Ray: Riding Hard

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Ray: Riding Hard Page 10

by Jennifer Ashley

  Drew’s brow puckered. “I’ve only had them batter fried or chopped up on nachos. They look different right off the plant.”

  “This one’s a serrano.” Ray indicated the long, thin pepper. “Hottest of what you have here. There are hotter ones out there, but serrano has a nice bite. You can tone down the heat, if you want—take out all the ribs and seeds when you cut it up.”

  “Which I have no idea how to do.” Drew took out the chef’s knife she’d brought carefully from home and stared at it, then the chiles.

  “Let me wash up, and I’ll show you.” Ray grabbed his pack and disappeared to the bathroom.

  Drew’s heart beat faster. She hadn’t had a man stay over for a long time, and the occurrence had been rare, in any case. She hadn’t wanted to bring someone home for sex with Erica sleeping in the next room—or not sleeping, which would be more likely. She and her guy of the moment had usually gone off on a weekend together, while Erica stayed behind with a babysitter. Drew hadn’t been comfortable with that solution either.

  Ray was different. She didn’t feel weird bringing him into the house—not that this was much of a house—and Erica liked him. In fact, Erica liked him so much Drew worried how upset her daughter would be if things between Ray and Drew didn’t work out.

  Erica had been very young when Drew and Philip had separated and didn’t remember much about him. She’d envied other kids who’d had real dads, though she’d never complained much. She’d understood about life and death at a too early age.

  If Erica grew attached to Ray, and Drew and Ray broke up …

  Jumping the gun, Ray had said. He’d been speaking about Kyle and Anna, but the advice was as relevant to Ray and Drew.

  She should concentrate on the now, not on the what might be. Take things as they came. It was how she’d survived her darkest days.

  Ray returned from the bathroom, sleeves of his shirt rolled up to reveal tanned forearms creased with tiny white scars. He rummaged in a cupboard for a bowl, which he set next to the chopping board. Drew couldn’t take her eyes off him. Easy to tell herself she’d take things slow with him when he wasn’t right next to her, his hard body sending her libido soaring.

  “You cut ’em up like bell peppers,” Ray said as he sliced the serrano neatly down the middle. He pulled it apart and used the knife to take out the core of seeds and then to skim out the ribs.

  He did it competently, easily, like it was nothing. He handed Drew the knife and turned to wash his hands in the sink.

  “Try the poblano,” he said over his shoulder. “It’s big and easier to cut. Don’t get too many of the juices on your hands, though. Those peppers are milder but they can still sting.”

  Drew cut open the pepper to find it indeed looked much like a red or green bell pepper inside, just a different shape. Once she took out the seeds, Ray showed her how to slide the knife under the ribs to slice them away and drop them into a slop bowl.

  Drew was confident enough after cutting up the poblanos to do the few jalapeños. Smaller, but same principle.

  “Do you always take out the ribs and seeds? To make them more mild?”

  “Kyle chops them up whole and throws them into the chili pot. But …” Ray trailed off, cheekbones reddening.

  “But I’m a wimpy northerner?” Drew narrowed her eyes. “I’ll have you know we eat pretty hot stuff in Chicago, buddy. How do you think we get through the cold winters?”

  Ray grinned. “You’re a Texan by blood. That never leaves you. But yeah, I’m introducing you to southwestern chiles a little bit at a time.”

  “And I’m grateful.” Drew set to chopping. “I don’t need my mouth on fire.”

  Ray’s answering look made everything in her tingle. Another guy might follow up with a sexy witticism about her fiery mouth, but Ray wasn’t a man of overly clever sayings and constant jokes. He said what he needed to, and then he shut up.

  Drew found it restful. She never felt forced to keep up with his banter, wondering what he’d say next and how she should react.

  When Ray did speak, he carried on a normal conversation. Nothing demanding, no challenging her to return the repartee or be derided if she couldn’t.

  Ray went through the recipe the woman at the grocery store had given her, and they cooked it together. He showing her how to sear the peppers and then the meat, then let the mess of it plus some garlic and onion cook together until the sauce was tender and juicy. It smelled wonderful.

