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Womanized Page 76

by Nikki Crescent

  But I had to act cool and normal. I couldn’t give him any clues that I was behind the letter and the box in the woods. “Sure. Let’s grab lunch,” I said.

  I met Dave a couple of blocks away at a little Chinese food restaurant. He was already at a table when I walked into the restaurant. The sight of him sent my heart aflutter. He only had a glass of water in front of him—no beer, no cola, nothing worth any money. I had a bad feeling that he had invited me over just to call me out—to tell me that he knew what I’d been up to. I still managed to force a smile as I approached the table.

  “Is everything alright?” I asked as I pulled out my chair to take a seat.

  He wasn’t smiling. He wasn’t even looking at me, or a menu, or anything. He was just staring blankly down at the table with thoughts on his mind.

  “Dave?” I said.

  He looked up at me. “Yeah—I’m fine,” he said. “I was just up late last night—later than usual.”

  “Oh. Why’s that?” I asked.

  He was still for a moment, then he shrugged his shoulders. It seemed like he knew. It seemed like he was about to chew into me. I looked around and made sure that I had a direct line to the door in case I needed to make a quick escape. Though I knew I couldn’t escape the dread or anxiety that was now swirling in my gut.

  “It was just a… weird night,” he said. “I don’t know—maybe a story for another time.”

  “Well we’ve got lots of time now,” I said.

  He looked into my eyes and smiled. “Well, let’s just say this… You know when you were a kid and you had a really fun birthday party or Christmas or whatever, and then you can’t fall asleep?”

  “Sure,” I said, shrugging my shoulders.

  “I guess it was something like that.”

  I grabbed a glass of water and took a long drink. “So you had fun last night?” I asked. “How so?”

  He laughed and looked away. He was silent for a moment as his gaze turned inward. Then he looked back up at me. “I started watching that season you told me to watch—of True Detective. You’re right. It’s good.” I couldn’t tell if he was changing the subject or if he was telling me what was so fun about his night. But I was in no position to prod any further. I just smiled and nodded my head and then I was relieved when the little Chinese waitress came by to take our order, giving us the perfect opportunity to change subjects. We didn’t talk about the previous night again. But I could see that the memory was still lingering in Dave’s mind. I even caught him staring blankly at a wall with a smile on his face at one point.

  And that smile made me smile. So I was right: he did enjoy my little scheme. We were having fun—I wasn’t just tormenting him.

  My Amazon package was at my doorstep when I returned home from work. I grabbed it and quietly snuck it down into the basement, as my mother was upstairs having coffee in the kitchen. I unpacked everything and made sure that everything was correct. Then I searched the box for package tags and receipts before sealing it again and walking it out to that little spot in the woods. Though I kept one little piece of my delivery for myself: I was going to need it for my new plan to work.

  I also brought out a big blanket, which I carefully laid out on the forest floor. I figured it would give June the freedom to sit or lay down if she wanted to. Additionally, I set up a work light that I picked up from Home Depot. It had a three-hour battery life, which would be more than enough. I wouldn’t turn it on until thirty minutes before the show.

  It was getting late and I still had one last task to complete: I had to write a note for June. I sat down at my computer and I spent the next thirty minutes working out another note, that wasn’t too different from the first one. I knew that I didn’t have to make any threats this time—I knew that June secretly liked the humiliation and she already thought that I had pictures of her. So I suppose the threat was assumed. My note was simple. “Same place, same time,” I wrote. “We’re going to have some more fun.”

  I went to June’s flat and saw that her lights were on. She was already inside, in her bathroom, possibly getting dolled up for a night in—which was about to be a night out. I took a piece of tape and put the note right on her window. Then I knocked loudly on the glass and sprinted away, through the gate and down the street. I had no idea if she heard the knock or noticed the note—I could only hope. There was no way that I was going to go back and risk being linked to the scheme, like a murderer returning to the scene of the crime.

  I went back out to those woods, a full hour before show time. I nestled myself tightly between two bushes and then I closed my eyes and started counting down the minutes. My heart was pounding with excitement. I had my phone ready next to me—ready to film the whole act so that I could watch it over and over and over. I had my ghillie suit on and I had the little remote control I got from Amazon in my hand. Midnight couldn’t come quickly enough.


  She came on time, dolled up and beautiful as always. She had her long strawberry blonde hair tied up into a loose bun, and on her body was a tight black dress. She was wearing those same boots that she always wore out—but tonight, at least for her show, she was going to wear something different.

  She slowly walked into the middle of that small clearing and looked around. “I don’t know who’s out there, but I hope that you know this is weird. Normal people don’t do things like this,” she said. She put her right hand on her left arm, holding her body tight and safe. Her gaze scanned over me, but I didn’t budge. I knew she couldn’t see me in that patch of darkness—especially with the work light directed towards her. Hell, I probably could have sat up and taken the ghillie suit off and she still wouldn’t have seen me.

  That box was right on the middle of that blanket. She picked it up and opened it up. “What free shit am I getting tonight?” she said—just loud enough that I could hear. And I didn’t mind buying her stuff. I would have emptied out my whole bank account just to put an adorable smile on that amazing face.

