
Home > Other > Womanized > Page 21
Womanized Page 21

by Nikki Crescent

  I could feel every inch of him inside of me: throbbing and bulging, ready to fuck me, ready to fill me with his warm seed. I reached down and planted my hands on his ripped chest. I took a deep breath and then I started to bounce up and down, slapping my bum against his toned pelvis. I kept reaching down periodically to make sure my skirt was still on right, so I wasn’t showing too much off to the audience.

  It felt good—too good. I started moaning and clenching all of the muscles in my body. Pulses of warm pleasure shocked through me, but I managed to stay upright. I could feel my cock hardening, but my panties were doing a great job of holding everything down.

  Ben had his eyes closed. He was trying to control his breathing, but I could feel that he was getting closer and closer to his finale. I could feel his cock twitching and bloating and tensing up. His fingers were digging into my hips. “Fuck, that feels so good,” I groaned. “Fucking come in my little pussy.”

  “Your pussy is so fucking tight,” he said through clenched teeth.

  “I want your cum in me so badly.”

  I loved that I could feel his veins throbbing. And I loved that I could feel the soft, tight fabric of my skirt against my skin, and my perky nipples rubbing against my tight top. I especially loved the feeling of my long hair bouncing and dancing on my shoulders. I felt so sexy and so good. This really was how I was meant to feel. I couldn’t help but think that everyone should feel this way—whether as a boy or a girl; it doesn’t really matter. How had I gone so long without feeling so lusted after and so pretty? I loved the way all of the guys were looking at me, wishing they were Ben. And the girls were wishing they were me. I never had that as Kenny. No one even noticed me as Kenny. Maybe I was meant to be Kendra.

  “Oh fuck!” he groaned. And then he pushed me. He cock slipped out of me and I fell onto my back. He jumped up and planted his knees at my sides. He started violently jerking his cock as cum began to spew out in seemingly every direction, ruining my makeup and my top and even my hair. He groaned and squirmed and then he wiped his tip off on my chin before standing up. Then his face suddenly became red and he said, “Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I’ll go grab a towel. You can use my shower. My sister left a bunch of clothes here before she left for college—you can wear whatever you want. I’m seriously so sorry.”

  I sat up slowly as cum dripped off of my chin. I felt a little bit humiliated as everyone stared at me, but I felt strangely accomplished and satisfied.

  And then I felt even better once I saw his sister’s massive closet, packed with the sexiest little outfits. I ended up nabbing a few, stuffing them into one of her big purses. I took that purse home with me. If his sister ever noticed the outfits missing, she could have them back. But until then, I wanted to get some use out of them.

  It was a long walk home, but the cool ocean air helped me sober up, so my hangover wasn’t so bad in the morning. When I got out of bed, Aunt Fey was already up and there was a pot of hot coffee on. I poured myself a cup, even though I knew it was tainted with hormones. I took a long sip and then I looked at Aunt Fey. “Good morning,” I said.

  She looked back at me. “Had some fun last night?” she asked.

  My heart suddenly skipped a beat. I looked over at a nearby mirror and saw that I was still in my makeup. I assumed I’d washed it off before bed, but apparently I’d just dreamed that.

  I opened my mouth to reply, but no words came out. I felt so humiliated—even more humiliated than when Ben came all over my face in front of all of my friends. I didn’t know what to say. I was trying to think of some sort of excuse. “We—We were playing Truth or Dare,” I said as my face became warm.

  She laughed. “Before or after you left for that party wearing my clothes?”

  And now I had no excuses. I was caught. I would have to live with this embarrassment until I could afford to leave—months, maybe a whole year of utter humiliation. I felt sick. I wanted to run into my room and lock the door. I wanted to run away. It didn’t get too cold on the Island, even when it was raining. I could live out in the woods. I was eighteen—I didn’t have to stay with Aunt Fey. Maybe I could even move in with one of my friends. I could probably even get Ben to let me stay with him. His parents were out of town until August—that was more than enough time to graduate, get a job, and then find my own place.

