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Unrivaled Medicine God c1-2204

Page 925

by Feng Yise

  Ye Yuan looked at him and lightly spat out two words, "Get lost!"

  As he said, Ye Yuan brought Jiang Haitang and moved forward again.

  Learning what Jiang Haitang met with, Ye Yuan seemed calm, but actually, he was already furious to the extreme in his heart.

  He was currently just finding some people to vent his anger.

  And the Carefree Grove that had its back resting against the City Lord Manor was just right.

  Being compelled by Ye Yuan's imposing momentum, the four great protectors actually took a step back without prior agreement.

  Ye Yuan advanced again, and they retreated again.

  Finally, that Eighth Firmament Celestial Deity could not stand it anymore and roared furiously, "Attack together! Kill him!"

  Four streaks of sword light suddenly erupted. Four surges of world power formed a strange domain, surrounding Ye Yuan and Jiang Haitang tightly.

  This strike was a certain-kill move!

  The four great protectors had clearly received special training before, the four people's cooperation was very tacit.

  Furthermore, their world power was even able to produce a resonance. Working together, the power multiplied.

  "Where did this young man appear from? Such formidable strength!"

  "Isn't that so? Clearly only at the Fifth Firmament Celestial Deity Realm, but middle-stage Celestial Deity Realm powerhouses are like paper paste in front of him."

  "But he's too reckless, the four great protectors aren't to be trifled with! The four of them combining forces, it was said that they had once killed a Ninth Firmament Celestial Deity powerhouse! Let alone that there's a Lord Fang Kun who hasn't taken action yet!"

  "Heh heh, becoming enraged to the extreme for a woman, I like this kid!"


  The combat strength that Ye Yuan displayed made everyone sigh with admiration.

  But facing these four great protectors, they did not feel optimistic about him.

  Many minor realms away, furthermore, fighting one-versus-four, and these four people even had good teamwork.

  No matter how one looked at it, Ye Yuan did not have chances of victory either.

  Chapter 1902 - Swaggering Off

  A cold light flashed and disappeared, blood splattering.

  The neck of one of the four great protectors already had a large wound opened up, fresh blood spurting wildly without ceasing.

  It looked like he could not survive anymore.

  Just one sword move breached the formation of the four great protectors.

  Inside the Carefree Grove was silent, all using terrified gazes to look at that figure.

  How could this kid be so strong?

  So young and his strength was so formidable, but why would he actually be completely unknown in Nine Pledge Imperial Capital?

  One sword move felling the Carefree Grove's four great protectors, this strength should be the crowning figure of this generation among Nine Pledge Imperial Capital's junior generation.

  Even that Linghua Pavilion's Rong Xiyue probably did not have such strength either, right?

  Just where did this boy pop out from?

  "Get lost!"

  Ye Yuan opened his mouth once more, taking a step forward again.

  The other three people's expressions flickered incessantly, falling backward uncontrollably.

  The three people continuously fell back and actually unknowingly retreated to the entrance of Carefree Grove already.

  They retreated, but then there was no room for retreat!

  Falling back further and Ye Yuan would be out of Carefree Grove.

  At that time, without the grand array freezing space, it would be even harder for them to stop Ye Yuan.

  The three people's expressions flickered incessantly and exchanged glances, a hint of decisiveness flashed across their eyes.


  The remaining three great protectors mustered up their courage and rushed forward once more.

  "Nine Polar Spectral Sword!"

  "Scarlet Wind Deercry Sword!"

  "Spirithorn Dawn Sword!"


  Sword lights radiated brilliantly. Inside the empty great hall, sword energy wandered everywhere.

  And Ye Yuan was in the center of this storm.

  Clank! Clank! Clank!

  In the time it took for sparks to fly off a flint, the four people exchanged blows countless times.

  There was a series of exclamations all around, their eyes could not keep up with the speed of the few people drawing their swords at all.

  The power of the four great protectors had long penetrated deep into people's hearts. No one dared to provoke them here.

