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Womanized Page 65

by Nikki Crescent

  Then it was time to get dressed. First, she gave me a fresh pair of panties to wear: a white thong that was just enough to hold my cock between my legs without bulging out through my romper. Then I got into the white romper, which fit perfectly. To finish off the disguise, she gave me a big brown hat with a floppy brim. It hung down just above my eye line, giving me just a little extra security.

  For my feet, she gave me a pair of gladiator sandals, which tied up with zigzagging straps up to my knees. They were surprisingly comfortable, but the fit was the most surprising part of them. They fit perfectly—all of her shoes fit me perfectly. Apparently we had the same foot size, and the same dress size, and the same head size.

  “You look so adorable,” she said. “Now let’s get some breakfast before that line gets too long.” She took my hand and led me towards the door. I tried to resist as my heart started pounding with terror. I didn’t want to be seen like this, even with a wig covering the sides of my face, sunglasses covering my eyes, and a big hat covering my forehead. I didn’t think anyone was going to recognize my lips—but still, the thought of being seen was humiliating.

  “C’mon,” she said, giving my hand a tug, pulling me through that doorway. It was only a minute later when we passed the first people: another young couple, likely on their honeymoon, walking hand-in-hand. They looked at us and smiled. Janie smiled back while I looked the other way. “Beautiful day!” Janie called out.

  I gave her a nudge.

  “Ouch. What was that for?” she asked.

  “Let’s make sure as few people as possible notice us,” I said.

  “Well everyone’s going to notice you,” she said with a big grin. “Look at you—looking all hot, with your long legs and your perfect butt.” She gave me a little slap on the ass, making my butt cheeks jiggle. I hopped forward and tensed up.

  “This isn’t funny!” I snapped. “Do you get a kick out of this or something?”

  She tried to put away her smile, but her attempt was a failure. She reached down and grabbed my hand, squeezing it tightly, reminding me that she loved me, even though I apparently passed as a convincing woman. And I suppose I was lucky. Most girls would probably have been very disappointed to discover their husbands could pass with a bit of makeup, a wig, and a romper. Even I was feeling ashamed of myself, despite the fact it was out of my control. It was just biology—just the body that I was born with. There was nothing I could do to fix it… Though I suppose I could have hit the gym more often and lifted heavier weights. Maybe then my shoulders wouldn’t have been so slight and my arms and legs wouldn’t have been so dainty—and apparently feminine.

  But Janie loved me for me. She didn’t care that I could fit into her clothes or that we had the same shoe size. Most girls would have died of humiliation if their man went out with them dressed in her clothes. But not Janie. To her, it was just amusing and nothing else—not even enough to stop her from wanting to hold my hand. And I guess in a way, that made my heart warm in my chest.

  We got to the restaurant. As promised, Janie did all of the talking. She got us a table near the corner of the restaurant—unfortunately right next to a window, but there weren’t many spots on that restaurant that weren’t next to windows. I told Janie what I wanted to eat and she placed the order for me. I got a strange chill when she said, “She’ll have the breakfast bowl—number four.” The she put me off slightly, but it didn’t even seem to faze my new wife.

  “Look to your left,” Janie said with a big smile on her face. “Not too fast—just look casually.”

  I slowly turned my head and saw two young men at a table across the restaurant looking our way. One of them smiled at me as I looked over, so I looked away quickly.

  “I think they’re going to come over here,” she said.

  “Why would you say that?” I whispered as my heart rate accelerated.

  “I just have a hunch. They’ve been looking at us since we sat down.”

  “They can probably tell that I’m not a chick. They’re probably laughing and making fun of me.”

  Janie shook her head. “No they aren’t. I think they’re hoping to pick us up.”

  My stomach turned. “Well let’s pay up so we can get out of here, before they come bug us.”

  Janie leaned back in her seat and took a deep breath. “Oh, just relax. They aren’t going to figure you out. Let’s just finish our coffees. I don’t want to rush. It’s our honeymoon—remember?”

