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The Nashville Bet

Page 12

by Shana Gray

  And it was only the beginning. They potentially had three more nights together.

  Her stomach growled and she knew it was time to get Chase moving before Hangry Ava made an appearance. Remembering how talented his mouth was on her body, the magic of his hands as he caressed her, Ava grew warm and turned on. Unable to stop herself, she slid down in the bed. She placed her hands on his hip and lightly ran her fingertips over the ridge that ran from his hip down his flank to the prize she sought. Cradling his cock in her hands, she took him in her mouth and was pleasantly surprised by his swift response as he hardened.

  He shifted from his side on to his back and his hand touched the back of her head. Ava touched him lightly and loved how he grew firm in her mouth. As she continued stroking and caressing, his hips finally started to pulse. Meeting her cadence, he groaned, fisting his hands into her hair.

  He spread his legs and she shifted between them. He tensed his thighs against her and that simple move made her feel protected and her arousal grew. The reaction in his body made her realize that she was responsible for it. He was succumbing to her, and she was thrilled to know it was her that made him feel so good. He was such a wonderful lover, and Ava wanted to give him all that pleasure back.

  She ran her tongue from the base of him along the underside to the tip of his cock and then took him wholly into her mouth. He thrust up his hips to meet her. She circled her fingers around him and moistened her lips so her hand and mouth could work in unison.

  His great body tensed, he held her head tight to him and his groan as he orgasmed brought Ava such satisfactory pleasure.

  Chase pushed the covers off her head and she gazed up at him. “Now that’s a way to be woken up.” He had a lazy, satisfied smile on his face as he reached for her. “That’s not a sight you see every day, but one I could definitely get used to. Come here.”

  He hooked his hands under her arms and gently pulled her up his body.

  “Mmm.” Ava was at a loss for words. Waking a man up with oral sex wasn’t part of her normal repertoire, but it felt right in that moment. She let him tuck her into his side and draped her hand over his belly. He pulled the sheet up over them, sighing comfortably.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked her as he swirled his fingers over her shoulder.

  Ava shivered at his touch, loving it, and shifted slightly so he could reach more of her back. Having her back tickled was the best thing…well, except for sex and food. “Yes, and I could definitely use a coffee.”

  “I could eat like a bear. I think the housekeeper stocked up yesterday. But I feel way too lazy to get up.”

  Ava nodded. “Me, too. Yet my stomach will not be contained!” Then a thought occurred to her and she began groping for her phone on the bedside table.

  “What are you looking for?” Chase asked her.

  “My phone. I want to make sure I’m ready to go before the girls get here. Fredi will not welcome any delays in her day-drinking.” She rolled over and swung her legs over the side of the bed, grabbing her phone from the table. She walked over to her dress, which was in a scrunched-up pile on the bathroom floor.

  “Well, shit, I forgot to arrange the car. Someone was a little too distracting last night.” Chase moved and reached for his own phone.

  After checking the time, Ava stretched a little, feeling a pleasant ache in her muscles. She was naked and felt not the least bit self-conscious. Years spent performing ballet had stripped her of whatever modesty she had and it seemed perfectly natural to walk around nude in front of Chase.

  “I could definitely get used to these kinds of mornings,” he said, and she glanced over at him to discover he was watching her over his phone.

  “I think I could, too.” She gave him a happy look as she bent down to grab her dress. Shaking it out, she frowned. It wasn’t even suitable for a walk of shame. “I have to tell my friends to bring me a change of clothes.” After sending off a quick text, she said, “Now I’m going to rustle up some coffee and grub, not necessarily in that order.”

  “Grab one of my shirts,” he told her as he typed on his phone.

  She went into his walk-in closet, which was a huge room in itself, with all manner of drawers, mirrors and hooks to keep things organized. His clothes were all neatly hung up, shoes and boots perfectly in line, sweaters and T-shirts folded precisely. She took down a plaid cotton shirt and pulled it on. Lifting the collar of the shirt to her nose, she inhaled. It smelled like him.

