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Samantha Cocker (Cocker Brothers Book 21)

Page 6

by Faleena Hopkins

  Feeling lightheaded I confess, “Amazing.” Like how you’re looking at me right now. “I didn’t even see the audience. I was really there. I was Izzy.”

  “The zone. I know. I felt that vibe coming off you. I’m so jaded from having done so many of these. It was really cool to be dancing with someone like you. You made me remember what I love about it”


  “That's why I improvised that kiss. It felt right.” He leans in, about to kiss me again, when three of our cast members kill the mood by shouting for our order. Asher chuckles and rolls his eyes. “We keep getting interrupted.”

  Tucking my hair behind my ear, I gave him a flirtatious smile. “We do.”

  “To be continued,” he says, taking my hand and braiding our fingers. We walk into the hospital room and I lock eyes with my sister who throws me an almost imperceptible nod of approval.

  Asher gets drawn into a conversation about what this production will be like when it goes north.

  I take advantage of him not watching me to glance over to Zoe.

  Her barely contained excitement is so obvious I purse my lips, silently telling her, Shh.

  She mouths, He looks like Ryder.

  No, he doesn’t. Maybe the hair color. But she’s so obsessed with Tanner’s nephew she’d say a skillet looked like him. Anything dark. Anything hot.

  When pizza is finally getting passed around the room, Marion calls my name. I let go of Asher’s hand, crossing to her bed.

  “How long before this heals?”

  “Are you and Asher dating?”

  My neck flushes as I glance back to where he’s laughing with two of the male dancers, chomping basil and goat cheese. We’re not supposed to be eating carbs, but what’s a celebration without rebellion?

  “I don’t know if it’s official. He just took my hand so I didn’t object, and that’s really all it is.”

  “Wow,” she dryly mutters. “That’s convenient for you.”

  I sigh, “I really don’t like it when you’re negative with me.”

  “Negative? When am I negative?”

  “Pretty often. For years.”

  “I don’t know if you noticed, Sam, but my leg is in a cast suspended in the air. I’m sorry if I’m not super sweet right now. Kind of got fucked over.”

  I’m torn between wanting to tell her that this is the reason people don’t like her very much, while simultaneously feeling sorry for her because she’s right. What happened to her I wouldn’t wish on my enemies, not that I have any.

  “I’m sorry this happened. I can’t imagine what you must be feeling. If it were me I would’ve cried all night, too.”

  “I wasn’t crying.” She wipes her eyes, blinking rapidly. “I’m allergic to something in this blanket. I think it's what they wash it with. A harsh chemical or something.”

  Yeah, sure. They use harsh chemicals in hospitals where sick people are. “Did they give you an allergy pill?”

  “I haven’t asked for one yet. But I’m sure they will. They’re taking very good care of me.” Frustrated with keeping up the lie she looks around. “Any more mushroom pizza left?”

  Someone hands it to her and I glance around for Logan, wondering if he heard any of that. Only he would understand what I’m thinking right now.

  But he’s not in the room, so I abandon Marion’s side now that she’s turned away from me like I’m no longer here, and walk over to Lexi and Zoe. “Where is Logan? Bathroom?”

  Lexi gives me this knowing look. “He left while you were outside talking to Asher.”

  On an annoyed smile, I turn to our cousin and demand, “Do you think Logan has a thing for me?”

  Her nose crinkles. “That would be so weird. No way.” Glancing to Lexi she accuses her, “You are addicted to love. Not all of us are supposed to be paired off.”

  And with that unusual outburst, Zoe stomps out of the hospital room, pushing her way through because it’s so crowded in here.

  We stare at her until the door bars our visibility.

  We exchange a look.

  Lexi mutters, “Do you think she’ll die a virgin?”

  The door swings back open and it’s Zoe. I grab my sister’s arm thinking there’s no way she heard that virgin comment. Especially since she’s grinning as she cups her hand. “Emma just got admitted! She’s having her baby!”

  Chapter Fifteen


  Emma’s father, our Uncle Jake, is losing his shit to an OB/GYN. “I don’t care if she said I can’t be in the room, I’m going in!”

