Unrivaled Medicine God c1-2204

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Unrivaled Medicine God c1-2204 Page 327

by Feng Yise

  Peng Hai's expression changed several times, and he said, "This matter's stake is too significant. I can't make the decision and must ask for instructions from the clan head. If Clan Head agrees, the Kun Peng blood essence should be able to be delivered within three days!"

  Ye Yuan nodded and said, "Alright. I'll wait for your news! Uh . . . Our matter is settled. You guys continue. How it should be, let it happen. Make sure not to give me face!"

  Hu Rong's expression changed when he heard that. His gaze involuntarily looked towards White Light embarrassedly and said, "Tiger Lord . . ."

  White Light turned the whites of his eyes up at him and said crossly, "Who asked you all to not know good from bad and offended my big brother! Now you know his prowess, right?" Crossing the Rubicon is a historical idiom or saying that is referring to an act that is something fateful or leading to a final outcome that will set a person's life till the end. It can also refer to something if done, cannot be changed later on. It has an irreversible outcome.

  Chapter 664 - Dark Forest

  White Light's words made Hu Rong have an embarrassed look.

  "This . . . Tiger Lord, you also know that the tiger clan right now is experiencing extraordinary times . . ."

  White Light waved his hand and said, "Alright, alright, so much crap! The matters in the past, I won't care about them. But you remember it now, anybody can be provoked, but make sure not to provoke my big brother!"

  White Light paused for a bit and said, "Because . . . you can't afford to provoke him!"

  White Light's words made everyone shocked.

  But at this time, there was already nobody who doubted this sentence.

  Ye Yuan's origins were mysterious, beat Peng Yun to heavy injuries when it was impossible, and kept the entire roc clan in check.

  Now, Peng Hai was begging in front of Ye Yuan like a grandson.

  The Dragon Lord ran in front of Ye Yuan and raised a racket. In the end, he was bashed until turning into a pig's head.

  The tiger clan wanted to make things difficult for Ye Yuan. Who knew that he and the Tiger Lord were actually bosom friends.

  Looking at it now, if they made White Light choose between Ye Yuan and the tiger clan, he would definitely choose Ye Yuan without the slightest hesitation.

  Such a person, who could afford to provoke?

  Ye Yuan's strength was clearly not strong. Yet, anyone present was all unable to do anything to him.

  Hu Rong showed a difficult look and said, "But . . . this way, we're bound to offend the Dragon Lord."

  "Dragon Lord? The Dragon Lord is nothing in front of my big brother! Also, if you guys don't want to offend the Dragon Lord, you'll have to offend me, this Tiger Lord! Up to yourself!" White Light said disdainfully.

  "This . . . "

  "This what this! Why haven't you apologized to my big brother yet?! If not for my sake, just based on your actions, do you think that my big brother would be willing to let it go?"

  Currently, the tiger clan's fate depended on just a word from Ye Yuan.

  If Ye Yuan joined hands with the roc clan to attack the tiger clan, the outcome would be too terrible to imagine.

  Hence, White Light's words did not have areas that were the slightest bit exaggerating things to raise an alarm.

  Hu Rong was not a fool either. After struggling with it for a while, he finally still lowered his head.

  He came before Ye Yuan and said, "Mister Ye, it was all Hu Rong measuring the stature of a great man by the yardstick of a petty man. Mister Ye, please stay your hand in mercy."

  With White Light around, Ye Yuan naturally would not really do anything to the tiger clan.

  Furthermore, the present situation, it was clearly better for both sides to keep each other in check than for one side be annihilated.

  The card in other people's hands and on his own hand was of course different.

  Ye Yuan nodded his head and said, "Today, I was taking into consideration on account of White Light's face. Otherwise, I really wouldn't mind going to the roc clan to be a guest."

  When Peng Hai heard, he was naturally filled with unwillingness in his heart. But at this time, there was nothing he could do to Ye Yuan as well.

  He had planned out well in his heart long ago. Once Young Lord Peng Yun's injuries recover, he would definitely show Ye Yuan some colors!

  But Peng Hai obviously would not bring it out on the surface. He went forward and said, "Mister Ye, Young Lord Peng Yun's injuries . . ."

