ibuprofen. She didn’t have any. Maybe Rick did.

  Even with her body aches and needs, she was a mighty happy camper, and she had never, ever, in her thirty-five years been so sexually satisfied. Rick was an incredible lover—sensitive and attentive—and he quickly learned what she liked, but he also kept experimenting to find other ways to please her. And because he was such a good lover and took such good care of her, she wasn’t a bit sore. He was big, too. Thick and long, and oh, my God, she blushed just thinking about it.

  I think Kenzie lied to me.

  If Penny ever got into a discussion comparing the attributes of MacKlenna men, she’d do her share of bragging. What stamina. No wonder women flocked to him.

  The quiet stillness in the cabin told her she was alone, which was odd. They had been as close as Siamese twins the past few days, and without him nearby, it felt like a part of her was missing.

  Where was he? She didn’t see a note on the bedside table or the small dresser, so he must be within shouting distance. So while he was gone, she’d take a quick shower, drink a gallon of water, and find some ibuprofen.

  Fifteen minutes later, she returned to bed wearing a sexy teddy she found during a quick shopping trip before returning to New Orleans. The silk and lace barely covered her ass. Rick would like it, although he preferred her wearing nothing at all.

  He’d straightened the bedside table and thrown away condom wrappers and empty water bottles and placed her jewelry—necklace, bracelet, earrings—in a small glass bowl with a lid. Next to it was the box holding the diamond earrings he’d given her, and next to that box was the gold and silver container from the treasure chest.

  She picked it up and traced the harbor scene with two sailing ships, people, and exotic birds engraved on the top. It was exquisite and had to date back to the early eighteenth century. Studying the inside, she noticed a corner of the velvet lining was sticking up and discolored, probably from oily fingertips. She tugged on the fabric, and the bottom lining lifted right up.

  Beneath the lining was a folded piece of paper. Remembering Churchill’s comment about Lieutenant Bowes keeping letters in the box, Penny thought it might be a secret letter to the lieutenant.


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