  “You’ve been drugging my coffee,” I said. “I know you’ve been doing it.”

  “And you’ve been drinking it, even though you’ve known for some time now,” she said.

  It took a moment before I came up with a reply. “But you still did it. Why did you do it?”

  She smiled warmly. “Because you needed it. As soon as I saw you in that principal’s office in Toronto, I knew that you were struggling in the wrong body.”

  “That’s not your choice to make,” I said.

  “Maybe that’s true,” she said. “But by the time you found out, I can’t imagine there had been many changes. Those pills take years to really work.”

  “But I’ve been having these thoughts and feelings—I never had them before. Those pills are messing with my head.”

  “Those pills might make you feel a bit more emotional, but they aren’t going to change any thoughts in your head. All of your thoughts and feelings are still just your own. All those pills really can do is give you some breast mass and make your hips wider. Everything else is all you, kiddo.”

  My heart stammered and fluttered into my gut. “That can’t be true,” I said.

  “It’s true. Look—if you don’t want the pills anymore, I’ll stop giving them to you. Your body should go back to the way it was in a month or two—maybe even less than that. I suppose it’s up to you, even though, as your legal guardian, I technically know what’s best for you. I’ll throw them out right now.”

  She went into the fridge and grabbed the three pill bottles. She walked them over to the trash and then I said, “Stop!” She looked at me with wide eyes. “Don’t throw them out,” I said. “I want them. Give them to me.” She walked over and handed them to me. She was smirking. “How many do I take?”

  “One of each in the morning, and then one of this one again in the afternoon.”

  I stuffed the pills into my pockets. “Okay. That sounds fine.” I took a seat as Aunt Fey looked back out at the ocean, as if the conversation never happened.

  And maybe it was wrong of her to slip me the pills without my consent—but had she never done it, I would have never discovered that I really enjoyed being a girl. So was it really wrong? Did she maybe really know what was best for me?

  I still had a lot left to get used to with my new life on the Island, but I knew that it wouldn’t be nearly as bad as I originally thought. In fact, I was now looking forward to having new experiences as Kendra. I had new friends who seemed to really like me, and every guy in the school ogled me every time I walked by. I had a feeling that was something that would never get old.

  And I couldn’t wait to see what other changes my body had in store for me. My breasts were filling out more and more every day. The Internet said that my breasts would take two full years before they were how they would end up—so I had a feeling that I was going to be a large breasted girl, which was fine by me. I wasn’t expecting my hips to get as wide as they were getting. Even Aunt Fey’s skirts were no longer fitting. Thankfully she took me to the mall in Nanaimo to buy a few outfits of my own.

  I couldn’t wait for my hair to grow out. I loved my wig and planned on styling my hair exactly the same—but it would take another year before it was long enough. I didn’t mind waiting though. It would take me about a year to perfect my makeup skills and to acquire a few more outfits. There was lots to look forward to, and I was excited to take it slow, so I could take it all in.



  Walter has a great thing going as the guitar player of a touring band—until he sleeps with Mimi, the band’s keyboard player. When he tells Mimi that he doesn’t want a relationsh
ip, just a one-night romp, things start to fall apart. Mimi leaves the band and then Walter finds himself kicked out as a repercussion.

  Now, Walter has nothing—no band, no job, and his rent is almost due. He needs to find another project fast so he can start gigging and earning some cash. He’s desperate and willing to play anything with anyone. And a solution to his problems comes to him in the form of another keyboard player. She’s looking for a band, she’s beautiful, and Walter can’t help but wonder if things will end the same way they ended with Mimi. This new girl has a lot in common with Mimi, almost too much in common, except Walter will soon find out that she’s got a little bit extra between her legs.


  My friends all told me the same thing: don’t sleep with her. They told me not to mix my work with my personal life—but it’s not like I worked at some office, with a manager and an HR department. We were band mates, and in the music world—particularly with musicians—people sleep together.