  Ye Yuan nodded and said, "As long as you all bring the Kun Peng blood essence here, there's naturally no issue. I'll start a furnace and refine pills in a while to refine the medicinal pills to treat Peng Yun's wounds."

  Peng Hai could not help being overjoyed when he heard those words and said, "I'll send a message to Clan Head right away!"

  "Hang on!" Peng Hai was just about to leave when Ye Yuan stopped him.

  "Does Mister Ye still have any instructions?" Peng Hai inquired cautiously.

  "En, I haven't finished talking yet."

  When Peng Hai heard, his heart thumped, and he cried out inwardly: not good.

  Indeed, he heard Ye Yuan say leisurely, "Previously, my attack wasn't light nor heavy, resulting in Peng Yun's injuries to be somewhat severe. Although my medicinal pills can treat him. The medicinal effect of one medicinal pill is definitely not enough."

  When Peng Hai heard, his expression was indescribably nasty.

  What was called one medicinal pill was not enough?

  To be able to hurt Peng Yun until like that, but not cripple him, how precise did the attack have to be?!

  Ye Yuan even calculated him coming before he came!

  Such precise skill, he would be neither light nor heavy?

  Only a ghost would believe you!

  However . . . that did not seem to have any use at all.

  Whatever Ye Yuan said now was what it was.

  "Then . . . roughly how long is needed before he can recover?" Peng Hai asked with a quivering voice.

  "Uh . . . Roughly half a year or so I guess. Take a medicinal pill once every two months. Three pills should be sufficient."

  ". . . . . ."

  Peng Hai left with a dispirited look.

  . . . . . .

  Inside the tiger clan's hidden chamber, Ye Yuan and White Light had another bear hug. The two people were clearly both very agitated.

  "Haha! Big Brother, really didn't expect to be able to see you here! I just broke through not long ago and was just thinking of deploying the tiger clan's strength to go find you! I knew that with your capabilities, you could definitely walk out of the Essence Devouring Confounding Fog!" White Light said rather excitedly.

  Ye Yuan said with a smile, "I also didn't expect it! How did you walk out of the Essence Devouring Confounding Fog and also become the Tiger Lord?"

  Ye Yuan guessed that a tiger lord should be an existence similar to a dragon lord.

  It was just that no idea why Hu Rong would be so fearful towards the White Light who was only Tier 5.

  Only under White Light's explanation did Ye Yuan came to a realization.

  Turns out that after White Light entered the Essence Devouring Confounding Fog, the Essence Devouring Confounding Fog actually did not have any effect on him at all.

  Ye Yuan had exhausted all the essence energy recovery medicinal pills back then and broke through to Heart Like Monolith realm before barely managing to charge out.

  Listening to White Light's encounters, Ye Yuan was also speechless.

  But after White Light walked out of the Essence Devouring Confounding Fog, he went rather far away from Ye Yuan and actually appeared in the vicinity of the tiger clan directly.

  White Light's bloodline power made all of the tiger clan fall head over heels.

  White Light's tiger race bloodline was even much more powerful and pure compared to that Dragon Lord who got beaten up.

  Not only that, White Light's bloodline power was even purer than the blood e
ssence in the tiger clan's sacred ground.

  Such pure White Tiger bloodline, he was naturally deified as a god by the tiger clan, thinking that White Light came out from there.

  The Dragon Lord coming to the tiger clan was at most just a friend. But White Light in the tiger clan, his position was entirely different.

  He was like a prince descending to the mortal realm, revered by the tiger clan.

  "Ever since I entered the God Prohibited Demon Region, I kept on hearing about that place. Only now do I know that that place is called the Dark Forest. No idea just what kind of place this Dark Forest is. To actually make all of the demon clans guard the secret so closely," Ye Yuan said in puzzlement.

  One had to know that in this God Prohibited Demon Region, Tier 6 experts were everywhere. Legends had it that there were even Tier 7 powerhouses.

  Such powerful existence was actually all very fearful of the Dark Forest.

  White Light shook his head and said, "This, I don't know either! But I heard Hu Rong they all say that the Dark Forest is the God Prohibited Demon Region's forbidden land. Nobody can get close. Even if one's strength were any greater, one would also die mysteriously when approaching there."

