Loved by You

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Loved by You Page 9

by Sophia Knightly

  “It wasn’t. When Rex died, Vince took Roman under his wing. He and Rex had started off as tennis pros, but Rex went on to be a TV sports commentator and Vince became a top tennis promoter.”

  Piper’s mind whirled as she tried to process everything Sadie told her. “When I met Roman, his dad had passed away the year before. When did Vince step in?”

  “Almost right away. When Vince saw how devastated and lost Roman was after his dad’s death, he mentored him. I was depressed and doing my best to raise my twins and Roman. I didn’t have the focus necessary to guide him. Vince took over and steered my boy to the top.” Sadie smiled. “I’ll always be grateful to him…and so will Roman.”

  “Wow.” Piper stared at Sadie. She had many questions and didn’t know where to begin. “Did Roman know Brie when he was growing up?”

  “Yes, though she is ten years younger. As a little girl, Brie had a huge crush on Roman and used to wheedle her way into tagging along with Vince when they’d meet. She is Vince and Monica’s only child, and she’s spoiled rotten.”

  “Hmm, there must be something about Brie that Roman likes.”

  “She is a very good tennis player, I’ll give her that much, but the other stuff she claims to have in common with him are fabricated,” Sadie said with a derisive snort. She inhaled sharply through her pinched nostrils. “My son needs a ‘come to Jesus moment’ so his eyes will be opened.”

  “Maybe, but they’ve been together for three months. She must be doing something right,” Piper said. The whole thing sounded like a soap opera with Brie in the starring role.

  Sadie’s shoulders sagged. “She acts so sweet around him. She’s on a mission to convince him that she’ll be the perfect wife who wants lots of kids.”

  “Is he ready to settle down, do you think?” Piper ventured to ask.

  Sadie shrugged. “It seems like it.”

  “But he was always so restless,” Piper said.

  “He still is restless, but now it’s taken root in his personal life. He’s always loved kids. I get the feeling he would like to start a family soon.”

  “Oh,” Piper said in a small voice. The possibility of him settling down with someone else depressed her.

  Sadie’s eyes hardened. “Brie isn’t that maternal type.”

  “How do you know she isn’t?”

  “I’ve heard comments from the parents of the kids she coaches. They say she’s not very patient, and sometimes mean.” Sadie’s tight mouth dipped at the corners. “I’m pretty sure she volunteers to gain brownie points with Roman.”

  “She sounds delightful,” Piper said sarcastically.

  “That chick sticks to him like gum on a hot sidewalk,” Sadie continued scornfully. “She constantly calls and texts him when he’s here. I doubt he’s going to tolerate it for long.”

  “She did that while we were having lunch,” Piper said darkly. “We were in the middle of a nice conversation and suddenly a flirty text popped up from her.”

  “How do you know it was from her?”

  “His phone was face up on the table. I read the text when the screen lit up.”

  “What did it say?”

  “She wanted to know when her roaring lion was coming over.”

  “Oh, brother,” Sadie groaned. “See what I mean?”

  “What does Brie look like anyway? Do you have a picture of her?”

  “I might have one on my phone. Let’s see.” Piper peered over Sadie’s shoulder as she scrolled through her photo stream. “I can’t seem to find one of Brie, but here’s a good one of the roaring Lion,” Sadie said with a chuckle.

  “Speaking of the roaring Lion…where is he today?” Piper asked drolly as they bent over Sadie’s phone.

  A deafening roar crashed into the room, the sound so startling that Sadie dropped her phone on the desk and clutched her chest.

  Piper jumped in front of Sadie and flung her arms over her protectively. She gasped when she saw Roman in the doorway. Their eyes met for a charged moment and Piper struggled to say something, but her mouth wouldn’t work.

  Roman’s blue button-down shirt stretched across his muscular chest and his rolled up sleeves exposed thick corded forearms. Charcoal trousers accentuated his flat midsection and skimmed over long, powerful legs as he stood with one shoulder braced against the doorjamb.

  Piper drew in a sharp breath, her pulse ping ponging swiftly. “Roman, you nearly gave me a heart attack!”

  “Me too,” Sadie chimed in furiously. “I’m too old for that nonsense!”