  She pulled out the pink lingerie, and then she smiled. She bit down on her bottom lip, as if she was embarrassed by her smile—embarrassed to show that she was actually liking this little blackmail scheme—happy to have an excuse to leave the house and show off what God gave her.

  She started undressing, wriggling out from that tight dress. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and she was only wearing a tiny thong, which nearly snapped as she pulled it down her legs. She tossed it aside on that blanket, giving me a perfect view of her dangling cock. I rose up my phone carefully and pressed record. My heart throbbed. I finally had a piece of evidence that I could enjoy over and over—even if that was all I would get, I would be happy: her perfect body with her swaying flaccid cock.

  It was a tight squeeze into that pink one-piece. It hugged her cock tightly. She kept reaching down to pull the thin strip of lace out from her butt crack.

  Next she slipped out from her boots and put on the strappy heels. She wobbled slightly as the heels were thin—it couldn’t have been easy to balance on that lumpy forest floor, but she was doing a pretty good job.

  Finally, she pulled out the short black dildo. She held it up and looked at it. It was curved with a thick head. Maybe the thickness was intimidating, or maybe she was just take a second to compose herself, so that she could do a better job of hiding her excitement.

  She looked back in the box and then she said, “No note, huh? I guess this is all pretty explanatory. Want me to come in the box again?” She looked around, but of course I didn’t answer. I did want her to come in the box, and I probably should have left a note telling her as much.

  She lowered herself to her knees and then squirted some lubricant onto the tip of the new dildo. She reached back, moved her lingerie, and started pressing the dildo into her tight rectum. It was a hard push before that thick tip penetrated. She gasped and then she closed her eyes. “Shit,” she said. She pushed it deeper and deeper, until the flat base was pressed against her butt cheeks. That’s when
I reached into my pocket and turned the device on using my remote. “Holy fuck!” she said, perking upright. She reached back and grabbed the base of the dildo, as if she was worried it was about to shoot up into her body. The vibration must have been pretty intense. The reviews online said that it was one of the most powerful and most satisfying vibrators… And it wasn’t cheap.

  I looked down at the little screen on the remote and saw that it was only set to 2/10. I gently clicked the button to increase the intensity, raising it to a 3/10. June gasped again, clutching that blanket with both of her hands. Then she let out a nervous laugh. “This is quite the toy,” she said. She looked around and I made sure that I was remaining perfectly still.

  I turned it up again. Her legs trembled and her eyes rolled back for a few seconds. Then she managed to compose herself. “I hope you’re having fun, pervert,” she said. She closed her eyes and put one of her hands on one of her tits. She squeezed and took another deep breath, biting her lip gently. I turned the vibrator up again. Her body reacted with another jolt and another gasp. Then came another nervous laugh. “It’s so… strong,” she said with a whimper.

  I looked down at the remote. We were only halfway. I waited a moment, watching as she worked hard to control her breathing. Her bulge was now hard between her legs, being squashed firmly between her lingerie and her abdomen. I could even see it throbbing slightly. I hoped that the throbbing would show on my video when I went to watch this masterpiece again. I pressed that button again.

  She let a moan slip out from her lips. She lowered herself down so that she was lying on her back. Now she had both of her hands on her tits. “You’re a sick man,” she managed to say before the next moan swept her away. Now I had an erection of my own. I wanted to reach down and stroke it, but I knew I couldn’t get away with too much movement. I was already toeing the line by pressing the buttons on that remote and holding up my camera phone.

  I pressed the button again, turning the vibrator up to a 7/10. Her hips rose off the ground slightly and she groaned loudly. I noticed her hand reaching out the side, as if she was trying to find something to grab. “Shit,” she kept muttering under her breath. She kept reaching around, but she wasn’t turning her head or opening her eyes. The euphoria had consumed her completely.

  I turned it up to an 8/10. Her whole body was trembling now. She was reaching more frantically, still trying to find something to grab. And I’d never been more aroused in my entire life. I quickly pressed the button again—and then again, maxing out the vibrator’s intensity. She screamed out and her body convulsed. Then she reached down and grabbed her crotch as a big dark spot began to form: her cum soaking through the pink lingerie. And I realized that was what she was looking for: the box. She was trying to grab it so that she could come in it, like that first note told her to.

  I turned the vibrator off slowly and slipped the remote back into my pocket. Then I watched as she slowly sat up. She reached down and touched that wet spot around her crotch. “What a mess,” she said. She looked around, unsure of where to direct her next comment. “I guess I fucked up,” she said to the woods. “I can just leave this lingerie in the box, and you can do whatever sick things you want to do with it.”

  She stood up and slipped out from the one-piece. Lines of thick cum connected her cock to the outfit until the outfit hit the ground and those lines broke and dribbled off in other directions. She wriggled her body back into her tight black dress, and then she took off, keeping that vibrator and those pretty heels.