  Besides, Mimi obviously wanted me to sleep with her. And it’s not like it was going to be a one-night stand. We knew each other well and had spent nearly every day together for almost a year, since we formed the band together. We had memories together and we had fun almost every day. Maybe it would be more than just sex—maybe it would turn into a relationship. Maybe we could be like Paul and Linda McCartney. How did that end again? They split up? Well that didn’t mean that Mimi and I would split up.

  Mimi kept showing up to band practise in outfits that drove me wild. Back when we first starting playing together, it was all jeans and t-shirts. Then, one day while we were out getting dinner, I made one comment about how I adored girls in skirts. Suddenly, she started showing up to band practises in skirts. And of course I noticed—they were the tiniest skirts a girl could buy. Hell, she must have bought them in some kid’s section, because she was already petite and they hardly covered her tush.

  In case it wasn’t obvious enough, I hooked up with a girl on the road one night. The girl came up to me wearing a ripped black tank top over her ruby red lace bra, which was mostly exposed. She had this cute lip ring through the middle of her top lip, which I wasn’t sure I loved at first, but it felt amazing when she was in my room sucking on my cock. I told the band about the whole encounter and even showed them pictures of the chick that I took before we fucked. It was only a few days later when Mimi got her lip pierced and started wearing loose-fitted tank tops—not too different from the ones my hook-up wore.

  And it was obvious that she was jealous. She looked at the pictures of my hook-up and said, “She’s kind of ugly. You can do way better than that. I don’t even know why you slept with her.”

  After shows we would hit up bars for a few drinks, sometimes with fans, sometimes with girls who wanted a little bit of action. More and more, Mimi would sit next to me, sometimes so close that people thought we were a couple. She would even lean her body against me, cuddling up, as if she was trying to protect me from sleeping with cute fans. I didn’t even say anything to Ian, our bass player, before he came up to me and said, “She’s the best keyboard player in town. Please don’t sleep with her and ruin this band. We have a good thing going.”

  “Sleep with her? Who said anything about sleeping with her?” I said—though I’d been thinking about it for weeks already. Maybe it was obvious. Maybe they could see the lust in my eyes. But it wasn’t fair. She was practically throwing herself at me. She would even joke around about going on dates. I would say something along the lines of, “Do we have any beer in the house?” and she would reply, “Why don’t we go out and get one at the bar. It can be our first date.” She would wink as if she was kidding around, but I really wasn’t so sure.

  The anniversary of our band’s first show was only a few days away when she asked me to see a movie with her. It was some romance movie, and she claimed none of her friends wanted to see it with her. And she asked me—not the band. I went along with her. And it was only five minutes into the movie when she pulled up the armrest and snuggled up to me. “I hope you don’t mind,” she said. “I’m kind of a snuggler.”

  “You do this with everyone?” I asked.

  “If they’re cute enough,” she said, again with that wink. I still wasn’t one hundred percent sure of her intentions. She was a spunky chick and a little bit offbeat. Maybe this was just her personality. Maybe I was mistaking her natural spunk for flirting. Or maybe she wanted me to rip off that red bra in that movie theatre so I could suck on those perky nipples. I managed not to make a move. I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. I slipped out into the hallway to check to see who was messaging me.

  “Don’t you dare sleep with her,” said Ian in the form of a text message.

  I didn’t reply. I didn’t really understand what the big deal was, even if I did sleep with her. She was a girl and I was a guy, and that’s what girls and guys do. Can friends not sleep together? Would it really impair her ability to play the keyboard if I stuck my cock inside of her?

  When I went back into the movie theatre, Mimi came on stronger. She put a hand on my thigh and then she asked me to wrap an arm around her. I bit down on my tongue and then I followed the command, putting my arm over her, pulling her small body in close. I could feel her hot breath tickling my torso. That hand on my thigh was carefully inching up towards my crotch. Now it was obvious. Now I knew she wanted me. And I couldn’t help but think that there would be more problems if I rejected her than if I just went ahead and slept with her. If I rejected her, maybe I would hurt her feelings or maybe she would be so embarrassed that she would go join a different band. If I slept with her, maybe that would give her a reason to stick with our band.