  Drew ducked into the bathroom while the meat and peppers simmered. When she emerged again, she approached Ray hesitantly.

  “Um …”

  Ray turned around. He’d taken out the package of flour tortillas they’d roll the meat in to make burritos. “You okay?” he asked in concern.

  “I … uh …” Drew’s face heated until it burned like the rest of her. “I think I didn’t wash the pepper juice off my hands well enough before I used the bathroom.” She felt her flush deepen. “I’m tingling in the wrong places.”

  Ray stared at her for a long moment. Philip would have immediately told her she was careless or plain stupid and have no sympathy. Ray regarded her blankly, as though trying to decide how to react.

  Then he dropped the package of tortillas on the counter with a splat, folded his arms over his gut, and laughed. Loud, long uproarious laughter she’d never heard from him before. He’d given a chuckle here and there, even a guffaw, but not this belly-hard, deep from within himself laughter.

  Drew fell into laughter with him. Just watching him holding his sides, face creased, eyes squeezed closed, made her life better.

  “It’s not funny,” she gasped. “I might have done myself some serious damage.”

  Ray opened his eyes, sparkling and green, and dragged in a long breath. “We’d better get you cleaned up then.” He took her arm and steered her the short way to the bathroom. His laughter had abated somewhat but still shook him all over.

  Drew realized what he meant when he skimmed back the shower curtain and turned on the water. His hands went to her shirt to slide it up and off, and she froze.

  Ray stilled as well. His eyes asked the question.

  She wanted him. Drew knew that with every beat of her heart. But accepting what he silently offered would take her into the realm of no return. Kissing him was one thing. Surrendering to her desires was something else.

  Ray caressed her waist, his hand strong. He was a big man, but he gentled his touch, making it her decision.

  Drew could stop this now, send him away … and be a little less than she had been before she’d met him. He’d given her kindness, friendship, caring, help when she needed it. When he left, a part of her would go with him.

  Drew moved his hands quietly aside but before he could register hurt or resignation, she slid her shirt off over her head and popped the button on her shorts.

  Chapter Eleven

  Ray’s breath stopped. Drew had been laughing so hard tears had leaked from her eyes. The harsh glare of the bathroom light glittered on those tears now, soft on her cheeks.

  Her belly came into view, a little rounded, scarred from carrying a child. Her breasts, plump and full, were heavy in a pink lacy bra. The bra was a touch of the feminine among her paint-splotched work clothes.

  She’d slid open the button of her shorts, fingers hesitating. Ray reached for the zipper and glided it down.

  Drew took a sharp breath. Ray kept going, hands seeking her warmth encased in satin. He found himself kissing her, the natural thing to do while he slid down the shorts, slipping fingers beneath the waistband of her panties.

  Drew tugged at his shirt, dislodging buttons. It was an old shirt that had seen better riding days, and the loosened fabric fell easily from Ray’s shoulders.

  He dropped the shirt and returned to Drew to slide her underwear down, her skin as silken as the panties. He found her heat waiting for him, liquid and pooling. Drew’s kisses turned deep, she clutching at Ray to draw him closer.

  But chile
juices could burn and blister, and while he’d laughed at her, Ray also knew they had to wash it off her. He left off the kissing to unhook her bra and then lift her into the shower.

  Ray let his gaze rove her bared body, her nipples tightening under his gaze. Water beaded on Drew’s skin and dripped from her hair, turning it dark as midnight.

  He reached past her for the pale bottle of liquid soap on the tub’s lip, squirted a large amount on his hands, lathered her skin.

  Ray’s breath came fast as he wiped her body with the soap, her skin slippery and pliant, and his cock rose, hard and tight. Drew went motionless, her eyes half closing in pleasure, letting Ray wash her.

  He massaged and caressed the soap all over her. Best was rubbing it on her breasts, her nipples dark in the middle of soft flesh. He caught her nipples between his fingers, gently playing.

  He slid the soap down across her belly to tickle her belly button, then between her legs, washing away what stung.