  But it was hard to relax. I had a pair of panties riding up my butt crack and a pair of horny guys looking at me, apparently wanting to fuck me. I didn’t want guys looking at me like that. It would have been better had they been looking at me and laughing. I could have handled laughter—I got plenty of it in high school. But lust? That was something I could have done without.

  I drank my coffee quickly, hoping that Janie would do the same. She had that grin on her face the whole time, as if she was revelling in my humiliation. And I was starting to wonder if she’d set the whole thing up—if she brought the wig for me to wear, and if she purposely got rid of my suitcase when I was looking for coffee, and if she threw out my clothes when she said that she spilled wine on them. Was there even a wine stain on the ground or did all of the wine fall directly on my clothes?

  I shook the thoughts out of my head. Of course she didn’t orchestrate this whole thing. Why would she go through so much trouble just to play a little joke? And why would she want to sabotage our honeymoon for the sake of a laugh? I was letting my mind run away with ridiculous conspiracies and I had to take a breath. My wife was just trying to help me out after a series of unfortunate happenings.

  We managed to get out of that little breakfast restaurant before those men approached our table. The air was warm now as the sun was beaming directly overhead. “Let’s find me some clothes,” I said.

  “Are you don’t just want to spend the day like that? It’s such a nice day—tomorrow it’s supposed to rain. We can spend tomorrow shopping for clothes. Let’s go down to the beach,” she said with her big beautiful smile.

  “No—I need clothes. I can’t do this anymore. This is enough,” I said.

  “What if we don’t get nice weather like this for the rest of the trip? You want to waste this at the shopping mall? We can always go shopping once the sun is down. C’mon, Liam. Please—just bite your tongue for me.” She grabbed both of my hands and looked through my shades and into my eyes. It was hard to resist that smile.

  “Fine. We’ll go to the beach for a bit. But then we’re going to the store to buy me a couple of outfits.”

  She gave me a kiss on the lips. “Thanks, babe,” she said. “Just try to forget that you’re wearing my romper. It’s really not a big deal.”

  We went to a beach just a few blocks from that little restaurant. It wasn’t terribly busy, but it was still the morning and people were still waking up from a long night of partying. The air still had a tinge of booze and marijuana lingering in it, and we even came across a passed out young man laying face down in the sand. We made sure to set up for the day far away from him, just in case he was dead. We didn’t want to get involved in any police business.

  Janie left me alone for a couple of minutes while she fetched a couple of iced coffees. The ocean breeze started blowing in, teasing up my legs and towards my crotch. I wasn’t used to having so much thigh exposed to the natural elements. I found myself tugging down the skirt of my romper constantly, worried that it was only an inch away from exposing the bulge of my panties.

  The iced coffee was good—the best I’d ever had. And it was strong, slapping me awake and making everything seem brighter. Janie sat down close to me, pressing her body against mine as we looked out at the ocean. “Isn’t it so pretty?” she asked. But I still couldn’t stop thinking about my disguise. I wondered what people thought when they saw us together. Did they think that we were lesbians? Was that okay in Thailand? Of course it was okay—Thailand was notorious for their ladyboys. If ladyboys w
ere kosher, then surely lesbians were nothing.

  “Let’s go dip our feet in the water,” Janie said as she sprung up to her feet. She reached a hand down to help me up. I took it, using my other hand to tug down my skirt again, making sure I didn’t show my ass to the whole Thai beach. Janie pulled me towards the water. I was expecting it to be ice-cold, but it was actually pleasantly warm. Janie turned to me and asked, “Are you feeling more comfortable yet?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know. Maybe a little bit,” I said.

  “You know, lots of girls would kill to look as cute as you,” she said.

  “Don’t say that,” I said. “I know that you think this is funny, but it’s actually really embarrassing. I’m not exactly happy that my wife is seeing me like this.”