  Hannah rolls her eyes and whispers as we walk up, “This is not going to be fun. Cover for me while I disappear inside.”

  Lexi runs over to the opposite side of the waiting room and starts dancing, hollering at the top of her lungs a song that our Uncle Jake would never know is popular. Unlike our music producer father, he works in construction, owning his own company with our Aunt Drew, his very patient wife who is nowhere to be seen. I’m sure she’s in the room with their daughter.

  Jake looks over to Lexi in utter confusion. She is jamming it out like a total doofus. Behind him Hannah sneaks past, opens the double doors, and stealthily disappears.

  Jake shouts at our dad, “Your daughter has lost her mind and she picks today??”

  Uncle Jeremy walks into the room just in time to catch the end. Aunt Meagan is holding his hand and both are staring at Uncle Jake as he says, “Jeremy, my only daughter is having her first child and there is no fucking way I’m not going to be there holding her hand.”

  Uncle Jeremy looks at Dad. “He wasn’t like this with Ethan.”

  “It wasn’t Ethan having the baby.”

  Jeremy mutters, “Right. That would make it different.”

  “And if he was, Ethan would’ve been making jokes the whole time and nobody would’ve been worried about him. But Emma’s tiny.”

  Uncle Jake shouts, “We can all hear you!”

  Tobias is sitting in a chair watching the scene, holding one-year-old Clara. They must’ve sent home the babysitter before receiving the news. He rises up, all heavyweight champion mass of him, and strolls over to Uncle Jake. “Here.” He hands Clara over and she stares up with innocent eyes that can’t help but distract you from any kind of stress you might be feeling. She grabs Jake’s nose, which completely melts him.

  He sighs, muttering under his breath, “I don’t see why Tanner gets to be in the room and I don’t.”

  Nobody reminds him Tanner is the father since Uncle Jake and Tanner Hamilton have a history that pre-dates his union with Emma. Competition is kind of their thing now.

  The room starts to overflow with our Cocker Family. Emma’s brother Eric, the Falcons quarterback, arrives with his very pregnant wife, Wren, at his side. Their other brother, Ethan, carries his daughter, Kaya, in while Charlie digs in her bag for snacks to tide their daughter over until she passes out after the fuss dies down.

  They all go to their father and ask how Emma is doing. He grumbles about how he doesn’t know because nobody will let him inside. While they’re talking, Kaya touches Clara’s tinier hand — pretty much the cutest thing ever.

  Uncle Jaxson, Aunt Rachel, our cousin Ben and his recently impregnated wife Shelby, aren’t here. But they live an hour north of Atlanta, so they may not make it with the late hour. Or other annoying reasons nobody wants to think about now. It seems Ben has been absent from a growing number of events. That doesn’t give Jaxson and Rachel a reason to miss this, so I’m sure they’ll arrive in the morning at the latest.

  Grandma Nance and Grandpa Michael stroll in looking coiffed as usual. Their many years in politics have created a habit of maintaining attractive and composed appearances. But underneath the elegance, hearts of gold.

  Dad asks them as they approach us, “Grams isn’t coming, huh?”

  Grandpa Michael nods, “She’s got a lingering cough, so I didn’t wake her. I’ll drop by the Senior Living Center tomorrow, bring her here after her morni
ng coffee to meet her new great-granddaughter.”

  “Great-great-granddaughter, Dad.”

  A white eyebrow cocks. “That’s what I said. Where is your other half?”

  “Sarah’s over there talking to Caden on the phone.” We all look over at Mom tucked into an uncomfortable couch laden with the family’s coats and bags.

  Grandpa dryly says, “By your better half, I meant your brother Justin.”

  “You’re hilarious, you know that?”

  Grandpa smirks as Grandma slaps his arm.

  Our cousin Gabriel, rockstar and son of the absent ex-Senator overheard that as he walks up to say hi. “Dad’s in Washington with Elijah. Don’t ask me what they’re up to. That stuff bores the shit out of me. No offense Grandpa.”

  “Offense taken.”

  “I’m really sorry,” Gabriel laughs, reaching for Paige. “With Grams not here I figured I could swear.”