  Drew stilled. The bathtub’s bottom sat a few inches above the floor, which meant Drew only had to tilt her head back a little to meet Ray’s gaze. Her eyes were filled with hunger, a desire as hot as the steam rising around them.

  One of Ray’s fingers slipped inside her. Drew gasped, then she put her hand on his shoulder, grip biting down.

  Ray played his finger inside her incredible heat, letting his palm rub her opening, bringing her to life.

  Drew’s eyes drifted closed, and she groaned. She shuddered, skin prickling with goosebumps despite the hot water streaming over her. She lifted her face to the shower, letting it rain on her while she rocked on Ray’s hand.

  Ray wanted to rip off his jeans, leap into the tub with her, and have her against the wall, but he held off. She needed this pleasure to be all her own. Her quick reaction to him, the tightening of her muscles around his finger, told him it had been a while. She was going to release, and quickly.

  He was halfway under the falling water, his arm around her, lips on hers, when she did come. She did it beautifully, moving against him hard and fast, a cry of pure joy escaping her lips.

  She cried out, loud in the small room, then her laughter rolled over him. Drew collapsed against the wall, still laughing.

  Ray quickly divested himself of the rest of his clothes and climbed under the shower with her.

  “I’m already wet,” he said, kissing her face, her lips. “Might as well.”

  Wet and slippery, Drew pulled Ray to her, kissing him as she sealed them together. They kissed for a long time, tasting, licking, learning, nibbling, until Drew snatched up the bottle of body wash.

  Ray got in a, “Hey now,” before she squirted it all over him. She followed that with her hands, lathering him up.

  She smoothed soap over his chest, playing with his nipples, which tingled like bites of fire. Around to his back, sweetly soothing, then down to his cock.

  Ray started as she closed her hand around him, soap making everything slick. He froze as she slid her hand up his hard cock, squeezing just right.

  It had been a long time for him too. The buckle bunnies who’d chased Ray and Kyle had been eager and willing, and Ray had enjoyed them some years back. But these days he wanted more. He wanted someone to be with, to share his good times and hug him during the bad, to talk with, to be quiet with. Not a woman who simply wanted to be with a champion bull rider. The women who’d followed him on the rodeo circuit had wanted Ray’s body, not his pain.

  Drew hadn’t once asked about his bull riding. She never asked him about how many trophies he’d won or how much prize money he’d had, or how many sponsorships he’d been offered. She didn’t judge him on any of that. She just accepted him as he was.

  Because of all this, plus not having had sex for longer than he cared to think about, Ray came fast and hard as Drew stroked him, right into her hand.

  Drew looked delighted. She let the shower clean them off while she stepped into Ray’s arms, holding him while they caressed and kissed, coming down from their release.

  Ray needed more. He reached around Drew and shut off the water, then he carried her, both of them dripping wet, to her bedroom.

  It was a tiny chamber, big enough for a bed and not much else, but a bed was all they needed. Ray stretched on top of Drew in the sunshine, she gazing up at him with soft eyes.

  The heat from the late afternoon sun dried them and added to their languidness, but it couldn’t calm the fervor that had begun inside him. He wanted this woman, needed her.

  Ray had left his backpack in the bathroom, so he’d been able to grab from it what he wanted on the way to the bedroom. When he’d gone home to fetch his toothbrush earlier today, he’d picked up some condoms, just in case.

  He reached for one now, grinning a little at Drew’s look of approval. He opened it, and she helped him slide it on without embarrassment, Ray so hard his cock was flushed and dark.

  Tossing aside the wrapper, he rolled Drew onto the mattress, looking into her beautiful blue eyes as he slid inside her.

  This was all he needed. Wonderful Drew, the sunshine, and being in her. Ray let out a groan as he started loving her, something within him finally awakening.

  Ray was a slow lover, Drew came to know as she lost herself in him. His strength was incredible, as was his unhurried touch.

  He was also a fast and powerful lover, she learned as well. As his thrusts built, his leisurely calm fell away, until they were driving at each other, cries and shouts echoing. They were alone, a long way from any neighbors, and they could be as loud as they liked.