  “You need to get over it. I just see you,” she said. She leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. Then a strong ocean breeze picked up, lifting my hat up off of my head. I quickly grabbed at my wig, making sure it wouldn’t take flight along with the hat. By the time the breeze calmed down, the hat was already halfway down the beach. Janie and I started to chase after it, but it kept blowing further and further away, until it was on the street, being run over by zipping cars. “It was a cheap hat I got at the airport anyway,” she said.

  But now I felt just a little bit more exposed. And a few minutes later, that exposure would become worse. “You’re going to get tan lines around your sunglasses,” Janie pointed out. “You should take those off, or it’ll be obvious that you wore women’s sunglasses for the next six months, when your tan finally fades.” I took the shades off awkwardly. My disguise was slimming down. Janie took the shades and slipped them into her purse.

  We went for a little walk up and down the beach. We walked past a little surfboard hut where I was able to catch my reflection in a small window. I felt a little bit relieved to see that I actually looked like a chick. It had been at least an hour since I’d last seen myself, and in that time I had become convinced that I didn’t look nearly as feminine as Janie was making me feel. But that reflection put me at ease. With that dark eyeliner around my eyes, no one was going to pick me out of a crowd.

  We got ice-cream cones and then we walked back to our spot on the beach. I was feeling more and more relaxed with each person we passed. No one was giving me funny looks. I got the occasional glance from the occasional single guy, but I was even quickly getting used to those.

  The day wasn’t so bad—until the sun finally started to set and I remembered that I still needed to buy some clothes. “Let’s get to the mall. We’ll pick a few things quickly,” I said.

  Janie was slow to pack up. She wanted to stay and watch the sunset, but I didn’t want to risk missing my window of opportunity. Though it didn’t matter in the end. I rushed Janie over to the mall but it was already closed. “Should we just go and watch the sunset then?” she said.

  I felt defeated, knowing that I would have to spend another night in Janie’s nightie and panties. Oh well—one more night wasn’t going to kill me. The nightie was comfortable. If anything, it was something to look forward to. I wished they would have made satin nighties like that for men. I kept that little thought to myself as Janie and I went to find a restaurant for dinner. Once again, she did all the ordering. It wasn’t until our entrees arrived that I realized I wasn’t wearing my sunglasses. Maybe I didn’t need them. Maybe the makeup was more than enough.

  That night, when we got back to our hotel room, Janie threw herself at me before the hotel room door was even closed. She wrapped her arms around me and pressed her lips against mine. I kissed her back for a moment, and then I gently pushed myself back. “Just hold on. Let me get out of this wig and makeup.”

  “No,” she said. “I mean—I’m in the mood now. It’ll take fifteen minutes to get cleaned up. Let’s not kill the mood.”

  I stared into her eyes for a moment, hesitating slightly, but the logic made sense. It did take a long time for her to remove her makeup, and there was no sense in removing the makeup, having sex, and then having a shower—that order was completely senseless. But the downside of going right to sex was that I would be having sex while dressed like a chick.

  “At least let me take the wig off,” I said.

  Then she grabbed my wrist, stopping me. “Just leave it. Your hair underneath is probably all sweaty and gross,” she said. “I don’t want to see that while we’re fucking.”

  I laughed. “But then you’re basically fucking a chick,” I said. And it was supposed to be a joke—but she wasn’t laughing. She looked into my eyes and then she gently bit her bottom lip.

  “So maybe that could be fun,” she said. Then she leaned forward and kissed me again, locking her lips with mine, leaving me feeling horribly confused. Was my wife a bisexual? Did she find me attractive with that wig and makeup? Did she spend the whole day trying to keep me dolled up just for this moment, so that she could lock lips with a convincing chick? What was the point? She was hot enough that she could go out and find a hot lesbian who wanted to fuck her. She didn’t need a guy like me to satisfy her bisexual desires… Though now that she was married, I suppose she did need to me satisfy all of her desires.

  And was that something I was willing to do? If she was actually attracted to me in this state, was this something I would have to learn to satisfy into the future?

  “Is something wrong?” she asked, leaning her head back.

  “No—nothing’s wrong,” I said. I forced a smile. The smile didn’t feel convincing, but it was the best I could do.