  Ye Yuan said in surprise, "Even Tier 7 powerhouses can't enter?"

  White Light shook his head and said, "Can't enter! But under my curiosity, I once ran to the peripherals of the Dark Forest. At that time, the bloodline within my body actually faintly stirred. It seems like that place and my origins have a great relation!"

  Hearing White Light's words, Ye Yuan was also slightly startled in his heart.

  Could it be that White Light actually walked out from the forbidden land in the Endless Forest's forbidden land?

  But White Light also said that once he came close to the Dark Forest, a dangerous aura came with it too. It seemed to be a warning to him. Hence, he did not dare to enter too deep as well.

  Ye Yuan was also incomparably shocked in his heart. Looks like this Endless World was truly hiding secrets everywhere!

  Chapter 665 - The Azure Spirit Tree Belongs to Me!

  Listening to what White Light said, this Dark Forest was simply even more perilous than the Essence Devouring Confounding Fog!

  With their present strength, they were simply unable to enter.

  Perhaps that Dragon Lord, that fellow, knew some things. But he probably would not say over his dead body.

  If the Dragon Lord would disclose information, then the God Prohibited Demon Region would definitely have long known some of the state of affairs inside.

  However, it looked like the Dark Forest was an enigma to the God Prohibited Demon Region.

  "Since that's the case, then let's better not attempt to enter that Dark Forest. Wait until our strength is sufficient someday, then go exploring it isn't too late either," Ye Yuan said.

  This Dark Forest definitely held in store a massive secret. But with Ye Yuan's current strength, he was unable to explore it at all.

  Ye Yuan was curious. But these curiosities needed for his deep hatred to be avenged, before it could be fulfilled.

  "Big Brother, you should have come to the tiger clan for the Azure Spirit Tree, right?"

  White Light walked all the way along with Ye Yuan and was very clear about Ye Yuan's affairs.

  Ye Yuan nodded and said, "That's right. I originally wanted to pay a visit to Hu Yan. Looks like his situation isn't so great."

  "I'm not very concerned about this either, that's why I didn't inquire much as well. But looks like he's indeed not doing too good. But I know that the tiger clan has been plotting to deal with the Azure Spirit Tree all along these few years. Now, it's just about time to reel in the net already," White Light said.

  White Light knew that Ye Yuan wanted to find the Azure Spirit Tree, so he would obviously inquire about news in this area.

  With his status, inquiring about these was not hard.

  Ye Yuan sighed emotionally and said, "Good brother, you are so considerate."

  "Haha. Traveling the entire way until now, it was all big brother helping me. Now that I finally managed to have a chance to help big brother, what are you being courteous with me for?"

  Ye Yuan smiled and said, "Huhu, then I won't be melodramatic. But the tiger clan could actually ascertain the Azure Spirit Tree's position under the situation where Hu Yan isn't around?"

  Not that Ye Yuan was looking down on the tiger clan. But the Azure Spirit Tree's whereabouts were erratic and extremely hard to grasp.

  Knowing the approximate position, Ye Yuan could naturally determine the Azure Spirit Tree's position. But to say that the tiger clan had this ability, Ye Yuan did not believe.

  "The place nearby the Dark Forest in the tiger clan's territory has a piece of wood-attribute spirit vein. The Azure Spirit Tree seemed to have taken fancy on that piece of land. Hence, it has been lingering in that area all along," White Light said.

  Only then did Ye Yuan suddenly came to a realization. This Azure Spirit Tree was a heaven and earth spirit wood. What it needed the most was wood-attribute heaven and earth quintessence.

  In the tiger clan's territory, there was actually a chunk of wood-attribute spirit vein. No wonder it hung around there and did not leave.

  Ye Yuan mused for a moment and said to White Light, "I'll have a talk with Hu Rong."

  . . . . . .

  "What? You want to take part in rounding up the Azure Spirit Tree?! Heh, you're indeed here for the Azure Spirit Tree! Even though you're Tiger Lord's brother, our Darkfiend Tiger Clan has already plotted for a full ten years for the sake of this day! Why should we give you a cut of the loot?"

  When Hu Rong heard Ye Yuan's request, he nearly jumped up.

  If not for White Light by the side, he would have long made a move against Ye Yuan.