  But, Ye Yuan, a Fifth Firmament Celestial Deity, fought these three people head-on and was actually not the slightest bit weaker. This made them extremely surprised.

  These three great protectors were all Eighth Firmament Celestial Deities, each person was three minor realms higher than Ye Yuan.

  But they actually could not gain the slightest bit of advantage.

  "A Sword Crossing the Void!"


  The moment the cold light appeared, all those present became silent.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click /book/unrivaled-medicine-god_9240153405002605/swaggering-off_50461739975754638 for visiting.

  An Eighth Firmament Celestial Deity perished!

  "This … He is too strong!"

  "Laws fusion! Spatial law! This is an unrivaled genius!"

  "Just where did this kid pop out from? Such a character had never been heard of in Nine Pledge Imperial Capital!"


  In a twinkle, two of the four great protectors were removed. The shock that this brought everyone was too intense.

  And this sword also displayed Ye Yuan's law comprehension to the fullest expression of its beauty and form.

  They finally knew why Ye Yuan's strength was so strong.

  The two remaining people of the four great protectors looked at Ye Yuan with a look of terror, shocked speechless.

  That sword just now, regardless of who Ye Yuan unleashed it at, they were powerless to block it.

  Ye Yuan pulled Jiang Haitang and walked over toward outside the door again.

  How could the two remaining people still dare to stop it? They involuntarily retreated to one side and automatically opened up a path.

  The current Jiang Haitang had a blank look. This short distance of several thousand feet gave her a feeling like she was dreaming.

  She was being led by Ye Yuan mechanically, walking over toward outside the door.

  Ahead was Carefree Grove's front door, just a few steps away.

  Suddenly, a layer of ripple appeared in space, a figure emerged before everyone's eyes.

  A gray-robed middle-aged man's gaze was cold, glancing at Ye Yuan, and taking a look at the two great protectors.

  One of the protector's expression was ugly as he said, "L-Lord Fang Kun!"

  "Can't even deal with a Fifth Firmament Celestial Deity, go back and receive punishment!" Fang Kun said in a cold voice.

  That protector's expression was ugly as he said, "Y-Your Excellency, we …"

  Fang Kun gave a cold snort and immediately cut him off. "Talking what nonsense? You refuse to accept it?"

  "I … accept!" The protector's expression was ugly as he said.

  All around, everyone's faces were strange.

  They were all clear that today's matter really could not be blamed on the four great protectors.

  But Fang Kun clearly did not care about these. He only looked at the result.

  Fang Kun was a peak Ninth Firmament Celestial Deity. His strength was much stronger than the four great protectors added together.

  In this Nine Pledge Imperial Capital, if True God Realm did not appear, he could practically sweep across all.

  Holding down the fort
at Carefree Grove for so many years, no slip up had ever occurred before, he was the Carefree Grove's sea-stabilizing needle.

  Even if a Ninth Firmament Celestial Deity caused trouble, he also handled it all the same.

  "With this, the matter has blown up, to actually startle Lord Fang Kun. Looks like today's matter can't be settled anymore."

  "Heh, Lord Fang Kun's strength is extraordinary, this kid is too careless. A pity, having this strength at a young age, but have to die here."

  "Yeah, with his strength, if he really wanted to kill his way out, he would have long charged out. But he insists on taking his time to walk, he blundered now!"


  The people who were frequently at Carefree Grove all knew Fang Kun's awe-inspiring reputation.

  No one dared to cause trouble at Carefree Grove, because they all knew that this place had Lord Fang Kun holding down the fort.

  Fang Kun gave a cold snort, turned his head to look at Ye Yuan, and was just about to speak, but then he heard Ye Yuan say coolly, "Get lost!"

  Fang Kun was taken aback and said with a sneer, "What a wildly arrogant brat, you don't think that I'm the same as these trash, right?"

  Ye Yuan looked at him and said coolly, "You're no different from them. Not getting lost, you similarly have to die."

  As he said, Ye Yuan pulled Jiang Haitang and walked forward once more.