  Before exiting the closet, Ava noticed a vacant portion where there were no hangers, no shoes on the racks, nothing folded neatly on the shelves. She realized it was where the lady of the house would have her clothes. For half a second she pictured her sparkly boots sitting there before she waved her hand, chasing the image away.

  “Hurry back, and we can conserve some shower water again.” Chase winked at her and Ava melted inside as she left the room

  She dashed down the hall and the stairs to the kitchen. Investigating the cabinets, she scored the jackpot when she found a box of peanut-butter granola bars. Ripping one open, she looked for coffee fixings. The man had an entire cabinet devoted to coffee. There were pods and whole beans and instant and ground, along with varying syrups and sugars. It was slightly overwhelming to someone who liked to eat and drink things but wasn’t particularly patient enough to make the things.

  Ava poked around a little more in the bottom cabinets until she found a pod coffee maker and picked a flavor at random to make. This had proved more complicated than she assumed it would be so she ate a second granola bar while she waited for the coffee to brew. Her brain required additional sustenance after all that thinking this early in the morning. She checked her phone. There were a bunch of messages from her friends.

  Ava: I need clothes. My poor dress is not fit for the light of day. Bring me jeans, undies, my makeup kit, sneakers and a top.

  Celia: You’re alive! Can you walk? #sexnite

  Fredi: Really Cee, you have to ask that? Of course she can’t.

  Bons: Guys, we have about an hour to get ready before being picked up.

  Fredi: Speak for yourself, Jack loves me the way I am.

  Ava: I think it’s a good thing Chase is coming because I don’t think we’d be able to carry you out of the distillery.

  Celia: I, for one, am super looking forward to hanging out with your man. My insta is going to blow up.

  Ava: He’s not my man. I’m just…borrowing him for a little bit.

  Celia: You know what they say, possession is nine tenths of the law! #keeper

  Bons: Criminals say that, Cee. Criminals.

  The coffee maker began to gurgle out the coffee but Ava wandered over to the sliding glass doors separating the kitchen from the patio. She snapped a pic and forwarded it to the group.

  Ava: #mycurrent view

  Ava: Now I’m going back upstairs to an even better one!

  Before anyone could reply she locked her phone. Taking a sip of the steaming coffee, she wrinkled her nose a little at the taste (coconut vanilla, really?), before popping in another pod to make Chase a cup, too. She agonized a bit about which flavor he’d prefer before rationalizing that it was his house and surely he wouldn’t stock anything he hated. While it brewed, she checked out the remaining cabinets and found a tray. When the coffee was ready she put the mugs on the tray, along with the box of granola bars, a couple packets of chocolate pop-tarts she found hidden behind some Ziploc bags and a little pitcher of cream and sugar.

  Carefully climbing up the stairs, Ava took a moment to reflect that she couldn’t quite believe all this was happening to her. Girls like her did not pick up famous country superstars in bars and then go home with him to have amazingly passionate sex. Girls like her debated if Enchanted or Ever After was a better movie while balancing her checkbook and then going to bed at a reasonable hour. Guess she really was taking a vacation from real life right now.

  When Ava entered Chase’s bedroom her gaze was immediately drawn to his bed.
He was stretched out, propped up against the headboard, his phone resting on his knee. She could smell his cologne and their passion on the air. A shiver raced through her.

  “There’s my girl,” said Chase’s deep voice. The dim lighting was a complete opposite to sun streaming into the windows in the rest of the house and it took a moment for her eyes to adjust.

  “I come bearing coffee.” She carefully picked her way over to the bed and set the tray on the side table.

  She sat on the edge of the bed and handed him a mug. “I don’t know how you take it.”

  “Thank you, just a bit of cream.” He accepted it then reached for a remote. He pressed a button and the blinds opened, letting the daylight in.

  “How did you sleep?” she asked, and lifted a knee to sit sideways on the bed so she could look at him. Taking in his sleep- and sex-rumpled hair, she thought he was just too charming for his own good.