  She smiled and then I felt her hand slipping up my right leg. Her fingers slid towards my crotch. I perked up as they slipped around my cock. She started to massage. That tension quickly started to dissipate from my body. My legs trembled slightly and then I stumbled back, onto our hotel bed. She pushed me down on my back. Then she hiked up the skirt of my romper and fished my cock out from my panties, without taking any of my clothes off. She held it straight in the air and slowly pumped it, watching as my foreskin pulled up and down over my bulging tip. Her eyes sparkled with excitement and wonder.

  “You look bigger today,” she said.

  “Really?” I said.

  She nodded her head. Then she bent down and started sucking. But she didn’t close her eyes. She was looking up my body, into my eyes, grinning the biggest grin she’d ever made. And I couldn’t help but wonder if she liked what she was seeing. She never kept her eyes open during blowjobs. It always seemed like she was picturing someone else. But now, she was looking at me, hardly even blinking. And damn, was she beautiful! I couldn’t look away, though her amazing gaze was so intimidating. I felt so small and undeserving. I found myself trying to answer all of those old questions: Why me? Why not some handsome celebrity? Why not some super rich businessman?

  She bobbed her head faster, using her hand to stroke what she couldn’t fit in her mouth. Saliva was dribbling down her knuckles and her cheeks. She still had that smile. She was still staring into my eyes. Then, she suddenly crawled up my body, reaching down to line my cock up with her pussy. She didn’t even waste time by pulling down her panties; she just nudged them aside and slipped my cock into her cunt. We were both wearing panties as we fucked—and we were both wearing the dresses we’d been wearing since that morning.

  She stared down at me as she bounced on my lap. She bit her bottom lip as if she was trying to hold back a little laugh. “What is it?” I asked.

  “How much do you love me?” she asked.

  “More than anything,” I said.

  “I want to do something that you might not like—but it would make me really happy,” she said.

  “Whatever you want,” I said.

  She bit her lip again as her cheeks turned red. “After you come in me,” she said. And then her face turned even redder. “I want you to suck your cum out from my pussy. Please tell me you’ll do it. It would make me so happy. I know it’s embarrassing. I’m so embarrassed just suggesting it. But it
would seriously make me so happy.”

  My heart stuttered in a big way. A giant lump was quickly forming in my throat, trying to prevent me from responding. But somehow I managed to say, “Okay—sure.”

  Her smile grew big, and then her eyes suddenly grew wide. She gasped and then she started to moan. Her moan became louder and louder, and suddenly she was screaming out in euphoria. She’d never had an orgasm like this before. She reached up and grabbed her breasts and squeezed. Her pussy clenched the length of my rod over and over, and I felt warm fluid dribbling out, down my thighs and ball sack. She was having an intense orgasm, and I’d never seen anything hotter.

  Was it just the idea of me eating the cum out of her pussy that was turning her on? Was I really going to do it? I couldn’t not do it—I told her I would do it, and then she got off with the idea in her head. I couldn’t let her down. What was the big deal anyway? It was just a bit of cum—I’d already tasted it before. It was a bit bitter and a bit gooey—it wasn’t going to kill me.

  It was coming. I could feel that intense buzzing between my legs. I clenched and groaned and tried to hold back—but that only made it come faster. I clenched her sides and I pulled her down hard as my hot load shot up into her body. She gasped and then her eyes lit up. She reached down with her hand, putting her fingers over her snatch to hold back my jizz as she sat up. Once my rod slipped out from her gaping hole, she moved quickly. She hopped forward as my heart sunk into my stomach, then she settled her wet cunt down on my lips. I hesitated for a moment, and then I opened my mouth. She pulled her hand away.

  There wasn’t much sucking required. The cum fell out of her in a matter of seconds, all into my mouth. I nearly gagged but I managed to hold myself together for her sake. I did a bit of sucking, to make sure I had all of it in my mouth, then I heard her say, “Don’t swallow it. We’ll do that together.”


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