  Roman threw his head back and laughed. Piper shot Sadie a disbelieving look, and Sadie responded with a helpless shrug.

  When his amusement died down, brilliant topaz eyes narrowed on them, zooming from one to the other. “Well now, I’ve never seen guiltier faces. What are you two up to?”

  “Nothing,” Piper blurted out, her shoulders rounding defensively. She noted the barest twitch of amusement at the corners of Roman’s mouth and threw her shoulders back. Straightening her spine, she lifted her chin and adopted a cool stance. There was no reason to feel or look guilty.

  Roman’s stern gaze veered from Piper to Sadie. “More shenanigans, Mom?”

  Sadie shook a reproachful finger at him. “Young man, you scared the bejeezus out of me!” She pushed a stray lock of hair from her face. “How much did you hear?” she demanded.

  “I heard enough.”

  “What is ever enough?” Sadie asked rhetorically, regaining her composure.

  Roman gave her a withering look. “Please come to my office. Both of you.” His keen gaze lingered on Piper before he spun on his heel.

  Piper watched the confident set of Roman’s broad back. His long strides caused the fabric of his trousers to stretch over taut thighs and buns of steel. She dropped her gaze quickly lest Sadie notice she was ogling her son’s assets. But it was too late.

  Sadie regarded her with a knowing smile. “He works hard to stay in good shape. Rock-solid from top to bottom,” she proclaimed.

  “Sadie!” Piper’s face flamed.

  “What? You were the one looking.”

  Piper’s gaze darted to the hallway outside the open door. Hopefully he hadn’t heard her teasing comment. “Please lower your voice,” she urged. “I’m ready to go home. I don’t want to go to Roman’s office. It’s going to be awkward when he starts asking questions.”

  Sadie’s shoulders lifted in a nonchalant shrug. “It doesn’t have to be.”

  “If the way he stared at me before he left is any indication, he’s going to grill us.”

  “Nah,” Sadie scoffed, downplaying Piper’s concern. “He was in a playful mood with that crazy roar. He’ll probably want to give you the grand tour. He’s quite proud of his tennis academy.”

  Confounded, Piper peered at Sadie. What was she trying to pull? Roman wasn’t going to play host when it was clear he thought they were up to something. He’d said so himself.

  Sadie patted Piper’s shoulder. “You go on and talk to him.” With the barest smile, she added, “I’ll stay here and get some work done.”

  Piper snorted. “Nice try, Sadie, but we were both summoned to the Lion’s den. You’re coming with me.”

  Sadie shook her head. “No.”

  “No?” Piper echoed in disbelief. “Why not?”

  “You can use some alone time with Roman.” Sadie smiled benevolently. “Why not take the opportunity to reconnect?”

  Piper sputtered at a loss for words. She wasn’t about to make a move on Roman. She didn’t have any place in his love life. God only knew why he was dating a pill like Brie.

  “Sadie, your son has a girlfriend,” Piper pointed out.

  Sadie immediately said, “I wouldn’t call Brie his girlfriend. Not really. I’ve noticed that he’s trying to distance himself, but she just won’t let go.”

  Piper wanted to believe her, but Roman had said things were “complicated” when Brie’s suggestive text had come in. He hadn’t added anything to lead
Piper to think he planned on breaking up with Brie.

  “Fine, I’ll reconnect with him,” Piper finally said, “but it won’t be what you’re thinking.” All she wanted to do was comply with his request. He’d asked her to check in on his mom and report back. Well, now was as good a time as any. Sadie had become Brie’s malicious target, and her recent actions were unsettling. Was he even aware of what Brie was capable of?

  Sadie’s eyes shone with bright curiosity. “What are you planning to do?”

  “I’m going to report the facts, then Roman can figure out what to do with her.” Piper set her jaw. “The Cheese be damned.”

  “Atta girl!” Sadie cackled approvingly as she steered Piper toward the door. “You do that, and I’ll join you in a little while.”

  Chapter 13

  Taking a moment to collect herself, Piper hovered at the entrance of Roman’s office. He stood with his back to her, peering out of the window overlooking the tennis courts. One hand held his phone to his ear and the other rested on the window ledge as he heatedly spoke into the receiver.