  “Not bad. For those brief moments that you actually did allow me to sleep.” He smiled and reached out to circle his fingers around the ankle she was resting on the bed.

  She was relieved by his response. It wasn’t going to be awkward; it was going to be okay. And as much as she tried to hold it back, she couldn’t stop a soft moan of happiness at his touch.

  “Excuse me, I seem to remember a certain someone else being the instigator, thank you very much. And do you really have any complaints?” She sipped at her coffee, giving him a look of mock-outrage.

  He shook his head, shaggy hair swinging around his shoulders. “Nope, no complaints here.” He lifted his mug to drink and kept his eyes pinned to hers. “I had no idea my forest fairy would turn into a nymph once we got going, baby.”

  “I guess I’m full of surprises.”

  His cell phone rang and he lowered his mug to check the display. “I do need to get that.”

  She leaned over to kiss his cheek then went into the bathroom to give him some privacy. Closing the door behind her, she took the opportunity to freshen up and, even though she didn’t have any of her toiletries, she jumped into the shower. This time, she really looked around and, of course, the view out the window was mind-blowing. The house definitely showed how much time and thought Chase had put into it. Ava thought back to her cozy apartment and sighed a little. How the heck was she ever going to go back to her normal life after being with Chase?

  Shaking away the sad thought, Ava chose to focus on how unique the shower was—seriously, it was like something out of a luxury spa—and what a great day they were going to have. The minute she suggested coming to Nashville, Fredi had been insistent on the distillery tour and it was going to be so awesome to watch her friend in hog heaven. Plus, with Chase coming, it should be even more fun.

  It was really important to her that he and her friends got along. She wanted all the people she lo— was very fond of to be friends, too. Ava sat on one of the shower benches and dropped her head into her hands. It was getting harder and harder to remind herself of all the reasons she and Chase were a bad idea.

  She really needed a pop-tart.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chase was surprised how nervous he felt. Waiting for Ava’s friends to arrive was almost more nerve-wracking than his debut at the Grand Ole Opry. It was obvious they were very close friends, and close friends like that could have a significant impact on how his relationship with Ava played out.


  He pondered that a moment. The fact that he’d only met her last night and was already thinking about them in terms of a relationship was pretty significant. Chase reminded himself Ava and her friends were only here for the weekend. To enjoy CMA Fest and then go home.

  He glanced over at Ava, who was standing at the window, looking out over the paddocks. She was barefoot and the dampness of her hair turned the color to a deep auburn. His shirt hid all his favorite places on her body but she didn’t seem self-conscious about standing half naked by the window. She fit so well with his house, it was like he built it for her. That rocked him deeply.

  His phone vibrated. He glanced at the display to see an update from the limo driver then slid it back into his pocket. Walking over to Ava, he put his arm around her shoulder and liked how she leaned into him.

  “They’ll be here soon, Boots.”

  Her nose crinkled as she gave him a pleased smile. Reaching up, she played with his fingers, as she said, “So, is that my official nickname?”

  Chase was powerless against the cuteness, ducking in for a quick kiss. “I think it suits you, considering. Why, don’t you like it?”

  Ava shook her head. “I don’t mind it at all. In fact, I kinda like that you’ve given me a pet name already.” She turned in his arms and linked her arms around his neck.

  Chase looked down at her and the happiness radiating from her. He wanted to tell her he felt like he’d known her for so much longer than a day. But he didn’t. The timing wasn’t right yet.

  Too soon.

  “When I see something I want, I don’t drag my ass. I make it happen.” He dropped his hands to her waist and shifted so that one of his legs was between hers. The little minx cuddled closer so that he could feel her warmth against his leg.

  “Well, based on last night, I can definitely attest to that, superstar.” She deliberately brushed her breasts against his chest and it was something he definitely couldn’t ignore.

  “Moss doesn’t grow on you either, Boots. Let’s hope your friends hit traffic or they’re going to be waiting on the front porch for a while.” Chase snaked an arm around her and dragged her closer. She let out a little sigh that was so much like the sounds she’d made last night and he was a goner. Time to see how Ava felt about wall sex.