  Fang Kun laughed wildly when he heard that and said, "Reckless and blind thing, I want to see how you make me die!"

  But right at this time, a series of blue tattoos spread out from Ye Yuan's body, cutting off the entire space.

  Divine Vestige Space!

  Currently, Fang Kun was very close to Ye Yuan, those blue patterns constructed and formed the Divine Vestige Space very quickly.

  Fang Kun's heart palpitated, instinctively feeling that something was amiss, and instinctively wanted to break free of the fetters of the blue patterns.

  However, it was already too late!

  Fang Kun's pupils constricted, incomparably horrified in his heart.

  Because he discovered that he was actually unable to shift through spatial law!

  His body was restrained within the blue space.


  All of a sudden, Fang Kun released an attack.

  However, the blue space did not waver at all.

  The blue patterns became increasingly denser and increasingly compact, finally teeming the entire space.

  "L-Let me out! Damn it, let me out!" Fang Kun howled in despair.

  Ye Yuan's figure appeared, his eyes being incomparably cold.

  Fang Kun looked at Ye Yuan and could not resist shuddering.

  Those eyes even made a trace of chill well up from the bottom of his heart.

  Ye Yuan looked at him and said coolly, "I already gave you the chance and asked you to get lost, but it's you who didn't cherish it yourself. So, go and die."

  Ye Yuan lightly pointed a finger out, directly piercing through Fang Kun's heart, destroying all his vitality.


  The divine vestige dissipated, Fang Kun's corpse fell to the ground powerlessly. The surrounding was deathly quiet.

  Carefree Grove's guardian, the peak Ninth Firmament Celestial Deity Lord Fang Kun, actually died just like this?

  Everyone exchanged glances, completely no idea what happened.


  Ye Yuan pulled Jiang Haitang and strutted out of Carefree Grove just like this, swaggering off.

  The two great protectors exchanged a glance, there was only shock left in the other party's eyes.

  This scene was too astounding.

  Originally thought that there would be a heaven-shocking great battle, no one could have thought that Fang Kun died bafflingly just like this.

  Chapter 1903 - A Slight Move in One Part May Affect the Situation as a Whole

  "What did you say?! Fang Kun was killed by a Fifth Firmament Celestial Deity?"

  When Yu Jinsong got this news, he nearly jumped up from the seat.

  Fang Kun's strength, he was all too clear.

  How could a Fifth Firmament Celestial Deity possibly kill him?

  His first reaction when he heard this news was that he did not believe it.

  "I-Isn't that so? That boy used no idea what method, just like a cocoon, enveloping Lord Fang Kun inside. In just a blink of an eye, he died."

  When the leader of the four great protectors recalled the situation back then, he still had lingering fear in his heart until now.

  With Ye Yuan causing a disturbance, the Carefree Grove came to a total standstill and was totally unable to operate anymore.

  That place was a money squandering establishment, it was a tremendous source of revenue to the City Lord Manor.

  With this, it was chopped by Ye Yuan. Yu Jinsong's fury could be imagined.

  Yu Jinsong was angered until his expression was livid. Looking at the protector, he said, "You said that that kid came from Southridge's Heavenly Eagle Imperial City? Furthermore, he was just Heavenly Eagle Imperial City's head elder?"

  The protector sweat cold sweat profusely and said with a nod, "Yes, Young Master! That kid's identity has already been investigated clearly. It's Heavenly Eagle Imperial City's head elder, Ye Yuan. Before going to Carefree Grove, he even made a trip to Flowing Wind Establishment and almost tore down the entire Flowing Wind Establishment! Oh, right, before he came to the imperial capital, he even killed the Wu Family's young master, Wu Tian, as well as the Wu Family's Eighth Firmament Celestial Deity retainer, Wu Yun. Coming to the imperial capital this time, he should be here for Jiang Jadehall's case."

  The City Lord Manor's investigative ability was still extremely strong. Just used a night and they already inquired about Ye Yuan's ins and outs clearly.