  Maybe this wasn’t the right time…

  Just as Piper was about to leave, Roman turned abruptly. The tension on his face eased when he saw her. He motioned for her to come in and take a seat on the ash leather couch on the right of the door, across from his massive desk.

  Piper ventured inside, but remained standing until he ended the conversation. She didn’t plan on staying long. As soon as she spoke her piece, she’d be out of there.

  Roman hung up, slid his phone into his trousers’ pocket and came right up to her. His gaze flickered to her mouth and returned to her eyes. “How are you, Gypsy?”

  “I’m fine,” she replied, but that was a lie. The deep, inviting timbre of Roman’s voice sent a tingle up her spine, dismantling her composure and leaving her at loose ends. His brilliant eyes glowed like amber stones as they intimately swept over her face and lingered on her hair, which lay in loose waves around her shoulders.

  He gestured to her temples with a sardonic lift of his brows. “Roses?” he inquired, referring to the small silk rose hair clips that Mrs. Wrigley had merrily tucked into Piper’s hair.

  Heat rushed to her face as he watched her with elevated brows. At least the Boho print dress she wore didn’t clash with the floral pins, but still, she felt foolish. She reached up to slide one of the clips out. “Oh, I forgot to take these out. I don’t—”

  Roman stayed her hand. “Leave them,” he cut in.

  She shrugged and left them in place. There was no sense in pulling them out and mussing her untamable hair. “I normally don’t go around with flowers in my hair. I was humoring my client, Mrs. Wrigley.” She smiled wryly. “She loves whimsical things, and put these in my hair after she’d had a few glasses of mead. Don’t ask,” she added quickly when Roman’s brows drew together. “She said I looked like a woodland fairy.”

  “You do.” The corners of Roman’s eyes crinkled. “They suit you.” Their eyes locked, and Piper’s flesh suffused with heat. A delicious tremor wracked her, and she stepped backward, almost losing her balance. She grabbed his arm to steady herself. Big mistake. She’d forgotten how thick and hard his biceps were. She snatched her hand back and took more steps backward.

  “Hey, where are you going? I’m not going to bite…unless you want me to,” he added softly. He moved closer, the look in his eyes saying he wanted to devour her.

  She shivered as he watched her with a half-teasing smile. If his aim was to disarm her, he was succeeding too well. Last time he’d planted a hot, seductive kiss on her and today he looked hungry for more.

  The air sizzled between them and at such close range it was hard to think of anything but Roman. She wanted to feel his strong arms around her, to taste him, to breath in his clean, manly scent. Piper swallowed hard and broke eye contact to get away from his magnetic pull, but it was impossible. She felt the heat of his amber eyes watching her with unabashed pleasure.

  The teasing glint in his eyes faded as he studied her. “I’m glad you’re here. What made you come?” he said, sensing her discomfort.

  “You asked me to come to your office just now. Remember?” She hated how husky her voice sounded and quickly cleared her throat.

  One corner of his mouth quirked upward. “I didn’t mean my office. I meant why did you come to the academy with my mom?”

  “Oh, that. Well, I didn’t start out planning to come here, but I had to after I talked to her.”

  He motioned to the couch. “Sit and get comfortable. I’ve been waiting to hear from you. Did you find out if she’s still on the pain meds?”

  Piper perched on the edge of the couch. “Yes, I asked her outright. She said she stopped taking them two weeks after her injury.”

  Roman joined her on the couch, his knee grazing hers. “And you believe her?”

  Piper noted the skepticism in his tone. “Of course, I believe her. You should too,” she said reproachfully. “Sadie is using alternative methods to heal. Things like yoga and massage.”

  “That’s good.” He leaned his elbows on his splayed knees and tilted his head sideways, watching her intently as she continued.

  “She is fully aware of how harmful opioids can be and even mentioned that she’d seen others become addicted,” Piper added as reinforcement. “Your mom is pretty savvy, and I didn’t find anything was off with her mind either.”

  Roman didn’t look convinced. “Thanks for checking on her, but I’m still concerned. After her injury, she can’t seem to get it together when she’s here. I’m not only referring to the lost files.”

  “What else has happened?”