  “You can’t.” He looks around like he’s offended but there’s a twinkle in his grey-green eyes. “What, do I not get the respect my mother gets?”

  Grandma Nance touches his arm with love. “No honey, you don’t.”

  That inspires a lot of laughter. Even Uncle Jake is more relaxed as he strolls up with Clara still in his arms. “Did you hear that my daughter is giving birth right now? Did you hear that I’m going to be a grandfather again? How does that make you feel, Dad? Ancient or dinosaur?”

  Grandpa eyes his second-youngest son. “With modern medicine as it is today, by the time I get to my mother’s age, people will be living to 250. And I’ll still be looking this good.”

  Lexi giggles, “There is something terribly right about us.”

  Our brother arrives, holding hands with Natalie. Lexi and I break away to talk to them. Max tells us, “I just spoke to Caden. He left you a message about your show. He really wishes he was there. And now there’s this. He’s completely bummed. You should give him a call, Sam.”

  “I’ll do that now.”

  “Why not me?” Lexi demands.

  “Did you star in a musical tonight?”

  She glowers at him. “Oh.”

  Dipping my head as I excuse myself, I pull my phone from my jeans pocket and dial Logan first, silently imploring him to pick up as I walk into a less-cramped corridor. Muttering to myself, “Probably fell asleep already,” I wait for the beep and listen to his voice say the message so familiar I have it memorized:

  Hi, this is Logan. Actually it isn’t. It’s a recording of my voice probably made years ago. And if you don’t know what to do, probably shouldn’t be calling me.

  “Emma is having her baby tonight! Can this night get any better? First we’re living our dreams and now this. If you’re awake and you want to come over…”

  Asher finds me in the corridor. “Hey, there you are.”

  “Hi Asher. Give me one second. Anyway, Logan, we’re probably here for a while. Send me a text or just show up. Otherwise I’ll talk to you in the morning.”

  Hanging up, he gives me a smile I feel in my knees. He gets closer, voice intimate. “I was searching for you. Didn’t have your number.”

  Laughing softly, I push him back. “Seriously, my dad is over there.”

  Asher touches my hand, fingers playing with mine. “You don’t want him catching us again?”

  “Who the fuck is this?!” Hunter says, unimpressed.

  I jump back in surprise at both his appearance and volume. “Don’t be like Max and Caden. I already have two over-protective brothers.”


  “You’re younger. It doesn’t count.”

  “Does so.”

  “And you’re never around.”

  “You’re looking at me, aren’t you? I’m around.” Hunter’s green eyes cut to Asher. “And I’m looking at him.”

  Lexi flies through the double doors. “Everyone can hear you, Hunter, calm the fuck down.”

  “I don’t care who hears me. Where’s Logan? Why isn’t he stopping this lame ass from kissing our sister?”

  I moan, “Oh my God,” covering my face.

  Lexi pokes at Hunter’s broad chest. She is just as loud as he was. “Where were you tonight? You were supposed to hang out after the show!”

  “You’re one to ask a person’s whereabouts, Lex! Where’s Brad?”

  “Answer the question.”

  “You answer the question.”

  Mom walks out, tapping her phone against her impatient palm. “Oh good, my children are making me proud.”

  Asher laughs, but covers his mouth when she raises an eyebrow at him.

  I am mortified as Hunter jams a finger at him. “This guy was up on Sam!”

  “He was not on me! He was standing close, that’s it!”

  Sighing, Mom informs him, “Hunter, you are making a scene that even Max is rolling his eyes over. You saw Sam and Asher—”

  “That was acting! Where is Logan?”

  Starting to get offended, Asher asks me, “Wait, are you dating Logan?”

  “No! I am not. We are just friends. Hunter, you’re embarrassing me and I can’t even recognize you right now.”

  His irises flicker and darken. “Shit.”

  Mom, Lexi and I all say, “Language.”

  Turning to Asher, he offers, “Sorry, Schmuck.”

  Dad has marched out by this time. He sighs, grabs Hunter’s shoulders and pushes him toward the doors. “Your grandparents aren’t impressed. Lexi, let’s leave your sister and Asher alone. Come on.” Through the double doors they all go. But I see Max motioning for Hunter to come over and give him the low-down.