  I waited a few minutes before I stood up and turned off that light. I picked up the lingerie and I held the soiled crotch up to my face. I felt that warm cum against my lips. I used the tip of my tongue to scrape some into my mouth, and then I took a deep breath in, smelling her amazing perfume, which lingered on the little outfit.

  I was deranged. I was a pervert. I was a stalker. But I couldn’t help but smile because I knew that she liked it.


  It was only two nights later when I found myself back in those woods, this time with a four hundred dollar hit to my bank account. This time I bought her another piece of lingerie, another pair of heels, and a necklace with a little gold heart on it. I saw the necklace in a store window and it immediately made me think of her. It wasn’t until I was putting it in that box with the lingerie and the note that I realized it might come across as a bit creepy—but I still gifted it to her anyway.

  I also included a dildo in the box, but I made sure to put on the note that the dildo was one of two options.

  My heart throbbed as I remembered the words on the note that she was going to read. I took a deep breath and considered springing up and grabbing that note so that she wouldn’t see it. Maybe I was getting carried away. Maybe I really was losing my mind. I had a feeling that she would read the note and the fun would end for her. This would become something creepy—maybe even something she takes to the police.

  But before I could get up, I saw the dim light appearing in the distance. She was coming towards that little clearing: earlier than usual. And she was all dolled up in a cute yellow dress, even though that dress would be coming right off so that she could get her tight body into an adorable lacy two-piece.

  But before she got changed—if she would even get changed—she would have to read that note. I watched with cold beads of sweat on my forehead as she lifted that piece of paper out from the box. “Read this aloud,” she said, reading the words that I desperately regretted writing. “Today, you have two options. You have the dildo, which I hope that you will keep and enjoy regardless of which option you choose. And then you have the folding table that you see in the middle of the clearing.” She looked up and saw the table. “Yup—I see it,” she said—that part wasn’t on my note. She looked back down and continued to read. “You can either fuck yourself with the toy, which is fine, or you can bend over that table with the blindfold over your eyes. I will do the rest...” She suddenly became silent, looking at the table and then around the woods. I watched as she took a deep breath. Then she looked back at the note. “I know this option is probably frightening to you. I hope that you don’t feel any pressure. Have fun.”

  She put the note down and stared at the table for a moment. I could almost see her heart trembling and throbbing—maybe even as hard as mine. She walked slowly over to the table and picked up the blindfold. She felt the soft fabric with her fingers, and then she put it back down.

  Why did I let myself get so carried away? Why did I actually think that she might be willing to let a stranger fuck her while she wore a blindfold? I carefully reached up and wiped the cold sweat off of my forehead.

  June started to get changed. She slowly pushed the straps of her yellow dress over her shoulders and let it fall to the ground. This time, she wasn’t even wearing a thong. She was completely nude under the dress. But I was too petrified with regret and dread to snap a photo. I just remained still, feeling ill, while she slipped the white bottoms up her legs and then snapped the white top on around her flat chest.

  “At least you have nice taste in clothes,” she said, presumably to me.

  She grabbed the box and lifted the dildo out. She stared at it for a silent moment, and then she placed it back into the box. She put the box down on the ground and then walked over to the folding table that I pulled into those woods earlier that afternoon. She stared down at the table, shook her head, and said, “Why are you doing this?” This time I think she was talking to herself. She grabbed the blindfold, put it over her eyes, and then she placed her palms down on the cool plastic. Then she waited.

  And I remained still in a state of disbelief. Was she actually picking the second option? Did she actually want me to approach her and fuck her in the asshole?

  I waited ten seconds, and then I waited thirty seconds. A cool breeze flowed through those woods, and then it went away, leaving the air strangely warm and silent. June was still bent over that table with her perky bum up in the air, waiting for
me to plug it with my cock.

  But could I really do it? Was she setting me up? Would she turn around and grab me? Or did she really want a complete stranger to explore her back door?

  I stood up slowly. I took a deep breath, and then I started walking over. My feet crunched on the cool forest floor. Her small body jumped as I stepped on a twig, but she didn’t turn around and she didn’t take off that blindfold. Though she did mutter, “Oh God,” with a breath of terrified air. I wanted to tell her that I wasn’t going to hurt her, but I knew that my voice would give me away.

  I stepped up behind her. A plume of that beautiful perfume wafted up my nostrils. My body trembled as I carefully reached down with my hands. I was still in that ghillie suit, probably tickling her smooth bum slightly with my artificial leaves and branches. I placed my hands on her soft hips. Her body was warm, but tense. “Oh God,” she whimpered again as a complete stranger touched her body. But she was brave. She didn’t move and she didn’t look back. She was committed to taking it. “Please be gentle,” she said.

  I wanted to tell her that I would, but I couldn’t use my voice, no matter how badly I wanted to. I ran my hands up and down her sides, and then I placed them firmly on her tight ass. I squeezed, amazed by how soft her cheeks were. How was it possible? Was she maybe taking hormone pills? I pulled aside the white strip of lace covering her asshole and I spread her cheeks wide. Her tight boy pussy puckered nervously. I ran my finger around it, making her flinch. But she still didn’t look back.


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