  “For no apparent reason, she canceled the vendor, a longtime contact who was donating all the beverages for our upcoming fundraiser. Good thing I was made aware of it, or we would have had a last minute disaster.”

  An alarm sounded in Piper’s mind as she stared at Roman. “Who made you aware of it?” She raised a suspicious brow. “The vendor…or someone else?” She was fairly certain The Cheese was behind this latest snafu. God only knew what else Brie was doing behind the scenes to discredit Sadie.

  “The vendor sent me an email making sure that it wasn’t an error before he canceled it.”

  Piper shrugged vaguely. “Was the cancellation done by email or phone call?”

  “By phone and with no explanation.”

  “That doesn’t sound like something Sadie would do. Stay here. I’ll be right back.” She dashed out of Roman’s office and into Sadie’s. Not giving Sadie a chance to object, she shepherded her into Roman’s office.

  When she returned he was standing in front of his desk, his hips braced on the edge and his arms folded over his chest.

  “What’s going on? Why’d you drag me in here?” Sadie clucked, flapping a hand at Piper.

  “Did you cancel the beverage vendor for the fundraiser?” Piper asked.

  “No, of course not. Why do you ask?” Sadie’s quizzical eyes darted from Piper to Roman.

  “Roman, please tell your mom what you just told me,” Piper prompted.

  When he finished speaking, Sadie sank down on the couch and started punching numbers on her phone. “I’m going to call Mitch to clear things up right now.” She glared at Roman. “I can’t believe you didn’t ask me about this first!”

  Piper sat beside Sadie and stole a glance at Roman as he studied Sadie with worried eyes. She couldn’t wait to tell him the whole story. Once he heard what she’d found out, his mother would be exonerated and Brie would be toast.

  After a brief chat with Mitch, Sadie got up and passed her phone to Roman with a flourish. “Here, talk to Mitch. He’ll explain.” She resumed her place beside Piper and shot her a telling look.

  When Roman ended the call, he shook his head. “Mom, I owe you an apology.”

  “Yes, you do.” Sadie sniffed and raised her chin, her eyes wounded. “Now do you believe me?”

  “Yes, I should have come to you first,” Roman

  “So, what happened?” Piper asked.

  “Mitch said his assistant, Molly, took the call and thought it was my mom cancelling the order. But when he questioned her further, Molly admitted that it hadn’t sounded like Sadie.” A puzzled frown shadowed Roman’s face. “I’m going to get some answers, and I’ll get back to you.”

  The tittering sound of female laughter coming from the hallway drew Roman’s attention. Surprise mingled with annoyance as his gaze riveted to the doorway.

  Piper turned to whisper in Sadie’s ear, “I thought you said no one was coming in this late. Looks like we have visitors.”

  “I wasn’t expecting anyone,” Sadie muttered out of the side of her mouth.

  Two women sauntered into the office—both blonde, beautiful and athletic. The shorter of the two was older and less tanned, but they looked like mother and daughter.

  “Hey, babe, I’ve been trying to reach you all afternoon. Is your phone not working?” The younger woman ran up to Roman and kissed him full on the mouth before he could answer. She slid her arm high around his neck and gave him a tight hug. The action raised her mini skirt so high it barely covered her compact backside. Her slim arms and long legs were tanned and toned like the rest of her tall, coltish shape.

  “Brie,” Roman choked out.

  “Dinner is a bit delayed.” Brie’s voice was light and breathy. “Momma and I went shopping, and we ran late. Did a little damage too.” She raised her designer shopping bags with an impish grin. “Wait till you see the dress I bought for the fundraiser.” Her long ponytail bobbed as she gushed with excitement.

  Roman glanced at his Rolex. “Shoot. I’m sorry, Brie. I got caught up in meetings and forgot about dinner at your parents tonight.” He directed his gaze to the older woman standing behind Brie. “I apologize, Monica, but—”

  “No buts, babe,” Brie interjected lightly. “Cook is grilling lobster tails and filet mignons, and Daddy set aside a good Cab Sauv for you. And I just may have baked you a special dessert, mister,” she crooned, walking her long fingers up from Roman’s shoulder to the side of his neck.

  With a frosty smile fixed in place, Monica noticed Sadie and Piper on the couch. “Hello, Sadie,” she said in an arid tone.


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