  He previously judged that Ye Yuan came for the Azure Spirit Tree. Looking at it now, it was indeed like so!

  Hu Rong was still puzzled previously, why the tiger lord would be especially interested in the Azure Spirit Tree. Looking at it now, it was actually for the sake of this boy in front of him.

  Ye Yuan had long guessed Hu Rong's reaction and said with a faint smile, "Ten years and only laid down Wood Spirit Dragon Imprisoning Array?"

  Ye Yuan's smile carried thick mockery, greatly stimulating Hu Rong.

  Hu Rong gave a cold snort and said furiously, "What do you know? That Azure Spirit Tree's strength is incomparably powerful! Even Big Brother Hu Yan isn't a match either! We have to be very wary when laying down the array. Once we let it find out, all the effort would be all for naught. Now, the Wood Spirit Dragon Imprisoning Array is only missing one final step. As long as the grand array is formed, the Azure Spirit Tree will be an item in our bags! You, a foreign boy, wants to sit idly and enjoy the fruits of others' labor with just a sentence. Do you really take our tiger clan to be easy to bully?"

  In Hu Rong's view, Ye Yuan was relying on his ties with White Light to demand an exorbitant price.

  Ye Yuan's strength was pretty good. But surrounding and sieging the Azure Spirit Tree, that was Tier 6 experts' matters. Tier 5 experts did not even have the qualifications to take part.

  What was Ye Yuan worming his way in at this time for other than reaping what he had not sown?

  Ye Yuan said, "It's true that the Wood Spirit Dragon Imprisoning Array is powerful. But wanting to trap the Azure Spirit Tree, it's still a little inadequate. With the likes of your strength right now, to want to capture the Azure Spirit Tree, that's impossible. Don't blame me for not warning and you fail to beat the tiger and get hurt instead when the time comes. Even if I have Peng Yun, this chip right now, it most likely can't protect the Darkfiend Tiger Clan either."

  Hu Rong's expression changed, and he immediately snorted coldly and said, "Exaggerating to scare people! The Wood Spirit Dragon Imprisoning Array is a peak Tier 6 grand array. Furthermore, it has immensely great restraining effects towards wood-attribute spiritual objects. On what basis can it not subdue the Azure Spirit

  Ye Yuan smiled when he heard that and said, "What you said is right. But you've neglected one point."

  Hu Rong gave a cold laugh but did not follow up.

  Ye Yuan continued, "The Wood Spirit Dragon Imprisoning Array is a fire-attribute grand array. I do indeed have extremely powerful restraining effects towards wood-attribute spiritual objects. If it were changed to another place, you guys would definitely be able to succeed. But sadly . . . what the Azure Spirit Tree took over is a wood-attribute spirit vein! It's true that myriad things under the heavens reinforce and counteract each other, but that's not absolute! On this chunk of wood-attribute spirit vein, the Azure Spirit Tree can draw out an inexhaustible flow of wood essence power. When the power of the wood essence exceeds the limits that the grand array can withstand, your grand array will collapse all the same! At the minimum, the Azure Spirit Tree can also draw on the immense wood essence power to deplete the grand array's constraints. You all are likewise not its match."

  Ye Yuan spoke with confidence and composure. Hu Rong's expression changed again and again.

  The matter that was originally almost in the bag, now with Ye Yuan saying this, many issues were added on.

  Every word of Ye Yuan's was reasonable. They really had not thought about this point.

  "Humph! Even if it's like this, what can you do if you went?" Hu Rong said stubbornly.

  Ye Yuan said smilingly, "This, you don't need to care. I naturally have my ways. However, I can help you all catch the Azure Spirit Tree and help you guys treat Hu Yan's injuries. But the Azure Spirit Tree belongs to me!"

  Hu Rong's expression changed, "In your dreams!"

  Ye Yuan shrugged his shoulders and said, "I've already stated the terms. Whether you agree or not is up to you. If you don't believe in heresy and insist on giving it a shot, it's also up to you. But the Azure Spirit Tree, I'm determined to get it! If you come to find me again when the time comes, the price will be raised."

  Finished talking, Ye Yuan directly turned around and went out, leaving behind Hu Rong with that angry expression flickering incessantly.


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