  Hearing the protector report one news after another, Yu Jinsong's expression flickered incessantly.

  In this short half a month's time, Ye Yuan already turned Nine Pledge Imperial Capital upside down, directly offending the three major forces.

  Although the Wu Family's strength could not compare to these three forces, they were absolutely not some soft persimmon either.

  The Wu Family's ancestor was a True God Realm powerhouse!

  Yu Jinsong narrowed his eyes like a venomous snake and said in a cold voice, "Pass down the order for me. Three days later, openly execute Jiang Jadehall in Heavenly Grove Plaza! At that time, we'll lay down an inescapable net. This young master wants to see whether he has three heads and six arms or not!"


  The news spread to City Lord Manor. As one of the three great factions, Kongming Academy naturally would not be unaware.

  Song Yancai was currently standing in front of a middle-aged man but was fearful after the event in his heart.

  Luckily when Ye Yuan left back then, he did not really make a move to stop.

  Otherwise, his outcome would be exactly the same as Fang Kun.

  Hang on, his strength was far worse than Fang Kun, there was no hope of surviving at all.

  "Presently, the situation in the city is very delicate. Before yesterday night, most likely no one would have thought that an imperial city's head elder would actually stir up such a great disturbance!" The middle-aged man heaved a sigh and said.

  Song Yancai smiled bitterly and said, "Who could have thought that a Fifth Firmament Celestial Deity brat could kill his way through Carefree Grove?"

  The middle-aged nodded his head and said, "Jiang Jadehall is merely a puny little patrolling inspector and is totally insignificant. Waging war with City Lord Manor and Linghua Pavilion for him was seriously unwise. It's just that no one would have thought that he actually got acquainted with such a remarkable young man. Carefree Grove's business, everyone is very envious of it. No one has ever dared to cause trouble inside before. Who could have thought that Ye Yuan actually wiped them all out!"

  Song Yancai said, "Then what should we do now? Ye Yuan already poked a hole in the sky, yet we … are very pass

  The middle-aged shook his head and said, "People above have already given the word. Jiang Jadehall must be protected! The City Lord Manor and Linghua Pavilion are eager for action. This boy has such terrifying talent, so he'll definitely be able to assist us in the future. Hence, we have to make up for the past blunder at all costs!"

  When Song Yancai heard this, his expression changed slightly.


  Everyone in the city was searching for Ye Yuan. But after he brought Jiang Haitang away from the Carefree Grove, his entire person seemed to have evaporated into thin air. No one could find him.

  The City Lord Manor wanted to kill Ye Yuan, but they could not find him.

  Kongming Academy wanted to find Ye Yuan to explain things, but sadly, they could not find Ye Yuan either.

  Three days' time passed in a flash.

  The matter of publicly executing Jiang Jadehall was already announced to the whole city through the City Lord Manor.

  When he saw the light again, Jiang Jadehall felt that it was rather piercing to the eye.

  He originally thought that he would die inside the jail dubiously just like that, but he did not expect that in order to kill him, the City Lord Manor made such a big commotion.

  Suddenly, a group of people in front came over.

  Seeing that person in the front, Jiang Jadehall's entire body trembled slightly.

  It was precisely the one who framed him, getting him thrown in jail.

  Yu Jinsong came in front of Jiang Jadehall and said with a smug smile, "Jiang Jadehall, are you very curious why killing you, a puny little patrolling inspector, would still cause such a big disturbance?"

  Jiang Jadehall's heart was long akin to dead ash, how he died had no difference to him.

  The only thing that he was worried about was his daughter.

  Mucking around in Nine Pledge Imperial Capital for so long, Jiang Jadehall naturally understood his situation.

  He was merely the sacrificial item of the upper echelons' fight.

  Who could care about the life or death of a puny little patrolling inspector?

  Jiang Jadehall drew a deep breath and looked at Yu Jinsong as he said, "Young Master Yu, Jiang Jadehall is merely a minor character, so death isn't regrettable. It's just that I hope you won't make things difficult for my daughter."


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