  After another extraordinary bout of sex where Ava met him step for step, they were sitting in the kitchen having a quick game of Snap when the doorbell rang.

  “Yay! They’re here!” Ava said, and jumped to her feet. “Do you mind if I let them in?”

  “Of course not,” he said, shuffling the cards into a neat pile. She dashed off when there was a pounding on the door and a faint feminine voice hollering on the other side. Chase stood and followed her to the foyer.

  The door opened and her three friends piled inside, bringing with them a cacophony of excitement and hellos and hugs all around. Lord almighty, it hadn’t even been twelve hours since they last saw each other and they were acting like it had been days. It was a special bond that had taken years to develop and build into what he was witnessing.

  Chance watched them. God help him if any of them decided that they hated him.

  “Now this is a house,” Fredi said as she walked deeper into the great room. “Wow.”

  She dug a sketchbook and pencil out of her bag and crouched in a corner to get a better look at the light falling through the skylight. Celia was close behind, her phone clutched in her hands. Unlike Fredi, who was content to absorb what she was seeing, Celia flitted from place to place, depending on what caught her eye. Right now, she was making a dirty joke about the size of his couch.

  Bonni was the one who closed the front door and locked it. A tote was slung over her shoulder and she quickly surveyed the room before giving Chase a nod. Ava bounced over to her friend, giving her a sloppy hug. Bonni returned the hug and handed her the bag. She leaned in to whisper something to Ava and Chase caught the quick looks they darted at him. A blush staining her cheeks, Ava nodded and Bonni made her high-five.

  Chance tried not to smile, but he was pretty sure they were talking about last night. And goddamn if he didn’t feel a little nervous. After all, he’d banged their best friend.

  Holding the tote by its straps, Ava said, “I’m going to go get changed. Chase, you want to show them around a little?”

  “Oh yes! A tour!” Celia was nearly jumping up and down. “I’d love to—we’d love to.”

  Bonni checked the time. “We don’t have a lot of time to play with here. To be honest, I don’t know how we’ll all fit in.”

“Okay, so Ava goes to get changed and we’ll see what we can.” Celia was already at the patio doors and very impatient for the house tour to begin.

  Fredi finally stood and shook out her legs as she put her sketchpad away. “Be quick like a bunny, Ava, my beloved’s waiting for me.”

  “I won’t be long, then.” Ava dashed up the stairs, leaving the woman gaping after her. Chase bit back a cheesy grin, pleased about how comfortable Ava was in his home.

  “Well, ladies? Shall we?” Chase led the women into the kitchen and gave them the nickel tour of the first floor, but he couldn’t get the image of Ava upstairs in his room out of his mind.

  She didn’t take long and then he had the job of herding them all to his truck. Celia kept insisting on taking selfies and nearly fell into the paddock trying to get a picture of a foal frolicking next to one of his prize mares. He had all four doors to the truck open when a bee passed through, leading to an immediate evacuation and Chase being used as a human shield. Finally, he got them in and they set off. Chase had to admit he was pretty damn happy. He and Ava had had such a great night together and now he was able to spend more time with her. Her friends were turning out to be damn entertaining icing on the cake.

  “What do you guys have planned for later today?” he asked as he steered the truck around a slow-moving vehicle.

  “We have a suite at the Nissan Center, as you know. I suppose a lot of time will be spent there. Bonni and Celia have us pretty much planned out,” Ava replied.

  He didn’t like hearing that bit of news. He wanted to spend more time with Ava. Private time.

  “True, but you never know, sometimes people ditch plans. If something better comes along.” He looked at her and winked.

  “Is he suggesting there’s something better than us? If he wasn’t chauffeuring us to the promised land, I’d vote we ditch him,” Fredi snarked.

  “I’d like to pack in as much touristy stuff as possible,” Celia said, ignoring her friend. “The Country Music Hall of Fame, the Bluebird Café—anywhere else you can suggest, Chase?”


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