  It was freeing, lying in this nest with Ray, Drew pouring forth everything pent up within her.

  Ray kissed her, loved her hard, reaching between them to caress and stroke her.

  At the end, they were both crying each other’s names, moving fast, frantic, sweat-streaked, and still wet from the shower. A wave of pure pleasure rolled under Drew and swept her up, spinning her around with this beautiful man, who cradled her in safety.

  They landed, washed up on the shore that was the mattress while the waves of their passion ebbed. Ray looked down at her, his granite-hard face relaxed from his release, afterglow kisses brushing her skin.

  Drew held Ray close, and they lay together in silence, while dusk fell, coating the room in easy darkness.

  Drew bit into the savory pillow of the burrito, the filling having simmered to perfection while she’d been enjoying herself with Ray. She glanced at Ray across the uneven table, and he looked at her at the same time.

  His lazy smile undid her. Drew wanted to leap across the table, snuggle into his lap, and kiss him silly.

  “These turned out well,” she said, trying to keep her thoughts corralled.

  “Whole day turned out well.”

  Drew flushed. “Yeah, it did.”

  Ray glanced at the freshly painted walls and sanded floorboards. “We’ve made some progress.”

  “Yeah,” Drew said. “We have.”

  Ray reached over and took her hand. They’d moved from awkward friends to easy intimacy, which was both relaxing and exciting. Drew was supposed to be wary, concerned about where this was going now that they’d made love, but those worries didn’t come.

  “Like I mentioned before, I don’t like the idea of you staying out here alone,” Ray said after another time of silence. “You’ll start getting in building materials, and that will make you a target for thieves—even River County has them.”

  “I could get a guard dog,” Drew said. “Cinders isn’t much of a guard cat.” The half-grown Cinders liked everyone.

  Ray let his lips quirk in appreciation of her humor. “I was thinking I’d stay here. Not just tonight. I could sleep on the couch.”

  Because Erica might not like it if Ray suddenly started sleeping in Drew’s bed. Sweet of him to think about that.

  “Couch is too small for you,” Drew pointed out. “Not to mention saggy and hard.”

  “There’s a couple of sofas lying around my house no one
is using.” Ray studied Drew over the beer bottle he’d lifted. “Seriously, it’s not safe for you to be out here alone.”

  He didn’t ask her opinion or permission, just decided she needed him to be there for her. Drew liked that.

  She also liked that he didn’t act as though Drew was stupid for not thinking of it herself. He saw a problem and he offered a solution.

  Drew slid her bare foot across to him and up the leg of his jeans. “I’m sure we can work it out.”

  Ray set down the beer, a smile on his lips. He rose and came to her, lifting Drew out of her chair to sit in it himself and have her straddle him. He took her face in his hands and kissed her, thoroughly and heatedly.

  Dinner could wait.

  Ray slept with Drew that night. When he woke in morning sunshine, her legs entwined with his, a lightness settled on his heart.

  They cooked breakfast together, elbows and hips bumping, and kissed long and leisurely before they finally ate the cooling eggs and hash browns.

  He left when she drove to the Campbells to pick up Erica. He needed to go home and grab some more things if he’d make his move here longer term.

  They locked up everything, and shared another deep kiss before Ray watched Drew drive away in her little car.

  She’d need to do something about the car as well. A truck would be a lot more practical for her. Ray would have to help her shop for one—maybe the grant money the Campbells were sure to give her would cover a vehicle.

  As he drove, he noted that the world was a bit brighter, shinier. Had the Clifton ranch’s fence ever looked so clean, like a white light leading down the highway? Had the town square always been so full of blooming flowers, the couples with picnic baskets so contented, their kids so wild and happy?

  Probably, but Ray hadn’t noticed before. Or maybe he was coating everything with a joy that had been absent until last night, when Drew had lain his arms.

  No, that was too poetic for what they’d done. They’d grappled with each other, having hot, hard, and mind-blowing sex. The best sex of his life.


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