  With just us out here now, I tell Asher, “I’m sorry. We aren’t normal.”

  “You look pretty normal to me,” he smiles. “I’ve got a big family. I’m the youngest.”

  “Oh? How many?”


  “Wow! We have five.”

  “You love ‘em and you want to strangle ‘em.”

  Biting my lip I glance to his pocket as he slides a hand in. “Look, I’m going to be here for a while so…”

  He pulls out his phone. “You kicking me out?”

  “Um…well, it’s a family thing.”

  “You invited Logan.”

  My mouth slackens. He’s right. But it hadn’t occurred to me that he would care. “He’s like family, though. They all know him, and he’s—”

  “I get it,” Asher interrupts, but I can tell he doesn’t. However, it’s not an argument his pride will allow.

  I type my phone number. “It’ll be boring, anyway.”

  “Nothing’s boring about you,” he smiles.

  My awkwardness melts and I kiss him. “Thank you.”

  “Family is family,” he shrugs, giving me one more soft kiss. “We have tomorrow off, but I’ll call you. Maybe we can grab a bite?”

  I nod, and practically dance into the waiting room. Wow, he really likes me. This is for real.

  Many long hours later, Hannah runs in with tears streaming down her cheeks. “It’s a girl!” She locks eyes with me. “And she named her Isabella since she couldn’t be there tonight, Samantha.” I blink in surprised confusion. So do other members of our family. “I told her how beautiful you were up there playing Izzy!”

  “Oh!” My hand floats up to my chest as it deflates with happiness. “That’s so sweet!”

  Jake bellows, “Now can I go in?”

  Hannah laughs, “Yes, Uncle Jake. She’s calling for you.”

  The room seems to sway as everyone splits up into conversations about how happy they are, should we order food since the cafeteria is no longer appetizing, when will the baby be ready for us all to admire.

  Dad glances to Lexi. “I won’t be that worried when you’re in there.” Pointing to me, he counters, “You, however. I might just have a heart attack!”

  My sister’s eyes shine with pride. “You know I can handle anything.”

  Mom mutters, “I hate to tell you all, but giving birth has been d
one before.” Walking up, she leads me away from the hearing range of family. “Isn’t that sweet about Emma naming her Isabella?” When it’s just us, she lowers her voice. “You know your father isn’t trying to say you’re weak when he says things like that, don’t you, Sam?”

  I shrug, “I’m used to it.”

  “That’s not a cover for a deeper feeling about it?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  Inspecting me, she nods once like she’ll agree to let it go. “Okay. I just wanted to make sure.”

  “I’m not weak.”

  She smiles, “I know that. Your strength shows itself differently. There is strength in vulnerability.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  F or our Sunday matinee, three singers show up with hoarse throats and are sent home. Ms. Galloway announces, “We have another week and a half in Atlanta. Watch yourselves! Take your vitamin C, people. Be smart. Don’t blow it.”

  One of the singers turns, holding onto the doorframe. “You’re not kicking us out of the show, are you?”

  “If I was kicking you out of the show I would tell you I was kicking you out of the show. Now go home. Get some rest. We’ll run light today. Be back before tonight’s curtain or you’re out.”

  His eyes go wide and he rushes to tell the others who’d already left.

  The rest of us shuffle our weight, sharing glances that say, she’s not fucking around. Logan locks eyes with me. He’s not in danger—he’s been stepping it up lately. I’ve never seen him quite this committed. His usual skill-level has been surpassed like he’s practicing outside of performances on his own.

  We haven’t been hanging out like we normally do. He’s been super-focused and keeping to himself like he plans to make Broadway his, no matter who else might audition for his part up there.

  Asher and I are dating, everyone knows it, and we’re in that pink fluffy stage I always heard about. Where everything you say sounds like cotton candy and watermelon lemonade on a warm summer’s day.

  Logan is giving us space. I think that’s pretty cool of him. We say hello and goodbye, but other than that, I’m all about Asher, sinking deeper into happiness.


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