  So I tilted her head towards mine and then I kissed her. I gently sucked on her bottom lip while her lip ring tickled my top lip. She was quick to kiss back and quick to slip her tongue into my mouth. Her fingers slipped onto my crotch and she began to massage my cock. We didn’t finish that movie. We got up a minute later and went straight back to my apartment, which was just around the block. We were so horny that we ran. We didn’t even wait for the elevator in my apartment building—instead, we ran up five flights of stairs while I fumbled in my pocket for my keys. Once we were in my room, I threw her down on the bed and pounced on top of her. We continued kissing as if we had never stopped. Now I was free to pull her clothes off of her body, exposing her surprisingly large tits. They wobbled on her chest for a moment before I bent over and started sucking her erect nipples. She moaned and squirmed and pressed her fingers into my hair.

  I sunk down lower, pulling down her panties and grazing my chin over her soft mane of pubic hair. She wasn’t a shaver, but I liked that. I liked that soft fuzz against my face as I ate her out, making her dribble warm, clear fluid. I loved the way her thighs clamped down around my head and squeezed. I loved the way her hips gently raised off of my mattress, as if she was suggesting that I give her tight asshole a little lick—so I did. She liked it, moaning a little bit louder and squirming a little bit harder. I got my tongue deep into her asshole, and then I even got a few fingers deep into her asshole. I sat up and looked into her eyes while I fingered her.

  “You want to fuck my asshole?” she asked. “Can you just fuck my pussy for one minute first?”

  I took out my cock. I didn’t bother with a condom—I just assumed she was on the pill. I pressed my tip against her wet hole and then I pressed in. She was tight, but getting my whole cock in was easy because she was so wet with a combination of warm pussy fluid and my saliva. Her pussy made a squishing noise as it stretched wide to accommodate my thick girth.

  “Oh God, that feels so good. Fuck—that feels so fucking good,” she moaned. Then she looked into my eyes and said, “I’m a virgin.”

  I paused for a moment, unsure of how to process what she just told me. There was suddenly a lump in my throat, and I suddenly remembered all of my friends and band mates telling me not to sleep with her. Maybe they were right. Maybe this was a bad idea. I
f she was a virgin, then she wasn’t going to pass this romp off as a one-off. And what if there was a hot groupie on the road somewhere? Was I now tied to Mimi? Were we officially an item? Could we not separate without ruining the band?

  “This is just sex,” I said. And then I watched as her big smile faded from her face.

  “What do you mean?” she asked. Her voice had a thick tinge of disappointment lingering in it.

  “I just mean—we’re just having sex. This is just fun. I hope you don’t think this means anything more than just fun.” I forced a big smile. Now I felt like an idiot. Why couldn’t I just keep my mouth shut? Why did I have to go and ruin this experience for her? Though it had to be said—I needed her to understand that we were just fooling around, and this didn’t mean we were now boyfriend and girlfriend. And it was too late to take it back. My cock was already in her pussy. I’d already taken her virginity.

  “Right,” she said, forcing a smile of her own. “Just sex. So let’s do it then.”

  I started pumping my cock in and out of her. But she was no longer in the moment. I had to close my eyes, so that her disappointed face wasn’t ruining the moment for me as well. After a minute, I couldn’t take that guilty expression anymore, so I pulled out and flipped her onto her stomach. “What are you doing?” she asked.

  I didn’t answer. I just pressed my wet tip up to her tight back door and I started to press in. She gasped as I penetrated. I watched as her fingers clenched the bed sheets. I held her hips in place. I couldn’t believe how skinny she was—I could nearly touch my fingers together as I held her down. “Ouch,” she said while squirming.


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